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In the closet space, Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner have ended their cultivation. However, at this moment, they have not had any joy because they have been promoted to the state of three transitions in the demigod. Sitting there, with pale pale flames, their moods became even heavier.

From their current state, it is natural to see how bad the situation of the monster flame is, and it is precisely because of them that caused all this.

Undoubtedly, they are all grateful that the monster flame can help them improve in this way. If they can, they are even willing to transfer the energy lost by the monster flame back.

It is a pity that they do not have that strength or such means, so at this moment, they have no other way than to wait.

Of course, from today on, the position of the demon flames in their hearts will naturally be completely different. At least, they will never treat each other as an outsider.

Yuan Feng didn't have as many thoughts at the moment. The situation of the demon flames was indeed not very good, and the more so, the more glad he was that he arrived at the critical moment. If he were later, the situation of the demon flame would be extremely dangerous.

I lost some of my original power to the other party appropriately. Yuan Feng didn't dare to be too desperate at this moment. After all, in addition to the monster flame, he still has many people who need to be guarded. If your power is limited, you will lose more than you gain.

It took almost half an hour for Yuan Feng to retract his palm and stop slowly.

"Yu, it's okay, it's too dangerous !!!"

Withdrawing his palm, Yuan Feng could not help but exhale for a long time.

It's a little bit worse. If he comes a little later, then the realm of the demon flame will fall to the semi-god realm and eight turns, and this fall will have an unimaginable impact on the future, even if he can return to the half The state of great consummation can only be the most ordinary one.


When Yuan Feng stopped, Demon Flame's mouth couldn't help but utter a soft moaning sound, a pair of beautiful eyes, which opened slightly, and there was still a trace of fatigue in her eyes. .

"Sister Flame, how are you doing?"

When the demon flame woke up, Yun Mengchen stepped forward first, squatted down, and asked kindly.

Compared with the previous sister, this time, she is obviously more serious. Undoubtedly, at this moment, she really thought of the demon flame as her sister.

In this world, anything can be false, but if you really give it, you can feel it with your heart. The demon flame paid so much for them, they all looked at them, even if it was iron-hearted, they could not remain indifferent.

Mu Yuner also kept up with it for the first time, and also sat kneeling in front of the demon flame, his eyes were full of concern.

"Oh, the two sisters don't have to worry, I'm just a bit tired, but it's not a big deal." Seeing Yun Mengchen's two daughters came to their own, everyone was full of gratitude and concern, the face of the monster flame There was a smile all at once.

Obviously, everything she did was worth it. In order to allow the two women to accept herself, she did not know in what way she would win the favor of the two. To tell her the truth, she took such a big risk. Actually, I did a lot of thought.

If it ’s true, she does n’t need to let the two women admit herself. After all, as long as Yuan Feng admits her, Jiang Qingwu and Yuan Qingyun admit her, the attitude of Yun Mengchen ’s daughters is obviously not so important. .

However, one thing has always been clear in her mind, that is, if she and Yun Mengchen's daughters don't deal with the relationship, the most uncomfortable thing in this area will be Yuan Feng.

She can ignore anyone, but she can't ignore Yuan Feng's feelings. Who has allowed her to follow each other in her life?

"Well, it doesn't matter that much? Thanks to me in time, if we were one step behind, maybe what would happen!"

The demon flame's voice fell, but Yuan Feng couldn't help humming, his face was full of blame.

He was really a little angry this time. In his opinion, the practice of the demon flame was a very uncomfortable way. In this way, he was not in favor of the promotion of the two women anyway.

"Giggle, where is it as serious as you say, just rest for a few days."

Seeing Yuan Feng's blaming face, Yao Yan just smiled. She knew that the reason why Yuan Feng would blame her was because she was worried about her.

Don't look at Yuan Feng's face tense at this moment, but she can still see carefully, Yuan Feng's eyes are actually full of deep worries.

"Only once, not as an example. If you dare to be so reckless again, I will send you back to the beast **** world."

