The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2184: Swallow bitter fruit

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Chapter Two One Hundred and Eighty Four

"Booming !!!!!!"

Above the sky, the horrible thunderclouds are still condensing at the moment, and under the thunderclouds, Yuan Feng is like walking in the back garden of his own house, looking at the thunderstorm indifferently Cohesion, but there is no trace of worry.

This is an open space outside the Howling Jungle, and there is a long distance from the Howling Jungle. The robbery here should not let the creatures in the Howling Jungle die.

Yuan Feng is not a treacherous man. He knows very well that if he crosses the roar in the jungle of Xiaoyue, then he doesn't know how many souls he will endure. In addition, there are too many strong men in the Howling Jungle. There are so many super strong men. Thunder and thunder will condense too much power. At that time, he does not know if he can cover it.

Speaking of others, in this person's eyes, what he has done is a complete tribulation of demigod, and when a strong man of this level crosses the robbery, only the same level of people will affect the sky. The power of robbery, as far as it is reduced to nine turns below the semi-god realm, will not let robbery mines care.

But in fact, what Yuan Feng has spent this time is basically a turn of the demigod, so if you pull out one or two demigods in the howling jungle, it will make his turn strong. Several times.

However, this situation is basically only known to him. As for the outsiders, no one knows it at all.

"Yu, after this turn and turn, then I am the true demigod power. From now on, there is no delusion world, no matter the beast **** world, but there is no need to worry anymore. Whatever, no one can stop me !!! "

He looked up and turned to himself, and now he really couldn't use words to describe his mood at the moment.

He came to the world of beast gods from the realm of delusion. He did hold the goal of being promoted to demigod. However, he also knew in his heart that it is by no means a star and a half to get to demigod. Divine Realm is just a good wish for him, he never thought it would be realized.

However, kung fu lived up to his intentions. After experiencing toss and toss, he finally advanced to the realm of demigods, and once he entered this realm, he had tremendous power.

He was somewhat surprised that he could make such a big change when he was promoted to demigod. However, he did not count the existence of the immortal monument before, but now he has added one more immortal monument. With the current power, there is nothing surprising.


Just when Yuan Feng looked at Jieyun above the sky, and couldn't help feeling his emotions, the light flashed. The figure of Ruan Jingtian, the president of the China Chamber of Commerce, followed him and came to Jieyun, with a look on his face. A smile looked at him.

"Hum, boy, it's pretty fast. It seems that you really have hidden a lot of power !!!"

Standing under the robbery cloud, Ruan Jingtian couldn't help humming, but with a sullen expression on his face, and with his appearance, the robbery cloud above the sky suddenly became more gloomy and dim, apparently, His appearance has affected Yuan Feng's robbery.

"Very well, this kid's robbery is already very horrible. I will add a fire to him and see how he spends such a terrible robbery !!!"

Seeing that because of his own appearance, the sky above the sky became stronger, Ruan Jingtian could not help but look brighter, but his heart was more determined.

Frankly, he didn't really see it before, Yuan Feng turned out to be a figure with eight turns in a semi-god. If it weren't for Yuan Feng who was going through the nine-turn turn, he would never know. Hidden so deep!

Poor this president, even if you want to break your head, you will never think of where the former Yuan Feng was a strong man with a demi-god and eight turns. In fact, the other party is simply a small person without a limit.

When he thought of Yuan Feng's pretending to be so realistic, even when he was deceived, he really admired Yuan Yuan somewhat.

In any case, the situation at present is absolutely a must-dead situation for Yuan Feng, and when Yuan Feng hangs up, he and his God Chamber of Commerce can sit back and relax!

"Ha ha, is the adult coming pretty fast? It seems that you are always sincere in wanting to make troubles underneath!"

Seeing Ruan Jingtian appearing next to her, and she made it clear that she was coming to make trouble, Yuan Feng was not angry, but talked to the other with a smile.

He had long guessed that the other party would come over to make trouble, then, if the other party did not come to make trouble, it would not be so fun!

"Trouble? Hehe, there is nothing wrong with that. This seat is here to trouble. Boy, you do n’t want to make a successful crossing today, because you have to admit that your threat to my God Chamber of Commerce is too big. . "

Ruan Jingtian has nothing to hide. Frankly speaking, he is a bit afraid of Yuan Feng. After all, the power shown by Yuan Feng can really be described in terms of horror. Even him, he felt a huge threat and oppression. .

"Can I take this as a compliment to the President?"

