The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2213: Speak out

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Chapter Two Two One Thirteen

"Buzz !!!!"

In the dark space, the horrible suction has changed the appearance of the Moon Wolf King and the Flower King King. At this moment, they finally understand a little, why Yuan Feng was so confident that he had to swear to kill them.

Feeling the horrible suction around them, the two strong men have a feeling of being unable to control their strength. When working between words, they just feel that their strength is constantly losing to the outside world, and if it continues to be so , Then it is only a matter of time before they are sucked up by the surrounding mysterious array.

"How can this be? What is this mysterious array? How can there be such a terrible suction?"

Moon Wolf King is completely uneasy at this moment. It has always been jealous of Yuan Feng. Originally, it thought that it was very high on Yuan Feng, but now it seems that its understanding of Yuan Feng is simply It's the tip of the iceberg!

The huge suction around it is undoubtedly caused by Yuan Feng's control of Xuan Zhen. Although its strength, such a suction will not cause it to receive too much damage in a short period of time, but once it has passed for a long time, It really doesn't know how long it can carry it.

If the power has been lost like this, then one day, its cultivation will decrease with the loss of power, and once its cultivation is reduced to a semi-godder, it will be conceivable. Okay.

"Brother King, where are you?"

Thinking of the possible horrible consequences, the Moon Wolf King could not calm down anymore, but hurriedly shouted at the surroundings, looking for the place where the Flower King was.

Unfortunately, at this time, how could Yuan Feng give them a chance to join forces with each other? No matter how it shouted, it eventually failed to get a response from the King of Flowers, as if the other party was gone.

"Brother King, Brother King?"

Without the response from the King of Flowers, the Moon Wolf King couldn't help getting anxious. It believes that it is impossible for the King of Flowers to die so easily, and that there is no reason for it to be separated by the mysterious array.

"Damn, **** it, how did this guy know how to use Xuan Zhen? And it's still such a terrible Xuan Zhen, is this really going to force me on a dead end?"

Without the response from the King of Flowers, the Moon Wolf King would not continue calling anymore. After all, no matter how shouting, I'm afraid it's useless.

"Boy, if you have the ability, put away your mysterious array. This seat is willing to fight with you one-on-one. If you can win me, then this seat is convinced. The Xiaoyue wolf tribe is all yours. . "

While resisting the suction around, Moon Wolf King couldn't help taking a deep breath at this moment, and the deep voice spoke toward the surrounding space. It believes that Yuan Feng can certainly hear it, but it is not very optimistic about whether the other party will accept its own challenge.

"Hey, Moon Wolf King, weren't you very impressed before? Why, now you've been counseled? Is there any skill to use it, though, because if you don't use it again, I'm afraid it won't work. Hahaha !! ! "

When the voice of the Moon Wolf King dropped, Yuan Feng's voice really came around, and when he heard Yuan Feng's voice, the heart of the Moon Wolf King became even colder.

In some words, Yuan Feng is obviously not all alarmist. At least, if it can't find a way to deal with Yuan Feng's suction means, then the problem is really a bit big.

"Little brother, speaking, there is no deep hatred between you and me. Do you really want to tear your face with the king and end up with a dead net? Why would the little brother let me go, then from now on, this seat will never be It wo n’t be half a step into the Howling Wolves, will it always be okay? ”

His face changed, but the Moon Wolf King finally had to bow his head and made the biggest concession directly. It is clear that at this moment, it is not qualified to bargain at all, so the only thing that can be done is to show all your sincerity and let Yuan Feng let her go.

"Tear your face? It seems that everyone has already torn their faces, right? As for what you said about Fishnet Breaking, I don't quite agree with it, of course, if you think you have the cost of breaking Fishnet, then just let it go. , But there is no need to worry about my feelings. "

Yuan Feng's voice came, but it didn't mean to be moved at all. For Yuan Feng, the trivial Xiaoyue Wolf clan is simply not enough to impress him. Besides, he has already controlled all the demigods of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan at this moment. If he wants, he is not Can you divide the Moonwolf Clan in minutes?

"You ... ...... boy, don't bully people too much, don't you really think I can't deal with you? If I really hurried to this seat, I still can't take you for a walk !!!"

