The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2285: Second turn

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In the central palace of Qingwu Palace, in a quiet closet, at this moment, the horrible energy fluctuations are constantly impacting the entire closet, and with the constant rippling of energy, the space in the closet is in a constant fragmentation In the process of self-repair. ←,

In the center of this turbulent space, two identical figures, still sitting quietly facing each other, seem to be in a mysterious realm, and at this time appear in Qingwu Palace, and they are twins. The situation seems to be that in addition to Yuan Feng, it is impossible to have other people.

"Buzz !!!!!!"

The golden light envelops Yuan Feng's deity and avatar, and as the light continues to appear, Yuan Feng's deity and avatar seem to form two vortexes similar to black holes. All the energy around them is here. They were absorbed into the body by them, and it seemed that at this moment, they seemed to never be satisfied.

This process lasted almost half an hour. At a certain moment, the deity and the avatar were both trembling, and then the golden light around them was taken back by them as much as possible, and disappeared with the light. Both of them opened their eyes for the first time and looked at each other quietly.

The two eyes were opposite each other, and an indescribable smile appeared on their faces.

"Yu, finally succeeded. I didn't expect this ancient spirit to be so effective. This time, I owe it to the Lord."

Gently spit out a stale air, and at this moment, Yuan Feng felt unspeakable and comfortable all over and around him, and the feeling of being so powerful as he pleased made him extremely fascinated.

"Congratulations to the deity, successfully promoted to the second turn !!!"

"Hahaha, with happiness and joy, from now on, we don't need to look at anyone's face anymore, hahaha !!!"

There is no outsider in the back room, the deity and the avatar, but they are playing a game of talking to themselves, which shows how happy Yuan Feng is at this moment.

Of course, today's avatar has indeed grown into an independent individual, and there is some communication with the deity, but it is understandable.

Three ancient spiritual plants, combined with the devotion and devotion, have finally created the second transition of Yuanfeng Demigod Realm, and with the promotion of the second demigod realm, they have ushered in a brand new future. .

Before being promoted to the second half of the semi-god realm, Yuan Feng was very curious about his strength after being promoted, and naturally had some predictions. However, when he was really promoted, he had an intuitive understanding of his new power.

Although it is only an ascension, no one can imagine what has changed in his body.

The eight major bodies of the sky, each of them began to change inexplicably, and even in some of the sky, there are some evolution of lower life forms, the feeling, like his body, really wants to become another Like a cosmic world.

"What should I do next? Over Ziyun Palace, should I go there or do you go in person?"

The deity and the avatar communicate with each other in spirit, and can share everything with each other. The avatar is naturally clear about the deity's going to the Ziyun Palace.

I have to say that this time I will go to Ziyun Palace and Huo Yunting and others will be in harmony. It is dangerous if you go there in person. The risk will naturally be greater if the deity goes in person. Many concerns.

Of course, the avatar does not have as many means as the deity. In terms of combat effectiveness, it is at least a few levels worse than the deity.

"No, let me go by myself. I can feel that this time the problem is not small. You stay in Qingwu Palace and make sure the whole Qingwu Palace is safe and sound."

With a little thought, Yuan Feng still decided to go to the Ziyun Palace from his own deity, and then fought in the Heavenly Extreme Sect. As for the avatar, of course, he still took the light dance palace to ensure that the light dance palace was not under any threat.

Speaking of, today's avatars are not different except for those special means of Yuan Feng. There are avatars sitting in Qingwu Palace, and then the Jiuqu Yellow River array will be re-arranged. In this world, no one will be able to use Qingwu How about the palace.

"Okay, then I will stay at home, if there is any problem, I will arrange it separately."

Nodded, naturally, the split will not go against the will of the deity. Speaking of which, the cooperation between the two of them is now very smooth.

"Well, I'll leave it to you here. I'll see them first, and then I'll complete the transfer. As for this trip to Tianjizong, I will do what I can."

With a slight smile at the avatar, Yuan Feng's body slightly changed, and then disappeared directly. Today, his every move seems to drive the whole world, but when his body moves, there are no traces to follow.

"Congratulations !!!!"

Seeing that the deity disappeared, the avatar couldn't help but arched into the depths of the space. After the deity disappeared, he slowly closed his eyes and continued to stabilize his state.

When the deity is in Qingwu Palace, he will not appear together. When the deity leaves, he will take over the other party. At that time, there is no difference between the deity and the avatar.

Leaving aside the situation of avatars, he said that at this moment Yuan Feng's deity.

After bidding farewell to his avatar, Yuan Feng appeared directly in another secret room space of Qingwu Palace. When his figure was revealed, a soft whistle ignited the entire secret room. .

"Fu Jun !!!"

"Master !!!!"

"Yuan Feng ..."

