The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2307: The results have expanded

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The end of the world of delusion and beast **** is coming, and at the same time, in the world next to these two worlds, a devastating disaster has swept the entire orc world at this moment, and it is still fermenting. among.

The world that was originally blood red is becoming more and more red at this moment, and the **** air in the air is like a light in the night, but it is so bright.

This is a deep gorge in the orc realm. In the grand canyon, thousands of people are living in the gorge at the moment. Everyone has dried blood stains, and everyone's body is icy. Killing intentions, as if they will explode at any time, choose others to eat!

The entire Grand Canyon has become extremely cold because of the existence of thousands of people. Anyone who can feel the breath in the canyon has already retreated.

No way, the breath of this group of people is too horrible. The horror alone is such a substantive killing intention that the general strong can be directly scared to death.

The whole gorge is very quiet. Obviously, everyone at this time should be resting to alleviate the trace of fatigue caused by the previous battle.

Roughly, there are almost 3,000 people in the whole canyon. Among them, the breath of the great conqueror is still no less than three hundred, and the rest are basically the demigods.

There are more than 300 great consummates and 3,000 demigods and eight turn strongs. Such a large team is obviously a coalition without the delusional realm and the beast **** realm.

It ’s been a month since I came to the orc realm. In this month, the murderousness of each member has accumulated to a very horrible level. At this moment, how many orc powers are there? Died in their hands, I am afraid there is no way to count.

"Oh, sin, really sin, I don't know if we are doing this, right or wrong !!!"

Among the thousands, an unusually bright young man was not recovering like everyone else, because for him, in this month, he did not make many shots, and there was not much at all. Consumption. And this person, of course, is Yuan Feng who is far better than Tongji.

"According to Zao Wou-ki, the lord of the Heavenly Sect, these half-human and half-beast guys are planning to invade the world of delusion, but why can't I see that these half-orcs have the intention of invading the world of delusion?

Sitting cross-legged in the crowd, Yuan Feng was really thinking at this moment.

During this month, he witnessed the destruction of large tribes one after another by the coalition forces and slaughtered every orc in the orc realm. At this moment, he did not know how many orc families died under the coalition's hands, but Even if it is roughly estimated, I am afraid that the dead orc can fill a few large pools!

At this moment, although the coalition has suffered some losses, there are still more than three hundred and fifty strong conquerors, and more than three thousand strong deities with eight demi-gods, but compared with when they first arrived in the orc realm. At this moment, the people around him now have a completely unrecognizable feeling.

One month of killing, all the powerful men without the delusional realm and the beast-god realm, now all have no much sense at all. In their hearts, they will kill except those who look like them. Drop all the different beings. As for the power of other beings, they don't care.

No one else will say it. During this month, he witnessed with his own eyes Wang Zhong and Baihua Fairy who did not hesitate to kill the tribe that was not powerful, and that killed tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of people in an instant Make him feel uncomfortable from the heart.

Of course, what surprised him most was the results of his investigations into the orc realm.

In this month, he found that the entire orc realm can be described as very peaceful and peaceful. This world does not have a large pool of human warriors, and there are only special groups and tribes. This is somewhat similar to the beast **** realm. .

All these tribes are rich in resources, and there is no shortage of resources. To say that such a big world is going to invade other worlds, he is not quite convinced.

What is the purpose of the invasion? Of course, it is to rob resources, but in a world without resources, why start a war to rob others? This simply doesn't make sense.

At this moment, he really had to doubt everything Zao Wuji said.

"Woohoo !!!!!!"

"Hoohoo !!!!"

Just thinking about this in Yuan Feng's heart, when he couldn't think of a result at all, a roar, but it suddenly rang through the entire orc realm, and then a roar came in succession, and suddenly, the entire orc The world seems to have become extremely lively at this moment.


The sound of the roar suddenly made Yuan Feng frown suddenly, but a complex emotion flashed under her heart.

"Ah, it seems that the strong men in the orc world have organized the strong men to come and besiege, but I don't know how many of these strong men will bring this time."

Over the course of this month, the orc community has organized several counterattacks, each of which has scored dozens of great conquerors, but unfortunately, each counterattack was eventually wiped out by the coalition forces, which did not cause any real substance to the coalition forces Sexual injury.

"Brush !!!!"

When the orc roar came, the eyes of a personal warrior and a Warcraft powerhouse were suddenly opened, and as everyone opened their eyes, everyone's eyes flashed. There was a trace of blood red, and in their faces, they were all faintly excited.

"Well, there's another fat that came home. This time, you must kill it !!"

"Hehehehe, these half-human and half-beast monsters only organize so many guys to come to our trouble every time. I don't know how many people will come to die this time."

"Our march is so fast that they simply don't have time to organize too many strong men. When this wave is killed, there should be some of us who have been promoted to great success?"

"It should be almost there, but then again, the hearts of these half-human and half-beasts are really delicious, and they have already become obsessed with that kind of taste, oh !!!"

The coalition strongmen one by one stood up and talked with excitement.

After this month of fighting, everyone has summed up a lot of experience, and the first thing is to devour the orc's heart, which can greatly enhance their strength and supplement the consumption of the battle. And this point, regardless of humans and Warcraft, even human warriors have begun to devour orc to supplement.

