The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2319: Do everything we can

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The Ziyun Palace has been passed down for many years, and today has witnessed unprecedented changes. It can be said that from today, it is really difficult for Ziyun Palace to rise again. The palaces were turned into ruins at the moment, and in the eyes, there were diffuse smoke everywhere, broken walls everywhere, and some scorched corpses were everywhere. Now the Purple Cloud Palace is basically Not a miserable description. The top ten palaces of the Ziyun Palace, this time lucky enough to survive, I am afraid not even a third. Although the palace masters of several palaces obeyed Yuan Feng's words, they collected a lot of disciples under their own gates, but they did not take all the disciples away. Basically, they also ranked their strength and qualifications at the forefront. The disciples put away. As for the ordinary disciples, they had no time to convene. This is also nothing. They are not like Yuan Feng. Yuan Feng really believes that a crisis will occur, but they are suspicious and can put away so many disciples, which is actually very good. The masters of palaces such as the Sancai Palace did not even put up a disciple. In this way, these palaces were basically the result of the annihilation of the entire army. For the loss of major palaces, Yuan Feng was quite helpless. His ability was limited and it was impossible to save everyone in Ziyun Palace. However, the tinder of Ziyun Palace had been left. He believed that one day, Ziyun Palace I'll see you again. As for the death of the master of the Sancai Temple and others, there was no mercy under his heart. If these people have saved some Ziyun Palace disciples, then he will still save them, but a few people did not save a Ziyun Palace disciple at all. In this case, of course, they should go to the Ziyun Palace disciples to be buried. The entire Ziyun Palace has disappeared into the world of Wandering Realm, and the annihilation of the Supreme Master of the Heavenly Sect, Zhao Wuji, has destroyed the entire Ziyun Palace. At the moment, however, he is not happy at all. "It's really unexpected, there is a strong man hidden in such a deep world. I am afraid that this person's strength is not much lower than me!" On the ruins, Six Wing Zhao Wuji was wrinkled now Frowning, he stood there quietly, and behind him, all the great consummates did not lose anything, waiting behind him as much as possible. It would be too easy for them to destroy the Ziyun Palace, but at this moment, what really worries Zhao Wuji is Yuan Feng who appeared before. Although it was only a simple move, from Yuan Feng's body, he really felt a thick threat. In particular, the opponent's sword-making realm has reached the terrible mysterious sword realm, and the energy fluctuations are no worse than himself. This is definitely something he never thought of. After destroying a dragon emperor, he originally thought that he could be invincible to the world and do whatever he wanted, but now it seems that he is not without other threats besides the dragon emperor. "Where did the guy come from? It seems that if you want to kill it, you must have my avatar with me !!!" Speaking of it, the reason why he didn't pursue it before Yuan Feng is because he can feel that with his own strength, it seems that he may not really be able to kill Yuan Feng. At least, the other party will flee. He is absolutely unable to stop it. Even if he can stop it, I am afraid There is a considerable price to pay. What he has to do is to destroy the whole world of no delusion and the beast-god realm. Speaking of it, even if there is a super strong like Yuan Feng, the impact is not great. By then, the whole world of no delusion and the beast-god realm will be small. Was destroyed, even if there is one Yuan Feng left? "I have to guard, although this person is not afraid of this person, but the people below are not their opponents." His face changed, and he then passed special means to convey the news of the super strong one by one. To the subordinates who are killing people without bounds, tell everyone to be careful. "Little guy, it's better not to show up again, otherwise, this seat wouldn't mind giving you a ride !!!" Looking at Yuan Feng's disappearing direction, at this moment, he chose for the time being Ignore the other party, of course, if the subordinates were killed again, he will definitely call back to the clone and kill Yuan Feng together. "Go, go to the next target !!!" With a big hand waving, Zao Wou-ki didn't think much anymore. With his body in motion, he was carrying dozens of super strong men towards the next target. Regardless of what kind of force it is, as long as it is selected by him, I am afraid that it will basically come to an end. The speed of their pedestrians is extremely fast, and wherever they pass, as long as they are alive, it is absolutely impossible to survive. Speaking of them, they don't need to do much more. Basically, as long as their coercion is released, people below the demigod will be crushed to death! The Ziyun Palace is nothing more than one of many great forces. Destroying the Ziyun Palace is not much to Zhao Wou-ki. According to his current speed, destroying the entire world of delusion and beast god, should It won't take long. When Zhao Wuji took a group of subordinates to carry out the killing frantically, Yuan Feng was now out of the world where Ziyun Palace is located and fled to an infinite distance. "Yu, it seems that the other party shouldn't come after him. This saves a lot of trouble." The figure stopped between a dense forest, Yuan Feng could not help but take a long breath, and couldn't help feeling that Fortunately. Before encountering Six Wing Zhao Wou-ki, he can feel how terrible the opponent's strength is. It can be said that the strength of the other party must be on the clone of Zhao Wou-ki he has seen, maybe there are many treasures The deity in the body does not fear the other person, but as an avatar, his body does not have too effective means, but he is afraid to fight with the other person at all. Speaking of him, the proper talent borrowed the devotion of his deity, which made the other party frightened, so that he did not pursue him desperately. If it was not the case, he would not know if he could get rid of the other party. In addition, since the other party still has a avatar, then he must be more afraid of the other party. After all, no one knows whether the other party will suddenly call out the avatar, and then the deity and the avatar will deal with him together. There is no chance of escape. "It's really unexpected. It turns out that the Zao Wou-ki I saw before was just a clone of Zao Wou-ki, but the real Zhao Wou-ki is probably much stronger than that !!!!" For seeing one like himself, it