A loud whistle sounded one after another, but Yun Mengchen and others who had been waiting for a long time, flew towards Yuan Feng for the first time and surrounded Yuan Feng in the middle.

"Hahaha, I'm back !!!!!!"

Seeing one by one, the confidante was surrounded by himself, everyone's face was full of excitement and joy, Yuan Feng couldn't help laughing, and even held Yun Mengchen unceremoniously. Kissed hard.

Cultivate for the second round of promotion. The joy must be shared with some of his confidantes. Unfortunately, his face is not so thick, otherwise, everyone must be brought over and kissed. .

"Yuan Feng, did you succeed?"

For the excessive actions of Yuan Feng at this moment, several women did not have any thoughts to blame, and even did not even pay attention to, because what they care about most at this moment is the result of Yuan Feng's cultivation.

I felt the horrible energy fluctuations shocked the entire Qingwu Palace before. Although there was no reason to be surprised, they could not let go of their hearts completely until they heard Yuan Feng's own confession.

"Hey, luckily, after all, it made me successfully promoted to the second turn."

Looking at the four women staring at each other excitedly, everyone's eyes were full of expectations, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile, telling the facts that made the four excited.

"Success? Really succeeded !!!"

After getting a positive answer from Yuan Feng, the four women all jumped up in excitement, and even the demon flame with a great demigod, at this moment they didn't care about the image, and even held Yuan Feng unceremoniously. A big big kiss from the other side.

As the flames moved, Mu Yun'er and Wan'er were no longer polite, talking one after another and embracing Yuan Feng, taking the opportunity to take advantage.

On weekdays, they all care about Yun Mengchen, so they dare not make such a move, but the situation is special now, and if such a good opportunity is not used, it is really a failure.

Of course, if you really want to say it, it is because the monster flames move first. If it weren't for the flames to be the pioneer, Mu Yuner and Waner would never have had such courage.

"Uh, this ..............."

Suddenly, the incense kiss delivered to the door made Yuan Feng stung suddenly, and her whole body was slightly stiff. Although there are many confidantes around him, he can enjoy the treatment like this now, for the first time.

Undoubtedly, as a normal man, I am afraid that no one would dislike this feeling, but the relationship between him and a few girls has always been a faint relationship, because of the existence of Yunmeng Chen, he Don't dare to come at all.

After enjoying it, his eyes couldn't help but glance at Yun Mengchen aside, but it was the smile on the other side when he saw him, and he didn't have any anger because of the "aggression" of the other women against him. Seeing this, he was slowly relieved.

In fact, Yun Mengchen's heart did not seem so casual on the surface. Yuan Feng was originally alone, but now there are so many people sharing it with her. Of course, there are a hundred unwillingness in her heart. .

However, up to now, whether it is Mu Yun'er and Wan'er, or the later Demon Flame, she has accepted them from the bottom of her heart. Even if there is a slight discomfort in her heart, she will choose to suppress this discomfort. In the bottom of my heart.

In fact, she has already felt the thoughts of Yuan Feng's parents. In the hearts of Yuan Qingyun and Jiang Qingwu, their son is definitely the best person in the world, and such an excellent Yuan Feng should deserve more redness. Confidant, it is to open up branches and leaves for the Yuan family.

Whether in the original initial world, later in the middle world, or the current world without bounds, the strong can have three wives and four widows, which are all normal things. Maybe she should really watch slowly Just drive some.

"Oh, okay, okay, don't bother, then let's talk about the business first !!!"

Yuan Feng can also feel the slight emotion of Yun Mengchen, so after everyone has expressed his heart to himself, he can't help but hurriedly stop a few people's next move, his expression is slightly solemn and authentic.

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, several women are no longer troubled, but are waiting for the arrangement from Qi Feng.

"Dream Chen, sister, you assembled all the people who have been promoted to the Demigod Realm in Qingwu Palace, but have not yet completed the robbery. Later, I will take you to the robbery collectively and wait for this robbery to be completed , I'm leaving soon. "

Glanced at the women, Yuan Feng had to start to make the final arrangements.

It's almost time, and it's also time for him to go to the Ziyun Palace and meet with Huo Yunting and others. As for Qingwu Palace, let's get it over to the avatar!

"Are you leaving again?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, the women's original good mood suddenly became somewhat depressed. They knew that Yuan Feng hurriedly promoted the cultivation of the people at Qingwu Palace. I am afraid there must be something to do. Now it seems that their guess is correct.

However, at this time, they were also used to Yuan Feng's departure. At least they knew that today's Yuan Feng is no longer the former Yuan Feng. Now he seems to really not need them to worry too much.

ps: Although it hasn't burst yet, there are basically no fewer than four more, begging for a few flowers to support! !! !!

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