The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2264: Who is afraid of who

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Qiao Ke's promotion was a complete success. This is not too surprising for everyone present. Speaking of which, Qiao Ke's qualifications are the most comprehensive. The reason for the late promotion is mostly because of his age. The big reason, if not because of his older age, I am afraid that he will be promoted before the other three.

For the younger generation of Ziyun Palace, there are four more great conquerors suddenly. This is a big event for the entire Ziyun Palace. However, there are a lot of Ziyun Palace powerfuls at this moment. They are all looking forward to more changes, but no one has the energy to study them.

Qiao Ke stood obediently behind Huo Yunting and greeted the three men who had been promoted for the first time. In this, Wang Zhong had the best relationship with him. Therefore, in the end, he chose to stay with Wang Zhong. Stand beside and wait with the others.

At this moment, in fact, everyone also understands that the four great consummates are probably the limit. Among the young disciples in Ziyun Palace, it seems that it is really difficult to promote a new great consummate.

"Well, Brother Qiao Ke even realized the great consummation, it seems that this time the Ziyun Palace is about to restore its former glory !!!"

Yuan Feng stood at the end of the crowd and did not meet Qiao Ke, but he was surprised beyond the surprise that there were three more demigods in Ziyun Palace.

I learned from the Dragon Emperor that the Ziyun Palace was very powerful at first, and it was very powerful. Perhaps, ten of the eight Great Conquerors should not be a problem. At present, it seems that there is already a palace master Huo Yunting. Seven great conquerors have been.

Of course, in this, he did not count himself in, you know, after joining the Ziyun Palace, his master betrayed him first, and now the palace owner of the Ziyun Palace is not very serious about himself In view of this, it is really difficult for him to regard himself as a person in the Ziyun Palace and truly integrate into this great force.

"Maybe, it's time for me to leave Ziyun Palace and go back to my Qingwu Palace."

Up to now, Ziyun Palace is not attractive to him at all. The only Chinese prince who was a little useful before, I don't know where to escape at the moment. As for other things, he didn't want to think too much.

However, since he has already returned, of course, he cannot leave without saying a word. After all the disciples have completed the promotion, he still tells Wang Zhong and Baihua Xianzi that it is not too late to leave. In addition, his relationship with Qiao Ke is not bad. After this, it is not possible to talk to this.

With the plan in mind, he simply followed the others and continued to watch and wait.

Although the hearts of Huo Yunting and others are full of expectations, it is a pity that in the next time, no new great conquerors appeared. It seems that this group of disciples in Ziyun Palace can only be like this Already.

"Ah, it's almost there, it seems that it will be difficult to have a new Great Satisfaction person appear. Since that's the case, let's do it for now !!!"

After waiting for no fruit, Huo Yunting, the owner of Ziyun Palace, stood out first and sighed quietly. He can feel that at this moment, the disciples in the Bagua Temple have all completed their last practice. What should be done, basically, it can only be the case. If there is more change, it is really impossible.

"All the disciples inside, come out!"

Now that he has completed the cultivation, it is useless to stay in it, no matter what. He is really very satisfied with the results now.

The rest of the Ziyun Palace powerhouses can't help but feel sorry for them at this moment. They know that at this moment, they want to see their disciples promote to the semi-semitic state, which is completely unrealistic. Of course, although Dachen is no longer hopeful, what kind of height their disciples can reach, they have some expectations in their hearts.

"Well !!!"

When Huo Yunting's words fell, and the time spent talking, all the lights were on. Soon, a whole dozen of strong men flew out from the depths of the Bagua Hall and stood neatly. Before everyone's eyes.

"See Lord Gongzhu ..."

The sounds of petitions from beginning to end have basically stopped, but Huo Yunting just nodded slightly to the petitions of young disciples, and his eyes were filled with satisfaction.

The situation is indeed pretty good. Twenty disciples, except for the four great perfectionists, basically have the remaining seven or eight turns in the semi-god state, not even the six turns in the semi-god state. The cultivation of the realm is indeed available.

A lot of strong men in the Ziyun Palace have all met their disciples at the moment, and a group of young people at this moment have all surpassed them. In this regard, in their hearts, they can really use mixed feelings. To describe it.

This is also a helpless thing. Even if they are envious, they will not be envious. Who will let Huo Yunting take the baby back, and it can only be used by people who have not been promoted to the demi-god realm?

"Very well, you are all very well, and none of you have taken the pains of Fei Palace, especially the four of you, and we are really satisfied."

Eyes glanced at the group of people in front of him, especially at the four newly completed great strongmen. Huo Yunting nodded frequently and gave affirmation to everyone.

"Thank you, Lord Gong, for your success !!!"

"Thank you, Lord Gong, for your success !!!!!!"

I do n’t know who shouted it first. Then all the disciples shouted and drank uniformly. For them, Huo Yunting just gave them a new life, and such a great grace is certainly worthy of their respect. Thank you respectfully.

"Hahaha, okay, I'm waiting."

