The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2268: Real trouble (four more)

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The dazzling scales shone with a light that people dare not look at directly. Although it was only a small piece, it filled the entire secret palace palace with an indescribable strange atmosphere. ,

Yuan Feng gently pinched the scales like this, and on the opposite side of him, the owner of the Ziyun Palace who could still talk about it at this moment was like seeing the most incredible thing, staring stupidly. With the things in Yuan Feng's hand, he couldn't even return to God for a while.

"This, this is ............ the inverse scale of Lord Dragon King? How is this possible?"

Huo Yunting really couldn't believe what he saw. He really was no stranger to the scales in Yuan Feng's hands, because the original one was able to survive because the owner of the scales rescued him. the result of.

At this moment, he saw such a scale in the hands of a young human being. No one can imagine his mood at this moment.

"Master Dragon King's inverse scales can only be lifted by Lord Dragon King himself, and only Lord Dragon King himself can give them back to others. Is this little guy a friend of Lord Dragon King?"

The inverse scales of the Tianlong tribe can only be removed by the Tianlong tribe itself. Even if outsiders kill them, they do not want to expose the inverse scales of the other side. This is known by masters throughout the world.

Yuan Feng was holding the Dragon King's inverse scale at this moment, so it is obvious that there is absolutely an unimaginable connection between Yuan Feng and Dragon King.

At the moment, both of the two guardians stood up and seemed to be aware of some problems, but they did not have a deep impression on the Dragon Emperor, so they did not know that the inverse scales in the hands of Yuan Feng were the things of the Dragon Emperor of the Dragon Dragon family. .

"Hehe, Lord Gongzhu, I went to the beast **** world wrongly and erratically before, and there, I just met the owner of this scale, and did not hide the Gongzhu. This time, the owner of this scale sent me back Yes, I don't know if the owner of the scale can tell us some useful information in the face of the scale owner? "

Taking out the scales of Dragon Emperor, he was also well thought out. Speaking of which, he didn't want to let other people know about the things he had been to the beast **** world, but now the situation is special, and he can only do so.

The Dragon Emperor said that it had saved the life of the owner of the Ziyun Palace, and in this regard, Huo Yunting, the owner of the Ziyun Palace, could not forget. In this case, even if Huo Yunting did not give him face, at least he had to give it to the Lord. Right?

"Yu, for a long time, you turned out to be a friend of Lord Dragon King. With such a layer of relationship, why didn't you say it earlier?"

When Yuan Feng's words fell, Huo Yunting could not help but let out a long breath, and shook his head with a smile.

Obviously, things were complicated by them. If Yuan Feng took out the Dragon King's inverse scale at the beginning, everything would be much simpler.

Dragon King's inverse scale, of course, it is impossible to give it to others casually, and Yuan Feng's hand actually holds the Dragon King's inverse scale. Maybe Yuan Feng himself does not know what this means, but in fact, such a scale In the hands of Yuan Feng, this is equivalent to an extra amulet and a pass!

Such things as inverse scales will only give them the most trusted and valued people. Since Dragon Emperor has given inverse scales to Yuan Feng, that is to say, he feels assured of Yuan Feng and absolutely values ​​and trusts . And who even the Dragon Emperor values ​​very much, what can he hide from each other?

"Ahem, when Lord Dragon Emperor gave me the inverse scale, he only told me that if he wanted to go to the beast **** world, he could use this inverse scale to communicate. Frankly, taking out this scale was nothing more than luck. "

He certainly wasn't sure how good Dragon King's inverse scale would be before, but now it seems that his choice should be right.

"The Lord Dragon Emperor has a life-saving grace for me, and it is the mainstay of the entire beast **** world. You have his token in your body, and of course you can fully trust it."

After he waved his hand, Huo Yunting's eyes looked at the scales for another moment. After the scales were determined to be true or false, he smiled with a smile.

"So, do I now have the right to know everything?"

Upon hearing Huo Yunting's answer, Yuan Feng couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, and there was a feeling beyond words. It seems that the relationship is really important. If he had known this, he would have taken out the Dragon King's inverse scale earlier.

"The Lord Dragon Emperor gave you the inverse scale, that is to tell all people who have no delusion, you are the person he fancy, and the reason why you didn't tell you the situation, you should not want to go over time, after all, You are still a human without arrogance, not a World of Warcraft. "

With an eyebrow raised, Huo Yunting's mind has straightened out some ideas. Obviously, Yuan Feng is the person that Long Huang fancy, and the reason why he didn't tell everything to Yuan Feng is that it is necessary to make no mistake. People in the world spoke to Yuan Feng, so that it was more reasonable and reasonable.

