The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2312: unexpected surprise

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The sudden outbreak of Yuan Feng not only wiped out all the powerful men in Tianjizong, but also overwhelmed all the crazy new powerhouses in a destructive trend. Such an eye-catching performance naturally captured the command of the team. In his hands.

In fact, when several people in Tianjizong suddenly showed their original shape, Yuan Feng had already smelled the conspiracy, and of course, he had to take precautions in advance.

Undoubtedly, if we can control all the people under our control, this will definitely be very helpful for the next action. At least, he can command such a force to crush the Heavenly Sect.

"You seniors, everyone wants to see that we have seen the current situation. Frankly speaking, the situation is not very good for all of us right now. If I haven't guessed wrong, we may not be able to return to the world of delusion. Now. "

Holding leadership in his hands, Yuan Feng couldn't help but start discussing the current situation with you. Since Tianjizong deceived them here with ulterior motives, they must of course find a way to leave here. However, everyone knows that if Tianjizong really has ulterior motives for them, then they will definitely not be so easy to go back.

"I don't know what the **** is Tianjizong doing, Yuan Feng, you just captured a Tianjizong strongman. Now, is it time to study this booty?"

When Yuan Feng's words came down, Huo Yunting, the owner of Ziyun Palace, stood out first and reminded Yuan Feng. Among the people present, he has the closest relationship with Yuan Feng. Some people dare not say something, but he can still say it.

Frankly speaking, Yuan Feng ’s performance today really shocked everyone and scared everyone. Everyone can see that if Yuan Feng wants to kill them, then these people may be really connected. Children do not have the ability to resist.

"It is indeed time to say hello to the elder !!!"

Without Huo Yunting's reminder, Yuan Feng had not forgotten the captive he had just captured. In a moment of his mind, he immediately recruited the six elders who were captured under the watchful eyes of everyone.

At this moment, the six elders of Tianjizong still did not wake up from the coma. Obviously, Yuan Feng Shicai's shot was still relatively heavy.

The black mist around the body is faint and faint, and the wings behind it are flashing strange light, and under the light, it is a very strange pattern.

In addition to these, the elder elder brother of Tianjizong, who has a prototype, is one size larger than everyone present. Faintly, he can even see a layer of extremely fine scales on his body.

All kinds of situations have shown that the patriarch of Tianjizong is definitely not a pure human warrior, nor is he a strong man of the World of Warcraft.

"My dear, Tianjizong's population voice made me wait to kill the aliens, but now it seems that Jizong is the real alien !!!"

"Yes, there are two wings on the back, and there are so many scales on the body. It seems that the extreme guys on this day are definitely not good."

"Hey, hate me for being so deceived by them. If it wasn't for the little brother Yuan Feng who stood up and pierced their plot, I would be afraid that in the end I would only be able to fight to death for the guys of Heavenly Extreme.

"I don't know if it's too late to find out."

Before everyone was only concerned about fighting, they did not observe the winged birdmen too closely, and now they saw the situation clearly. Everyone was very surprised by the appearance of the extreme elders on this day.

Yuan Feng was also carefully observing the elders of Tianjizong in front of him at the moment. I have to say that Rao is very knowledgeable, but he has never seen such a creature.

"These birdmen are definitely not simple. The lines on their wings are strange. If you only fight for speed, I'm afraid I have no advantage. I really don't know where these guys came from."

Gaze around the other person's body, Yuan Feng was anxious to cut the other person into a little bit of research, but at the moment, he still needs to get useful information from the other person, but it is impossible to make the other person Just kill it.

"You guys, stay a little behind, lest this guy jump over the wall and hurt everyone."

With a little groaning, Yuan Feng couldn't help reminding everyone around him. His meaning was very obvious. These guys were covered in black mist. They might make crazy moves, so it ’s better to take precautions. .

After listening to Yuan Feng's reminder, everyone nodded, and finally took a few steps back. Even if the other party really did something crazy, they had enough time to reflect.

After everyone had stepped back, Yuan Feng looked back at the man in black, but his eyes flashed a dignified color.

"Be sure to control it for the sake of safety !!!"

With his eyes stunned, Yuan Feng's heart motioned to express his true qi, seal the meridians in the other's body, and when he had done this, he blew out a cool qi and took the other from a coma Woke up.


His eyes opened slowly, and the man in black exhaled a long breath, a flash of doubt flashed under his eyes, as if he had forgotten why he was fainted, and why he suddenly woke up.

"Hey, don't look around. Since you are already a captive, you need to be a captive."

Just when the man in black opened his eyes, but somehow, Yuan Feng's voice suddenly sounded, directly attracting the other's attention.


Hearing Yuan Feng ’s words, the other side suddenly shook his face, apparently remembering everything that had happened before, but when he saw Yuan Feng again and the surrounding strong men, His complexion quickly changed from surprise to arrogance, as if he was disdainful of everyone present.

"Huh, I didn't expect it to fall into the hands of you guys, but you don't have to be too happy. Now you are in this orc realm, I'm afraid I can't live too long."

He glanced around, and when he saw the original powerful men under his control disappeared, there was a flash of doubt in his heart, but he was not too concerned about this. Think too much.

The so-called winner is the king loser thief, anyway, he has been captured by the other side, what's the use of thinking about those?

