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Chapter 2218 Success

After some delay, Yuan Feng finally embarked on the journey to the Tianlong clan again, and he hurried again, because the lack of the burden of the demon flame, the speed was too much too much.

On this way, Yuan Feng had no intention to conflict with the strong men in the beast **** world. Only when he encountered a guy who didn't have long eyes, he would reluctantly do something for him and send those who didn't have long eyes to the road. , And then all gave Xiao Badang rations.

Today's Xiao Ba is getting stronger and stronger, and even after consuming several Super Warcraft, it faintly began to impact the realm of Demigod and Six Turns, and in this way, its appetite is absolutely great.

For Xiaoba, its usefulness can never be underestimated. If it can reach the semi-god realm, then the effect it can exert must be more than any other semi-god. terror.

Unfortunately, it still takes time to polish its foundation, and it is not possible to forcibly advance to the semi-godder.

Yuan Feng will definitely prepare enough Warcraft for it to devour, but whether he can advance to a stronger state depends on his own ability.

In addition to Xiao Ba, his other Warcraft partner Xiao Jin, as well as the Rui Beast, which was originally obtained in Wuleijie, have basically been greatly improved.

Xiaojin has already been promoted to Demigod with the help of Xiaoba, and its promotion path can be said to be an extravagant luxury, because in order to make it to the Demigod, Xiaoba has produced a lot of Wuji. The realm of Warcraft was all entrusted to the other side to devour, and shared his experience when he was promoted to the demi-god realm.

The demi-god Jin Mao rat can undoubtedly play a great role, but now Yuan Feng only wants to reach the Tianlong clan soon, but he is not interested in the treasures of the beast **** world. Therefore, although Xiao Jin has a tyrannical means, he has a sense of uselessness.

As for Xiao Jin's cultivation, Yuan Feng gave it to Xiao Ba in full power. It can be said that Xiao Jin's future growth depends on how Xiao Ba teaches. But having said that, Xiao Ba has acquired Yuan Feng's ability, and Professor Xiao Jin's practice is quite enough.

They are all Yuan Feng's most familiar people in the world of beast gods. Whenever they arrive, they must share their worries for Yuan Feng.

Don't worry about Xiao Ba and Xiao Jin, and don't worry about the demon flames. On the way, Yuan Feng feels that she is living in an extremely chic way, and she is full of strength to get up.

As time passes, a month's time elapses, and after a month's time, the demon flame finally begins to sprint towards the great consummation state.

This is a process of not knowing how long it will take, and for this, Yuan Feng's heart has always been full of expectations, and while waiting for the results of the demon flames, he is marching toward the Tianlong tribe.

Although he hopes that he can help with the level of the monster flame, in fact, he found out after the other party cultivated. In fact, the amount of help he can help the monster flame is too little. .

Basically, all the time, the demon flame is slowly comprehending itself. To say that Yuan Feng can help, it is nothing more than to pay attention to the energy that she swallows and absorbs into the body. If she swallows too much at once, He also helps the other side to **** out some, so as not to let the flame's body burst into energy.

Having said that, Yao Yan is definitely not a ignorant practitioner. For some issues, she is definitely more thoughtful and detailed than Yuan Feng.

At first, Yuan Feng also put more than half of his mind on the monster flame, always watching the other party's changes, but over time, the monster flame was difficult to advance at all, so that he would not put too much in the end. Focus on the other person.

It is worth mentioning that during the practice of the demon flame, Xiao Ba's cultivation finally went a step further and achieved the semi-semi-realm and six-turn realm.

When Xiao Ba was promoted, Yuan Feng was undoubtedly happy for a while. For him, every promotion of Xiao Ba can definitely be said to make him happy. Although his strength is now very scary, and basically he doesn't need to get a little eight, but this does not mean that the existence of a small eight is useless.

Just like going to the Tianlong tribe this time, in fact, the role of Xiaoba is very great. You must know that the individual fighting power of the Tianlong tribe is too strong and too strong. In such ethnic groups, there is no other than human sea tactics. Any other way is imaginable.

