The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2294: Zhao Wuji

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As the bells of Tianjizong fell, the powerful men one after another took their disciples, followed by the martyrdom at their feet, and swept towards the schoolyard of Tianjizong. ← Vertex says ..

The whole Tianjizong is really too big, and everyone followed the path of light, but it took a long time to fly, but they still did not reach the so-called school yard.

The space world in which Tianjizong is located is obviously different from the normal space world without delusion. Here, it is obvious that outsiders do not have the ability to shuttle space. Even if it is flying, it is difficult to fly too fast, as if the entire Tianjizong. The world has been imprisoned by an invisible force.

At this time, the major forces naturally have no intention to say hello to other people. Each of the major forces' teams clings together and flees by themselves.

The team at Ziyun Palace is not happy or slow, it is almost in the middle position, I do n’t know when, Yuan Feng, who was originally in the middle of the team, came to the front silently, and stood in a row with the palace master Huo Yunting .

"Master Gongzhu, the disciples don't want to know what happened to Tianjizong this time, but I have to be clear about this. How much opportunity do we have for this trip to Tianjizong?"

Standing in a row with Huo Yunting, Yuan Feng flew across, but asked the voice of Huo Yunting.

From the beginning, he guessed that Huo Yunting should know some things, and now he is about to enter the topic. If he doesn't ask something from the other side's mouth, I'm afraid he won't have a chance to ask it.

"Well? How can you ask such a question, don't you think that our actions this time will be life-threatening?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's voice, Huo Yunting's eyes flashed a strange color, but was immediately hidden by him, and then he returned to Yuan Feng's voice.

Frankly, Yuan Feng asked such a question at this time. In this regard, he really felt a little bit stunned. However, fortunately, Yuan Feng asked by way of voice transmission. Some comfort.

"Is there any danger to my life? I want to come to the Palace Master more clearly than I do."

For Huo Yunting's answer, Yuan Feng was obviously not very satisfied. He didn't know everything, even if the other party did not, he could feel the danger of this action, and the reason to ask is nothing more than to make himself more comprehensively prepared.

"It seems that you should know something in your heart, but then come back, although the danger must be there, but with your strength, you should be able to protect yourself."

Seeing Yuan Feng ’s response, Huo Yunting also understood that even if he did n’t, the other party might have guessed something. In that case, he might as well simply remind him that it was an account of Yuan Feng.

"What about the others? How many lives do they have?"

With his eyelids jumping, Yuan Feng's heart could not help but secretly said, he knew that this operation would be very dangerous, and now it seems that his guess is not false!

The other people in his mouth naturally refer to those disciples in the Ziyun Palace, as well as those in other teams who have not yet reached the great consummation.

"Yuan Feng, you know, those of us who have won the heaven and earth for cultivation, everything is given by heaven and earth. If it is absolutely necessary, our own lives are not so important, either you, Yeah, I should be ready to sacrifice. "

Huo Yunting didn't answer Yuan Feng's question directly, and what he said made Yuan Feng slap his lips, apparently not very agreeing with his view.

"In this way, is the Lord Gongzhu already prepared for everyone's sacrifice? I just don't know if my brothers can really agree."

Regarding Huo Yunting's practice of disregarding the lives of others, he felt from the bottom of his heart that it was wrong, but he knew more clearly that at this time, he was actually unable to return to heaven.

"I gave them everything. This time, I have the right to make a decision for them." After a look of surprise, Huo Yunting finally shook his head, apparently did not feel that there was anything wrong with what he did.

"Yuan Feng, everything you have won is for yourself. I will not force you to wait for some action. If you don't want to participate, I will ask you for instructions."

According to his theory, other people can indeed decide for him, but Yuan Feng is different.

All the power of Yuan Feng was cultivated through his own efforts. Although he was the master of the Ziyun Palace, he had no right to let Yuan Feng sacrifice.

"Oh, I just like to talk about things. If everyone is doing good things, I wouldn't be doing it."

With a chuckle, Yuan Feng didn't mean to be afraid. Rising up, his strength, he knew best, even if he wanted to come, there didn't seem to be any danger, and it would threaten him now.

"Well, thank you, Lord Gong, for being able to explain your doubts to the disciples, and, if possible, the disciples hope that after the action, everyone in Ziyun Palace is still there."

No matter what, everyone is from the same big force, he will never open his own Ziyun Palace to die. If it is absolutely necessary, he will find a way to save everyone.

"What you want is also what this palace wants." Ruffling his lips, Huo Yunting didn't want his disciples to come back alive, but other people, even if it was himself, he didn't know if there was any Life can live.

Looking at each other, the two are no longer many. At this moment, it seems that it really depends on God's will.

Others didn't notice the difference between Yuan Feng and Huo Yunting. For them to come, they only knew that Huo Yunting brought them. There must be some tasks that they needed to complete, but they did n’t know what to do. .

In fact, Yuan Feng admired a group of palace masters like Huo Yunting. In fact, these people knew the danger of this action, but they all kept silent, as if this was a simple and simple action. There is no danger whatsoever.

Ask yourself, if he is in a position like Huo Yunting, how he will handle such incidents, he is really a bit unclear.

In short, I am afraid he may not be able to do as well as Huo Yunting.

