The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2216: Shock of the Demon Flame

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Chapter 2216 The Shock of the Demon Flame

The Moon Wolf King and the Flower King Wang persisted for a long time, but unfortunately, they failed to escape from Yuanfeng's Jiuqu Yellow River Array. After a battle, the two strong men were divided and sealed unceremoniously. .

The strengths of the two great powers have all fallen to the level of demigod eight turns, but their realisation is still a complete realization of demigod, and they are undoubtedly the most suitable time to be devoured.

After winning the two strong men, Yuan Feng was the first time to collect the Jiuqu Yellow River array, and at this time, the energy array of the array was basically consumed. Eighty-eight, even if I want to use it next time, I'm afraid I won't last long.

Speaking of them, the Moon Wolf King and the Flower King King still know too little about the Xuan Zhen method. In fact, if they can persist for a while, Yuan Feng's Xuan Zhen will be weakened by the exhaustion of energy. By then, they will naturally have more opportunities to escape.

Unfortunately, their luck was not very good. In the end, they could not wait for the moment when Xuanzhen disappeared on their own.

"Yu, it's finally settled. This is also true of the Great Perfectionist. It seems that as long as I manage the business carefully and kill the Great Perfectionist, it is nothing more than spending more energy stones."

After closing up the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, Yuan Feng could not help but let out a long breath, and the whole person's heart was full of a sense of accomplishment.

With this shot, he directly destroyed two superpowers with great demigods. Such a record, I am afraid that the whole beast **** world could not find the second one. Of course, there are too many other factors in it. At least, if the two big players are not drinking and chatting, it is absolutely impossible for him to arrange the mysterious array secretly.

"It seems to be a long time. I don't know if the aunt is in a hurry." Counting the time, from the time he rushed back to the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, at this moment, he took down the two strongest as if it had passed It took many days, and such a long time was actually beyond his expectation.

"Hey, although time has been delayed for a long time, but my results should be able to make up for it !!!" With a slight smile, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated. Between raising his hands, the shape of a young woman It was in front of him.

"Ah, I'm so annoyed that I have ignored you for so long, Yuan Feng, I want you to make good compensation for me !!!"

The shape of the monster flame appeared, and almost immediately after she showed up, she looked at Yuan Feng in front of her for the first time, and asked aloud geologically.

Before being taken into the physical world by Yuan Feng, she originally thought that having three or two days would be enough, but now it's counted, I'm afraid it's already twenty or thirty days!

For so long, she didn't even have a speaker, and she didn't know what happened to Yuan Feng. She was really worried and curious. Fortunately, it seems that Yuan Feng has not been harmed in any way, so she can rest assured.

However, at the same time, of course, she can't just let the other side out. In that case, it would be too cheap for the other side.

"Kee, I didn't expect to use it for so long. All of it is inexperienced, but there will be no next time."

Hearing that Yao Yan was complaining to her as soon as she appeared, Yuan Feng had already been mentally prepared, so she hurriedly said good words.

Speaking of which, during this time, all his thoughts were on dealing with the two big and half divine perfectionists. There was no extra thought to control the demon flames. When he wanted to come this time, the other party should have found it more than once He, let him let it go!

"Next time? Would you like to have another time?" Yuande Feng's words dropped, and the demon flame couldn't help glaring at the other side, and continued, "Don't say anything if you apologize, just tell me, how can you compensate me? I will not accept the compensation. "

The apology with her mouth is simply a bit of sincerity. She needs Yuan Feng to show her sincerity at this moment, otherwise, she will never let the other side down.

"Compensation? Hey, it's already ready, and it's definitely not ordinary compensation."

Hearing that the other party wanted to compensate himself, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile mysteriously, and looked around while speaking, as if he was worried that someone might spy around.

"Oh? Even the compensation is ready? It seems you are pretty familiar !!"

Picking the corner of his mouth, Yao Yan's face flashed with a hint of surprise, but she felt a little better. Anyway, Yuan Feng can prepare compensation for her. This is also considered Yuan Feng's intentions!

"What kind of compensation has been prepared for me? Take it out and see?"

Yuan Feng's realm is now here. Of course, it is impossible to take out general things. She is really curious about what kind of compensation Yuan Feng will prepare for her.

"I'm sure you'll be satisfied." His eyes narrowed slightly, Yuan Feng's gaze fixed slightly, and then he raised his hand again. Suddenly, a huge demon wolf's head appeared to him and the demon flame. In front of him, this big head is obviously sealed, not in a sober state.


When the huge head of Warcraft appeared in front of the eyes, the demon flame was exclaimed for the first time, the boss with the small mouth open was obviously frightened by the things in front of him.

"This, this is ........."

In the beast **** world, she did not move around a lot. Naturally, the major ethnic groups in the beast **** world could not be more familiar. With the huge skull in front of her, she could see the type of the other person at a glance, but when she felt the coercion passed from above her head, her heart could not be calmed down anyway.

"Hey, this is only one part, and there are other parts. At this moment, I was sealed in other places. I don't know such compensation, are you satisfied?"

After taking out the head of the Moon Wolf King and putting it in front of the demon flame, Yuan Feng smiled slightly and asked the other side.

"You, you ......... Don't tell me, you really hunted a demigod Warcraft with great consummation !!! Also, is this, this is the patriarch of the Howling Wolf Clan?"

To her, the Xiaoyue Wolf clan is obviously not very strange, and in the whole beast **** world, the Xiaoyue wolf clan with great demi-god realm seems to have only one head of the Xiaoyue wolf clan.

