The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2324: Acting alone

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Outside the sea of ​​death, the shape of a young man suddenly crossed the edge of the sea of ​​death and stepped into a safe area without boundaries. And at this time, jumping out of the ocean of death, apart from Yuan Feng, obviously there will be no more people.

"Yu, finally out of this place of right and wrong, but then, it is time to officially enter the battlefield of the war !!!"

Yuan Feng could not help but breathe a long sigh of relief, but there was a flash of dignity and anxiety deep in his eyes.

As one of the strongest in the world of no delusion and beast **** today, he now has an irrelevant connection with the whole world of heaven and earth, and this connection allows him to feel, It seems that the whole world without any delusion is somewhat abnormal now.

Taking a deep breath, there was a lot of blood in the air. Even when he looked up to the horizon, the sky that was supposed to be blue had a hint of redness. It can be said that There is no delusion, but it gives a feeling of depression and loneliness as a whole, just like a twilight old man who is about to die.

Regarding such a scene, he could think of some reasons. Obviously, there are a lot of undead creatures falling, and each creature will have a trace of resentment and suffocation. Want to come to the **** air in the air Fortunately, or the redness of the sky, it should be caused by the fall of a large swath of souls.

"I don't know how many of those guys in Tianjizong killed them before they will appear like this."

He shook his head. At this moment, he could not help but feel sadness from it, but felt sorrow for the countless souls in the world. It can be said that this is the whole calamity without arrogance, and if the management is not good, this calamity may completely lead to the destruction of everyone.

In this, his existence is particularly critical. After all, it is only him who can stop the Heavenly Sect from the whole world of no delusion and beast god.

"All of you, come out, it's time to start."

Looking back, he could not help but raise his hand slightly, and directly released the many powerful people in the physical world that had been divided into groups.

"It's finally out of the sea of ​​death, and you can fight the **** bird people."

"Yu, I don't know if my martial art is still here, but I can't take care of my martial art at this time."

"Anyway, we old guys haven't had many years to live, and this last time, let it bloom once again."

"Hahaha, yes, I have been inactive for so many years, and doing crazy things near the end is indeed a good ending ..."

Obviously, a lot of powerful people have already seen it very open. They are very clear. Maybe at this moment, the gates belonging to them may have been destroyed by the powerful celestial beings, but they are not Would care too much. After living endless years, they really used to see the ups and downs, everything, after all, is nothing but a mirror.

"Yuan Feng, are you going to act with us next?"

Huo Yunting, the host of Ziyun Palace, took a step forward and asked Yuan Feng. Speaking of Shi Cai, in Yuan Feng ’s physical world, he has seen all the people in Ziyun Palace, and also learned that Ziyun Palace was attacked by the Heavenly Powers, and that most people in Ziyun Palace Died in the hands of Tianjizong, his hatred for Tianjizong became undoubtedly stronger.

"I won't be with everyone. The Lord Gongzhu and your seniors are all more careful. Remember, if there is something you can't cope with, keep your life first, don't take it easy."

None of the people present could keep up with his footsteps, so of course, he could not act with them. As for the safety of these people, he was not in control.

"Well, since that's the case, let's go ahead and go !!!"

Hearing that Yuan Feng would not start with them, a team of Huo Yunting and others immediately started the operation. It seems that they can't wait to kill a few of the most extreme bird people.

"We also set out. We must kill ourselves this time, and we will not walk in this world !!"

"set off!!!"

A dozen teams each chose a direction during speaking, and flew away quickly. A large team was very imposing. Moreover, these people have already seen the existence of life and death. It is foreseeable that if the black bird people of Tianjizong encountered them, there would be nothing good to eat.

In the blink of an eye, a lot of powerful people set off. As for their fate, no one can be sure. Of course, if they really meet those who are extremely powerful, how many of these people can survive is indeed an unknown number.

"Good luck everyone !!!"

Looking at many powerful people is leaving as much as possible, Yuan Feng's eyes flashed a sigh of sigh.