From this point of view, Xiao Ba's promotion to the semi-god realm and six-turn realm is indeed very time. Of course, Six Turns in Demi-God Realm is not enough, because even if you upgrade to Six Turns in Demi-God Realm, the World of Warcraft that Xiao Ba can produce is nothing more than Second Turns in Demi-God Realm, but the production speed is faster A lot more.

After six rounds of promotion to Demigod Realm, Xiao Ba transferred his main energy from cultivation to the production of the Warcraft Army, because Yuan Feng knew that in a group like the Tianlong tribe, the ten-headed Demigod Realm Warcraft Subordinates, I am afraid that it will not play a big role at all. Only the real demigod Warcraft army can solve many problems.

Those who are strong in the Howling Wolves are still reluctant to use it as a self-destructing army. After all, each of the demigods of the Howling Wolves has been cultivated for countless years. What a pity! !!

Demigod with six turns, as long as there is a continuous supply of energy, producing Demigod with two turns can be described as swift and violent, but for Yuan Feng, it provides energy for Xiaoba. It couldn't be easier.

A half-god of seven-turned Warcraft is enough for Xiaoba to produce hundreds of half-gods of two-turned Warcraft, and how Yuanfeng, a half-god of seven-turned Warcraft, hunted along the way, how could it happen? Too little?

It will take a few years to go to the Tianlong clan, and Yuan Feng believes that when he really reaches the Tianlong clan, he will really have a demigod Warcraft army.

Since then, Yuan Feng's speed has been faintly accelerating every day, because his strength is simply improving every minute and every second, and the speed of that improvement is enough to make anyone feel jealous.

Time passed, and in an instant, one year passed quietly while Yuan Feng was on his way, and after more than a year, Yuan Feng could not remember how many powerful Warcraft he had killed on the way There is no shortage of horror in the demigod.

And just as he continued to rush the road, and continued to decompress the whole beast **** world, there was a sudden movement in the physical world, making him have to stop.

"Well? There is movement, finally there is movement !!!"

In the physical world, an unusually thick energy wave swept away like a strong wind. At the same time, he felt that the mood of the demon flames became obviously agitated. Such a scene naturally made him Think of the possibilities.

"Okay, this is really a sign of the great completion of the semi-divine realm. It seems that with so much effort and so much companionship, now it is finally time to pay off."

Feeling the momentum rippling from the demon flame, Yuan Feng was getting more and more excited, and he almost had to thank all the gods and gods in his heart.

Speaking of which, for more than a year, the demon flame has really not consumed a lot of energy. First of all, the two super hordes of Super Warcraft have been swallowed by her. In the meantime, Yuan Feng also made a special trip to hunt a few heads and half-strength and eight turns of Warcraft to help her lay a solid foundation.

No matter what, at the moment, the flames finally showed signs of great consummation, which is definitely a joyous thing for him.

"Whether it is successful or not, find a place first and be ready for the disaster !!!"

Judging from the current situation of the demon flame, in all likelihood, it should be able to be promoted to the semi-god realm, and once she is successfully promoted, it is bound to cope with the transfiguration.

At the time of the eight-revolution of the semi-god realm, the revelation of the demon flame was already very scary, and it was not known how much the nine-revolution of the resurrection was better than the previous eight-revolution.

However, no matter how strong the Demon Flame's great turn to robbery is, as long as he is there, it can be easily dealt with. This point of self-confidence is obviously still there.

The mind was released, and soon, Yuan Feng chose a place with good environment, but there was no place where Warcraft disturbed him around, and he transferred the demon flame from his physical world as soon as possible.

In his physical world, Demon Flame is difficult to complete the final breakthrough, and the rules of this world do not affect his physical world.

After transferring the demon flames, he arranged various eyeliners around him, and then he helped the other side to strike the perfect state.

"Yu, good guy, this energy fluctuation is really good. It seems that once the demon flame is promoted to the semi-god realm, the strength should be comparable to that of the old strong men such as the chief of the demon python family!"

