The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2283: Arrangement of Ziyun Palace (four more)

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The whole Qingwu Palace is not very peaceful at this time, but all the strong men who are in the central palace can feel it. In the central palace of this time, I don't know how many super strong men were born!

After nearly a month of hard work, the core people in Qingwu Palace have basically entered the realm of demigods, and from now on, the weight of the entire Qingwu Palace in Wulei is absolutely inferior. For some established superpowers. ∑,

Ancient forces like the Ziyun Palace are now nothing more than dozens of demigods. Although their strength is slightly stronger, in terms of quantity, there is no way to compare with the Ziyun Palace.

In addition, Ziyun Palace has superpowers such as Yuanfeng and Xiaoba, which are also other strengths that cannot be compared with it. Today, Xiaoba is working overtime to produce Warcraft, and I do n’t know him at this moment. Exactly how much tyrannical Warcraft is produced.

In the next few days, Yuan Feng disappeared completely. Only a few people knew what he had done. Of course, everyone's heart was full of expectations and blessings about Yuan Feng's cultivation.

No matter how many demigods appear in Qingwu Palace, in the final analysis, there is only one Yuanfeng at the core. If Yuanfeng is not there, then just come to a few great conquerors, and Qingwu Palace will completely rest. Dishes.

No one knows where Yuan Feng went, but it is clear to everyone that Yuan Feng's retreat this time is probably a super event in the whole world of no delusion, because once Yuan Feng is promoted, then no delusion is the first The name of a strong person will have to fall into place.

Yuan Feng's practice is very secret. No one knows how difficult his practice is and how much pain he has to bear, but there is no doubt that his practice really affects the hearts of many people.

The changes in Qingwu Palace are still continuing, and at the same time, in Ziyun Palace, it has become lively again.

It has been almost a month since the young disciples from the Ziyun Palace were collectively promoted, and during this month, the young disciples who were newly promoted were all Huo Yunting, the owner of the Ziyun Palace, and two Da Hu Fa conducted training.

The four great newcomers were all trained by Huo Yunting himself, and after Huo Yunting's training, the four have made great improvements in both realm and means.

As for newcomers and disciples who are seven or eight turns in the demigod state, the two major guardians have also conducted the most thorough adjustments to ensure that everyone can match their own state.

This day is just over a month from the promotion of everyone, and tomorrow is the day when the month ends.

The bell of the Ziyun Palace rang, and all the strong men in the semi-godder came to the hall to gather.

The host Huo Yunting and the two major protections are sitting on the throne above the hall, and below them, they are led by the four demigods who are the perfect newcomers. All the demigods are in order according to their strength. In two rows.

Different from the past, this time, the old demigod powerhouses are now all behind, because now in the Ziyun Palace, the strongest among the old powerhouses, It's nothing more than seven turns in the demigod, but the worst of these rising stars are seven turns.

Wang Zhong and the other four demigods who were fully successful stood in the forefront, and the four of them were all imposing at the moment. Everyone seemed to be in good shape. It seems that during this month, Huo Yunting had treated them. Professor, should give them great promotion and change.

All the Demigods in Ziyun Palace have already arrived. However, those old powerfuls, such as the ten main hall masters, can only be in the back row, waiting for Huo Yunting's arrangement.

"Are they all there? People are all together, then the palace is planning the next trip."

Glanced at everyone, Huo Yunting nodded secretly, apparently very satisfied with the power of Ziyun Palace nowadays.

No one will talk at this time, everyone is somber, waiting for Huo Yunting's next arrangement.

In fact, as soon as Huo Yunting returned and a group of young disciples were promoted, everyone's minds were already speculating.

Everyone understands that Huo Yunting cannot return at this time for no reason, and this time he must have his own purpose.

In addition, Huo Yunting had said before that after a while, he would take a group of newcomers and disciples to a place. Now it seems that the time has come.

"The Ziyun Palace has been passed down from ancient times. I don't know how many years have passed. From ancient times to now, there are really too few forces that can pass on like my Ziyun Palace."

With his finger lightly hitting the handrail, Huo Yunting at this moment seemed to be speaking to everyone present, and he was talking to himself, but whether he was speaking to everyone or not, everyone present People are listening very carefully, and no one dares to interrupt each other at this time.

"Speaking of which, the Ziyun Palace can be passed down to this day. There are all kinds of factors in it, but more reasons are due to the bloodshed and sacrifice of countless ancestors of the Ziyun Palace. Therefore, when you enjoy the beauty of today, remember not to forget The contributions of the ancestors. "

Today's Huo Yunting is obviously a bit abnormal, but what is in his mind, no one can guess.