Hearing Ruan Jingtian's words, Yuan Feng shook her head and smiled, but admired the former's frankness.

"This is indeed a compliment in disguise. I haven't admired this person very much, but you are definitely one." Nodding, Ruan Jingtian's answer was very solemn. Obviously, he just wanted to tell Yuan Feng what he said, It's all his sincerity.

"In that case, I really have to feel honored next time." With a grin, Yuan Feng's eyes once again looked at Jieyun over the sky, and he whispered softly, "Mr. President, I am looking at you for me. Honestly, I'll give you another chance. Now, leave my area of ​​transfer and don't affect my crossing, then I will not blame for the previous things. "

He is also a human warrior, and is still in a place like the beast **** world, he does not want to kill each other with human warriors. Ruan Jingtian can definitely be regarded as the backbone of many human warriors in the beast **** world. If this hangs, then it is not a laugh for all human warriors in the beast **** world.

In addition, no matter what, he can be promoted to demigod this time, which is still the credit of the God Machine Chamber of Commerce, so he is willing to give the other one more opportunity, it can be regarded as the other person's favor.

"Hahaha, kid, are you joking with me? Why, it's all this, do you still feel that you have no chance of living?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Ruan Jingtian immediately burst into laughter. When he wanted to come, Yuan Feng was able to say something like this, he definitely wanted to cheat him away so that he could cross the robbery by himself.

However, he has decided to let the other party die, so no matter what the other party says, he will never leave. To put it bluntly, without seeing Yuanfeng fall, he may not sleep well in the future.

"Hey, that's why I really blame me!"

When Ruan Jingtian's words came down, Yuan Feng could not help but sigh, and there was a deep disappointment in his eyes.

As a human warrior, he really does not want to meet with the other swordsman, even if the other party wants to put him to death before, he can forgive the other party.

But hearing these words from the other side, he knew that he really had no choice.

"Huh, boy, you don't need to come with me in this set. I have practiced for countless years. What kind of person hasn't seen this. Can you trick me with this little trick?"

Leaving aside, Ruan Jingtian never thought that Yuan Feng was really good for him. After all, in his cognition, with the interference of outsiders, it was impossible to pass the nine turns to the robbery. .

Judging from the power of Yuanfeng's nine rounds of robbery, let alone his interference, even if he does not interfere, Yuanfeng may not be able to carry it.

"That's all for words, think what you want." Shaking his head, what can Yuan Feng say? After all, this is the other party's own choice, and if there is any consequence, it is also the other party's own choice.

"Oh, Lord Wolf King, do n’t watch the excitement aside. Tell me about your attitude. While the robbery hasn't completed the final cohesion, let me know if you want to follow him to the end. ? "

After talking to Ruan Jingtian, Yuan Feng's gaze could not help but turn aside, and then he spoke softly.


Just as his voice had just fallen, the Moon Wolf King's figure flashed out later, and he instantly stood up to Ruan Jingtian, but gave him an answer by actual action.

"Hum, Your Excellency has done bad things to my Xiaoyue Wolf family three or two times before, and has sneaked into my territory of the Xiaoyue Wolf family for no reason before. As the chief of the Xiaoyue Wolf family, how can I spare you?

With a cold hum, the face of the Moon Wolf King changed and changed, and finally decided to fight Yuan Feng.

Like Ruan Jingtian, it also believes that Yuan Feng will die. At this time, if it does not stand up, it is likely to offend Ruan Jingtian, and as long as it stands out, standing with Ruan Jingtian In a team, you can reap this friendship of Ruan Jingtian.

This is obviously a sale that makes no money, so why not do it?

"Mr. Wolf King, what is right and wrong is the previous thing, and I do n’t want to investigate it, but I can choose to cross the roar in your screaming moon jungle. Does Mr. Wolf King think that it is not enough to do it?"

Yuan Feng is really not very satisfied with the performance of the lord of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan. He didn't know what good things he had done to the other person. As for sneaking into the jungle of Xiaoyue, he didn't seem to have done anything overdone. Obviously, the other party should also take advantage of the fire to rob him, so as not to make him better!

"Boy, come here less often. If you didn't dive into the howling wolf jungle of my howling wolf tribe first, then there won't be all the next things. In the final analysis, it's your fault first."

As Yuan Feng said, the moon wolf king's eyes couldn't help flashing a bit of panic, but he was quickly hidden by him.

Of course, it also understands that Yuan Feng put a hand on the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan. He should have been grateful to Dade. Obviously, the approach it chose at this time was not the way a super strong should have.