Yuan Feng is not so confused. He knows that he must teach the other party a little lesson. If it is just a consolation at this time, the other party may not have a long memory.

"I know, I know, I said nothing."

She pursed her lips, but the demon flame was really frightened by Yuan Feng. She knew that if Yuan Feng was really anxious, then she would really return to the animal **** world!

"Sister Yaoyan, why are you so desperate, as long as Sister Yuner and I can be promoted to demigod, sister Yaoyan has paid so much, both of us are really unhappy."

Yun Mengchen was still under blame at the moment. She actually understood how much that the demon flame did this. It was also to please her and Mu Yuner, but this price really made her unbearable.

Fortunately, Demon Flames is not a big deal. If the other party really has three strengths and two weaknesses, how should she face Yuan Feng in the future?

"Do n’t do this for the two sisters. I just want to do my little bit. I ’ve forgotten to congratulate the two sisters. From today on, both sisters are strong men with three deities. Then! "

Feeling the strong energy fluctuations of the two women's bodies, the demon flame is really a little proud. Speaking of it, two strong men who turned three and a half divine realms suddenly came out. This is definitely not what ordinary people can do. of.

Although the black fruit helps, the physical condition of Yunmeng Chen and Mu Yuner is not able to bear too much fruit energy, but her credit is greater in this.

"Okay, don't be polite to the three of you. Everyone is a family. There is no need to say two things."

Seeing the three women became happy at the moment, Yuan Feng's heart was also quite relieved. It seems that the devotion and adventure of the demon flame are not meaningless. First of all, this effort really helped the two women improve so much cultivation. Secondly, it is because of this incident that the relationship between the three women can be improved so much.

"Demon flame, your body is still weak. The next time, you will adjust your breath here. I will take both of them, as well as my father and mother, to go outside to spend their robbery. Then come back and help others hit the realm. "

In any case, Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner have made a breakthrough. Together with their parents, at this moment, the close relatives around him have all been promoted to the demigod, waiting to help a few people through the robbery. Then, he can really put down a big piece of mind and then do his thing with confidence.

"Are they both promoted to demigod?"

Yuan Feng's words fell, and Yun Mengchen and Mu Yun'er both looked happy, and hurriedly asked.

"Well, my father has been promoted to the semi-god realm for one turn, while my mother has been promoted to the second go for a second turn, which is pretty good."

Speaking of his parents, Yuan Feng's mood is obviously very good. As a son of man, his parents are doing well, which is the happiest thing.

"It's great, it's simply wonderful."

Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner obviously also felt joy from the heart. After all, Yuan Feng's parents, that is, their parents, now the two old people have become stronger, which is stronger than themselves. No different.

"When I help you through the robbery, I will help the father-in-law and the suzerain ascend them. I hope everyone can be promoted to the demigod. At that time, I can really become a super power without delusion. "

Their parents have been promoted to demigod, but the relatives of Yunmengchen and Muyuner are still stuck at the moment. No doubt for Yunmengchen and Muyuner, Ascension of relatives may be happier than now!

"Unhurried, Yuan Feng, how is your health? Would you like to take a break?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's remarks for his loved ones, Yun Mengchen and Mu Yun'er were slightly happy, but they soon covered it up and brought the topic to Yuan Feng himself.

Compared to other people, of course, Yuan Feng's problem is the most important. If Yuan Feng has a three strengths and two short strengths, no matter how others improve, it is a waste!

"I don't have any problems, just adjust the interest rate later."

Frowning, Yuan Feng also realized at this moment, it seems that at this moment, he is not in a good condition. He does need to adjust his breath slightly. When the state is the best, it is not too late to continue the action. .

"Mengchen, sister, you should also stabilize your practice for a while, and take you to the robbery for a while, the better the foundation, the more benefits you will get, so during this time, you are still fast Some of them should be stable and strive to gain more later. "

The most important people have been promoted to demigod. Yuan Feng is really very relaxed at this moment, and the next time, he is also time to relax and relax himself.

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