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Li Xiaobai never dreamed that Yuan Feng, a small character, had paid two demigods at the same time. It was really too difficult for him to find Yuan Feng's trouble.

Fortunately, everyone else said that Yuan Feng could be favored, and there is also a great **** named Baihua Fairy. He has long coveted the fairy of the hundred flowers. He originally thought that he had been promoted to perfection, and he could show his thoughts to the other party, but now there is such a thing, and his mood is naturally conceivable. Know.

As for the exchanges between the three great and semi-semitic Great Perfection strongmen, the Ziyun Palace strongmen present were basically obedient to one side, and no one came forward at this time to say anything!

There is no way. In the past, Wang Zhong, Li Xiaobai, and others were juniors who could not stand on the stage. Today, these have been promoted to great consummation. Although their grades are still a little behind them, their strength is unsuccessful. After taking them several streets, they really only had to watch from the side.

"Oh, don't the three of you argue over little things, come all over, let's wait for a while and see if anyone will be promoted to great consummation."

The dialogue between the three new rising powers is nothing more than a conversation. The sight of the three seems to stop, and Huo Yunting, the owner of Ziyun Palace, finally planned to argue with the three. Signaled the three to come to their side.

Regarding the little contradiction between the three Li Xiaobai, Huo Yunting didn't take his heart. You should know that although the three little guys are not short in cultivation time, they still lack some information in the final analysis, and suddenly entered the great consummation. In the realm, there are no exaggerations to say that there are some radical reactions.

To put it bluntly, this is called youngsters, and who can't show it?

However, a few simple arguments are indifferent, but once a big conflict really occurs, it is really not very good. Therefore, he allowed the three to simply stumble, but never allowed the three to stay entangled.

Having said that, the reason for the quarrel between these three people was that it was only because of a person who turned around in a demigod state. In his heart, only the Great Perfectionist is the true backbone, and small characters like Yuan Feng, to put it plainly, are not a big deal even if they die.

Although the three new rising powers are already very powerful, they dare not listen to Huo Yunting's orders. Between the eyes, they are approaching each other obediently.

Li Xiaobai was at the forefront, while Yuan Feng, Wang Zhong, and the Baihua Fairy were behind. At this moment, they were obviously afraid to do anything against Huo Yunting's will.

It can be seen that Li Xiaobai's mood is definitely not good at this moment, but relying on his own strength, there is no way to compete with the two strong ones. Some grievances can only break his teeth and swallow them. .

"Brother Yuan Feng, come with me. I'll ask Master Gong and ask him to give you a god. I believe that with Master Yuan Feng's qualifications, you can be promoted to great consummation."

Wang Zhong didn't manage Li Xiaobai. At this moment, he was pulling Yuan Feng, and in a few steps he surpassed Li Xiaobai. Soon, he came to Huo Yunting, the owner of Ziyun Palace, but he didn't even have the chance to resist. To Yuan Feng.

The Baihua Fairy joined the two unconditionally at this moment and became Yuanfeng's grass protector. Even her eyes glanced at Li Xiaobai from time to time, her eyes were full of vigilance and warning.

The rest of the people basically paid attention to the door of the Bagua Temple at this moment, because everyone hopes that the next step will be their own disciples, and they will take the demigod to perfection. Come out, no doubt, it will be a matter of humility.

"Master Gong, the disciples bravely, begging Master Gong Yuan to also give Master Yuan Feng a **** of panacea. I believe that with Master Yuan Feng's qualifications, he can easily be promoted to the full state of demigod."

Wang Zhong was absolutely resolute at the moment. Speaking, he was pulling Yuan Feng to Huo Yunting and the two guardians, and he saluted Huo Yunting very respectfully.

He firmly believes that Yuan Feng's qualifications must be better than himself, and even he has been promoted to great consummation, so it will not be difficult for Yuan Feng to advance to great consummation.

Frankly speaking, until this moment, he still had the feeling of being in a dream. You must know that from the Promise Really, he reached the semi-divine perfection, which was an unprecedented situation.

In the final analysis, the baby **** Dan brought back by Huo Yunting is too powerful, as to whether there are any sequelae, it seems that there is really no big deal.

"Brother Wang Zhong, have you forgotten that Lord Gong has already said that the **** of the elderly has been given to us, and each of us has only one chance to advance, do you think that the palace Does Lord Lord lie to us? "

Just when Wang Zhong's words had just fallen, Li Xiaobai almost followed, and before Huo Yunting started to speak, he smiled first and went straight to the end.

Speaking of which, when Huo Yunting arranged for them to practice, he did say to them that the magic on his body gave a group of young people, everyone must have the rare and rare opportunity, and at this time, Li Xiaobai jumped out Repeating what Huo Yunting has said is undoubtedly telling Huo Yunting that if he comes up with another goddamn, it is nonsense.

"Li Xiaobai, what trouble do you follow? Is there a panacea in Lord Gongzhu? Is it impossible to report to you?"

Hearing that Li Xiaobai suddenly stepped out and interrupted himself, Wang Zhong couldn't help but look dark, he couldn't wait to fight with the other party. You know, even if Huo Yunting really has Shendan on his body, I am afraid that Take it out.

