The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2275: Concern is chaotic (three)

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The cave at Chu Yanchen's retreat turned out to have a terrible mysterious array prohibition. This was something that Yuan Feng had never dreamed of, and the unknown mysterious array prohibition when it came out really made him difficult. Living. ↑,

Obviously, it is not feasible to come hard, and the next time, Yuan Feng tried to find the flaws in Xuan Zhen's prohibition, but after searching for a long time, he didn't find any chance to break the battle. It gave him the feeling. The prohibition of the body is like a holeless tortoise shell, leaving him nowhere to start.

Yunmeng Chen, Mu Yun'er, and Wan'er were totally unable to help. At this moment, they were all arranged by Yuan Feng and warned them not to approach the cave entrance anymore, even Chu Tianyu. , Had to obediently stand behind, waiting with the three men of Yunmeng.

"Hey, I can't think of it. How can it be like a retreat? I don't know what Chen Chen's girl is doing, it's just anxious to die!"

Chu Tianyu couldn't sit still at this moment. Seeing Yuan Feng and Demon Flames turning around the cave entrance, he was too late to enter the cave. He couldn't help but stomp his feet and wished he could step forward to help him.

It is a pity that for this little strength, I am afraid that he was banned by Xuanzhen for a moment, and then he would be destroyed. So even if he was anxious, he could only wait here obediently.

"Tianyu, don't be too anxious. Yuan Feng and Yao Yan are both super strong now. They will definitely think of a way to call Sister Chen Chen out of it."

Seeing Chu Tianyu walking around in front of himself and others, Yun Mengchen shook his head and comforted softly.

"That is, Brother Tianyu, the master is very good. He must be able to find a way, not to mention the help of the demon flame girl at the moment, so Brother Tianyu really doesn't need to worry."

Wan'er stood up at the moment, comforting Chu Tianyu. However, although she said so in her mouth, there was no confidence at all in her eyes. Obviously, she also understood that if Yuan Feng had a solution, I'm afraid that the Xuanzhen ban had already been broken and Chu Chenchen would be found out.

"Oh, I hope so!"

Chu Tianyu is not a fool. Yuan Feng has been around the cave for a long time, but it doesn't look like there is a way to break the restriction of the mysterious array, which makes him feel bottomless.

"By the way, who is that girl? It seems I have never seen it before !!!"

When he was anxious, he had the opportunity to ask the identity of Yao Yan. Speaking of Yuan Feng, all his thoughts were on the battlefield, but he forgot to introduce him to the origin of Yao Yan.

At this time quietly looked at the demon flames, I have to say that this is really a woman who makes people fascinated. However, when he came here, he could see at a glance that the relationship between the other party and Yuan Feng was not ordinary. At the moment, he asked questions mainly because he wanted to know the origin of the other party and whether the other party could help Yuan Feng to save his sister. .

"This is the demon flame girl, Yuan Feng's friend. As for the origin, this will explain to you in the future, but the demon flame girl is very strong and should not be weaker than Yuan Feng."

When I heard Chu Tianyu asking about the origin of the demon flame, Yun Mengchen did not mention the three words of the beast **** world. It does not mean that she did not believe in Chu Tianyu. However, Chu Tianyu at this moment is really not necessary. Know so much!

"Same as the strength of the Yuanfeng brothers? It seems that women should be an amazing role !!!"

Hearing Yun Mengchen's introduction, he couldn't help but feel a little more confident. After all, Yuan Feng's strength has always been invisible, and coupled with a woman equivalent to Yuan Feng's strength, it seems that the situation has not yet Bad to despair.

"Brother Yuan Feng, Demon Flame Girl, you have to work harder !!!"

He clenched his fist subconsciously. Apart from his mental support, he couldn't help anymore.

The three of Yunmeng and Muyuner would like to persuade a few more words, but when it comes to their lips, there is no way for the three to say. After all, even they have no confidence anymore. Many, I am afraid it is likely to be counterproductive.

Putting aside Chu Tianyu and the three women's thoughts, he said Yuan Feng and Yao Yan at this moment.

After arranging the four people of Chutianyu, the two of them have considered all the details, but until now, they still didn't find the slightest.

"Yuan Feng, who is that friend of yours? This Xuan Zhen's prohibition is really too scary, right?"

The monster flame was completely frightened by the Xuanzhen restraint in front of her, and she tried a lot of methods, but the restraint in front of her was just like all immunity, there was nothing strange at all.

At this moment, she was thinking about such a terrible prohibition, whether it was Chu Yanchen who arranged it himself, or whether the decorator had someone else.

"Yu, Chen Chen is a little genius. At the beginning, she showed a horrible speed of cultivation. Before I was promoted to the demigod, he had already entered the demigod realm."