"Well, think about it for yourself first. We can't say if we can survive, but if you don't cooperate like this, you will definitely die terribly."

Seeing that the people in black could still be so arrogant, Yuan Feng was very impressed with the former's psychological quality. From the performance of the other party, it seems that it is not easy to obtain useful information from him.

"Well, what's the big deal? Isn't it just death? Rest assured, even if I die, I will never tell you anything."

With a strange laugh, the man in black was very calm. It seems that he was really reporting a mortal heart at this moment, and he had no plans to survive.

"Huh, **** birdman, what kind of monster are you? And how can Tianjizong be controlled by you monsters?"

Huo Yunting took a step forward at this moment, questioning loudly to the man in black.

Speaking of which, the original man in black was the image of the elders of Tianjizong Six, but at this time he turned into such a monster, and his heart was full of uncomfortable feelings.

For so many years, he has been desperately fighting for Tianjizong. If Tianjizong is really such some monsters, he really has a dead mind.

"Monster? Humble fellow, do you even say I am a monster?"

Hearing Huo Yunting's words, the man in black could not help raising his voice, obviously he didn't like the title of monster very much.

"Why, aren't you a monster? How could a normal human be like you!"

Seeing the reaction of the man in black, Huo Yunting couldn't help snorting, with a mocking expression.

"Humans? Although your ethnic groups are more widely distributed, in our eyes, you are always worthy of being slaves only, don't think you are great."

Glancing his lips, the man in black glanced at Huo Yunting lightly, and finally turned his eyes to Yuan Feng. The slightness of his face also receded slightly.

"Boy, you are really strong, but no matter how strong you are, you will definitely not be the opponent of the Lord Sovereign. Also, you can no longer return to the boundless world, and even if you can go back, it will be difficult in the end. Escape, I will wait for you below, oh !!! "

The words fell, but the man in black laughed suddenly, and there was a complete determination in the laughter.

"Well? No, everyone backs up !!!"

Hearing the man in black laughing suddenly, Yuan Feng couldn't help but change his face. The first time he shouted to the people around him, and he himself hurriedly retreated and didn't dare to stay.

"Om !!! Hey !!!"

Almost as soon as Yuan Feng's shout came out, the pair of wings behind the man in black was slightly shaken. Then, the weird patterns on the wings burned directly at this moment, and with the wings The burning of the meridians in the black man seemed to be broken instantly, and then his body suddenly exploded.

"Woohoo !!!"

The body exploded, but the power was not great. Obviously, Yuan Feng's seal had a great effect. However, under such a self-detonation, his body became a black mist directly, apparently The dead can't die anymore.

"Brush !!!!"

After the man in black blew himself up, Yuan Feng's figure appeared immediately, but at this moment, his face was a bit ugly, but he was annoyed by the man in black's self-detonation.

He thought of the other party's special means to end up with himself, but he didn't expect that the problem was on the wings, and he could only secretly regret it.

"Well? This black energy ........."

When Yuan Feng was upset, he suddenly found that the black mist after the man in black seemed to have a very strange energy floating back and forth, but it did not disappear as the mist disappeared. .


His eyes narrowed, but he suddenly raised his hand, grabbed the black energy directly in his hand, and carefully felt it.

"So pure energy, there is such pure energy in this guy's body !!!"

In his perception, this mass of purple-black energy is definitely a power he has never seen before. As for the level of this thing, no energy he has ever been in contact with can compare with it.

It feels to him as if this thing does not belong to this world, but should belong to a higher world.

Of course, the most important point is that after this group of purple-black energy is held in his hands, he can feel that his true martial arts power seems to be faintly accelerating, and the purple-black energy in his hand is faint. There is even a faint tendency to be absorbed into his body.

"Okay, it looks like something unexpected !!!!"

Feeling the change in his body, his eyes could not help but lighten slightly, but his heart was unusually happy.

Obviously, although I don't know what this purple-black energy is, it seems that if this thing is swallowed, it should be of great benefit to his cultivation.

"This guy has this kind of energy in his body. I want other people in black to have this kind of energy."

His eyes shifted, and his attention drew attention to the corpse of the black man scattered in the canyon. Then, he was moved with all his heart, and immediately collected all the corpses of the black man, and immediately mobilized the Devourer Refining the bodies of these black men.

"Well? It really has this energy, okay, great !!!"

Refining the bodies of more than twenty people in black, Yuan Feng found that more or less of these black people's bodies will have some of this energy, although the energy of a single person is not much, but twenty Add a few guys together, the amount of this purple-black energy is quite considerable.

"Okay, it seems that I have a way to impact the new realm !!!"

Since being promoted to the second turn of Demigod Realm, he knows it is difficult for him to go further, but with these purple and black energy now, the situation is quite different.

"Brush !!!!"

At this moment, the powerful people who had just fled into the space of different dimensions also jumped out from the depths of the space, and when they saw that the people in black had disappeared, the eyes of everyone were There was a hint of annoyance.

"Ahhhh, he really blew himself up !!!"

"It's broken now, and the only clue is broken."

Without the clue of the people in black, they naturally have a harder time trying to figure out the root of the matter. Therefore, everyone is looking bitter at the moment. In the end, they can only look at Yuan Feng. , Waiting for Yuan Feng's next arrangement.

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