The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2200: Death robbery

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Chapter 2200 Death

In the boundless sky, the shape of a young man, like a traveler in the desert, is constantly flashing in the sky.

Such a harsh environment, even a strong man in the demigod one or two turns, will feel very strenuous, but the young man in the crazy sand is obviously not comparable to the ordinary demigod power, even here No matter how bad the environment is, he is still on the ground, without any hindrance.

"Yu, the scope of this mad sand domain is really too large. Even if it is my strength, I want to go through every harsh environment, I am afraid it will take a while?"

Yuan Feng's figure stopped over a dune, and when he looked up and glanced at this endless world of horror, even if he was as powerful as he had to smile and shook his head with a bitter smile, long Sighed.

After coming to Kuangsha Realm, he felt that the Tian Yao Python family seemed to be in this area, but when he really started to sense it, he became a bit unable to get started.

The scope of the Kuangsha domain is really too large, and the Tian Yao Python family must be buried under the Kuangsha. As for how deep it is, no one can know.

Moreover, the characteristics of the Kuangsha domain are also very clear. No matter where you take the reference, as long as a blink of an eye, your reference object is already buried in the thick yellow sand. Therefore, sometimes, even if you have already found a place, you may have to find it a second time, or even a third time.

Although Yuan Feng's strength is very strong, in this harsh environment, he felt that his mind was about to be blown away, and there was no way to concentrate on searching.

"The demon pythons are really careful this day. Even one eyeliner has not been arranged outside. If you keep going like this, I really don't know how to get into the demon pythons."

Before, he thought that he could use the eyeliner left by the Tianmon Python family to enter the Tianmon Python family, but now it seems that such a harsh environment, unless it is a strong person who sends more than three or four turns to the demigod. Let the wind blow outside, otherwise, even the people who have turned one or two times in the demigod state will be buried in the mad sand.

If you think about it, since the Tianmon Pythons buried their deep seals, of course they will not leave flaws outside.

"I don't know when it's a leader, it seems that if you can't find the place of the Tian Yao Python family, you can only go back and wait for the news, and then start from other large hidden groups."

Such a harsh environment, even if he wants to use Xiaoba to produce Warcraft eyeliner will not work. As for the hundreds of demigods that wore on his body, he will not easily use them when it is absolutely necessary. Moreover, even if it is used, in such a huge area, it will not exert much effect at all.

"Om !!!!!!"

However, just under Yuan Feng's heart, when he didn't know when he could find the target, if there was a sound of space vibration, it was suddenly transmitted from a distant place.

This wave of energy fluctuations is almost negligible, but as a super powerhouse, and still in control of the infinite treasures such as the superpower, he is keenly aware of the existence of this shock.

"Well? Is there energy fluctuation?"

Feeling this faint energy fluctuation, Yuan Feng blinked his eyes instantly, then looked at it in one direction.

In the eyes, there seems to be nothing unusual in the wild sand, but for some reason, he suddenly felt a heartbeat.

"Where does the energy fluctuation come from? In such a horrible place, there can be a trace of energy fluctuation. It seems that it should be released by a super powerhouse."

His eyes narrowed for a moment, and now he came to his spirit almost instantly. In such a place, even if there is a trace of strangeness, it is good. After all, he doesn't want to face the yellow sand all the time and drift like this all the time.

"It doesn't matter, just go over and talk."

As soon as his gaze was fixed, he no longer thought about it, and between thoughts, he went straight to the direction of the faint wave of energy.

His speed is extremely fast, but he is not affected by the surrounding sands. In a short time, he flew across the range of millions of miles, and continued to hurry without speed.

"Om !!! Swipe it !!!!!!"

However, such a rush did not last for a long time. At a certain moment, a sound of spatial vibration came. Then, the original world was still yellow, as if it suddenly changed to heaven. Clouds of cloud were condensed and gathered in the direction of his rush.

"Well? This is ........."

Suddenly the accident happened, so Yuan Feng stopped subconsciously and began to observe the situation above the sky.

"Jieyun? It was the robbery of the demigod when the demigods advanced to the ranks? Good guy, somebody is going to cross the robbery ahead?"

As the master of the infinite monument, Yuan Feng's sense of horror is almost a momentary effort. He has already felt that the situation in front of him is simply that there is a superpower to force the robbery and achieve the ultimate state Situation!

"Who is going to cross here? Is it the people of the Tian Yao Python family?"

He has roughly sensed that this area of ​​hundreds of millions of miles is not suitable for any living body to survive, that is to say, the people who cross here are not outside people, and since they are not outside people In all likelihood, there are people from some hidden world groups hidden under this world.

"Yu, there is a door, no matter what, I finally have some clues. I hope this time I can find the strong man of the Tianmon Python family, and then enter the Tianmon Python family."

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Feng hastened to condense all his breath, and directly integrated with the surrounding world of mad sand. At this moment, even if it is a super strong who is also full of demigods, as long as it is not his own eyes Seeing him, it is impossible to feel his existence.


Having condensed all the breath, Yuan Feng directly turned into a streamer, and by the hiding of the mad sand, he went straight to the direction of the person who crossed the calamity ...............

When Yuan Feng sensed the existence of the robbery and flew away in the direction of the robbery, in a completely enclosed area, a young woman was already standing thick at this moment. Under the overcast clouds, and looked indifferently at the robbery clouds above the sky.

"It's a strong robbery. It seems that God really intends to let me die !!!"

Looking at the dark clouds that are still condensing above the sky, there is not much expectation in the eyes of the Demon Flame.