"Yes, the Xiaoyue Wolf tribes have arrogantly nobles one by one. At the beginning, they did not bother you and me. I cut off their patriarchs, so I can give them a lesson!

At the time when he and the demon flame rushed back to the Tianmon Python clan, the Xiaoyue wolf clan did not bother them, but unfortunately, neither he nor the demon flame had the power of revenge.

Now, he killed the patriarch of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, which is indeed equivalent to revenge for the two of them.

"It turned out to be the Moon Wolf King? How did you do that?"

After being affirmed by Yuan Feng, the monster flame was still difficult to return to for a while, and I have to say that everything in front of her was really shocked.

The half-god full moon wolf king was actually killed by Yuan Feng. This was something she never dared to think of, and it was absolutely unexpected.

Although Yuan Feng's strength is already very strong, if she is strong enough to kill the Demigod, he is certainly unable to believe it.

Great perfectionist, how many figures of the Great Perfection level can be found in the whole beast **** world? And even among her dwarf pythons, there is nothing more than her mother who is a great conqueror.

The name of the Moon Wolf King is not small, and Yuan Feng was able to kill this one, which is an unimaginable thing. Even if she wanted to break her head, she couldn't figure out how Yuan Feng did it.

"Hey, this guy has had a fight with me before. I think the injury before it should be bad is not good. This time I seized the opportunity and just killed it directly."

Regarding the process of killing the Moon Wolf King, he did not want to introduce too much. After all, there are some means that only nobody knows can play a greater role.

"Okay, don't say so much now. Now, the whole screaming moon jungle is my master. You still have to try it. Borrow the body of this month's wolf king to impact a semi-god realm. ! "

The process of killing the Moon Wolf King is not worth talking too much. At the moment, what he is most concerned about is whether the flames can use the Moon Wolf King's body to successfully advance to the semi-god realm. This is the most needed. Things of concern.

"Yu, Yuan Feng, didn't I say that, don't take such a big risk for me, why don't you and me listen to me?"

At this moment, she still didn't understand where Yuan Feng ventured to kill the Demi-God Perfectionist, which was obviously for her, and the thought of Yuan Feng trying to get her to advance to the Demi-God Perfection, it turned out that At the risk of taking such a big risk, her heart is full of endless emotions.

"It's not as serious as you think. I only shot when I was fully prepared. Speaking of it, even if the other party wants to die with me, I'm afraid there is no such opportunity."

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng quickly explained. He didn't want the other party to have any pressure. In fact, he did not take too much risk against the Moon Wolf King. In the final analysis, the worst result was nothing more than the other party's self-explosion. As for the other party who wants to end up with him, I am afraid that in the Jiuqu Yellow River battle, there is really no possibility.

"Only once, not next."

After listening to Yuan Feng's words, the monster flame can be more at ease, but naturally she will not fully believe what Yuan Feng said. After all, she wants to kill the great conqueror without risk. According to the truth, It is absolutely impossible without the slightest risk.

"Hahaha, okay, only once, not as an example !!!"

Yuan Feng certainly wouldn't sing against the other party at this moment, but what he said was whether he thought it was only him who knew it.

"Yu, the demigod great conqueror, I don't know if I have swallowed it, will I really have a chance to advance to the great consummation state."

Looking at the head of the Moon Wolf King in front of him, the look of the demon flames, however, lighted up involuntarily.

To be honest, she is of course 11 million longing and 11 million willing to devour the power of Demi-God Perfection, but it is not so easy to kill the Power owned.

Right now, Yuan Feng prepared such a super meal for her, and she even felt like she couldn't stop talking.

She doesn't know if she can be promoted to great consummation with the wolf king's body this month, but there is no doubt that this is definitely a rare opportunity, and maybe she can really rely on this great consummation The corpse, successfully promoted to the semi-god realm!

The semi-god realm is a great realm. Who in the whole beast-god realm would not yearn for that realm? If she can advance to great consummation, then she can help Yuan Feng instead of being a burden on Yuan Feng.

Moreover, once promoted to the state of great consummation, there are two great conquerors in the entire Tianmon Python family, which will undoubtedly be a historic breakthrough for the Tianmon Python family.

"Yuan Feng, I'm going to try it out, but in my estimation, the success rate is at most 50%. If you fail, don't blame me."

There is nothing to try to impact the Great Realm, but if it fails, then the wolf king's body will no doubt be completely wasted this month. And the body of a great complete Warcraft, it is absolutely priceless, even if Yuan Feng said nothing, her heart will be very unhappy.

"Complain? Ha, what are you talking about? I killed this month's wolf king to help you impact the great consummation. Even if it really fails, that's not a big deal."

Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile when he heard the words of the demon flame. Then, a weird look appeared on his face, and then he said, "In addition, you don't have to be too pessimistic. Speaking, even if you really fail It ’s okay, because this time it failed, we have another chance, you see !!! ”


When the words fell, he raised his hand again. Suddenly, a huge skull appeared in front of him and the demon flame. It was the other of the two demigods who were killed by him. —Flower King!

A Warcraft with a perfect half-god has a 50% hope that the demon flames will be promoted. Then, a Warcraft with a perfect half-god should be able to increase at least 12%?

"What? This, this ....................."

When Yuan Feng took Hua Huan Wang's head out and placed it in front of the demon flame, this time, the latter jumped up. Obviously, this time, she was really completely shocked.

ps: It's a little bit temporary. I'm really sorry for the delay. Things are not going well these days, and I really need to make some adjustments! !! !! As soon as I got home, I was immediately involved in the code, not asking for praise, but for understanding and comfort! !! Long live! !! !!

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