Huo Yunting couldn't help but smile when he heard everyone thank him in unison, the whole person was indescribably excited. What he wants is this effect. If it is just to promote everyone's cultivation, but it does not make everyone appreciate it, then his effort this time will really be in vain.

"Well, all of you have said hello to your master, and then go back to practice for a while. In a few days, I will personally guide you and others to practice, and then take you to do a great thing."

The situation is also clear. In general, the return this time, the harvest is really beyond his expectations, but compared to what he is going to do, these so-called strong men are probably far away. Not enough.

These people ’s cultivation has not been broken for a long time. Naturally, it takes some time to stabilize, and when it is stable, it is even more necessary for him to take the shot and hone their fighting methods. After all, the cultivation of these people Suddenly from the Promise Realm to the Seven-eighth Turn of the Semi-God Realm, and even the semi-god Realm was completed, this transition is really too big.

After Huo Yunting spoke, a group of young disciples all greeted their master with enthusiasm. Although their cultivation has exceeded their respective masters, in the final analysis, they are deep in their hearts. They are still in awe of their masters.

You know, people like Li Xiaobai are actually very few.

The four great consummates had already greeted their respective masters before, so they did not continue to find their own masters at this time. Almost immediately after Huo Yunting's words fell, Wang Zhong and Baihua Fairy, among the four, walked toward the back of the crowd first, where a young man had not moved, as if waiting for them.

"Let my brother wait for a long time, walk around, it ’s rare to be in such a good mood today, brothers, we must have a good meal. By the way, can you see the master? Why is everyone else there, only missing Lord Master? "

Wang Zhong's laughter was very hearty. It can be confirmed that he really did not have any change of attitude towards Yuan Feng because of his strength. At this time, naturally, he can see what is true and what is false. Already.

"Haha, brother is destined. How dare you disobey as a brother? As for the master, I am afraid that his old man has left in advance. It is better that Sister Baihua also came along. It ’s not easy for you and me to drink. Is it okay? "

He didn't want to talk to Wang Zhong about the matter of Hua Yan at the moment. Speaking of it, it would be better if no one noticed the disappearance of Hua Yan. In that case, Liuhedian could still save some faces.

"Is Master Yuan Feng inviting me? Why doesn't it sound sincere?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, the fairy Bai Hua couldn't help laughing, and looked at Yuan Feng Road with a grimace. In fact, even if Yuan Feng didn't invite her, she would like to stay with Yuan Feng for a while now, and since Yuan Feng still opened her mouth, she would certainly not refuse.

"Cough, sister, don't pick up on the younger brother's fault. If I don't have sincerity, I won't open this mouth." With a light cough, Yuan Feng naturally resolved her embarrassment, meanwhile, she was sincere.

"Giggle, this answer is almost the same." Yuan Feng's voice dropped, and the fairy Baihua couldn't help laughing and laughing, and then she continued. "Well, now, since the teacher invited me so sincerely, I'll just make it difficult and give you a face. "

"Hahaha, thank you sister for your face !!!"

Yuan Feng couldn't help laughing at this moment. Of course, he knew that the fairy of all flowers would definitely come. After all, the other party was not the kind of person who crossed the river and demolished the bridge, and he couldn't do anything that was not particular about it.

With the swallowing Wuling in his body, he really hasn't had too much experience seeing people. The fairy of the hundred flowers is definitely a worthy association.

"Well, Brother Yuan Feng, I haven't seen you for a long time. Why? Are you taking Brother Wang Zhong and Master Baihua to have a good drink? I wonder if you can count me as one?"

When Yuan Feng and the two were chatting with Tianer, a laughter came. Then, the disciple of the Five Elements Hall, Qiao Ke, also said goodbye to the Lord of the Five Elements Hall, and came to the three of Yuan Feng.

For Qiao Ke, he had a good impression on Yuan Feng, and he was convinced that it would never be the wrong person to associate with Yuan Feng.

"I've seen Brother Qiao Ke, huh, I can't think Brother Qiao Ke is so humiliating, it seems that I can really be lively today !!!"

Seeing Qiao Ke came over to say hello to himself, Yuan Feng could not help returning a gift for the first time, his attitude was still very good.

"Hahaha, brother Qiao Ke, let's go. Let's celebrate today with all four of us drunk!"

Seeing Qiao Ke's arrival, Wang Zhong also stood up and laughed. It seems that everyone is very welcome to Qiao Ke's arrival.

Qiao Ke never cares so much. All he knows is that Yuan Feng can take care of the two superpowers every day, so obviously it won't be ordinary people.

"Okay, let's say so. I can't wait until I walk around ..."

Qiao Ke really looks forward to this gathering. It seems that this time, he can have a good relationship with the other two strong players!

"Om !!!!!! Brush !!!"

However, just after the four had completed their gathering and the speech could be completed, a light flashed, and then Huo Yunting's figure slowly appeared.

"Do n’t you four come forward, let this palace say it first."

The light turned on, and Huo Yunting, the owner of the Ziyun Palace, finally stepped forward, appeared in front of the four of Yuan Feng, and directly interrupted the conversation between the four.

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