The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2331: Beast God Alternative

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wuling World!

In the beast **** world, a vast and endless ancient jungle, a team of more than 20 people is hiding in a tree, and everyone's face is full of inexplicable bitterness at this time. .

"Hey, I ca n’t think of it. We have been in the beast **** world for so long. We originally thought that one day we could be united together so that the entire beast **** world would be in our hands. Unfortunately, people are not as good as the sky. All efforts are still empty. "

"Don't mention it, I really don't know where the **** bird people came from. The strength is so horrible. Now, let alone the battle for the beast **** world, even if we guys can live, It is already a big problem. "

"Satisfied, haven't you looked at those super-big ethnic groups and said that they were destroyed directly? They are all displaced, but at least they are not dead yet."

"Hey, unfortunately, this president has run the Chamber of Commerce for countless years. In the end, it will be like this ..."

One by one the strong men sat on the ground in sorrow. In addition to sighing, everyone only sighed.

They are the most powerful human warriors in the beast **** world. Everyone used to have their own chamber of commerce and their own big team. But not long ago, the beast **** world came with a group of horrible black bird people. , Is to make the whole beast **** world smokeless.

Now, their respective great forces have all perished, and each of them is a president-level powerhouse who has escaped with only the people closest to him, and has gathered here.

A team of twenty-seven people, but only half of the demigod missions, and a few more, are all their loved ones.

"Dad, can the Shenji Chamber of Commerce regain its former glory?"

Super strong men were talking to each other, and just as everyone was talking, among the crowd, a young woman was sitting behind a middle-aged man bitterly and asked the middle-aged man.

It is not difficult to hear from the woman's words that this pair of father and daughter is Ruan Jingtian, the president of the Beast God Realm Chamber of Commerce, and his baby girl Ruan Xinrou.

"Ha, soft girl, do you think of your father as a god? Today, the God Machine Chamber of Commerce has only two of your father and daughter. What else can you use to restore your former glory?"

Just as Ruan Xinrou's voice had just fallen, waiting for Ruan Jingtian to speak, there was someone standing up and laughing out loud.

"That is, I am afraid that the human warriors in the entire beast **** world are already destroyed. We want to restore the former glory, unless we are in charge of those Warcraft."

"Cut, how can those Warcrafts understand how to buy and sell? You still don't want to deceive yourself, let me say, let's hide in the corner, wait for the bird people to leave, and then be some widowed!"

"I'm afraid this is the only option, hey !!!"

Everything in the past is gone, and today's beast **** world is the best result to be able to save your life. As for other things, wait for the turmoil to pass before you plan!

"Xin Rou, you don't have to listen to their alarmists. Although the situation in the beast **** world is really not good, it is not as bad as they say."

Hearing the strong men saying such things to his daughter, Ruan Jingtian couldn't help but glared at everyone, and then continued to say to his daughter, "The beast **** world is really not very good now, but wait for those **** ones After the Birdman left, we are not without a chance to come back. "

At this point, he also seems to feel that his words are not very convincing, but the words suddenly turn around. "Furthermore, even if the beast-god realm can't really mix up, we can find a way to return to the delusional realm. Go, is it not possible for us, with the power of us, to get a share of the bluffs?

They are all in the realm of the beast gods, and they have to achieve something in the realm of the beast gods. However, since the beast and **** realms can't be mixed up, of course, there are ways to go back to the world of no delusion.

As he said, in terms of the strength of these people, once they return to the boundless world, it is bound to form a super power. By then, any strong person in the boundless world must give them a bit of thin faces. of.

You know, with the exception of a few younger generations, there are almost fifteen or six Great Perfectionists, and no one dares to underestimate so many Great Perfectionists.

"Is there no realm? What kind of world would it be?"

Hearing Ruan Jingtian's words, Ruan Xinrou couldn't help pouting, but was full of longing for the so-called world of no delusion.

When she was born, she was in the realm of beast gods. Naturally, she didn't know what the world of no delusion looked like. However, since it is a world of human warriors, it should be more suitable for humans than the realm of beast gods.

"The words of Brother Jingtian are still reasonable. By virtue of us, even if we return to the world of no delusion, we are still standing on the top of the peak. At that time, we will not do what we want."

"But then again, the beast-god realm is suffering a major blow, and I don't know what's going on in the Wulei world. Maybe the Wulei world is also the same situation as the Beast-God world?"