If it's not soft, then come hard. In this world, there are too few people who neither eat soft nor hard.

"Is that so? In that case, you really need to see and see, but before that, you still have to enjoy the meal I prepared for you and give it to me !!!"

"Buzz !!!!"

Yuan Feng didn't care about that much. When the voice fell, he suddenly increased the speed of the mysterious array. Suddenly, the suction of the Moon Wolf King's body became bigger and bigger, so that the Moon Wolf The king's resistance also became weaker.

"Ah, boy, I'll make you pay back twice as much today."

Feeling the increase in suction, Moon Wolf King was really a little scared at the moment, and at this moment it was a big trouble for Yuan Feng, and he almost regretted his intestines.

I have seen a pervert, but I have never seen such a pervert as Yuan Feng, and the strength is horrible. There is such a horrible mysterious means, which simply does not give others a living!

"What to do? What to do? Is it true that my Moon Wolf King is going to be planted here today?"

The current situation is indeed a matter of life and death. If it cannot be solved, I am afraid that it will really endanger life. However, it has to consider more.

The suction around it is getting bigger and bigger, it can feel that once the suction has increased to a certain level, even if it tries at its best, it can't stop the loss of power at that time, then it will be the real danger!

The moon wolf king has entered a precarious moment, and at the same time, on the other side that is not far away, the situation of the flower king is not in any way better than it.

"Little brother, the little brother of humanity, you go back, I have something to tell you."

At this moment, the King of Flowers is also being torn by the dark space around him, and while trying to control his power from being taken away, he is constantly yelling at him.

The moment the space darkened and suction was created, it realized how dangerous the situation was this time. Obviously, this is a bargain at all, and such a sale, it really does not need to follow in.

"Little brother, I was called by the moon wolf king to support the scene. The grudges between you and it have nothing to do with the next point. I also ask the little brother to open it, and leave it now. I will be grateful for it. Endless. "

Where is Hua Huan Wang at the moment? For it, Yuan Feng's mysterious means has changed it.

At this moment, the only way it can think of is to ask for mercy, but there is no other way.

Of course, begging for mercy is okay, but if it is effective, then it is really not easy to say. This is not the case, although it repeatedly begged for mercy, Yuan Fengfeng did not even care about it, as if he had not heard it for mercy at all.

In fact, of course, Yuan Feng couldn't hear its begging, but he was too lazy to deal with each other.

In contrast, the Moon Wolf King can still be regarded as the number one character, but this so-called flower king, really makes him super dislike.

Although his main goal is still the Moon Wolf King, he also hopes that he can kill him, so that he can gain a share.

"Ah, do you not even want to tell me a word?"

The power is constantly flowing, but there is not even a response around. At this moment, I really do n’t know what I should do.

In response to it, there is always endless darkness, but there is no trace of sound, and this situation undoubtedly makes it more and more frightened.

"Brother Wolf, where are you? Where are you now !!!"

I want to talk to Yuan Feng, but in the end, there is no way to say it. At this moment, it can only hope that the Moon Wolf King can find her sooner, then everything is much simpler.

It's a pity, let alone the Moon Wolf King. After a flash, it didn't even see a piece of hair. Instead, it was a dark space surrounding it, but it was always in the shadow and could not be thrown away.

The two strong are controlled by the dark space around them, regardless of their strength and means, this moment has become meaningless.

Whether it is the Moon Wolf King or the Flower King, they may want to make peace at this moment. After all, the loss of power and the decline in cultivation are definitely not fun.

It is a pity that Yuan Feng will never make peace with them. For Yuan Feng, it was a chance to encounter such an opportunity. If you missed it, it would be a pity.

Yuan Feng didn't make a shot at this moment. For him, as long as he can control the central uprightness of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, it should not be difficult to kill these two guys.

Therefore, for a while, he no longer talked to the two people in the space of Xuanzhen, but concentrated on controlling the surrounding space, trying to increase the difficulty for the two.

This is definitely a process that requires stalemate, and the time may not be too short. As for how long the stalemate will take, it depends on the final result!

For the next time, the three of them remained relatively still. For Yuan Feng, success or failure, but they will soon be clear!

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