The area where she was at this moment has been shot by the eleven strong men of the Tianmon Python family, and is directly isolated from the mad sand. However, this silence has made her more isolated. feel.

At the moment, the eleventh-ranking veteran strongman is scattered around, protecting the demon flame in the middle, and will not let a trace of wind and sand affect her crossing, but unfortunately, although they can isolate the sand, they cannot isolate the sky Thunder mine.

On the sand dunes dozens of miles away from the demon flame, the patriarch of the demon python was standing there quietly at the moment, but his face was full of dignity.

"Why? But it's just eight rounds of robbery. Why is it so strong? Is this going to kill my son?"

The patriarch of the Tian Yao Python tried to keep the majesty of the patriarch, but when she saw that her daughter had caused such a terrible diversion, she really couldn't calm down for a while.

Looking up at the robbery clouds in the sky, from the momentum alone, I am afraid that this time the robbery will have to catch up with her original great robbery, and this situation is obviously not consistent with the normal situation.

It can be said that in the face of the eight rounds of robbery, no matter who it is, there is no possibility of passing it by, and her second daughter may not escape this time.

At this moment, while anxious and angry, she was also full of endless regret and self-blame.

If it was not because she was still expecting to find the infinite monument, then her second daughter would not enter the sanctuary to receive baptism, and would not receive baptism, naturally there would be no immediate situation.

Demigod six turns, which is already a very good state, as long as it is cultivated, then sooner or later, you can achieve a very high state, wait until you have been promoted to seven demigods, or even eighth demigods before entering the Holy Accept the inheritance of the environment, then everything is fine.

It's a pity that it is too late to think about anything now, and the eight-round turn to rob is in front of her, even she feels a strong threat, let alone her daughter who has just been promoted to eight-turn.

The thought of losing a daughter in her heart was full of pain, but unfortunately, at this moment, she really couldn't do anything.

As for the eleven quasi-senior veterans who are seven or eight turns in the semi-god state, at this moment, they can only protect the surroundings for the demon flames and block those violent sands. In addition, they can do nothing more.

For them, the eight-round robberies that the demon flames face are more horrible than the eight-round robberies that they experienced at the beginning. At this moment, any one of the veterans will stand out, and I am afraid they will be robbed by the current robberies. Kill directly.

"Where is the eight-turn robbery? It is simply the robbery of the great conqueror !!!"

"It's terrifying. What is so unusual about our second princess that has attracted such a terrible robbery?"

"It's over. Under such a horrible turn, don't mention the second princess. Even if we are old guys, I'm afraid they can only be honest!"

"I hope that the second princess will be able to look at the heavens and live through this crisis."

"I hope so !!!"

Each veteran character can only shake the head while sighing while blocking the surrounding wind. Although they said such things in their mouths, in their hearts, they were basically convinced that the demon flame would be buried under robbery.

The Celestial python family has always had a single pass. Basically, there has not been any case where the heirs died under the robbery. It seems that there are three heirs of this generation of Celestial pythons. I am afraid that the test of the Celestial pythons by God , Correspondingly becomes harsher.

This is also a normal phenomenon. After all, if the three princesses of this generation have all achieved the great perfection, then it is indeed too much.

It was just watching a princess of the Tianmon Python family fall under the robbery, which was really cruel to them.


In the time of speaking, the robbery above the sky has completed its final cohesion, and a shocking blast is issued, it seems to be telling everyone that the robbery is about to begin!

"Is it finally about to start? Does it mean that my life is about to end?"

Hearing the sound of the sky, the flames of the demon flames covered with a faint wave of energy, began to rise.

Although she really did not have a little confidence to cope with the robbery this time, no matter what, she still had to fight for it. At least, even if she died, she could not die without resistance.

"Come on, live or die, this life, no regrets !!!"

Looking up at the sky, a gentle smile suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, but when she saw the smile, her heart was more relaxed.

From birth to now, she has experienced a lot of things. Originally, she had not really felt any special emotions before practicing until the six transitions of Demigod Realm. Until she met Yuan Feng, she could say it happened Changed utterly.

If she was to ask her what was the most happy thing in her life, she would not hesitate to answer, that is, she met Yuan Feng and had a relationship with Yuan Feng.

And if you ask her what is the most reassuring and least reconciling thing to her, her answer, naturally, will never see Yuan Feng again.

However, no matter what, she finally experienced the kind of unforgettable heart, experienced the kind of desperate, and with these, she is really content!


The transfer of robberies will not be terminated for any reason. Tiandao is ruthless and will never open up to anyone. When everything is ready, the horrible thunderstorm finally comes down violently.

"Well !!!"

There is a thunderbolt with the thickness of a bucket, and the whole space is torn apart, and the body that goes straight to the demon flame comes down, and the momentum that destroys everything is really unstoppable.


Seeing that Jie Lei descended, the shape of the demon flame suddenly shook, but it instantly became a huge python, and went straight to Jie Lei to meet it.


The horrible thunderbolt finally collided with the body of the demon flame. Suddenly, a horrible storm swept directly towards the surrounding area, and even some sand and stones were instantly turned into powder at this moment. , Rippling in the space of dozens of miles.

"Hello !!! Hey !!!"

A painful roar spread instantly over a range of millions of miles, and then, the huge body of the sky demon python hit the ground fiercely, and spit blood in a big mouth.

Just one thunderbolt is to seriously damage the princess of the second demon python and it seems that she has lost her ability to move. Obviously, as long as the second thunderbolt comes down, the life of the second princess of the second demon python can only be Explain here.

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