The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2241: Make a profit

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Chapter two thousand two hundred and forty-one turned over

The eight dragon kings of the Tianlong tribe were all dumbfounded at this moment. One by one, they had to wait outside the cave for anxiety. For them, this experience is probably the most tangled one in their lifetime.

But when the eight dragon kings waited outside the drill cave and didn't know how to solve the unexpected situation this time, Yuan Feng had already gone deeper and deeper and finally reached the deepest depth of the drill cave.

For Yuan Feng, this experience was truly a rare opportunity, and when he came to the depths of the cave, everything in front of him had confirmed his thoughts.

I do n’t know how far the flight has been, the surrounding purple mist has gradually become purple and black, and among these purple and black mists, it is not just as simple as the power of lightning and flames. How many kinds of special energies, even Yuan Feng himself said bad.

But what is certain is that his position at this moment, even if the strong of the Dragons arrived, I am afraid there is only a dead end.

"This, this is ........."

After passing through a thick purple-black space again, Yuan Feng's figure came to a small space like a closet, and in this small space, a strange black-physical plant planted in purple and black, At this moment, it is growing quietly in the center of the secret room. Around the Ling Zhi, a stream of purple-black mist is constantly escaping outwards, it seems that it will never stop.

"Good guy, it turned out to be a tree?"

Looking at the giant tree, which was almost seven or eight meters high, and covered with black fruit up and down, Yuan Feng couldn't help feeling the shock from her heart.

This is a very weird giant tree. The shape of the entire tree is like a winding dragon. From the bottom to the top, there are almost hundreds of fruits, each of which is as big as a baby's head, and it flashes on it. With a strange light, there was a hint of fire and lightning.

At first glance, I am afraid that it is easy to treat these fruits as explosive thunders. In fact, the energy in these fruits is constantly dissipating outwards, and it feels like it is really going to explode at any time. general.

"Well, for a long time, the energy in the caves of the Dragons this day was actually released by a tree. I just don't know, what kind of treasure is this thing."

The purple-black trunk and purple-black fruits have no concept in his mind about this giant tree, but he can think of it with his toes. This giant tree is definitely a super treasure.

The purple and black mist in the entire cave is obviously released by this tree, and it can release such a horrible energy mist, which shows the high level of this towering giant tree.

"This kind of place can even grow a tree. It seems that this thing is an extremely rare treasure, but I don't know if this kind of treasure is helpful to me."

Having stabilized his mind, Yuan Feng could not help but step forward, came to the bottom of the giant tree, and looked back and forth across the giant tree.

Obviously, the essence of the entire tree is definitely those purple-black fruits. Each of these fruits is full of energy. Even if all the energy of a great perfectionist is added together, I am afraid it is not like this. A fruit.

Tianling Dibao, he has seen much more, but like this Tianling Dibao, he really saw it for the first time.

"No matter how much it is, first come to try some fruits !!!"

As a devourer, he has nothing he dare not eat. Although these fruits are obviously the same power of purple-black mist, and the energy is much purer and huge than that of purple-black mist. The spirit and immeasurable monument are in his body, but he is not worried about being held up.


Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated. When he raised his hand, he grabbed a fruit closer to him.

"Well? It looks really strong."

The huge hand shadow coagulated, and Yuan Feng's grasp failed to pick the fruit from the tree. It felt like the fruit and the giant tree had grown into one body.

"Give me down !!!"

With a violent effort, finally, the black fruit was cut off at last, and he was finally picked off by him and taken directly into his hand.

"Well, so heavy, why is this fruit so heavy? How many years has it been !!!"

Holding the fruit in his hand, Yuan Feng felt it. This fruit, the size of a baby's head, was so heavy and scary. Ordinary warriors, I ’m afraid I ca n’t even pick up such fruits!

"No wonder it is so strong. If it is not strong, I am afraid that it will fall from the tree before the fruit matures!"

After weighing the purple-black fruit in his hand, Yuan Feng can't help but play with it for a while, but it feels like he can't keep his mouth.

Obviously, if this weird fruit is really bitten, I am afraid that it really needs a good pair of teeth.

"Swallowing Heavenly Martial Spirits !!!"

Of course, he wouldn't be so innocent enough to bite his teeth. In between thoughts, he was called out by the swallowing martial arts spirit, and the black fruit was wrapped up for the first time for refining.

"Well !!!"

Until now, Yuan Feng has basically not seen anything that can not be refined by the Devouring Wuling. Almost immediately when the Devouring Wuling started, the purple and black fruits began to shrink sharply, and there was a trace of it. Pure energy appeared in the Devouring Wuling.

