The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2298: Different world

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After a dizzying short journey, Yuan Feng opened his eyes with difficulty, and when he opened his eyes, a narrow space passage was like a martyr leading to the end of the world. , He broke into his eyes.

At this moment, in the entire space channel, a thick **** atmosphere makes the entire channel have an indescribable icy breath, and some broken arm stumps are scattered in the channel at this moment. Apparently, they were jointly killed by Zhao Wuji and Long Huang who had previously shot.

Beside him, the powerful men of the Ziyun Palace gathered here almost all the time, and the other powerful people also appeared in this space passage, and each one arrived The strong ones in the space channel are feeling a little hesitant about the scene in front of them.

"What, what is this? Here is ........."

"Is this the alien world? Isn't it? The aliens in this alien world seem to have been killed by the suzerain and the dragon emperor?"

"It really seems like this, but there are only so many people of other races? Isn't it too few?"

One by one, all of them were observed in the whole space channel at the moment, and what they can see at this moment, only some look like humans and broken arm stumps like Warcraft Apart from that, it doesn't look like a strange world here.

"This is a space passage?"

Just when everyone was in doubt, Yuan Feng's gaze was slightly fixed on the side of Ziyun Palace, and the first time he saw the situation of where they are.

He is the one who has been sober all the time. He came here through the seal channel and found that this space world is obviously a long and narrow channel. With a little thought, he thought of a possibility.

Obviously, such a channel is definitely a space channel between the two big worlds! Come to think of it, the invasion of people from other worlds had no delusion, and it was through this space channel that most of the crimes were carried out.

"It seems that something is not right, logically speaking, shouldn't there be a large group of alien strong men here to destroy the seal? Why now, it seems that there were only a few living beings here before!"

Guess from the stump of the broken arm on the side of the passage, here before, I am afraid that it is ten or eight aliens at best, but if it is to destroy the seal, why should not only such a few aliens make a shot. .

Thinking of this, under his heart, he couldn't help feeling more and more full of curiosity, and also felt that the matter was a bit irresistible.

Others were obviously aware of a bit of fault at the moment, but unfortunately, although they felt the fault at this time, they did not know what was going on, let alone what to do next.

"Hum !!! Hmm !!!!!!"

When Yuan Feng and everyone were under suspicion, a sound of space vibration suddenly came, and at the same time, a sound of wind breaking sounded, and then a small team of about a dozen people appeared. In front of the space passage.

The sudden news made everyone all look subconsciously to the opposite, and when we saw a dozen figures standing opposite, all the powerful men in the world of delusion and beast gods all It was a sudden stun, and half a stun was silent.

In the eyes, a dozen figures are basically lined up at this moment, and each of these dozen figures is almost the body of a human warrior, but has the same skull as Warcraft, and They are much larger than human warriors.

"Hisse !!! This is ......... alien creature?"

After a brief shock, everyone suddenly came to understand. The dozen or so figures in front of them were clearly the aliens and aliens they were looking for!

"It's a foreigner, what are you still doing? Kill !!!!"

I don't know who was the first to return to God to shout such a cry. Then, all the human warriors and the beast **** strongmen were almost shocked at the same time. Next, a large team of thousands was straight Ben dozen aliens killed the past.

Although they did not expect that this would be the case on the seal channel, they did not forget the purpose of their visit.

According to Zao Wou-Ki, the aliens are destroying the seal, so they must now kill all the aliens they have seen, so as to ensure that the seal can last for a long time.

"Hoooo !!! Interracials are here !! Hurry up and report it !!!"

Just when the powerful men in the world of delusion and the beast **** saw the opposite aliens, the opposite aliens obviously found them.

Speaking of them, for these dozens of alien powerhouses, they were really scared at this time.

Thousands of sudden strong aliens emerged, among which there were many, many great and complete energy fluctuations, which of course was an extremely horrible thing for them.

Therefore, when the strongmen in the realm of no delusion and the beast **** began to act, they also reflected over it for the first time, without a word, turning their heads and flickering towards the back.

The speed of these dozens of alien races is extremely fast. The one headed by them is obviously a semi-god realm with great consummation, and the other is a half-god realm with eight turns. It seems that although the alien powerhouse is somewhat different from the powerless world and the beast **** world powerhouse, the division of strength should be similar.

"Don't let the aliens run away, chase !!!"

With the goal, of course, it is impossible for everyone to let go of each other so easily. Everyone is chasing after more than a dozen aliens as if vowing to kill them.

"The disciples of the Ziyun Palace, the time has come to kill the enemy and build meritorious service, and to save the world without paranoia, everyone, let's kill !!!"

Huo Yunting, the host of the Ziyun Palace, had time to shout slogans, and as his words fell, he was the first to follow, with a large army heading for more than a dozen aliens.

They came here from the boundless world, and the instruction given to them by Zao Wou-ki was to let them kill all the aliens they saw, and now they finally saw aliens that looked different from themselves. Of course, he would sooner It's gone.

"Well !!!"

Thousands of super powerfuls chased together a dozen aliens. The scenes were really spectacular, but there was still a less clever person among the crowd at the moment, but they fell subconsciously. Behind the team, and focused on the seal behind him.

