The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2227: Generous returns

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Chapter 2227 Rich Returns

A total of about 30 heads of semi-god Warcraft exploded together. The power of such explosions is simply not described by any words. It can be said that in the entire world of beast gods, it is no longer possible to find such a terrible masterpiece. .

Thirty heads of semi-realm Warcraft, the lowest repaired are three turns of the semi-god realm, the highest, it has reached six turns of the semi-god realm, it can be said that even this level of Warcraft, even a single head has self-exploded , Have the power to destroy the world.

The entire surface of the sea for dozens of miles was instantly evaporated at this moment, more than ten meters deep, and even the gray mist was wiped out at this moment.

At the moment when the explosion happened, the eight-and-a-half-degree Super Warcrafts actually felt the emergence of danger, but unfortunately, although they felt the danger, because the self-destructing army was in the middle of them, when these Warcraft When they blew up, they had no time to escape.

Although these World of Warcraft can not be corroded by the sea water of the misty sea, when faced with the self-detonation of thirty and a half gods of World of Warcraft, they instantly lose their temper.

It can be said that at the moment when the self-detonation occurred, each of the successfully completed Warcrafts suffered minor injuries, but if there was no attack from the enemy at this time, they could at least escape quickly, but they could all heal the injuries and change again. It's alive and well.

Unfortunately, at this time, not all of them have the opportunity to escape. Almost immediately after the explosion was completed, the moment when the eight majors wanted to escape, Yuan Feng's figure emerged from the depths of space, and the first time He found a double-headed magic python and put his own red Xiaojian into the opponent's body.

"Well !!!"

The horrible sword energy of Chixiao Sword instantly dismembered the double-headed python, and in a blink of an eye, the double-headed python with a great demigod became a few dozen paragraphs.

"Demon flame, help me !!!"

One sword resulted in a double-headed python. Yuan Feng immediately called out the demon flame, and almost immediately after her appearance, she flickered and directly put dozens of body parts of the double-headed python. Packed up, printed one by one in his body world.


When the demon flame came out and sealed up the corpse of the demon python, Yuan Feng's figure didn't stop, he went out in one direction directly, and disappeared in a blink, leaving only Demon flames stand alone in the space after the big explosion, it is difficult to return to God for a long time.

"Well, it was so easy to kill a great Warcraft so easily. It turned out that the strong great is really not dead!"

Putting the python corpses into the body world for a while, the flames of the demon at this moment really didn't seem to come back.

For a long time, she feels that the super-perfect super-strong is simply immortal. Even if it is dead, that is the end of her life and she has to fall.

However, during this time with Yuan Feng, she finally realized that even the super-perfect super strong is not immortal.

Regarding how Yuan Feng destroyed the Moon Wolf King of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan and the Flower King of the Hualu Clan, she did not have an intuitive understanding of it, and was not very good at evaluating it!

However, at this moment, a double-headed double-headed python with a great divine realm has simply become Yuan Feng's soul under the sword. This scene is truly an indescribable shock to her.

That ’s the super-full existence of the semi-divine realm. She even killed it in minutes, frankly, if she did n’t see it with her own eyes, no matter who heard it from her mouth, she would never believe it. That's it.

Of course, after all, Yuan Feng was able to kill a half-democracy World of Warcraft, but it was a half-democracy World of Warcraft that lost 30 heads, among which there were more than one half-democracy six-turn powerhouse. The price is not affordable for ordinary ethnic groups. If she is told about this, she should not be too shocked.

In fact, it's obviously not worthwhile to trade thirty heads of demigods for a life of a fully completed warcraft. After all, which ethnic group will be willing to lose 30 heads of demigods?

"This is all right. With this double-headed double-headed python, at least, Yuan Feng's Warcraft companion Xiaoba will definitely be able to advance to the level of demigod-turned eight, and it may even impact the demigod-level Congratulations, if Xiao Ba can also be promoted to the great consummation state, then there is really nothing to worry about going to the Tianlong tribe. "

Killed a great round of Warcraft, her first thought, of course, is Yuan Feng's Warcraft partner Xiaoba.

Speaking of which, she had used the two perfectly successful World of Warcraft alone, but left little little for Xiao Ba. In fact, her heart has always been very sad.

At the moment, Yuan Feng got a great level of World of Warcraft for Xiao Ba, and there is still a little credit for her here. Of course, she felt very relieved.

Xiao Ba is so powerful, she knows better than anyone else. Once the little one has been promoted to the semi-god realm, she estimates that the other party will at least be able to produce a half-god with five revolutions of Warcraft. By then, Yuan Feng will You can build a Warcraft army with five deities and five turns, and think about it, it makes people feel inexplicable.

"Yuan Feng, is this going to chase other demigod great conquerors? I wonder if he will have other gains."

Depressing the shock for the time being, Yaoyan's eyes couldn't help looking at the direction where Yuan Feng left, but unfortunately, at this moment, Yuan Feng didn't know where to go, but with her mind, she couldn't detect it at all. To the location of Yuan Feng.

