The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2244: Stress is motivation

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Chapter 2244 Stress Is Motivation

"Boom boom !!!!!!"

In the long and narrow caves of the Tianlong tribe, the horrible loud sounds constantly rang through the entire deep cave, and as the loud sounds spread, a wave of horrible energy fluctuates and constantly tests the surrounding barriers .

Eight different forms, but all of them are powerful and trembling dragons of horror. At this moment, they are like lightnings. They are constantly bombarding Yuan Feng from all sides, and the besieged Yuan Feng is basically at this time. There is not much fighting back.

"Ang !!!!!! Human kid, hurry up and catch it, I will leave you a way of life, otherwise, you don't want to leave from the Dragon Island of the Dragon Dragon Family."

While the Eight Dragon Kings were hitting Yuan Feng wildly, they did not forget to influence Yuan Feng verbally.

Do n’t think that the strong dragons will be stupid enough to use brute force because of their strength. In fact, the strength of the dragons is not only reflected in strength. After all, a brainless idiot can never become the whole Overlord of the beast **** world.

There is one more point. The eight dragon kings of the Tianlong clan are still somewhat miscalculated, and the most miscalculated one is the Chixiao sword in Yuanfeng's hands.

When observing through the light curtain before, they only knew that the exquisite sword in Yuan Feng's hands seemed sharp, but how sharp they were, they didn't know at all, and at the moment, when they felt the sharp sword in Yuan Feng's hands face to face. , They finally have an intuitive feeling.

The Celestials are famous for their defensive power. Generally, even if they are attacked by strong men of the same level, they can be partially immune.

However, in the face of Yuanfeng's Chixiao sword, each dragon king felt the horror of Chixiao sword. It can be said politely that no matter which dragon king is, as long as he is actually hit by Chixiao sword , Basically will be the consequence of serious injuries. Therefore, although each Dragon King is attacking, they are still more afraid of Yuan Feng.

"Hahaha, the Eight Dragon Kings besieged me, and it was really a matter of humiliation to speak out. Today, let me have a good time with you. As for surrender, you still don't have to say it, kill !!! "

"Brush brush !!!!!! Boom boom !!!!!!"

Faced with the siege of the Eight Dragon Kings, the red Xiao sword in Yuan Feng's hands has now completely turned into an afterimage, and with each swing of his sword, the Eight Dragon Kings must take corresponding precautions.

To this day, Yuan Feng ’s realm of swordsmanship has risen with the improvement of Xiuwei. Although the distance from the legendary Xuanjian realm is still a little bit worse, the realm of swordsmanship has definitely reached a great achievement.

The first three styles of the Dust Maple Sword, now he can control it at will. Basically, he used these three tricks when playing against the Eight Dragon Kings, but only the interspersed changes of these three tricks are enough for him. Enemy.

Unlike the previous battles, this time with one enemy and eight, and each of them is not weaker than their own superpowers. For Yuan Feng, the pressure is real. As long as there is a slight negligence, it is bound to The consequences of serious injuries.

"Kill, kill !!!! Today, I want to see who can stop me !!!"

The Chixiao sword in his hand caused a strange wave of energy. At this moment, Yuan Feng had completely killed his eyes. At this moment, he would not think too much in his mind. The only thing he needed to do was Don't let these guys around hurt you and kill your opponent as much as possible.

Yuan Feng has his own ideas. Speaking of which, he can actually use other means to confront the enemy, and how many Warcraft troops in his body world, and the eight dragon kings of the Tianlong tribe, even dreaming Would want to.

However, the Warcraft Army is his last reliance, and he will not use it easily as a last resort. Once the Warcraft Army is used, it also means that he must throw a bet.

During this time, especially after the Tianlong clan, Yuan Feng has already discovered some problems in himself. I have to say that this time, he was a bit too dependent on the self-explosive army, so that every time he confronted the enemy, because he had the self-explosive army to support himself, he was always fearless.

In fact, when facing the Eight Dragon Kings right now, he can feel the horrors of the Eight Dragon Kings. For superpowers of this level, although the self-destructing army can play an effect, it is absolutely impossible to really kill the other party .

If he wants to kill his opponent in the true sense, he still has to start with himself. Only by making himself stronger, can he not be afraid of the threat of other strong ones!

"It's almost, it's almost, it's just so little !!!"

Holding the hands of the Chixiao sword, at this moment there are already all kinds of blue tendons protruding, and Yuan Feng's face is full of inexplicable expressions.

I don't know when Yuan Feng's eyes narrowed slightly. In his field of vision, there was no unusual space at first. At this moment, it seemed to become a bright line, all bright lines interspersed together, it seems It has become a grid, and his Chixiao sword seems to be waving in a specific route among these grids.

Yuan Feng does not need to use his eyes to see. In his perception, everything within a dozen miles has become extremely clear. As long as he is willing, any trace of wind and grass moving is difficult to escape his perception. .

The eight dragon king's attacks are getting more and more sharp, but no matter how sharp the opponent's attack is, he can always make a pre-judgment in advance, and he politely rewards the opponent with a sword, making it difficult for the opponent's attack to be effective.

