The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2234: Friendly start

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Chapter 2234 The Beginning of Friendship

After some hard work, and some secret help from the Tianlong tribe, Yuan Feng finally stood face to face with the eight superstrongs of the Tianlong tribe.

When he saw the superpower of the Tianlong tribe with his own eyes, Yuan Feng was more calm than he imagined, because when he originally wanted to, he should be in a state of tension when encountering the power of the Tianlong tribe. It is, but it has never been imagined to be so friendly.

Of course, although the situation is relatively friendly at the moment, Yuan Feng's heart is still very vigilant. After all, this is the realm of the Tianlong clan, so everything must be done with caution.

He was somewhat puzzled about being seduced by the strong dragons of Tianlong. You should know that according to the truth, it is too late for the dragons to guard against the invasion of outsiders. How could they possibly take the initiative and take him away? Outside seduced here.

"Oh, human friends, and the little girl of the Tianmon Python family, I am the King of the Dragon Dragons, and these are the Kings of the Dragon Dragons. A few of us represent the Dragon Dragons. Welcome to the two."

The two sides stood still, and the Tianlong tribe Guangmu Dragon King came out first and greeted Yuan Feng and Yao Yan. It had a very soft tone and a very friendly attitude. The posture was like a very welcome Yuan Feng and the arrival of the demon flame.

Except for the Guangmu Dragon King, the other major Tianlong kings did not speak at this moment. Each king looked at Yuan Feng quietly, and with a trace of depth in their eyes. It is obvious that they are all curious about the young humans in front of them.

Speaking of which, except the Guangmu Dragon King and Firewing Dragon King, the other six kings were called later. They have not seen Yuan Feng's previous performance, but only heard from Guangmu Dragon King. After learning about Yuan Feng, they didn't feel anything unusual about each other after seeing Yuan Feng.

Therefore, they are all watching Yuanfeng for a while now, trying to find the really unusual place of Yuanfeng.

"It turned out to be Lord Dragon Kings, and the two of us took the liberty to bother you, and I hope you will not be surprised."

Hearing the Guangmu Dragon King coming out to speak, Yuan Feng couldn't help answering it politely, but he didn't know what the concept of the so-called Tianlong Dragon King is, and how many Dragon Kings there are in the entire Dragon family, the same Not all he could know at the moment.

However, no matter what, from the current situation, this so-called Dragon King-class powerhouse should be at least a perfect demigod! As for how strong the real strength is, he is really not sure about it without a fight.

While the other so-called Dragon Kings are looking at themselves, Yuan Feng is also observing the eight so-called Dragon Kings on the opposite side. In addition to the Guangmu Dragon King and another Dragon King, he can feel the other six Dragon Kings looking at it. His contempt and condescension, but he didn't take it too seriously.

As the most mysterious and most powerful group among the beast gods, the Tianlong tribe can be too humble? Speaking of, these dragon kings can come to see him in person, this should already be the face of Tianda!

"Where is the Tianlong tribe? It's not a forbidden ground. The two want to come, of course, they can come anytime. As for what to say, it's a bit heavy."

He waved his hand, and Guangmu Longwang still played the role of spokesman, smiling slightly at Yuan Feng. Compared with other people's unfriendlyness, it seems that Yuan Feng's attitude towards it is a bit too friendly. I just don't know what causes it.

"This little girl of the Tianmon Python family, you don't need to be so restrained. Speaking of them, the Tianlong and Tianmon Python families have some origin. You can relax and don't be so nervous."

The eyes of the wide-eyed dragon king couldn't help but look at the demon flame on the side of Yuan Feng. Although the demon flame at the moment was brave, he still hid behind the side of Yuan Feng. It seemed that she was concerned about this. The strong men of the Tianlong clan are really very frightened.

This is also no way out. The Tianlong race is the most noble race in the entire beast **** world. Their coercion over other ethnic groups can be said to be inherent.

It must be said that the Tianmon Python family is a low-level ethnic group. If ordinary people of the ordinary ethnic group meet the strong dragons, especially the eight dragon kings, they may have been shaking for a long time. Dare to continue standing here!

"The demon python family of demon flames, have seen the Lord Dragon Kings."

After hearing the words of Guangmu Dragon King, Yao Yan then stabilized his mind, and then took a step forward and personally saluted the eight strong men.

Before seeing the power of the Tianlong clan, she always felt that she would not have any fear of the power of the Tianlong clan by virtue of her great super power.

However, when she really saw the power of the Tianlong tribe, she found out that she was obviously overestimating her abilities.

The coercion of the Tianlong tribe is not a joke, although the other party did not deliberately do anything, but the eight superpowers appeared together. The coercion really made her feel a little dare not to go forward.

It was a kind of coercion that originated from the depths of the soul, as if the Tianmon Pythons were born to be constrained by the Tianlong clan, and she really didn't want to feel it for a second.

Being able to stand up and give a gift to the Eight Dragon Kings seemed to her very rare.

"Oh, don't have to be so polite. I think you should be the second of three daughters of the current patriarch of the Dragon Dragon. I didn't expect that your strength could be promoted so fast."

Nodded his head, Guangmu Dragon King seemed very satisfied with the demon flames, but when he said the next words, the demon flames were a little stunned, and his face was changed in an instant, but it was the other party. I was shocked.

"The Lord Dragon King is true. The junior is the second daughter of the patriarch of the Tian Yao Mang. As for the semi-semi-realm, it is only a short while after being promoted."