"Well? This energy ........."

When the fruit was refined, Yuan Feng's eyes could not help but lighten, the whole person suddenly came to the spirit.

In his perception, the energy refined from this black fruit is very similar to those purple mists outside, but these energy are not purple, but pure white, and from these white mists He felt a very gentle feeling, without the fury of the purple mist.

"Good guy, it seems that the energy of the fruit itself can be directly used for refining and absorption. I just don't know what the effect will be if the energy of this fruit is absorbed."

With his eyes narrowed slightly, Yuan Feng hesitated slightly, and sat down cross-legged, and absorbed the white energy refined from the swallowing heavenly spirit into his body.

"Om !!! Boom !!!!!!"

White energy entered the body. Suddenly, Yuan Feng trembled. Then, in his mind, a magnificent scene, like a movie, constantly flashed in his mind. Every scene is so breathtaking.

The raging rivers and rivers, the fierce underground magma, and the horrific thunder that tore the heavens and the earth ... At this moment, Yuan Feng seemed to be in a world that was about to perish. Together the world is going to ruin.

However, the so-called indestructibility and destruction are the beginning of a new life. Although there are doomsday scenes everywhere, Yuan Feng can still feel that behind such a magnificent scene, there seems to be a new life being born. The beautiful feeling made him feel more warm and moved while his heart was surging.

"Familiar scene, is this the ...

The scene in front of me was constantly flashing, and Yuan Feng, who was already in a state of calm, was thinking of a similar scene almost immediately.

The last time I saw such a scene, it was exactly the time he studied the infinite monument and was finally recognized by the monument, and this time absorbed the energy of this black fruit, so that he also saw a similar scene, it is obvious The tree in front of him, as well as the fruits he just ate, are absolutely amazing.

"Yu, what a strange tree. I'm afraid that taking out one of these fruits here is enough to allow a person without a pole to successfully advance to the level of demigod?"

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Feng's heart could not help feeling a little emotional. He felt very clearly that the energy after the refining of these fruits was obviously the heaven and earth comprehension needed when he was promoted to the demigod, and with this kind of fruit to help, the demigod was simply a matter of capture.

It is no exaggeration to say that just this one fruit in his hand is enough to create thousands of demigods, and maybe even more.

This is not exaggerated at all, because he remembers that even when he himself was promoted to the demi-god, he simply realized the scenes passed to him by these fruits.

That is to say, even if he is not able to advance to the demigod, it is entirely possible to use this fruit to successfully enter the ranks of the demigod.

"The Tianlong tribe is really a terrible ethnic group, but I don't know if the strong one of the Tianlong tribe knows that there is such a tree here."

I have to say that the giant tree in front of him is simply the most precious heavenly treasure that he has ever seen. In a sense, the value of this tree is not more than the value of the immortal monument. low.

It can be imagined that he only needs to get back one such fruit, and then refine it with the devouring martial arts spirit, and provide the energy after refining to his relatives and friends, then the entire Yuan family and the original Dan Xiazong , Should be able to advance to the realm of demigod!

Once upon a time, the realm of the demigod was like an unattainable giant peak, but nowadays, the realm of the demigod has become so real and sensible. This transformation, even him I felt faint incredible.

"Oh, Tianlong, you guys really gave me a big surprise !!!"

Since he was promoted to demigod, he has actually thought about what he needs to do to keep his relatives and friends in step with him. It is a pity that he knows the realm of the demi-god realm, which cannot be helped by ordinary foreign objects. How much can the whole beast-god realm find out?

And now, with this purple-black fruit, as long as he wants, then it is entirely possible for any person to achieve the demigod state, if one fruit can make thousands of demigod power, Then hundreds or thousands of fruits on the whole tree can make a terrible demigod army out.

However, he does not need to waste these fruits to create a demigod army. Speaking of which there is a small eight, he never lacks a demigod.

"It seems that this trip to the beast-god realm was really fruitful. When I returned to the world of no delusion, my Qingwu Palace can basically dominate the entire world of no delusion."

There are many people in the Promise of Qingwu Palace, and after he returns, he will start to turn all the Promise into a demigod as much as possible. At that time, the entire Qingwu Palace will be half full People in Divine Realm, who would dare to fight against Qingwu Palace?

"Well, since these energies are enough to help me impact the realm of demigods, I don't know if there is a corresponding effect for Xiao Ba to realize the great consummation realm."