At this moment, the area within dozens of miles was blown up by the big bang, and the surrounding fog was difficult to escape for a while and a half, and the vacuum zone deep in her was not worried about being affected by the fog. Invasion.

Of course, there must be some vigilance. She knew in her heart that Yuan Feng was not by her side at this moment. She had to be more vigilant to avoid other strong men hiding around at this time and treating her. Be calculated.

In fact, before Yuan Feng did not detonate the Warcraft army, there was indeed a great round of Warcraft hidden in the surroundings. Unfortunately, when the big bang happened, the horrible energy ripples directly lifted it up, plus The previous scene was too shocking, but it directly scared the hidden strong and fled far away.

Therefore, at this moment, she was standing still, but she was not attacked at all.


It didn't make her wait too long. It was almost less than three minutes. A ray of light suddenly came from a distance, and it appeared instantly to her.

"Yuan Feng, you are back, but have other gains?"

At this time, from the distance, there was obviously no one except Yuan Feng. When seeing the return of Yuan Feng's sword, the demon flame quickly rushed forward, and asked with anticipation.

Yuan Feng is chasing other Great Warcrafts. This is obviously beyond doubt. I just don't know if he can really catch up with other Warcrafts and kill them one or two this time.

If Yuan Feng is able to slay another half-wowed Warcraft, then the situation will undoubtedly be more optimistic. After all, with a half-wowed Warcraft, Xiaoba may not be able to advance to the full-wow state.

"Hey, it seems that we are lucky this time, I think, in the next time, Xiao Ba should have a great chance to hit the semi-god realm!"

Seeing Demon Flame leaning up to ask himself, Yuan Feng did not answer directly, but responded to the other with a smile.

"You, you really killed another great World of Warcraft? This, this ......... It's just great !!!"

When I heard the answer given by Yuan Feng, where could Yaoyan not hear the meaning of Yuan Feng? Just a big successful Warcraft is obviously not enough for Xiaoba to advance to the big consummation. Since Yuan Feng said so, it is obvious that at this moment, he should probably kill again. A super warcraft is.

"The speed of a monster tortoise is a bit slow. Although its injury is the lightest, it is a pity that in front of my Chixiao sword, it has no resistance at all."

A sword flower was netted, Yuan Feng could not help but touched his Chixiao sword.

I have to say that this magic weapon in his hand really helped him too much, but after drinking the blood of countless World of Warcraft, today's Chixiao sword has become extremely sharp and can carry it He has not seen the sharp edge of the Chixiao sword.

Shicai, after killing a double-headed python, he directly chose a slowest target to catch up with, and after experiencing that kind of super explosion, in fact, every successful Warcraft has been scared. Fearful, apart from running away, he no longer remembers to fight back.

The demon turtle he chose had a really good defense. Even in that big explosion, he didn't get too serious injuries. Unfortunately, although his injuries were not too serious, his speed was Its fatal wound. By the time it realized the danger, Yuan Feng had waved the Chixiao sword and split its turtle shell in half.

In fact, this demon turtle died somewhat wrongly. Originally, it felt that it was the least injured, and dived into the depths of the misty sea for the first time. There should be no danger anymore. Yuan Feng is also a monster that can dive into the misty sea without being affected by the sea water.

When it found it all, it was too late!

"It's so good, it's so good. The two-and-a-half World of Warcraft has a great consummation. This time, Xiao Ba will definitely be promoted to great consummation."

With her previous experience, she believes that Xiao Ba will definitely achieve the great consummation. By then, the strength of this team will be the strongest in the entire world of beast gods.

"Hey, with Xiao Ba's qualifications and potential, there is at least a chance of a great success."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng was not as optimistic as the other party, but at least he knew that Xiaoba would definitely get a lot of benefits. Even if the realm of perfection is a little bit worse, there are absolutely no problems with the semi-god realm turning eight!

With thirty heads of half-god Warcraft, in exchange for a chance for Xiaoba to advance to great consummation, the sale was not a loss, at least he didn't think it was a loss.

This time, 30 demigods of World of Warcraft detonated suddenly. He actually wanted to create an atmosphere, an atmosphere that made any opponent suffocate. Obviously, his purpose was really achieved.

This is because time is limited, and his heart is worried that the monster flame is dangerous, and he may be lost with the monster flame, otherwise, he would really like to continue to chase other Warcraft powerhouses, maybe there are more Harvest.

With an infinite number of monuments in his body, he didn't worry about the sea water of the misty sea affecting himself, and at this time chasing a group of seriously wounded Warcraft, of course, there is a great chance to kill them one by one.

"Let's go and find a place to rest for a while, it's time for Xiao Ba to taste the taste of Great Complete Warcraft."

Picking the corner of his mouth, he was in a good mood, and took the flame of the demon into his arms and flew away in one direction.

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