"Buzz !!!!"

At the same time, the entire space around it, all the heaven and earth aura, and those thin purple mists, basically supplement Yuan Feng at all times, so that no matter how much power he consumes, he can be in a very short time. Get added.

"The law of heaven and earth can give Kendo the power of the law, but even if it is the power of the law, in the final analysis, it is the power of the outside world. It does not belong to itself at all, but only what you understand and what you create. Something truly powerful and truly invincible !!! "

The sword went to the front. I do n’t know when the red Xiao sword in Yuan Feng ’s hand suddenly changed the rhythm. As his rhythm changed, the eight dragon kings who did not have much advantage originally became even more depressed. .

"How is that possible? How is this possible? How can this kid's swordsmanship be so powerful?"

"The attack is sharp, and the defense is leak-proof. Is this human little guy going to become a good one? Doesn't this make people live?"

"The Sword is horrible. I can't think that even the sword skills are so horrible. If I keep going like this, I don't know what year and month will be the leader!"

"His, no, his swordsmanship seems to be speeding up, this, this is ... -........."

The Eight Dragon Kings are like butterflies wearing flowers. They constantly bombard around Yuan Feng. Unfortunately, no matter how hard they work, Yuan Feng can adapt slowly after looking at it. To fight back in the gap, this situation is obviously not what they want to see.

"What's wrong, this kid's swordsmanship is constantly improving while fighting with us !!!"

Soon, the eight dragon kings discovered the scene that made them incredible. A little recall, they were able to remember the swordsmanship of Yuan Feng at the beginning and when they started, and the swordsmanship at that time was significantly worse than now.

It ’s a bit irrational to realize Wu Jian in the battle, and realize it so fast. If it goes on like this, Yuan Feng ’s swordsmanship does n’t know what realm to reach. At that time, they can Can't clean up each other.

"You guys, don't let him continue to realize, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous."

Yuan Feng ’s state is obviously in a state of mystery, and how the other party has entered this state has not been verified, but it is certain that if Yuan Feng has been so enlightened That is indeed a very scary thing.

"Everyone no longer keep your hands, kill with all your strength !!!"

I do n’t know who shouted, the time between words, a momentum more terrifying than before, it suddenly rises to the sky, and as this momentum spreads, all the dragon king-level strong men are No longer thinking about it, talking is to run as much power as possible, and vowed to subdue Yuan Feng here.

"Om !!! Boom !!!"

The dragon and king strong men unite their breath together. Suddenly, the entire space world of tens of miles seems to have suddenly become frozen. In such a space, whether it is speed or strength, I am afraid Will be affected and controlled inexplicably.

"Well, it's heavy !!!!!!"

When the Eight Dragon Kings used all their strength to compress the surrounding space violently, Yuan Feng's figure could not help but tremble for me, and he almost spit out blood.

"Are these eight guys desperate? It seems I must speed up my understanding !!!"

Although the Eight Dragon Kings increased the power of attack, Yuan Feng did not worry about it, because at the moment when the surrounding space became sticky, he finally felt a little different power.

"The realm of swords and swords, the rule of communication through swords and swords, although the attack power is indeed sharp, but unfortunately it has a lot of vitality in it. Speaking of, the really powerful thing should have its own life !!! ! "

The pressure around him increased, and Yuan Feng's heart flashed a bit of light, because at this moment, he suddenly felt a more unusual situation.

"Put aside the rule, simply develop your own, the sword goes where you want to go. This is the direction in which swordsmanship should really go !!!"

At this moment, the eight dragon kings of the Tianlong tribe apparently fulfilled him again, and speaking, the Chixiao sword in his hand suddenly shined brightly, and then, with the Chixiao sword as the center, a few dozen miles The range seems to have become brighter.

"No form, no source, no end, is this the so-called Xuanjian Realm?"

"Om !!! Boom !!!!!!"

A gigantic sword was suddenly inserted into the space above. At this moment, a completely different breath filled the entire cave in an instant, and it was about to re-energize and give Yuan Feng a little real blow. The first eight dragon kings felt the danger passed down the first time.

"No, he and his swordsmanship broke through !!!"

"This is ......... Xuanjian's realm? This kid of human beings has been promoted to Xuanjian's realm?"

They are all super strong, almost instantaneous. Everyone understands Yuan Feng's situation at this moment. Obviously, just a second ago, Yuan Feng didn't know what he had realized, but suddenly he was blessed and found The entry channel to the realm of Xuanjian.

Although World of Warcraft is not very proficient in swordsmanship, they have never forgotten the realm of mysterious swords beyond the realm of swordsmanship. Right now, Yuan Feng obviously understands the true meaning of Xuan Jian's realm, and enters the ranks of Xuan Jian's realm.

"Retreat !!!!!!"

Feeling that Yuan Feng suddenly became strong, the Eight Dragon Kings almost didn't even think about it, and speaking, each Dragon King receded to the back for the first time, eventually stopped, and looked dull and still continuously promoted. Yuan Feng.

ps: After the transfer, I really don't know when I will come to work, the second one will arrive, the third one will be late and late, it is not recommended to wait!

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