The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2288: Ocean of death

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In the boundless world, in the vast and boundless boundless world, a huge incomparable ocean world is like a huge mirror, quietly tiled under the void, and this huge incomparable ocean world can be said to be impersonal The largest restricted area in the world. Alas,

No one knows how long this huge ocean has existed in Wulei Realm. Perhaps, after the existence of Wuliang Realm, it has already existed in this huge sea, even before the human warrior of Wuliang Realm has not appeared. Pianwangyang may have already appeared.

In the boundless world, this vast and incomparable ocean world has a very scary name-the ocean of death! !!

The Dead Sea is commonly used to be called the Dead Sea. As the most terrifying ocean in the world of arrogance, it is said that there are countless treasures in this area, and there are even many super treasures left over from ancient times.

Because of this, in this terrifying sea, people often come to try their luck and try to find the treasure of heaven and earth and strengthen their cultivation.

However, it is a pity that any warrior who comes to the Dead Sea and tries to find the treasure will be buried in the Dead Sea, and even the bones will not be left in the end.

As for the reason, it lies in the gravity of the Dead Sea.

As a famous Jedi dangerous place without delusional boundaries, the gravity of the Dead Sea is completely different from the outside world. According to the outside world, the gravity of the Dead Sea is almost equal to hundreds of times, or even hundreds of times, the ordinary area of ​​the delirious boundaries. .

Hundreds of times the gravity, ordinary strong people ca n’t even fly at all, and even a strong man in a demigod may not be able to fly for a long time and will be sucked into the sea by the water of the Dead Sea.

Of course, if the gravity of hundreds of times is okay at the time, this is not the case.

It is said that in the Dead Sea, there are countless special deep-sea whirlpools. In the area where these deep-sea whirlpools are located, gravity will show irregular floating, but the floating range is abnormally horrible.

Some survivors said that in those areas where the deep sea vortex is located, gravity will suddenly increase hundreds or thousands of times. To put it bluntly, once you encounter such a deep sea vortex, it is basically a result of being sucked into the Dead Sea, and once you are sucked into the Dead Sea, Even a strong man with six or seven revolutions in the semi-god realm, or even seven or eight revolutions, is basically a dead end.

So far, no one who has been inhaled by the deep sea vortex can come back alive. The luckiest people basically escape from the horrible suction of the deep sea vortex, and those who can escape the deep sea vortex are almost Only people with a great demigod can do it.

Therefore, I do not know when the Dead Sea has basically become a forbidden area for all the people in the world. Although there are still many people longing for the ancient baby on the opposite side, after measuring their ability, they will obediently choose to stay away.

There is no way, compared to what is ancient, treasure is undoubtedly the most important. If you even lose your life in it, then even the best baby is in vain.

On this day, in a marginal area of ​​the Dead Sea, a large team of more than 20 people flew far from the sky, and soon reached the periphery of the Dead Sea, and with a group of people reaching the periphery of the Dead Sea The old man, headed by, suddenly raised his hand to signal the team to stop for a while.

"Stop it all !!!!!!"

The body was settled, and there was a dignified expression on Huo Yunting's face, the owner of Ziyun Palace. While talking, he slowly turned his head and looked at the large team behind him.

"Brush !!!!"

Those who followed him here were the worst. They were all seven-round demi-gods. Everyone ’s personal qualities were unspoken. When he heard what he said, everyone was standing for the first time and waiting. Huo Yunting's instructions.

It has been more than a month since the Ziyun Palace was promoted, and in this more than a month, each of the great consummates has tried their best to rush away with people below the demigod, and at this meeting Children, the four great disciples, plus the two major protection methods of the Ziyun Palace, are obviously a bit exhausting.

"Palace, it should be very close to our destination, right?"

When Huo Yunting ordered the entire team to stop, Yuan Feng on one side couldn't help raising an eyebrow, but smiled at Huo Yunting first.

As a human warrior who has been to the Tianlong tribe, he remembers the environment of the area where the dragon is located. Thinking of the situation of the Tianlong tribe, he was basically able to determine that in this huge area of ​​the sea, there are probably ten days where Tianjizong is located.

Others may not have noticed, but he has felt the horrible suction of this huge sea area long ago, and although he has not yet felt it on the surface of the sea, he believes that even with his strength, You can't ignore the suction below. Also, the seawater here is obviously very problematic. It is by no means comparable to ordinary seawater.

"Oh, it seems that nothing can be hidden from you, yes, this is the sea of ​​death where Tianjizong is located. It is indeed very close to our destination."

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Huo Yunting could not help but smile a little, and his eyes could not help flashing a trace of praise.

After getting along with each other during this time, he found that Yuan Feng was definitely a man with strong strength and delicate mind. In addition, Yuan Feng's body did not have the slightest exaggeration, even a little bit of the frame of the strong one. No, it can be said that this is definitely a true genius. It can be mixed no matter what era it is placed in.

"Everyone now listens well. For the next trip to the Dead Sea, you must keep up with my pace. Every step must be strictly in accordance with my course of action. If someone loses his life because he has not followed me closely, , Even this palace has no ability to save him. "

Huo Yunting didn't tell Yuan Feng too much, because at this moment, he was very worried about the safety of these people behind him.

The ocean of death, without the person who really penetrates into it, will never know the dangers in it. Speaking of which, he was almost a striker. If it was not discovered early by his companion, maybe he would have been killed by the ocean Devoured.