As he said, if Yuan Feng had been known to be Long Huang's favor, then everything would have happened before.

"Yuan Feng, what do you want to know? Now ask them one by one. As long as the situation in the palace is known, I will try to answer for you. As for what choices you have to make after you understand, it's all up to you Your own. "

At this moment, he no longer has any worries about Yuan Feng, and aside from Yuan Feng's own respect for him, the decision of Dragon King alone is enough to dispel all his concerns.

Either Wulei Realm or Beast God Realm, if Dragon Emperor stands up to recognize the second, then absolutely no one dare to recognize the first, this is the status of the Dragon Emperor, even if it reaches the Wulei Realm, it is equally difficult to shake.

"Well, now I must first know, what is the purpose of Lord Gong's return here? Brother Wang Zhong, where are you going to be taken?"

Finally, he could ask questions at will, and Yuan Feng was really excited about it. Leaning on my parents at home and going out on friends, it seems that this friend of Dragon Emperor, he really made the right relationship.

"After returning here, I have followed the tenets of Tianjizong, and came back to pick out talented disciples for temporary promotion. As for where I want to take them, it is naturally where Tianjizong is."

These situations have been regarded as secrets in the past, but since Yuan Feng took out the inverse scale of the Dragon Emperor, these situations have become very common.

"Tian Ji Zong? Are you taking them to Tian Ji Zong?"

He is also familiar with this name. Before the Dragon Dragon, the Dragon Emperor had asked him to let him take a look when he had time. Now it seems that these reminders are still very important. necessary.

"That's right, it's Tianjizong." Nodded, Huo Yunting couldn't help but glance at Yuan Feng, and then hesitated, "I don't know what Lord Dragon Emperor said to you, I will start with you from scratch Speaking of it! "

After organizing his own language, Huo Yunting continued, "After the original shocking battle, although it seemed that we had won, in fact, we were nothing more than a preliminary victory. In that year, the major players shot together and rushed The invaders have gone, but today, the channel when the invaders are driven away is uncontrollable, and it will not take long for some variables to occur. I am returning here to create some superpowers sooner, also So I will wait with me to find a way to seal the original seal channel. "

How much Yuan Feng knew about the secrets of ancient times, he is obviously not very clear, so he can only tell his situation more specifically to Yuan Feng, as far as the other party can understand, how much It depends on the other person.

"Well? The intruder? The transmission channel?"

When the words of the Dragon Emperor fell, Yuan Feng was shocked, and at this time he finally realized some problems.

Ancient wars, invaders, passages, these words are obviously too unusual. At least, at this moment, he can no longer smile brightly.

"Recently, the teleportation mysterious array has been loosened several times, because there are other strong men guarding there, but it did not let the creatures inside to drill out, but this situation can never last for long, so I need some great consummation The strong, there are people who have been trained for seven or eight turns to help me. "

Huo Yunting didn't hide anything, and even told Wang Zhong and others to show their vitality, because for him, these were really not very important.

Wang Zhong and others were used to seal the passage. Nowadays, the number of superpowers is too small and too few. If you choose some young people to help them, then wait for the whole I am afraid that it may not be a good result.

"Appeal, are foreign invaders? It ’s been a long time. This is the real thing. No wonder Lord Dragon Emperor let me go to Tianjizong myself. It seems that the next me, I am afraid that I will be involved in new tasks. Come on !!! "

At this moment, he is clearly aware of the seriousness of the problem. Obviously, things will never be as simple as Huo Yunting said in a few words, and the so-called channel, he has not been able to say too much before he has never seen it. .

"Master Gongzhu, please also tell the disciples about the situation in one to fifteen to ten, if there is nothing unexpected, this time, I am afraid that the disciples will have to go with Master Gongzhu too."

Now that things are up to date, he certainly cannot keep himself out of the matter. At least he knows that Wang Zhong and others at this moment may have been involved without knowing it.

Yu public and private, he obviously had to go to Ji Zong that day!

As for how to solve the problem of Wang Zhong and others, this seems to have been ranked second. After all, in the face of the whole world's security, Wang Zhong and others' personal security is much lighter.

ps: Four more is complete, it is a good start, continue tomorrow! !! !!

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