"Oh, how can I call trouble? Didn't you see that the master of the palace and your seniors are waiting for others to appear? At this time, don't give everyone trouble."

Of course, Li Xiaobai doesn't want Yuanfeng to get Shendan, after all, if Yuanfeng also gets Shendan, then there is a real chance that he will be promoted to great consummation, and at that time, he will probably be compared by the other party Go on.

"Li Xiaobai, do you, sincerely, have trouble with Brother Yuanfeng?"

The fairy Baihua also stood up at this moment, expressing her indignation at what Li Xiaobai did, but she also understood that Li Xiaobai had spoken to this person. Yuan Feng wanted to get a **** of panacea, I am afraid it is really difficult. .

"Where is the Master Baihua? I just tell the truth. Hey, let's just say it. Is it okay if I don't say it?"

Li Xiaobai shook his head and sighed about Wang Zhong and Baihua Fairy's complaints against him, as if he was really thinking about everyone.


Seeing Li Xiaobai's reaction, Baihua Fairy was so angry that she couldn't help the other side.

"Okay, do you three still want to keep arguing? Stop them all!"

Huo Yunting's brow frowned slightly at this moment. The whole person seemed to be a little unhappy. Obviously, he was not very satisfied with the three newly successful people who did not listen to his instructions.

"Wang Zhong, this palace does not have Shendan anymore, so you don't have to ask for me anymore, no wonder that your master is a little late, but no one else."

Glanced at Wang Zhong and Yuan Feng's body, Huo Yunting at this moment is obviously also dissatisfied with Wang Zhong's attitude.

In his heart, he will always be the owner of the Ziyun Palace. He will do whatever he wants, and he will do whatever he wants, but he will never allow others to instruct him how to do it.

Wang Zhong's attitude is obviously somewhat unsatisfactory. Even, even if there is a real existence of God's Pill on his body, he will consider whether to give it to the other party.

"Master Gongzhu ..."

"Well, I've already made myself clear, haven't you understood it?"

Wang Zhong had yet to say more, but was directly interrupted by Huo Yunting, to see his posture, if the other party said again, I am afraid he would really be angry.

"Oh, okay, Brother Wang Zhong, now that Lord Gong's body does not have God, Brother Wang Zhong should not be too stubborn. Maybe, it's all my brother's life!"

Yuan Feng had to stand up to speak at this time. He could already see that Wang Zhong really wanted to help him, but although the other party was indeed kind, it can be said that the other party confronted Huo Yunting so much. Even if the latter really has a baby who made him advance, I am afraid it may not be taken out.

Of course, in this, Li Xiaobai is definitely one of the "contributors". If no other party interjects, the result may not be what it is now.

Having said that, he didn't need any miraculous at all. He had felt that although Wang Zhongsan had indeed been promoted to the Demi-God successfully, but such a promotion, 10,000 percent was problematic.

Don't look at the three people at this moment are all living and living, but no one knows what will happen in the future. Maybe, he really has to think about how he can help the two and make some sense of their promotion.

"Hey, Brother, Brother can't help you."

Wang Zhong's face was filled with annoyance and shame at the moment. He really wanted to help Yuan Feng, but now it seems that he really can't help.

"Where's your brother, you have helped me a lot." He waved his hands, and Yuan Feng didn't feel sad because he had lost the chance to be promoted to great consummation. It seemed that he was not interested in great consummation.

"Well, Yuan Feng, right? Your cultivation is too low. Don't stand so forward. Any cultivation here is better than you. You still stand to the end!"

Seeing that Yuan Feng and Wang Zhong were still chatting, Huo Yunting's complexion could not help feeling even more dissatisfied. Speaking, he actually issued a deportation order directly to Yuan Feng, and did not let the other side.

Obviously, at this moment, he was complaining about Yuan Feng because of Wang Zhong. After all, a small demigod who has turned around has actually affected two demigods who are fully successful Heart, this is definitely not what he wants to see.

"Well, haha, disciples obey it !!!"

Hearing Huo Yunting's words, Yuan Feng could not help but hesitated slightly, but then nodded, and obediently took the order.

"Sister ..."

"Brother !!!!!!!!!"

Seeing that Yuan Feng was going to walk backwards between words, Wang Zhong and Baihua Fairy were both in a hurry, almost shouting subconsciously.

"You two, and Xiao Bai, obediently behind me, don't talk more, so as not to affect the people inside."

Huo Yunting didn't give the two a chance to speak at all. It seems that he is so determined to cut off the connection between Yuan Feng and the two.

Yuan Feng made a snoring gesture at that moment, then smiled at the two of them, and then glanced at Li Xiaobai, who was gloating and gloating, even walking towards the end of the line.

However, no one saw it, and the moment he turned and walked backward, there was a strange light in his eyes.

It has not been valued for a long time. It seems that today, he has to do something! !!

ps: Wow Kaka, Xiaoyan has returned to her freedom. She has been busy for a month, and she has learned everything! I just ca n’t update, I ca n’t help you brothers and sisters! !! !! Beginning next month, normal updates will resume, roar! !! In addition, in the last half hour, it seemed that I was thrown out of the top ten, asking for assists! !! !! Brothers and sisters who are still, give it a try! !! !!

Fastest update, read please.

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