The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2225: big trouble

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Chapter 2225 Trouble

On the gray-black sea surface, Yuan Feng was standing opposite the demon flame at this moment, but on his face at this moment, it was full of deep frustration.

This time, he shot at the capricorn that suddenly appeared. He actually thought of killing the other party. Unfortunately, he didn't check it for a while, but let the other party escape.

No doubt letting the big guy escape is definitely not a good thing for him and Yao Yan.

"Hey, I didn't expect this guy to be so fierce. When he said that his body was detonated, he directly detonated the body. It seems that we must be more careful in the next hurry."

After letting go of the Capricorn, Yuan Feng was naturally a little worried. You know, this is not a normal place. I have exposed myself in this kind of place, so what is waiting for them next, I am afraid that everyone is bad.

"Yuan Feng, you don't have to worry too much. Since that big guy has detonated his big body and let only the core part of him escape, I estimate that it should hide in the dark and won't have the chance to take our existence Report to others. "

Seeing Yuan Feng's gloomy look, the demon flame could only shake his head at this moment, comfortingly.

In fact, she also understands that letting go of the magic puppet is bound to be very unfavorable for her and Yuan Feng, but what can be done? Right now, the Capricorn has fled, and even if he wants to chase, it is impossible to catch up.

"I can only look forward to it now, but for the next trip, we must be more careful."

When he waved his hands, Yuan Feng certainly understood that the other party was enlightening himself, but he knew what he would do next to ensure the safety of himself and the monster flame.

"Let ’s go on and keep moving forward. The Capricorn of Shicai let us return to the same way. From what it said, our current direction should still be good. Maybe as long as we keep going, we can reach our destination. . "

When confronted with the Capricorn before, he heard some clues from the opponent's mouth. In response, he became more confident in the direction he chose.

The words fell, but he did not give the demon flame a chance to speak. His body flickered to the other side, and he took his arms into his arms and ran straight ahead.

An episode did not delay the two too much time, but after this episode, they were really careful about the next move.

The sudden appearance of Capricorn has undoubtedly given them a wake-up call. After all, since there are really great levels of Warcraft powerhouses in the sea of ​​fog, there should be only one in every possible case.

With such a heart, Yuan Feng almost released his mind around him at all times, ensuring that when the wind blows the grass, he can get the first time.

Hurrying to continue, in a blink of an eye, it took another ten days to quietly slip away, but after more than ten days passed, Yuan Feng still couldn't see where the Tianlong clan was and did not receive any Warcraft again. The attack, the whole way, was very calm.

For more than ten days, I did not see the destination, nor did I see the troubled Warcraft. This is obviously not a normal situation. When this situation happened, Yuan Feng's heart became more and more disturbed.

"What's going on? It's been more than ten days. Why isn't there even a little bit of movement? It's too weird, right?"

Above the sea, Yuan Feng once again absorbed a large mass of gray mist into his body, filling up his consumption of rushing to the road, but then he could not help but stop slowly.

It's obviously not a problem that I didn't see my destination for more than ten days, but I didn't get attacked by other Warcraft for more than ten days, which is obviously not too normal.

If something is abnormal, it must be a demon. For so long, no Warcraft has come to make trouble, which makes him can't help smelling an extremely dangerous breath.

"What's wrong? Anything found?"

Seeing Yuan Feng stop, Demon Flame frowned and asked Yuan Feng. It can be seen that at this moment, she seemed to feel that the surrounding atmosphere was not quite right, so when she asked, she was obviously a little surprised.

"Be vigilant, I always think something is wrong!"

With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng stopped completely at this moment, and looked around carefully.

The feeling of anxiety grew stronger, and now he suddenly realized that it seemed that he was really too optimistic before.

Demon flame did not dare to neglect at this moment, but it was the first time to get out of Yuan Feng's embrace, and waited closely to observe the surrounding situation, ready to make a shot at any time.

She has always been on the road with the help of Yuan Feng, and her status is always the best. As long as something changes, she can take the first shot and give the troublemaker a head-on shot.

The two first observed each other, but soon after, as the surrounding atmosphere became more and more wrong, they involuntarily changed to a back-to-back posture.

"Om !!!!!!"

Finally, under the hearts of the two, they were horrified and wondered what was going to happen. A sound of space vibration suddenly came. Then, a very horrible energy wave came from all directions. Come over.

"Buzz !!!!"