Qingshu breathed a sigh of relief, Yuan Feng also felt a kind of mental struggle at this moment. Frankly speaking, even with his patience, he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Cultivating genius? Looks like there is no more genius in this world than you?"

Leaving aside, Yao Yan didn't think how genius Chu Chuchen was. After talking about Yuan Feng, her definition of genius in her mind was already different from before. In her thinking, everyone in this world, except Yuan Feng, was not worthy of the word genius.

"Oh, it's different. If she talks about the speed of cultivation alone, she is indeed faster than me." Seeing the expression of the monster flame, Yuan Feng could guess the other party's thoughts a bit, but he didn't say that through.

"Flame flames, it seems that the two of us are really trying to be tough. Except for breaking the battle with brute force, I'm afraid we have no other choice!"

Yuan Feng was not in a mood to discuss who is a genius. For him, how can he break the prohibition of the mysterious array in front of him, and how to rescue the early prince in it? This is the most important question. As for the others, he had no energy to consider at this moment.

"Breaking it with brute force?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Demon Flame's complexion could not help but calmly, but did not say the words of approval for the first time.

"Yuan Feng, in fact, we don't necessarily have to break the barrier of this mysterious array. Don't you think that for us, waiting is the best choice?"

She didn't have any concept about Chu Yanchen. To put it bluntly, she had to look at Chu Yanchen more than Yuan Feng and everyone else. Naturally, what she saw was not very good. Get up the same.


After listening to the words of the demon flame, Yuan Feng's eyebrows were also slightly raised, and there seemed to be a hint of thought in her heart, but she was still unable to grasp the clue.

"That's right, just wait." Nodded his head, Demon Flames hesitated slightly, and then continued, "Yuan Feng, in fact, we can start from the root of the problem, you think, who is the ban on this mysterious array? of?"

Demon flame's head is very clear, and what she has to do now is to help Yuan Feng straighten her mind, so that Yuan Feng also regains her sober thinking.

"Who arranged it?" Sure enough, after hearing the question from Demon Flame this time, Yuan Feng's eyebrows couldn't help but raise a little, and her heart became clearer and clearer.

"It seems that there are only two possibilities. One possibility is that Chen Chen arranged it by himself. If it is possible, we don't seem to need to break the line at all. The second one is naturally arranged by an outsider, but if it is an outsider, If it is arranged, then what is his purpose? If there is no intention, it seems that there is no need to arrange a mysterious array forbidden. Furthermore, I find that the entire Qingwu Palace has a super mysterious array to prevent it, and it seems that it is difficult for outsiders to enter Right here? "

Demon Flame didn't hesitate this time. In a few words, she told Yuan Feng the thoughts she had straightened out. After her story was finished, Yuan Feng's eyes couldn't help but lighten slightly. Obviously, at the moment, he also understood a bit.

"Ha, this is really a matter of concern but chaos. I seem to understand it a little bit by you!"

The words of the demon flame suddenly opened his heart.

As Yao Yan said, if you want to break the prohibition, the first thing you need to think about is who is in the hands of this mysterious array. If it was really Chu Yichen's own thing, it looks like he really doesn't have to work hard to break the battle.

And if it is said that the ban on the mysterious array was arranged by others, this speculation does not seem to hold true. You know, no one can do this kind of thing in Qingwu Palace, and it ’s not very realistic to say that what an outsider did after the invasion.

After all, the whole Qingwu Palace has a large array of guards, and it has a double to sit in the dark. If this can let outsiders mix in, then he really doesn't need to mix.

Thinking about it, as if he was worried now, it was really unnecessary.

"Well, fortunately, this time I brought you back, otherwise, it may really be a big mistake !!!"

After the situation was sorted out, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile at the demon flame, but was full of gladness that he returned with the demon flame.

It is conceivable that if there was no reminder from the demon flame, then he might have broken his sword with his hands and swords, and in that case, God would know what kind of evil results.

"Giggle, I've helped you so much. What would you like to thank me for? Wouldn't it be just talking?"

Seeing Yuan Feng smile again, Demon Flame also followed a lot of fun, but could not help but joke.

"Thank you? Keke, wait until I think about it!" Scratching and scratching his head, Yuan Feng glanced at the Xuan Zhen restraint in front of him, and then looked at Chu Tianyu and others waiting in the distance, and continued, "Okay. Let ’s talk to Brother Tianyu first. It seems that in the next time, we will all have a division of labor. ”

He came back this time, but there are a lot of things to do. Since Chu Yichen has already achieved results, it is time to hurry up and do his own thing!

Having said that, if he can cultivate himself further, it may not be possible to open up the mysterious ban.


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