"This ......... seems to be a little bit wrong. Why can't you see the seal on this side, with traces of vandalism?"

Yuan Feng was really not interested in the killing. At this moment, he suddenly discovered that the seal on this side of the alien world was not as badly damaged as he imagined, and if the alien wanted If the seal is broken, it seems that these guys should not be working?

"Is it time for them to rest?"

Seeing this scene, he could not help but frown, and secretly guessed the possibility. Obviously, except for the alien who went to rest at this moment, he couldn't think of any other situation.

"Hey, I can't control that much, so I'll meet up with everyone quickly to protect Brother Wang Zhong."

At this time, he didn't have much time to think about it. Before moving, he went straight to Wang Zhong and others to catch up to ensure that the other party would not be damaged.

I have to say that these dozens of strong aliens are extremely fast, and they obviously understand and adapt to the situation of this space channel, so when everyone catches up, they actually fail to catch up with each other.

The three or four thousand super powerfuls soon pulled up the front line of hundreds of meters in the space passage, and as everyone slowly adapted to the space here, time is not long, everyone's speed is With corresponding improvements. It's a pity that at this moment, they want to catch up with the dozen or so aliens they had before, which is very unlikely.

"Look and see, where is the exit of space ..."

"It's really an exit. I bet the back of the exit must be the alien world."

"Finally we have to find the alien world, everyone, let's kill them together and kill all the aliens!"

"Rush, I kill it !!!"

I do n’t know how long it took to fly. The strongest flying in the front echelon discovered the exit of the space channel for the first time, and as everyone saw the exit one after another, everyone accelerated the speed of flying. Not long after, this super army came to the exit one after another.

"Well !!!!!!"

When the crowd got to the exit, all the strong men said nothing, and rushed out from the exit of the space channel. At this moment, almost all of them were in a very excited state.

One by one, the strong ones successively passed through the exit light curtain of the space channel. The time was not long. Thousands of people flew out of the space channel. However, when the three or four thousand super powerfuls came outside At that time, the world in front of them was an emotional excitement that suddenly became much smoother.

"His, this is ........."

"Is this the alien world? It looks terrifying?"

"It's so cold, and what kind of ghost world is this, and how can the temperature be so low, which doesn't make people live?"

"Huh, it seems a bit colder, it's just a natural big ice cellar!"

One by one, the superpowers are standing in the air, overlooking the world that does not belong to them, and now they are no longer as excited as before.

In the eyes, there is a **** red color everywhere, and it looks like the whole world, which was originally a **** world, and the temperature of the entire world is probably tens of degrees lower than that of the world without delusion and the animal **** Fortunately, they are all super strong. If they are ordinary people, I am afraid they will be frozen to death for the first time.

Each world has its own characteristics. Obviously, this world should be such a scene, and the creatures who want to come to this world should have adapted to this situation.

"Is that a dozen guys before? How can I run so fast?"

"It's really too fast. Why didn't it disappear as soon as I chased it out? Is it still invisible?"

"It doesn't seem to be the core of this world. Also, is there only a dozen or so guys I saw before?"

Everything in front of us really makes people more and more confused. Frankly speaking, at this moment, everything they see in this world is different from what they imagined.

In the original thoughts of everyone, when they came to the other side of the seal and waited for them, there should be a lot of aliens, but now it seems that the world is very peaceful, just like no delusion. As calm as the beast **** world.


Yuan Feng finally flew out from the space channel and came to the people of Ziyun Palace for the first time. At this moment, he also saw the scene in front of him, and when he saw the situation, he was surprised. In my heart, I was more and more surprised.

"Well calm world, is this the moment in Zao Wou-ki's mouth that wants to invade the world of delusion? Why don't I feel a breath of violence and aggression?"

Yuan Feng did not speak, nor did he go to discuss with anyone, because he often believed in himself more and others less.

If the discussion with others is not as comprehensive as his own thinking, then he would rather think slowly on his own.

At this moment, it was clear that his mind had begun to think about himself. As for Zao Wou-ki's words, he had basically been left behind.

When he was in the realm of the beast god, he had vowed not to believe anyone easily. During his trip to Tianji Sect, he naturally believed in Zao Wou-ki. Already.

Everyone should have a spirit of skepticism. He always has it, but sometimes it seems that he will always be misled by others.

"Woo !!!!!!"

When Yuan Feng was thinking about the situation of himself and others, and felt that the problem was not so simple, a sound of clarion sounded through the world, and it suddenly resounded between the whole world.

This is a very weird horn sound. Although everyone present does not know what the horn sound means, no matter who it is, anyone who hears it will naturally have a sense of tension and crisis. come out.

"Interracial invasion, kill without amnesty !!!"

With the sound of the trumpet, a shout of shouting and drinking across the world suddenly spread, and when this sound was heard, everyone present was instantly changed, and they felt the crisis approaching.

ps: I have hung several bottles in a row, which is almost as good, but I really dare not sit in front of the computer. I feel dizzy when I look at the screen! !! !! Hope that when you wake up tomorrow, your body will be able to recover completely! !!

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