Although he can't get substantial benefits from the black fruits at this moment, Xiao Ba is at a critical period of cultivation. No one knows whether there will be some energy for Xiao Ba. Considerable effect.

"Is it useful? I've only tried it before. Refine it for me !!!"

Before the experiments were conducted in person, everything was not easy to say. Regardless of whether the energy after the purple-black fruit was refined could help Xiaoba, there were still many things, but he didn't worry about wasting.

"Well !!!!!!"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help turning the Devouring Martial Arts to the extreme. Suddenly, the whole fruit began to shrink sharply, and a large amount of milky white energy quickly filled the entire Devouring Martial Arts.

Not long, this weird fruit has been refined into energy as much as possible, and even such a huge amount of energy is amazed by Yuan Feng's sight.

The energy of this single fruit is enough to catch up with any World of Warcraft with a half-god. Leaving aside other effects, after Xiaoba stopped practicing, just refining one of these fruits is enough to make it produce a lot of Warcraft!

"Little Eight !!!!!!"

After refining the fruit, Yuan Feng contacted Xiao Ba in his heart for the first time and passed all his thoughts to the other party. Then, he controlled the swallowing martial spirit and released all the energy in it. In the physical world.

At this moment, Xiao Ba has been in the cultivation all the time, but the great perfection really caused him a headache. For a while, it was difficult to straighten out a clue, and when he got the white provided by Yuan Feng After the energy, a little light in his mind began to amplify sharply almost instantaneously. Instantly, the realization of the realm that only belongs to the Great Perfectionist is blooming in its heart.

"Om !!!!!!"

The white energy that fell from the sky entered the body, and Xiao Ba's body began to tremble madly, but its performance was naturally discovered by the demon flame on the side the first time.

"Well? This is ........."

Before the demon flame, Yuan Feng was taken back to the physical world. She had nothing to do, and she had been watching Xiaoba ’s practice. Then suddenly she saw that Xiaoba had changed. Her eyes could n’t help flashing a bright light. .

"This momentum ........."

As a Great Perfectionist, she felt the Great Perfection breath released from Xiao Ya's body almost immediately. Obviously, Xiao Ya finally broke the barrier and stepped into the same place. The great realm of the Divine Realm.

"Great, Xiao Ba has finally been promoted to the Great Realm, Yuan Feng, Xiao Ba has been promoted, Xiao Ba has been promoted !!!"

Standing up, Demon Flame was almost excited like a child at the moment, and even shouted constantly to the surroundings.

She doesn't know what happened to Yuan Feng at the moment, but she believes that letting Feng Feng know of such good news at this time will definitely make her full of power.

"Hey, don't get excited, I know it !!! Brush !!!!"

Just as the demon flame shouted in excitement, a light flashed, and then Yuan Feng's figure fell from the sky and appeared in front of her, except that here is Yuan Feng's body world, appearing in Here, of course, it's just his energy projection.

"Yuan Feng, look at it, Xiao Ba finally succeeded in promotion."

Seeing Yuan Feng's video appear, the flames of Demon Flame still did not stop. It can be seen that she was really affected by Xiao Ba's promotion at this moment.

"I know, I know, I'm excited to see you."

Reached out and patted each other's shoulders, Yuan Feng signaled the other party to be calm and impatient, and then continued, "Demon flame, Xiao Ba should be successfully promoted this time, but the situation outside is not great, you are here first Be with it, and when it's safe, I'll let you out as soon as possible. "

Xiaoba will definitely be able to advance to the level of great consummation this time, but at this moment, I am afraid that there is no way to cross the robbery. After all, no one can bear the environment outside him.

"Eun En, I will be optimistic about it." Demon Flame nodded, hearing Yuan Feng's instructions, and then worriedly said, "What's going on outside, is it dangerous?"

She hadn't seen anything too much before, so she knew nothing about the outside world.

"Small thoughts, those guys of the Tianlong tribe thought that they had counted me, but they didn't know they had completed me. Speaking of them, Xiaoba could be promoted so quickly, thanks to their help!"

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng's face was full of self-confidence. When talking, he glanced at Xiao Ba and continued, "Well, I'll go out and deal with the situation outside first, and you and Xiao Ba are patient Just wait. "


The words fell, but his figure had dissipated and turned into the pure energy of the sky.

"Be careful !!!"

When Yuan Feng disappeared, the demon flame could not help but reassure him a bit, but unfortunately, Yuan Feng had disappeared at this moment, but I did not know whether she had heard her request.

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