The energy fluctuations on Demon Flame are too horrible. The ordinary Great Perfectionist must not be able to compare with her. And this is nothing surprising, you know, this time she hit the semi-god realm of great consummation, but that devoured both ends of the semi-god realm of Great Warcraft.

"This is the best. After being promoted, you will have the strength of an old strong. This is simply the help of heaven !!!"

Maybe for the general strongman, if the robbery he faces is twice as strong as the normal robbery, I am afraid that he even has a crying mind, but in his case, he is not worried about the robbery at all. The problem.

The situation of the monster flame is fairly stable. It can be seen that the other party is also unwilling to cause any trouble to him, so basically he is breaking through by himself and has not sought any help from him at all.

Of course, after all, at this moment, Yuan Feng can do and has done a lot.

"Om !!! Boom !!!!!!"

At a certain moment, on top of the body of the demon flame, a wave of horrible energy suddenly rippled. At the same time, a beam of light also rose into the sky, as if it was announcing something to the whole beast **** world! !!

"Booming !!!!!!"

With the sky of energy beams rising, all the clouds above the sky began to converge. Obviously, the demon flame was really promoted to the demigod state of great consummation, and it was about to lead to great consummation. Robbed.

"Hahaha, okay, it's just so good, the semi-god realm is finally complete !!!"

It wasn't until the turn of the Great Perfection level appeared that Yuan Feng was completely relieved. He knew that this time, there would be absolutely nothing wrong, because it would not be possible to bring about a great loss to the Great Perfection. A complete turnaround.


When Xiu Yan was promoted, Yao Yan could not help but open her eyes, her eyes were full of excitement.

She was able to advance to the great consummation in such a short period of time, and to her heart, she had never dared to think about it before, but this unrealistic thing was really accomplished with the help of Yuan Feng Already.

"Giggle, Yuan Feng, it seems that we really won this time, but your two bodies are perfectly rounded, but there is no waste at all."

With his eyes condensed, the first thing the demon flame found was not the robbery over the sky, but Yuan Feng standing opposite him. For her, at this moment, only Yuan Feng is the most important. As for everything else, she will not make her feel emotionally.

Although the robbery over the sky is strong, but she has Yuan Feng to **** herself, of course, there is nothing to be afraid of.

In any case, it is definitely a big event for her to be promoted to the great consummation state. From now on, among the celestial python family, there is finally a strong conqueror.

"Hey, I guessed this would be the result. How does it feel, but is there anything wrong?"

Seeing the demon flame waking up, Yuan Feng's face couldn't help but smile, asking to the demon flame. At this moment, his concern was not concealed at all.

"Everything is normal, and then it will be sent to the robbery. I don't want to use this step, shall I?"

While talking to Yuan Feng, she looked at the robbery above the sky and asked tentatively. She was really afraid that Yuan Feng wouldn't care about her robberies anymore, and thought that once Yuan Fengyi picked up her son, she would never be able to cope with the robberies over the sky even if she borrowed her strength.

"Hahaha, naturally you will not be used. In the next time, you just need to remember the energy of devouring the thunder, and find a way to let yourself harvest more. As for the other, you don't need to worry about anything."

He didn't say anything. Right now, waiting for the robbery of the robbery to come, and then he will break it, so that the flame of the monster will soon devour the power of the robbery to reach the best state of this level.

"Booming !!!!!!"

Almost as long as the two powerful men were talking, a thunderous thunder sounded in the ears of the two. Apparently, after a period of incubation, the demigod was successfully completed. After all, it's coming.

"Well, it's fast enough." Looking up at the robbery mines that turned to robbery, Yuan Feng re-focused his eyes on the demon flame, and whispered, "Remember, in addition to engulfing the power of the robbery mines to enhance the Besides, everything else is left to me to handle. "

Facing once again the robbery at the level of demigod, I have to say that even he couldn't help feeling a faint excitement.

The demigod was so complete that it seemed that it had really faded slowly in his heart.

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