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Chapter Two One Hundred and Nineteen

With regard to the Howling Wolf Clan, Yuan Feng didn't think about how to use it right now, but no matter what, the entire Howling Wolf Clan now, except for the strongest patriarch, all the other members of the Demigod Realm have become With his subordinates, as long as he is willing, he can call an army of hundreds of demigods at any time.

After arranging the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, Yuan Feng finally embarked on his journey to the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. As for the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, he believes that within a short time, this group will still be very safe.

Although the previous Howling Wolf Clan experienced some turbulence, as long as there is no strong demigod coming, the ordinary demigod power can hardly pose any threat to the Howling Wolves.

As for the Moonwolf King who had fled before, Yuan Feng believes that this time, he should probably hide at this moment and recover his injury. He will never show up for a while.

In addition, the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan is not too far away from the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. At his speed, it is almost a few hours, and he can almost come back from the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. Naturally, there is nothing to worry about.

When he came to the Chamber of Commerce of God again, Yuan Feng's heart was really full of emotions, and it was no exaggeration to say that there were thousands of emotions.

"Well, before I came to the site of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, I had to be cautious at all times, for fear of being counted, but to this day, on the site of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, I have no fear of existence. Come on !!! "

Standing not far from the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, Yuan Feng glanced at the huge Shenji Chamber of Commerce, not to mention that he had never seen it so arrogantly before, but he really did not know that the original Shenji Chamber of Commerce actually Mighty martial arts!

In fact, of course, the scenery of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce has not changed, but the realm of the people who appreciate the scenery has changed, and the mood has changed. Of course, the scenes they see have different effects.

"There are several such human warriors in the beast **** world. This is really a good thing for the human warriors in the beast **** world. It seems that this time, it is not necessary to force Ruan Jingtian too far."

After more than ten days of precipitation, his animosity towards Ruan Jingtian gradually alleviated a little, and thinking of what the other party did for the human warrior, his views on Ruan Jingtian also happened subtly. change.

"No matter how much it is, let's go to the God Machine Chamber of Commerce first and talk with the president for a few words!"

He shook his head, but he no longer thought about it. When he was in shape, he went straight to a tallest building in the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. He knew that there should be Ruan Jingtian there.

"Om !!!!!! Brush !!!"

Yuan Feng's speed is extremely fast, almost in a blink of an eye, it is already approaching the palace, and just when he just came to the palace, a sound of spatial shock suddenly came, and then, a colorful light It rose into the sky, and finally turned into a colorful light path, paved directly in front of his eyes.

"Well? This is ........."

Seeing the colorful light directly extended to his feet, Yuan Feng couldn't help but hesitated a little, apparently did not expect this scene.

"Brush !!!!"

However, Yuan Feng has not been surprised for too long. It is almost a time between speeches. One light after another flashes out from the God Machine Chamber of Commerce, almost instantly. There are dozens of light flashes. After that, there were dozens of super powers, standing in two rows on both sides of the colorful light path.

"Om !!! Brush !!!!"

After dozens of demigods stood on both sides of the colorful light path, a ray of light came on. Then, a middle-aged man appeared with a young woman in the light path. End, and strolled towards the outside.

"Welcome the little brother Yuanfeng to the God Machine Chamber of Commerce, and if there is a long-distance welcome, I hope the little brother is strange !!!!!"

The middle-aged man took the young woman out of the hall of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, but when the middle-aged man headed saw Yuan Feng on the other side of the colorful light road, he was in a hurry to look right and quickly The ground greeted.

"Well, good guy, this welcome ceremony is really impressive."

At the end of the colorful light path, Yuan Feng's eyes had been narrowed slightly, but he was somewhat surprised by the scene in front of him. Although he also thought that he would receive Ruan Jingtian's personal reception when he arrived, he did not expect that the chairman of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce had brought so many demigods from the Shenji Chamber of Commerce.