"Well, let's make a few complaints. You don't need to take it too seriously. Next, this palace will make arrangements for the next step of Ziyun Palace."

After expressing a few emotions, Huo Yunting did not care about everyone's confusion, and speaking, he slowly stood up and took a few steps towards the main hall.

"Wang Zhong, Li Xiaobai, Qiao Ke, Bai Hua, the four of you are the four most respected in this palace. Right now, there is one thing in this palace for you to do. Who among you is unwilling to participate?"

Of the more than twenty strong men, these four are the strongest and naturally the most important. However, before going to that place, he must understand the situation.

If the four were unwilling to follow him at all, then even if he took everyone there by force, in the end I'm afraid it might not help.

So, at this moment, he must seek the opinions of the four before making a decision.

"The prince of the palace, the disciple's cultivation is given by the prince, and the disciple will do whatever the disciple does. Therefore, the disciples are willing to obey the arrangement of the palace lord, and do whatever they want."

When Huo Yunting's words fell, Wang Zhong first stood up, showing his attitude and determination. Among the people present, he was definitely the most loyal. For everything Huo Yunting gave himself, he was willing to use all his power to return, at any cost.

He is not a fool, of course, knowing that Huo Yunting promoted his cultivation, there must be another purpose, but no matter what, he is willing to pay for the benefits he got.

"The master, the disciple is not talented, the qualifications and understanding are ordinary. If it is not the master, the disciple will not want to peek into the realm of the demigod, so the disciple is also willing to follow the work of the dog and the horse and follow the master. about."

The second one to open is the Hall of Five Elements, Qiao Ke. Like Wang Zhong, Qiao Ke is also a man with retribution. He can also see Huo Yunting's other plans, but at this time he can be regarded as a daring artist, and he is not worried about the danger.

For him, quickly return Huo Yunting's affection, then from now on, he can truly become a free body. At that time, if he didn't want to do what he could do?

"Although the disciple is a female stream, I have never felt worse than any man. If the disciples' modest power can help the master of the palace, then the disciples are also willing to follow the master of the palace."

The third one to speak was the only woman among the four, the fairy of all flowers. Compared with others, she is the most reason to say no. After all, even if she said no, everyone would never be too harsh on her.

However, although Baihua Fairy is a woman, she always has her own pride in her heart, which caused her to shrink her head because of her gender, and she really couldn't do it.

"Oh, as a member of the Ziyun Palace, naturally you have to obey the Lord Palace Master. Whatever the Lord Palace Lord has to command, the disciples will definitely do their best."

The last one to speak was Li Xiaobai. It was obvious that his heart was obviously worried. The reason for the last one was to look at the attitude of the three Wang Zhong. If one of the three said nothing, Then he will definitely say no to the other side.

Unfortunately, the three of them spoke one by one, but none of them could say nothing. In this way, even if he wanted to stay and enjoy the blessing, it was not possible.

It is conceivable that if he speaks a discordant voice by himself, then he will probably face six great perfectionists, and at that time he may be really dangerous.

"Okay, good, it seems that none of you have let down the palace, so good !!!"

After the Big Four had expressed their attitudes, Huo Yunting could not help but yell out loud.

What he wants is such an effect. He has worked hard to train four great disciples. It would be a pity if he did n’t use them well.

"The four of you are the mainstay of my Ziyun Palace. Since you are all willing to go to perform tasks at this palace, then this palace announced that early in the morning, the four of you will lead the team, and all the new demigod disciples will participate. The palace is going to take you to a place that you have never been to, so that you really feel what it means to be strong. "

The disciples of the Four Great Semi-Divine Realms agreed, and those who were below the Great Divine Reality did not need to solicit their opinions. You know, even if these people go, I am afraid they will be advanced cannon fodder. There is no need to give these people a choice.

"As for the old strong men, here are the guardians of the Ziyun Palace. Until the return of the owner of this palace, they must ensure that the Ziyun Palace is still there."

No one knows what will happen to this incident, and even Ziyun Palace can't guarantee it.

"Observe the order of the Lord of the Palace !!!"

When Huo Yunting's words dropped, this time, all the disciples bent down and answered uniformly, except that everyone at this moment was obviously worried.

This time, it is likely to be a road of no return, but no matter what the road is, they will have to take a walk.

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