As time goes by, a large team seems to have made some comparisons. The speed of each team is getting faster and faster. I wish to be the first to reach the school of Tianjizong and let other teams see their own strength.

More than a hundred teams flew together, and the scenes were quite spectacular. In almost a quarter of an hour, the teams finally came to a huge square.

The light guiding the way is over here, and this also tells everyone that Tianjizong's so-called school grounds should be this huge open area.

The entire open area almost has a range of nearly ten miles. In the distance, in the center of this open area, a huge platform with a diameter of dozens of feet and a height of about three meters appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, on this not-so-high square, a team of almost two dozen people seems to have been waiting there for a long time.

After seeing more than twenty people on the high platform, almost all the leaders of the teams were slightly surprised, and then they all looked positive, obviously more serious than before.

Of course, these details will obviously not be discovered by the disciples of the major forces.

"Well !!!"

The major forces that came this time were all similar. In fact, more than one hundred teams have come outside the Fangtai and have descended towards the Fangtai.

The dozens of square platforms, which accommodate more than one hundred teams, are still very abundant, and when the major forces have landed on the high platform, the leaders of each team waved their hands to their disciples, Then from the edge of the high platform, step by step towards a group of people in the center of the square.

It can be seen from the response of these leading strongmen that at this time, the twenty or more people standing in the center of the square are definitely different people. Otherwise, they would not land far away. Then step by step.

"Everyone pay attention, everything is under my command. Without the order of the palace, no one is allowed to make any noise."

The team at the Ziyun Palace also landed on the edge of the square. Like other major forces, Huo Yunting also ordered one of his disciples for the first time, and then he took everyone towards the central crowd. .

One team did not go slowly, and the time was not long. More than a hundred teams, one after another, came to the twenty or so people above the platform.

These more than one hundred teams spontaneously formed an array at this time, and after all the teams were all together, the leaders of each team were all bent down to the opposite twenty people. waist.

"I've seen Lord Suzerain !!!"

With more than a hundred teams, there are more than one hundred consummate palace leaders, and each of the consummate palace leaders shouts and drinks from the heart. Suddenly, the entire school field Above, it sounded like a thunder blast, but it scared the disciples of all major strengths.

"This ......... It seems like I'm going to see the big man !!!"

When all the palace masters bowed down and bowed to the front, Yuan Feng was also startled by the actions of the palace masters, and it was almost a momentary effort. His Under my heart was immediately active.

Obviously, these people can be so respectful and addictive, and the whole world has no delusion. I am afraid that only the Supreme Lord Sovereign can do it!

"Everyone's working hard, all of them will stand up and talk !!!"

Sure enough, between Yuan Feng's thoughts, a very indifferent voice was suddenly transmitted from the crowd in the middle of the square. With the sound of the sound, a gold crown was worn on his body, and he was wearing gold robes all over his body Middle-aged people slowly appeared in front of everyone present.

This is a middle-aged man who can't help but feel worshipped at first sight. The men's facial features are very correct. Although not handsome, they are very comfortable. But in the body of a man, there is not even a trace of energy fluctuations. If this is an ordinary person who does not understand cultivation, I am afraid no one will question it.

However, in the middle of this middle-aged man's eyes, the feeling of vicissitudes of life has not been concealed anyway, and it is such a look that can't help but sell him thoroughly.

"Tianji Sect Lord Zao Wou-ki? Finally let me see the life !!!"

As the salute of a big man ended, Yuan Feng didn't know who was the protagonist and who was the supporting role. Obviously, after waiting so long, the person he wanted to wait for finally appeared.

"Is this the lord of Tianjizong? It doesn't seem to see anything unusual!"

Looking at the middle-aged man with a gold crown, Yuan Feng couldn't help but look at the other side because he already felt that the Supreme Master Sovereign could not be a fuel-saving lamp.

"I just don't know how strong I am. I hope I won't be too disappointed."

When he saw a real superpower, his first thought was to try with the other party, but unfortunately, for occasions like this, of course, it is impossible to allow such situations to happen.

"Let's take a look first, if possible, we must compare with him a few times."

There was really no way to do anything at this moment, he could only narrow his eyes, waiting for the arrangement of Ji Zong this day.

Of course, I did not continue to observe the Supreme Master of the Heavenly Sect, Zhao Wuji, and Yuan Feng's energy at this moment could not help but place more than twenty figures behind Zhao Wuji.

Each of these twenty or so people was a super-permanent super powerhouse. They were now lined up in two rows. Among them, the six elders who had received them before were even listed.

It seems that Tianjizong this time is really going to show publicity.

"It's worthy of being Heavenly Extreme. Even the strongest demigods, there are so many, amazing, amazing !!!"

There are more than twenty Great Perfectionists. Of course, such a number has to be surprised. The most important thing is that Tianjizong only brings out so many semi-goddom Great perfectionists. But in fact, How many Great Perfectionists are only known by Zhao Wuji.

"Thank you, everyone, for coming here at this time. Everyone who comes to the scene, please worship this prayer."

The Supreme Master of the Heavenly Sect, Zao Wou-ki, took a step forward, shouting softly to everyone present, and with his voice falling down, almost every person of all major forces was beating. Obviously I did not expect that I could still receive the courtesy of the Supreme Lord of Heaven.

For a while, the atmosphere on the entire platform became warmer, but this atmosphere was obviously different from the normal situation.

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