Therefore, at this moment, he must make everyone present nervous, and must not lose his life in vain because of a moment of negligence.

"Surely there is no danger? It seems that no danger has been encountered along the way!"

"Even Master Gong is powerless? Is it an exaggeration? In fact, is there any thing that the Great Perfection can't figure out?"

"Perhaps Lord Gong is alarmist, afraid that we will not do as he orders!"

"It's possible, but I feel that this ocean is really not normal. Everyone should be careful."

Regarding Huo Yunting's words, these young people who have just been promoted to the ultra-high realm, of course, feel from the heart that they are not quite convinced. In their hearts, what can the great perfectionist be unable to do? Even if they are in danger, they want to come to Huo Yunting to save them.

Of course, these ideas, they will never say, since Huo Yunting let them follow carefully, they just follow them obediently.

Wang Zhong and four other great disciples, nodded one after the other. Everyone heard Huo Yunting's words in his ears, and secretly wrote them down.

Although the four of them are a little worse than Yuan Feng, in the final analysis, they are all demigods, and their insights are much better than others.

They also felt the unusualness of this ocean of death, and of course they dare not underestimate it in order to survive.

On this way, the four great disciples have always been very obedient, and they have always been very peaceful. To say that the only one that is different from the others is Li Xiaobai of Sancai Temple.

For Li Xiaobai, this road can be described as very depressing, because from the beginning to the present, he and others have been flying behind Yuan Feng, but Yuan Feng has been following the palace master Huo Yunting, the two even flew side by side Sweeping, it looks like a relationship that sits on an equal footing.

Undoubtedly, Yuan Feng's treatment naturally filled his heart with a sense of imbalance, but he had no way to do this. Who asked Huo Yunting to look at Yuan Feng differently?

"Now that everyone understands, let's move on now!"

Nodded his head, Huo Yunting hesitated slightly, and then continued, "After a while, I will be at the forefront, Yuan Feng follows closely behind. Lost, understand? "

Although all the disciples have responded, he still reassuredly told the Tao.


Seeing Huo Yunting being so cautious, everyone didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly responded in unison. However, when responding, Li Xiaobai's face shook obviously, but he was very dissatisfied with the arrangement like Huo Yunting.

In his heart, Yuan Feng was the last one who was promoted to the semi-god state. Even if it is in order, it should not be ranked first. However, Huo Yunting placed Yuan Feng first. In this regard, he felt dissatisfied from the bottom of his heart.

Of course, for his careful thinking, Huo Yunting certainly did not have the energy to observe at the moment. Speaking of which, at this moment, even he is worried that he has gone the wrong way. If that is the case, his team would really be It's dangerous.

"Yuan Feng, follow me, follow them in turn, don't squeeze anyone."

He greeted Yuan Feng, and he suddenly moved into shape and flew directly towards the sea in front of him. I do n’t know when, in his hand, there was an extra head-sized spar. As he came to the top of the Dead Sea, the special lines on the spar suddenly flashed.

Obviously, he has to rely on the road in the Dead Sea. If it is only by feeling, I am afraid that he has already died.

"Follow !!!!"

He shouted to the back again, but Huo Yunting no longer hesitated. He slipped on his feet to speed up his speed, and behind him, Yuan Feng also followed without hesitation.

"Let's go too !!!"

Seeing Yuan Feng followed Huo Yunting's journey, the others did not hesitate anymore. They looked at each other in order to keep up. The first four were undoubtedly the four great disciples. No matter what, others But they are absolutely afraid to compete for position with them.

Among the four great disciples, Li Xiaobai responded the fastest, but he was the first to follow, and while he followed, in the eyes of his eyes, he could not help but flash a strange color, but others I didn't notice it.

After Li Xiaobai followed, Wang Zhong and Qiao Ke both gestured to Baihua Fairy. After Baihua Fairy smiled and set off, they gave each other a little humility and followed them in turn.

Everyone knows that the more you are in the front, the more accurately you can follow, and the more you are in the back, the more likely you are to deviate.

The others had no choice but to wait until the four successful disciples followed, and they followed up, and the two major guardians followed them obediently.

For the two major protection methods, there are too many things they have experienced. Even if it is life or death, they have already seen it very lightly.

In addition, their experience is very old-fashioned. If there is something wrong with the person in front, they will definitely respond immediately, and they will never be stupid enough to follow up directly into the ditch.

"Oh !!!!!!"

When the crowds swept above the sea, everyone felt a huge gravitational force coming from below. Suddenly, those disciples who had not reached the demi-god realm could not help but sank, one by one. They were almost sucked into the water of the Dead Sea.

"His, strong suction, this seawater is really weird !!!"

"Good guy, it's no wonder Master Gong asked me to wait and be careful. It doesn't seem to be a joke."

"You have to be serious. Maybe, the so-called Dead Sea really has the ability to treat me as dead !!!"

The disciples of Ziyun Palace felt the gravitational force from the seawater, but they all understood why Huo Yunting was so dignified. Such terrible seawater is a death by accident!

The reason Huo Yunting didn't elaborate on them before was to let them feel for themselves, but now, even if he doesn't say it, everyone will definitely be careful.

A group of 20 or so people flew forward as if walking on thin ice. Their route is very special. If someone observes from above, they will find that the route they are walking has basically no rules and no Know who exactly marked this route.

ps: After visiting the furniture city for a day, I thought that I could get the sofa and bed soon, but it took a whole day, but I finally got a second thought! The next one will be very late, we do not recommend everyone to wait!

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