A general glance at the presence of the Demigod Realm, ranging from one to six turns, the number is a full seventy, it seems that the chairman of the chairman has taken great pains to meet him. !!

"Is this going to show me? Yeah, if this person's sincerity is enough, then there is no need to worry about him before !!!!"

He is naturally grateful for Ruan Jingtian who has made such a decent welcome ceremony for himself.

Let's not say what Ruan Jingtian's mind really thinks. At least, the other side gave him a good attitude. If he has such an attitude, he can be regarded as the other person's intention.

"Hehe, the president is really kind. Such a big fanfare really makes you feel ashamed."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng didn't hesitate. Before moving, he embarked on the path of colorful light and headed towards Ruan Jingtian and Ruan Xinrou behind him.

Ruan Jingtian was greeted with Ruan Xinrou together. It seems that at this moment, Ruan Xinrou's identity is completely known to everyone.

"Yuanfeng's little brother is the most noble guest in the history of my God Chamber of Commerce. What is this little scene for Yuanfeng's son?"

Speaking time, Ruan Jingtian has brought Ruan Xinrou and Yuan Feng together on the colorful light path.

Ruan Jingtian was extremely polite at the moment. When he reached Yuan Feng's side, he hurriedly gave a gift to Yuan Feng. I was afraid that he had never behaved humblely.

"Haha, Lord President has lifted up."

With a loud laugh, Yuan Feng's eyes randomly glanced at the lineup of strong men around them, and while these strong men were trying to hide one by one, the shock in their eyes was simply beyond concealment. of.

This is also a helpless thing. They were called by Ruan Jingtian early and said that they would welcome the VIP with Ruan Jingtian. Originally, they thought what kind of VIP was in trouble for a long time. The so-called VIP is actually Yuan Feng.

Regarding Yuan Feng, few of the deacon powermen present were unknown. After all, Yuan Feng first followed the Tianmon Python to make a beast-god realm, which caused many large ethnic groups to join in. A while back, Yuan Feng had a fight with Deacon Chen Ang in the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, but his images have already been transmitted to every strong man in the Shenji Chamber of Commerce.

"How could it be him? Is this kid a noble guest as grown up?"

"Under what circumstances, isn't this the one who dealt with Deacon Chen Ang before? This son killed Deacon Chen Ang's son. He has basically become the enemy of the Shenqi Chamber of Commerce. How can he be treated as a guest by the President? And lined up in person? "

"Yu, it seems there are a lot of unknown situations here. It is said that Deacon Chen Ang has disappeared at this time. It is still unknown whether it is a matter of life or death, and it is not known whether it is related to this."

"Don't care so much. Now that the adult president has done so, there must be his reason. Let's line up obediently and look at it honestly."

Each of the strong men in the lineup is a big figure of the Chamber of Commerce of God. They never dreamed that it would be Yuan Feng this time. When they saw Yuan Feng clearly, everyone could not help but discuss it secretly. Some time.

Speaking of which, Yuan Feng had complained with Deacon Chen Ang in the realm of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce a while ago. Later, everyone was waiting for the follow-up development of the incident. Now, Yuanfeng has become the real guest of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, and Deacon Chen Ang had nothing at the moment, and even his mansion was extremely depressed.

In this regard, everyone naturally understands that there must be a lot of fuss in it.

"Hehe, Girl Xinrou, let's meet again."

After glancing around, Yuan Feng finally looked at the woman behind Ruan Jingtian, and at this time who came out following Ruan Jingtian, who else besides Ruan Xinrou?

Obviously, Ruan Jingtian should also understand that in the entire God Machine Chamber of Commerce, I am afraid that only Ruan Xinrou and Yuan Feng have some friendship, and bring Ruan Xinrou with him. At least, Yuan Feng should be able to look at each other's face and give him A few steps down.

"Yuan and Yuan Feng?"

Ruan Xinrou has been following his father. Until now, he still felt like he was in a dream.