The entire energy fluctuation just formed a circle, completely surrounding him and the demon flame. From the perspective of these energy fluctuations, there are obviously more than one or two people. As for how many, it is not Okay.

"His, this ......... I'm afraid there will be big trouble !!!"

Feeling the horrible energy fluctuations transmitted from all directions, Yuan Feng knew that he and the demon flame, this time they were afraid of being unlucky. Obviously, they unknowingly fell into the encirclement of others.

What did he say, why in a period of more than ten days, even a troubled Warcraft powerhouse had not been seen. After a long time of trouble, people began to surround him and Yaoyan.

"Remember to listen to my instructions later. If it is a last resort, I will launch my last move. At that time, you will go back to my physical world to hide."

At this moment, he obviously knew what situation he was going to face next, and in that case, it would be very difficult for Demon Flame to help him, but it might become a burden for him.


The demon flame is very simple. She is very clear. If it is really that time, then she is definitely a burden. At that time, she might as well go back to Yuan Feng's body world and leave everything to Yuan Feng to handle.

"Brush !!!!"

Almost at the end of the exchange between Yuan Feng and Yao Yan, the waves of water gathered from all directions towards the water where they were, and from the amplitude of these ripples, the people came from them. , Apparently already close.

"Well !!! Wow !!!!"

Almost at the same time, there was a sudden sound of water breaking around. Immediately, one by one, the figures came out from the water, some of them leaked out of the body, half of them were hidden in the water, and some It swept into the air as much as possible, and simply broke away from the water.

"Uh, isn't this ...... a little exaggerated?"

Yuan Feng and Yao Yan have been watching the surroundings carefully, and when they saw each figure rising from their sides and completely surrounding themselves, whether it was Yao Yan or Yuan Feng, There is a feeling of tremor.

"Yu, do you want to play so big? This is simply not giving people a life !!!"

Looking at the cricket figures around him, Yuan Feng could not help but take a deep breath, then he raised his hand and took out his own magic soldier Chixiao sword directly.

In the eyes, one after another, Warcraft appeared in shape, including a python with two heads, a cape similar to the previous cape, and a tortoise with a back that looked solid. ……………… A brief glance, at this moment, he and the demon flame, were actually trapped in the middle by the entire eight-headed horrible Warcraft.

Moreover, these Warcrafts are not ordinary characters at first glance, because each of their bodies has a great energy fluctuation in the demigod.

In other words, these eight-headed World of Warcraft are even half-godled Warcraft! !! !!

With eight heads and a half of God, the power of each of them is not weaker than the previous one, and no one knows whether there are other Warcrafts hidden besides these eight guys Around, find the perfect time to act.

At this moment, Yuan Feng has been able to determine that the guy who was released by himself before will definitely pass the news of his and the demon flame's arrival to other demigods to complete the World of Warcraft. Maybe, these guys, I am afraid early It's already counting them!

"The eight-and-a-half-deity realm is so complete. This day's dragons are really terrifying. This hasn't reached the dragons of the dragons. So many barrage tigers have emerged. I really don't know that when they reach the dragons of the dragons, they will be What a sight. "

Although he was very confident in his own strength, he suddenly came out with eight heads and a half of the World of Warcraft, and each one didn't look very good. He didn't know if he could cope with it. Come on.

The eight-and-a-half-degree fully fulfilled World of Warcraft are all staring fiercely at Yuan Feng and the Demon Flame, and each body of Warcraft is slowly accumulating with momentum, it can be seen that once Accumulation has reached a certain stage, then it is time for them to shoot.

"Countless monuments, swallow the sky martial spirit, turn me !!!"

Yuan Feng's eyes flickered slightly, but he also didn't say anything to the eight or half of the gods who had a great consummation. At the moment when these wars were brewing, he suddenly ran the infinite monument and the devouring martial spirit. When he got up, in an instant, the mist within a dozen miles was swallowed up by him, and became very clear.

In this way, the demon flame obviously no longer needs to worry about being invaded by the mist.

"Hands on !!!!!! Brush !!!!"

Instantly drained the fog within a dozen miles, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated, and between his hands, he waved his excalibur against several Warcrafts near him.


The demon flame was already ready. When Yuan Feng's shout came out, she suddenly moved into shape, and directly transformed into the body of the demon python, rushing to the closest snake, Warcraft, Go up.

This battle is destined to test their first battle, and whether they can still reach the Dragon Island where the Tianlong clan is located, everything is full of unknowns.

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