Yuan Feng had seen Wang Zhong and Baihua Fairy before, and other people in Ziyun Palace devouring the hearts of aliens. At that time, he really wanted to stop, but he finally put up with it, because he also understood that not only It can't be stopped, and these people do need some supplements to make up for the consumption. It is indeed a good way to devour the orc heart.

"Brush !!!!"

Almost as the coalition forces stood up with red eyes one by one, a sound of breaking air came, and then the strong men in the orc realm appeared again in front of everyone.

"Well? This is really a lot this time, it seems that this time, I have to take a shot !!!"

Yuan Feng also stood up with the crowd, and when he saw the orc powerhouses gathered from the surroundings, he could not help but frowned, and his heart had already made a decision.

In the eyes, there are strong people in the orc realm, and a general glance at it is just a strong orc power of the semi-god realm. I am afraid that there are hundreds of people. I am afraid there are thousands of people.

Although such a force will definitely not be an opponent of the coalition forces, it is also sufficient to cause great damage to the coalition forces. But in order for his race to survive, he had to help.

Regardless of whether the coalition becomes cruel and addictive to killing, or if the six relatives do not recognize it, they are still their own, and since they are their own, there is no reason to not help.

"Woohoo !!!"

Hundreds of orcs who have achieved great success, some are head-wolves, others are wave-heads. Of course, there are various different strong men behind, but no matter what kind of strong man At this moment, they all roared abruptly, and then all the strong men took the people behind them and killed the coalition forces crazy.

"Well, it's really decent this time, and it will definitely kill you !!!"

"Defend the boundless world, kill !!!"

Although the orc team temporarily formed this time is really not weak, this is nothing to the coalition forces that have completely entered the killing mode, because I do not know when to start, each member of the coalition forces has already been I don't know what died.

Obviously, Zao Wou-ki created them by special means, basically training them as a killing machine, and how can a machine understand what is fear and what is pain?

"Boom boom !!!!!!"

The battle started, and the coalition forces that clearly occupied the number advantage were naturally unstoppable. Although the orcs' strong men were also very hard, but when they felt the cold and lethal breath of the members of the coalition forces, they Was back again.

The so-called dreaded fear, the fear of death, each member of the coalition has slowly lost his calm. For them, killing is the sole purpose of living, so of course they are not afraid of death.

"Hey, I can't control that much. It seems that I have to think more about myself !!!"

Yuan Feng had an ordinary long sword in his hands, and at that moment, his eyes moved, and there was a little decision under his heart.

"Friends of the Orcs, I'm sorry, Wan Jian returned to the school !!!"

With his eyes fixed, he didn't think too much. Between the movements of the body, he had come to the great conqueror of several orc realms. Without saying a word, he just raised his sword and dropped the whole three. An orc great conqueror was shrouded in it.

"Puff puff!!!!"

The horrible sword realm of the mysterious sword realm is simply unthinkable for most people. As his sword was cut out, the three great orcs of the orcs had not yet understood what was going on. One felt that their bodies were cold, and then there was no consciousness.

"Receive it !!!"

However, no matter how many Yuan Feng, on such a chaotic battlefield, no one will pay attention to him, and naturally no one will see it is his shot. When someone sees it, he will be the first one to The spoils of war have been incorporated into the physical world, and a flash of time has come to another circle of war. \

To this day, Yuan Feng's strength has already surpassed the general great powerhouse, and his speed is as elusive as that of ordinary people. The most important thing is that everyone else present regards him as an ordinary great perfection, and no one will pay much attention to him.

Finally, at this moment, even the Ziyun Palace powerhouses who are more familiar with Yuanfeng already only know the killing, and do not care about Yuanfeng's situation at all, and even Ziyun Palace's own people no longer care about Yuanfeng Not to mention others.

"Brush !!!!"

The body flickered, the sword in his hand kept waving, and with his shots, the orc strongmen one after another fell unclearly or were severely damaged. It can be said that he was alone Power is enough to make the orc team at the moment helpless.

The coalition forces did not know that Yuan Feng had begun to shoot secretly, but in their feelings, they only felt that this group of orc strongmen was more uncomfortable and it was easier to kill.

Yuan Feng killed as many orcs as possible, and then collected them into his physical world in order to store enough energy.

You know, today's Xiaoba is still producing the Warcraft army, and such production does require a lot of consumption. With the physical body of these orc strongmen to provide, Xiaoba can naturally do whatever he wants. Speed ​​up production.

In addition, the power of Xiaoba itself also needs a lot of energy to stimulate. The strong of these orc races are full of energy and pure, which is a great supplement to it.

Of course, before the last resort, Yuan Feng will not let Xiao Ba appear, and he will not release his Warcraft army to use, because he always feels that his Warcraft army does not seem to be used here. Time to plant.

With Yuan Feng's shot, this battle didn't last long. Soon, the hundreds of Orcish strong men and thousands of strong men with seven to eight turns were all to become After eating the coalition's belly, just by the end of the battle, everyone in the coalition felt that the situation was not normal, but everyone would not care too much about it. After all, only after winning is the most important.

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