In fact, he knows better than anyone else. I am afraid that these powerful men who have no delusions are really hard to live with. After all, Tianji Zongzhi is destroying the entire delusion and beast **** realm, and those The black bird people are obviously also dauntless.

"It's time to light up your hole cards, Xiaoba, let me check your labor results !!!"

When everyone left, Yuan Feng could not help but take a deep breath. Then, he was in a state of mind, and summoned Xiaoba and Xiaoba's Warcraft army directly.

"Brush !!!!"

The lights flashed, one after another, as if it were raining. The time spent talking, tens of thousands of World of Warcraft filled the space in front of him, and this amount was still constantly Adding it, as if it will not end in a while.

"Well? A lot of Warcraft, is this the result of Xiao Ba's time?"

Seeing one after another, the appearance of Warcraft appeared, Yuan Feng's eyes could not help but fill


Xiao Ba has been producing the Warcraft army for a while. At first, he only produced the Warcraft army with five rotations in the demigod, but later, Yuan Feng turned him into the production of Warcraft with a rotation in the demigod. After all, With a revolution of Warcraft, the production difficulty is much smaller, and the energy demand is also much smaller.

The most important thing is that these days, the extreme turmoil launched, whether it is a World of Warcraft with a half-god realm, or a World of Warcraft with a half-god realm, I am afraid there is not much difference in essence. Their tasks are basically everywhere. Look for Tianjizong's strongman and report his position to him.

Of course, if it is a last resort, these Warcraft armies will inevitably be transformed into self-detonation armies, and the demigod Warcraft turns into a large-scale self-detonation, but it is enough to cause damage to those black-birds.

"Enough is enough, little eight, take them all back, leaving a hundred heads and one turn of Warcraft enough."

Seeing that there were still a large number of Warcraft being brought outside by Xiao Ba, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile, but it prevented Xiao Ba from continuing to release.

Speaking of which, he really didn't expect that during this time, Xiao Ba had produced so many tyrannical Warcrafts. With the existence of these Warcraft troops, he could become more proactive.

"Brush brush !!!!!!"

When Yuan Feng's words came down, Xiao Ba immediately stopped releasing more Warcraft, but gathered the outside Warcraft army one by one. Eventually, according to Yuan Feng's order, only one hundred demigods remained. Realm of Warcraft is outside.

"Brother, how is it? The results of my time are not bad, right?"

After the end of Warcraft disappeared, Xiao Ba's figure emerged from the dark, and he seemed to be authentic to Yuan Feng.

At this moment, Xiaoba has already completely achieved the semi-god realm, and since he has devoured a lot of strong orcs, he has eaten a lot of the fruits of the Tianlong clan. Its power, however, is not comparable to that of ordinary Great Perfectionists.

However, on the whole, Xiao Ba at this moment had obviously a trace of tiredness on his face. Wanting to come to this crazy production for a while also caused him a lot of burden.

"Okay, very good. This time, you gave me an unexpected surprise."

Seeing Xiao Ba's appearance, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile with satisfaction, and he was really very satisfied with the results achieved by Xiao Ba.

There were tens of thousands of Warcraft troops released by Xiao Bashi alone, and this is obviously not all, that is to say, in the next time, he has at least tens of thousands of demigod Warcraft eyeliners, can Help him find the strong men of Tianjizong.

In fact, at the moment, there is no delusional realm, no matter the beast **** realm. The only person who is truly capable of killing alien powers is only him. As for the powerful powers of the no delirious world that only left, he is not right. These people have great expectations.

"Unfortunately, time is limited. Otherwise, I will definitely produce more Warcraft troops. At that time, the big brother will not need to be as anxious as now."

Xiao Ba is the one who can best understand Yuan Feng's mood. Speaking of which, if he is given enough time, he can really build an invincible army of Warcraft for Yuan Feng. At that time, regardless of what he is, Zhao Wuji or Tianjizong, Wherever the Warcraft army has passed, it can be crushed as much as possible.

