The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2196: Personally

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Chapter 2196 Going Out Personally

Yuan Feng's purpose of coming to the beast **** world was only two, one of which was to be promoted to demigod, and this purpose has now been achieved. The other, naturally, is to find the location of Dahei and reunite with this hometowner.

At present, the realm of the semi-god realm has been completely established. Next, naturally, it is all about finding the place of the big black.

Speaking of which, his time in the beast **** world is not too short, and he has not traveled too few places, but he has not found any clues about Dahei.

Although he did not visit one of the super big ethnic groups such as the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, if he wanted to come to these ethnic groups, even if he didn't go to the other party, then the other party might have heard of him already.

At the moment, he did not find Dahei, and Dahei did not come to him. It seems that Dahei today is not in an ordinary place in the world of beast gods, but where the possibility is relatively high, it seems that it should be some hidden world. Ethnic group.

Either the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, or other large ethnic groups, they are nothing more than the well-known super ethnic groups. In fact, there are definitely many more terrifying ethnic groups than these groups, but those old brands. The top big ethnic groups will not show up easily now.

Like the Fengcai pythons that Yuanfeng had contacted before, in terms of strength and heritage, they are actually stronger than the general super big group, and stronger than the Tianmon pythons. The same is true in the beast **** world. There are many.

At the very least, Yuan Feng himself knew one thing, that is, there are twelve immeasurable monuments in the beast **** world, and each ethnic group that controls the immortal monuments must be an extremely horrible existence. This is also the same as He who controls the immense stele is deeply moved.

The situation of Dahei is naturally clear in his mind. According to Dahee's qualifications, as long as he comes to the world of beast gods, it will become the object of competition among major ethnic groups, and once it is provided with good enough conditions, then The development of Dahei is bound to be inestimable.

Judging from the current situation, it is more likely that Dahei will be paid by a top big group. After all, besides being hidden by the top big group, he can't think of where the other party can go ... ...

At the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, Ruan Jingtian has promised him and launched all the strength of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce to visit the major hidden world ethnic groups, but it is not easy to find out at the moment.

The major hidden age groups are mysterious and extremely rare, and they rarely appear in the bright places. Although the power of the Chamber of Commerce of God is good, it is difficult to find clues about these hidden age groups.

Yuan Feng himself also knows that it is even harder to find the darkest thing than his promotion to the demigod realm, but no matter how difficult it is, he will keep looking for as long as there is a glimmer of hope.

After incorporating the immortal monument into his body, he could almost feel that Dahei is in the world of the beast **** world, but where exactly it can be hidden can only be excavated little by little.

After taking what he wanted and making a request with Ruan Jingtian, Yuan Feng did not stay too much at the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, but returned directly to the howling jungle of the howling wolves.

Today, the site of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan is his. There are more than a hundred demigods here to **** him. Is it safest to say that it is safest here?

In the following time, he distributed the strong men of the Howling Wolves to various places to cooperate with the Chamber of Commerce of God to find the location of the hidden world group, and on the other hand, he set up an excellent environment for himself and began to work hard. To cultivate.

After being promoted to the Demigod Realm, his bottleneck for cultivation is gone, and without the bottleneck for cultivation, of course, he must seize the time and strive to improve his strength in order to be more willing in the beast **** world.

He turned around in the semi-god realm, and already had the power of the semi-god realm. Then he believed that if he was allowed to advance to the realm of the second go, it would be absolutely worthwhile to defeat the great conqueror.

Of course, if he can be promoted to the stronger three-turn realm, then he believes that the great perfectionist will not have any chance in front of him. By then, he should even be able to rely on the blood curse magic skill to make the big The strong players of the perfect level are all in their own hands and used by themselves.

However, after all, although the bottleneck is not so scary from one to the second turn, it is not so easy to advance to the realm of the second turn.

Time passes, and in a blink of an eye, one month is quietly slipping away, and in this month, although Yuan Feng's practice is quite satisfactory, there is still a long distance from the state of second demigod. distance.

"This is really hard work. It seems that if I want to advance to the second transfer, I need some external assistance. Otherwise, according to my current practice, I do n’t have a few years. Don't even think about it. "

For a month, Yuan Feng felt that her power had undoubtedly become more solidified, but it was not an overnight effort to advance to the second turn.