In the heart of the demon flame, it was really full of surprise.

Deep on the Long Island, the Tianlong clan seems to not have much intersection with the outside world, but the wide-eyed dragon king in front of her uttered her identity and strength at one go. These means have made her feel unimaginable. Already.

From the situation at hand, it seems that the other party is very familiar with her, and even the whole family of Tian Yao Python.

This shock is absolutely trivial. If the other party really knows her situation well, then I am afraid that this entire family of sky demon pythons also has a lot of understanding.

However, the Tianmon Python family did not know how the Tianlong tribe knew so many of them.

"No wonder, let me just say, you recently seemed to have just advanced to the realm of eight rounds. How can you immediately become a great consummation in a blink of an eye! Alas, you can be promoted to great consummation at this age, Rare, rare !!! "

The Guangmu Dragon King is like telling a trivial matter, and continues to speak by himself, and when it's time for this word to fall, whether it is the demon flame or Yuan Feng, the heart is twitching fiercely A moment.

From the words of the King Guangmu, it seems that when the demon flame has been promoted to eight deities, the dragons have already obtained the first-hand information. However, the dragon demon pythons have a little feeling at all. No.

The celestial python family can be considered to be deep enough. It stands to reason that no matter how strong the celestial dragon's method is, it should be difficult to know the situation of the celestial python family. The situation of the python family.

In all likelihood, there may be an undercover presence in this, but I do n’t know if the undercover of the Tianlong pythons in the Tianmon Python family will know whether the leader of the Tianmon Python provided Yuanfeng news to Yuanfeng.

"Oh, okay, okay, two, let ’s not talk about that much, the two come from a long distance, or go to Longdao to rest first, please !!!"

Just when Yuan Feng and the demon flames were in doubt, the Guangmu Dragon King spoke again and invited Yuan Feng and the demon flames directly.

"Oh, thank you, Lord Guangmu Dragon King. Since Lord Dragon King is so kind, you are welcome."

Yuan Feng returned from the suspicion for the first time, but hurriedly arched at the other side, and smiled for the first time.

Regardless of how the Lord Guangmu Dragon King knows the situation of the Tianmon Pythons, after all, if the Tianlongs really have a lot of power, even if they want to be more, it is a waste.

Now think about it, this Dragon King is called Guangmu Dragon King, and there is a faint temperament that is slightly better than other Dragon Kings. Thinking about this Dragon King's means is definitely more scary than other Dragon Kings.

Since they were seduced by the strong dragons, then naturally, he and Yaoyan could not refuse each other's invitation. After all, at this moment, they had reached the dragon island of the dragon dragon, and encountered a whole eight. Dragon King-class strong, at this time, if they do not follow the other party's intentions, then the next exchange, I am afraid to change a way!

Each of the eight dragon kings in front of him is as strong as the same deep water. How terrible these horrible guys are, he cannot see with his eyes.

But what is certain is that the strength of these super powerhouses is definitely much stronger than the previous eight Warcraft powerhouses. Depending on the situation of the monster flame, I am afraid it is difficult to really help him. Under the circumstances, it is better to do what comes first.

Of course, this has just arrived in the Tianlong clan. He is not in a hurry to ask the other party about Dahei. After all, if Dahei is really here, the other party may not tell him the truth.

The most urgent task is to find a way to stay in the Dragon Island of the Dragon Dragon for a while, and after finding some stability, go to find the whereabouts of Dahei. I believe that at that time, we should be able to take some initiative.

He stretched his hands through the flames of the Demon Flame, and Yuan Feng input his power directly into the other's body. In this way, the other's fear of the Tianlong tribe was much smaller than before.

"Two please !!!"

The eight dragons of the Tianlong tribe are always watching all the reactions of Yuan Feng and Yaoyan. When they heard the two agree to visit the Dragon Island of the Tianlong tribe, their hearts were a little surprised. You know, the general Warcraft or the human beings, I am afraid of the dragons. As for visiting the dragons, it is even more difficult for ordinary people to dare to try.

But having said that, Yuan Feng and Yao Yan apparently came from the Tianlong tribe this time. If they make such a decision, they can be reasonably justified.

It ’s just that for Yuan Feng's hand to draw the flames of the demon flame, and to convey their strength to the other side, they are unaware of a bit of suspicion. You must know that the Tianmon Python family has always been untouchable But a young human man actually hit him, and it seemed that he had not suffered resistance.

In addition, when Yuan Feng gave power to the demon flames, they could clearly feel that the demon flames at this moment did not seem to be as afraid of them as before. These are undoubtedly their most curious places.

Of course, this time is not the time to rationalize these. Between the eyes, the eight strong are separated, giving way directly to Yuan Feng and Yao Yan, asking them to land on the island.

Yuan Feng and Yao Yan didn't talk to each other politely either. They talked as if they were in shape, and flew on the Dragon Island of the Tianlong tribe.

After rushing for so long, they did need some time to rest, but when they marched towards the Dragon Island of the Dragon Dragon, the spirit of the two was already completely tense, and they dared not have any intention. .

The Eight Dragon Kings didn't say anything. When they saw Yuan Feng and Yao Yan starting to land on the island, they followed them one by one. As for what they were thinking, that was not what Yuan Feng and Yao Yan could know. Already.

ps: The first update arrives, a second update is guaranteed, but it may be a bit late! !! !!

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