She was previously brought back to the Shenji Chamber of Commerce by her father, who told her that Deacon Chen Ang, along with the two elders, had ambushed Yuan Feng without his knowledge, but had been disposed of by him, even the offender. Elder Bai Zhong, one of the two elders, was beheaded and killed by him, leaving only the lighter fault elder Shi Yan, but he was also imprisoned.

Unfortunately, she did not see it that day, but she did not know whether her father had lied to her, but she always trusted her father so much that she was suspicious.

At this moment, when she saw Yuan Feng in front of her, she believed most of her father ’s words, because at least she knew that Yuan Feng was still alive, and only Yuan Feng was alive. Her father said Everything can be true.

She told her father before that she wanted to see Yuan Feng with her own eyes to verify what happened that day, but her father told her that it won't be long before Yuan Feng will come to the God Chamber of Commerce and let She doesn't need to worry.

However, even if she wanted to break her head, she would never have thought that the arrival of Yuan Feng would be such a scene. In this regard, she really did not know what to say.

In her memory, her father is so arrogant that he has never put anyone in his eyes, even if he is a strong person at the same level, I am afraid it is impossible for him to treat him like he is now.

It can be said that there is a strange smell from beginning to end, so that she can't understand it at all.

Of course, no matter what, she can finally be sure of one thing, that is, Yuan Feng is still alive, and not so good!

"Hey, why, I haven't seen them for a few days. Doesn't Xinrou know me? If this is the case, then it will really be very sad."

Seeing Ruan Xinrou's mouth open, looking at himself incredulously, Yuan Feng couldn't help smiling, blinking at the other side.

He can still think of Ruan Xinrou's mood at this moment. It seems that Ruan Jingtian should not have told her that the customer that the God Chamber of Commerce will welcome this time is him, and it is no wonder that the other party will feel this way. shocked.

"No, no, how could Xinrou not recognize Yuan Feng?"

When Yuan Feng's words came down, Ruan Xinrou quickly shook his head, and then continued, "Master Yuan Feng, at that time, my father had already said to me, and for the actions of Deacon Chen Ang and others, Xin Rou wants to act again They apologized to Yuan Feng's son, but since the people who have been treated have already received the due punishment, they should ask Yuan Feng's son to remember it. "

The first thing she thought of when she returned to God was to apologize to Yuan Feng.

On the same day, she watched the people of the Shenqi Chamber of Commerce shoot Yuan Yuan, but in the end she couldn't help. In this regard, she was really unhappy. Fortunately, Yuan Feng is okay, otherwise, I'm afraid she will be uneasy in her life.

"Eh? Hehe, it's all over. Girl Xinrou doesn't have to remember it."

Hearing Ruan Xinrou's words, Yuan Feng could not help raising her eyebrows, but then smiled very flatly.

How savvy he is, from Ruan Xinrou's words, he can naturally hear some off-string voices. Obviously, Ruan Jingtian absolutely didn't tell the truth to Ruan Xinrou. As for what he said, he could guess that it would be inseparable.

Regarding this, he did not go a step further, no matter how Ruan Jingtian explained to Ruan Xinrou, at least he could see that Ruan Xinrou should be very satisfied with such an explanation. If he tells the truth of the matter, I am afraid for Ruan Xinrou, It would be an unacceptable reality.

"Hehe, Xin Rou, there are a lot of adults in Yuanfeng's little brothers, how can they remember those little things at the beginning? Well, this is not the place to talk. Yuan Feng's son rarely comes to the God Machine Chamber of Commerce, let's talk inside. ! "

Ruan Jingtian intervened at the right moment, but cast a grateful look at Yuan Feng. Obviously, Yuan Feng could help him lie, and he was naturally grateful.

During the conversation, the two looked at each other, then humbly let each other enter the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, and from the beginning to the end, Yuan Feng did not mention the compensation of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce in front of Ruan Xinrou.

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