"There was no news from Ruan Jingtian. The members of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan have also gained nothing. It seems that if I want to find Dahei, I have to rely on my own strength. As for these guys, It's really not credible. "

In fact, from the beginning, he was not very optimistic about the intelligence systems of the China Chamber of Commerce and the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan. After all, this is not looking for ordinary things, but for the hidden world ethnic group.

Since it is called the hidden world ethnic group, first of all, it is naturally hidden very deeply. How can such a large ethnic group be easily found by some ordinary World of Warcraft eyeliners?

"Xiaoba, come out and breathe !!!"

With an eyebrow raised, he could not help but call out his own Warcraft companion Xiaoba.

"Brother !!!"

The figure appeared, and Xiao Ba gave a slight gift to Yuan Feng for the first time, and looked at Yuan Feng, but it was much, much different than before.

It had known about Yuan Feng's promotion to demigod, and it was really excited for a while that Yuan Feng could be promoted to demigod. It knew in its heart that Yuan Feng had been promoted to demigod, so they really don't need to be afraid of anyone from now on.

"Oh, don't be so polite, how about, six turns in the demigod, is there any clue?"

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng waved his hand, motioned to Xiao Ba to sit beside him, and then asked with a smile.

After controlling hundreds of demigod demon wolves, he gave Xiaoba a complete holiday. Today, Xiaoba only needs to be busy with his own cultivation, and he doesn't need to produce Demon Warcraft at all. .

The production of Demon God of Warcraft is not a joke, for Xiao Ba in this state, it is a laborious and laborious task. However, in order to save their lives, it and Yuan Feng had to make themselves a bit more tired.

But now, Yuan Feng has a large number of demigods under his hands. If he can't solve the problem, he can explode as he wants, but he no longer needs to labor to produce Warcraft. .

"It's a little bit worse. If I can devour a World of Warcraft with six demigods for me to devour, then basically there should be no problem."

Today, it is hitting the realm of Demigod and Six Turns, but unfortunately, the effect is not very good.

Its speed of promotion is very abnormal, and all of this is naturally due to Yuan Feng's credit. If Yuan Feng does not provide enough spiritual treasures for it, even if it is too many young people, it will be difficult to reach the current state.

At the moment, it is a lot of effort to impact the six-turn situation, but because the background is slightly worse, the state of the six-turn situation, I am afraid it needs some assistance and stimulation of foreign objects.

"Hey, do you need a half-powered, six-turn Warcraft powerhouse? This is not a big deal. It seems that it's time to go hunting."

Hearing Xiao Ba's words, Yuan Feng couldn't help narrowing his eyes, but he laughed.

Today, preparing a few powerful Warcraft for Xiaoba, this is not a big problem. In terms of his strength, once the strong man with six turns in the semi-god realm is locked by him, then he should not even try to escape.

Of course, not only the strong man with six turns in the semi-god realm, but even the stronger one, the situation is probably the same, but this time, he will be selfish once, go hunt some powerful Warcraft, and let Xiaoba become an early one. Super strong among the beast **** world.

Maybe, letting Xiao Ba be promoted to the semi-realm of great consummation will make him feel guilty, but if the semi-realm is six turns, or even seven or eight turns, he may be able to help.

Xiaoba ’s greatest ability as a World of Warcraft is to devour him. He really does n’t believe it. If he prepares a ten-to-twenty-eight demigod of seven or eight turns for World of Warcraft, he will eventually get stuck in the realm of six turns. No way?

Having said that, he went out this time, obviously not just to find food for Xiao Ba. After deciding to leave the Howling Wolves, he first made some arrangements.

In terms of arrangements, in fact, it is nothing more than bringing together the demigods of the Howling Wolf tribe, and bringing most of the demigods to themselves.

Frankly speaking, the Xiaoyue Wolf family is nothing more than a World of Warcraft. For a human warrior like him, Warcraft is ultimately only World of Warcraft. As for the future and development of the whole group of the Xiaoyue Wolf family, he obviously does not care.

However, he did not take away all the strong men of the Howling Wolf Clan. In the end, he still left a dozen demigods for the other party. In the strength of these dozens of guys, It is enough to protect the ordinary members of the Howling Wolf Clan.

In addition, the lord of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan does not know where he went now, but if the other party rushes back, then the Xiaoyue Wolf wolves can grow up sooner or later. However, these were not his concerns. Even the extinction of the Howling Wolf Clan had little effect on him.

With dozens of demigod superpowers, Yuan Feng finally embarked on a journey to find Dahei, and his first stop was a one he was more familiar with, but he should n’t provoke. Ethnic group.

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