was With the metamorphosis of the avatar, his shock is still great. After all, this is the first strong man he has to have a avatar. Moreover, the origin of the other person is very mysterious, and he does not know the other person's body. What kind of powerful methods are there. Setting aside other things, the six wings behind the opponent alone are enough to be daunting. "Ah, it's a pity that the Ziyun Palace, the foundation of countless years, has been ruined today. After the master of the palace knows this, I don't know what it will be like!" For Zhao Wuji and the entire Tianjizong He didn't know much at the moment, and didn't have that much mood to understand. At the moment, what made him sadder was the collapse of the Ziyun Palace. I can think of it with my toes. Under the hands of dozens of super strong men, the Ziyun Palace has no possibility of maintaining at all. At this moment, the Ziyun Palace may have nothing. "Finally, I have saved some strength. I hope that the Ziyun Palace in the future can be revived." He shook his head and sighed, but he didn't have time to think so much, because he knew that the longer the time was delayed, it was like Zi The more superpowers like Yun Palace will be destroyed. Therefore, at present, he must find a way to solve the problem fundamentally. "Be sure to pick up the deity sooner. Only when the deity returns with a lot of strong men, can you stop these birdmen, otherwise, it is impossible for me to stop them by my own strength." For him, It's not bad to be able to protect yourself, but if you want to prevent the crisis of the delusional world and the beast **** world by your own power, that is simply a dream! After he figured this out, he no longer thought about it. When he was in shape, he went straight to the direction of the heavenly sect. With the deity to guide him, he naturally knew where Tianjizong was, and even more, how to get there. Judging from the current situation, it is clear that Zao Wou-ki did not sit in the midst of the Tianji Sect. Since there is no Zao Wou-ki sitting in town, then he and the deity should cooperate with each other inside and outside, and there is no small chance to open the channel seal. The speed is brought to the extreme. At this moment, he is like killing his life. He just ignores everything and ignores everything. At present, his only goal is to take back the deity. As for the rest, he can all be thrown aside. Already. Perhaps in the process of welcoming his deity, there will be many people in the world of delusion and the beast god, but he does not have the ability to stop it. Everything, wait until the deity and many strong men return. !! The avatar is rushing to Tianjizong, and at the same time, Yuan Feng, who is far away in another world, also received the news of the avatar at this time. Of course, he is not in the mood for the news passed by the side of the world. May be better. "Ah, Ziyun Palace, after all, it was destroyed !!!" While flying quickly, Yuan Feng could not help but sigh for a long time, his eyes were full of sadness. As a member of the Ziyun Palace, after learning that the Ziyun Palace was destroyed, there is no doubt that a kind of sadness from his heart breeds out. Frankly speaking, at this moment, he is more resentful to himself. Obviously, if he did not follow the crowd to the orc realm, then with him, the Ziyun Palace may not be destroyed. At least, the power he possessed was enough to make Zhao Wuxi despair, and even he and the avatar joined forces, completely It is possible to force Zao Wou-ki back, and make the other party pay a huge price. Unfortunately, if it is only after all, it is unlikely to happen. At this moment, he was in the orc realm, and even if the sky on the other side of the delusional realm fell, he could only be anxious. Having said that, it is not his fault to come to the orc realm. If it was not for the protection of the people in the Ziyun Palace, he would not enter this place recklessly. In the final analysis, the fault is not his body. "There is a deity and a clone, what exactly is this Zao Wou-ki?" His brows frowned slightly, and now he was really more curious about the Emperor of the Heavenly Sect. I never dreamed that the other party even had a deity. In this case, there are two super powerfuls in Tianjizong. Under these circumstances, his advantage can be said to be gone in an instant. "It's really dangerous now. Lord Dragon Emperor was with Zao Wou-ki before. I'm afraid it's very dangerous now? I just don't know if Lord Dragon Emperor is still alive at this moment." Promise of terror, he naturally became more and more worried about Dragon Emperor. If one Zao Wou-ki might not be able to treat the Dragon Emperor, then two Zao Wou-ki, it would be totally wrong. Obviously, the Dragon Emperor wouldn't think of Zhao Wou-ki as an avatar. In this case, of course, the possibility of being attacked by the other party would be much greater. "I don't care so much. I want to come to Lord Dragon Emperor. It shouldn't be so easy to be killed. When I return to the realm of no delusion, I will be responsible for the work of the subordinates. Look at the situation in the beast **** world!" Now I am worried about so much It is also useless. At the moment, he still has to hurry up and try to return to the realm of blundering faster. His body is flying. At this moment, he can definitely say that he has used all his energy to feed. At this time, if someone is present, it is impossible to see his body clearly, even his shadow is very Hard to see. As time goes by, Yuan Feng, who is in a hurry, has no idea how far he has flew. For him, time has no concept of anything. After all, no matter how long the time has passed, it only returns to nothing. The false world is the king. On this day, Yuan Feng, who was hurried on the road, finally saw a familiar ruin from a distance. When he saw the ruin, his eyes could not help showing a hint of joy. "Yu, finally here, the distance is back to the boundless world, and you can take it one step further!" Seeing this ruin, especially a cave not far ahead, Yuan Feng knew that as long as he walked through this cave , And break the seal on the other side of the cave, then he and the rest of the strong will be able to return to the boundless world smoothly. However, it is not easy to say whether the seal in front can be broken. At least, he will never act without permission before the avatar arrives. "Separated, it's up to you this time. Don't let me down !!!" Flashing in shape, Yuan Feng drilled directly into the cave that leads to the borderless world, and finally under the seal Stopped. At this moment, he only needs to wait for the avatar to reach the other side of the passage in the Celestial Sect, that is, he can cooperate with each other inside and outside, and try to break the **** seal!

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