"It is also impossible. There are so many transmission channels between the delusional world and the beast-god realm. These two worlds have already become equivalent to one. Since the beast-god realm is undergoing unpredictability, no one knows. What will happen to the boundless world. "

For so many years, the reason why they have stayed in the beast-god realm and never thought of returning to the delusional world, in fact, in the final analysis, is because the beast-god realm is more simple, and here they can get better development.

"Okay, don't say that. In the next time, everyone will still study it. Where should we avoid it for now?"

Just as everyone was talking, the chairman of one of the chambers of commerce couldn't help but stand up, interrupted the chat and raised a very serious question.

Although the beast **** world is large, but suddenly they have no place for them. In this regard, there really is something so unpleasant in their hearts.

"I'm afraid it's not safe at this time. Since there is no killing here, let's take a break here for a while, it's better than running around."

Ruan Jingtian raised his eyebrows, but put forward his own opinion. What he said is the fact, the situation is really difficult to say, because no one knows where the beast **** world is safe, so the best choice right now is to change constantly, only in this way can it be safe Live to the end.

"Chairman Jing Tian said that running around is easy to be a goal, so everyone should avoid it for now."

"I also agree with President Jing Tian."

"Anyway, everyone wants to be together now, and they must not be scattered randomly. I will not leave alone."

"So let's see what happens next. If something goes wrong, we will make other plans!"

Each of the strong men nodded in succession, but all agreed to stay here until trouble came to the door before making other plans, and during this time, they obediently hid here.

"Oh !!!!!!"

However, just after more than a dozen great perfectionists had just finished talking, but hadn't waited for a thorough relaxation, a wave of spatial fluctuations came suddenly.

The shock of this space is very slight, but after everyone feels the energy fluctuations, a horrible breath has already come from far and near, and appears in their sky.

"Well, all the way, I heard someone calculating, there are so many guys hiding here !!!"

The strange laughter sounded, and the time spent talking, more than a dozen birds in black, slowly appeared above the heads of the congregation strong men.

Of the fourteen birdmen, the one headed by them should be a slightly better leader. However, even the thirteen birdmen in the back, the energy fluctuations on their bodies are completely stronger than the chairpersons below, at least There shouldn't be a big problem playing one by three.

In particular, these black bird people have a pair of wings, and their speed is simply not comparable to the leaders of the various conferences.

"Well? No !!!!"

Fourteen or five president-level powerhouses, each person's complexion became extremely difficult to look at this moment. They just talked about themselves, but they didn't realize that the crisis of terror had come to their heads.

Looking up, a group of men in black fluttered their wings, and each person's face actually looked with a trace of hunters to look at the prey. Obviously, in the eyes of these guys, the people below were simply their prey! !! !!

"It's over, when did they run over? Why didn't I feel it?"

"Good horror guys, their breath is better than me and we wait, we we are not their opponents at all!"

"Dead, dead, really bad this time ..."

Feeling the horror of power released by the black bird people, and the solid killing intentions around them, all the presidential powerhouses were all pale.

They practice till now, and naturally there are countless dead people under their hands, but compared to the dozen or so black bird men in front of them, they are just little witches.

You know, these guys are killing wildly during this time. Under each hand, I am afraid that there are countless Warcrafts dying in their hands, and that number of Warcrafts is counted together, of course, not the people they killed can be compared. of.


The people below were all pale, and they did n’t know how to deal with the situation in front of them. Among the dozen or so black bird people above, the little leader suddenly whispered, and with His applause dropped, and the black birdmen one by one didn't hesitate to kill the people directly below.

They are in a high position, and they completely occupy the superiority of momentum. Although the number of Great Successors below is basically the same as theirs, they have the absolute advantage only in momentum.

Therefore, in this battle, they can still be regarded as massacres, but it only takes some effort. Of course, if you kill these people, the effect is probably not enough to kill hundreds of millions of ordinary Warcraft. After all, these are all characters of great satisfaction!

"You guys, fight with them !!!"

"There is a death on both sides, everyone goes together !!!"

"Well, don't be intimidated by them, everyone shots together to kill these monster bird people !!!"

When more than a dozen black bird men started to work, the president-level figures were no longer hesitant. No matter what, they would never wait to be killed.

Speaking, more than a dozen great perfectionists released their momentum and greeted the black birdman above.


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