Unfortunately, the hypothesis is the hypothesis. Right now, they don't have so much time to squander. When he completes the production of the Warcraft army, I am afraid that the entire arrogant realm and the beast **** realm have been destroyed.

"Oh, you have this kind of heart, but the time left for us right now is really running out!"

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng glanced at the hundred Warcraft subordinates left by Xiaoba, and then through Xiaoba, he gave instructions for the transformation of these Warcraft.

Talking time, one by one, the World of Warcraft eyeliners have turned into humanoid appearances, but this time, he did not make everyone look like him.

"Go, search for survivors as much as possible within hundreds of millions of miles. In addition, once you find the Blackbird, report it to me as soon as possible."

These Warcraft are all demigods, and their body world has enough space to hold countless human warriors. He hopes that while looking for the Heavenly Swordsman, they can try their best. It is also good to save those who can survive, so that the loss of the boundless world can be reduced as much as possible.

"Well !!!"

The Warcraft army transformed into a humanoid state was talking and swarming away in all directions, and with their dispatch, some human warriors who might have fallen will undoubtedly have a chance to survive.

"Xiaoba, every billion of miles away, you will release some Warcraft subordinates to various places, and always grasp their movements. If they have any findings, you must inform me as soon as possible, you know? ? "

The direct controller of Warcraft is Xiaoba. Only Xiaoba can understand everything that Warcraft sees in the fastest time. Therefore, this task must of course be given to the other party.

"Brother, don't worry, now that I've got a shot, I must rescue more talents."

They don't need to say anything at all, what Yuan Feng is thinking in his heart, he can be said to be the clearest one, without Yuan Feng saying more, he also knows what he should do!

Smiling at each other, the two brothers stopped talking, and speaking, Yuan Feng temporarily put the other side into the physical world, and went straight to the distance.

Frankly speaking, Yuan Feng didn't know where to look for those guys in Tianjizong at the moment, but he believed that as long as he kept flying down in one direction, there would be a time to find the target.

Zao Wou-ki wants to destroy the Infinite Realm and the Beast-God Realm before he destroys all the Black Men, but in the same way, he wants to find a way to find out all the Black Men and kill them before the other party achieves the purpose Who will be the ultimate winner of the game?

Fortunately, he has his own self-destructing army of Warcraft. The existence of these self-destructing army is absolutely

Being able to provide him with a lot of convenience is just that.

In addition, his heart has always been looking forward to one thing, that is, to kill some black bird people and collect the special energy contained in their bodies. He can feel that once enough purple-black energy is collected, then it may not be difficult for him to advance to the realm of triple divination.

The body was flying, Yuan Feng's mood was not getting better at all.

Starting from the Ocean of Death in Tianjizong, he did not see a good place along the way. It seems that the people of Tianjizong are radiating in all directions with the Ocean of Death as the center, and these **** guys Wherever I go, no one is left alive.

No one can imagine that there is no living scene within a hundred million miles, and even he has never thought of it before. And the more so, the more he hated those guys at Tianjizong.

Leaping hundreds of thousands of miles, Yuan Feng still did not see a living human warrior. Seeing this, he even saved the release of Warcraft Eyeliner. After all, such a ruin, there is no need to release Warcraft Eyeliner.

After flying around for a few days, he basically couldn't see a few live mouths, and as time went by, the air without bounds became more and more violent, and the **** atmosphere became more and more intense. Faintly, the clouds in the sky are also brighter.

Watching Wulei Realm go weak, Yuan Feng's heart became more and more anxious, and the speed of flying away naturally became faster and faster, and such flying away after almost half a month or so, it was Finally, a trace of the situation appeared.

"It's those birds in black !!!"

He turned over a destroyed forest, and in the distance, a very special breath came from far away, and he could feel that this breath was left by those black birds, that is, At this moment, he should not be too far away from those birdmen in black.

Finally, there was a trace of discovery, but Yuan Feng no longer hesitated, and when he was in shape, he quickly swept away in the direction left by the breath.

ps: A hazy little day, just like that today, continue tomorrow, it is too sleepy! !! !! Good night brothers! !!


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