However, where does this allow him to think too much? Anyway, Yuan Feng will soon hang up, and as long as Yuan Feng hangs up, today's events will not be known to outsiders, in the final analysis, it is still not loss.

"Okay, it's very good. I can say white as black. It seems that Lord Moon Wolf is really a reasonable man, and he has nothing to say."

Speaking of this, it is unintentional to say more. He has given these two guys a chance. Since they don't know how to cherish and grasp it, they really can't blame him.

"Booming !!!!!!"

The time spent talking, the cloud over the sky, was because of the addition of the Moon Wolf King, and it became more and more solidified, and at this moment, whether it is the Moon Wolf King or Ruan Jingtian, it is undoubted that Yuan Feng will die. Already.

"Yu, the power of this robbery is really good. It should be enough to deal with the strong man who is full of demigods!"

The eyes shifted from the two strong men to the sky, but Yuan Feng no longer cares about Ruan Jingtian and Moon Wolf King, but mutters by himself.

Judging from the accumulation of Jieyun, the first thunderstorm is about to come, and now he is ready to meet his first thunderstorm.

Ruan Jingtian and Moon Wolf are both smiling, and they are also looking forward to the appearance of the first thunderbolt. They are also curious about how far Yuanfeng's nine-turn turn-robbery will be.

From ancient times to the present, there are countless geniuses. I do n’t know how many strong people have come to this step under Yuan Feng ’s eyes. However, it is too few to be able to resist the ninth turn to robbery. not enough. Today, they are going to witness a super genius with their own eyes.

Of course, if Yuan Feng really has a way to cope with the robbery, then they will definitely take the first shot and add strength to the already terrible thunder mines!

"Om !!! Boom !!!!!!"

Finally, when the endless robberies condensed to a certain degree, the entire cloud layer shook slightly above the sky. The first robbery finally landed from the thick clouds.


There was a horrified thunder thunder full of people, almost as soon as it appeared, it shattered the space as much as possible, and came down swiftly towards Yuan Feng. Regarding this thunderstorm, whether it was Ruan Jingtian or The Moon Wolf King couldn't help but look shocked and took a subconscious breath.

"It ’s a terrible minefield. The first minefield of this guy is probably stronger than the last minefield I had crossed. It seems that this little guy cannot resist the first minefield. what!!"

"It's a pity. This son is based on the power of refining the body. If it was not because of the troubles of the two of us, maybe there is really hope to advance to the realm of Jiuzhuan, but now ..."

Seeing the coming of thunder, Liang Daqiang looked at each other, but they all felt a sense of regret.

This is also human nature. No matter who it is, when you see a genius falling in front of you, there will always be a sense of sorrow and sorrow in your heart. Who makes everyone a cultivator and is fighting against heaven?

"Two, are you ready?"

However, just as the two powerful men shook their heads, Yuan Feng, who was supposed to deal with the thunderstorms, was shouting loudly at them at this moment.

"Ready? What can we prepare?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's shout, the two strong men were slightly surprised. Obviously, they did not understand what Yuan Feng meant by being ready.

Right now, it's Yuan Feng's robbery, not theirs. It looks like they really have nothing to prepare?

However, soon they knew what Yuan Feng's words meant, because at the next moment, they saw a scene that they would never forget in their lifetime.

"Booming !!!!!!"

The horrific thunder fell sharply towards Yuan Feng's body, however, just when Jie Lei had just reached the top of Yuan Feng's head, they saw Yuan Feng suddenly laughed.

That's right, it really laughed, and it was very funny and weird! !! !! Just to see Yuan Feng's smile, they even had a creepy and dangerous feeling.

"Two people, enjoy the meal you cooked yourself, go !!!"

Yuan Feng didn't manage the terror of the two. Almost when the two were in doubt, he suddenly raised his hand, and with his movement, the original thunder mine that was still madly descending on him was actually It suddenly turned around. It was almost a blink of an eye. The horrible thunderstorm had already come to the eyes of the two powerful men.


After practicing for so long, Ruan Jingtian and Moon Wolf both turned around for the first time when they saw the thunderbolt. At this moment, both of them felt a cold in their bodies, as if they had fallen into the abyss.

However, it is obviously not the time to be frightened. The horrible thunderbolt has already arrived. The two powerful men have no time to think at all. They are talking about running their forces and punching each other.


The thunderbolt collided with the punches of the two powerful men, and a horrific explosion suddenly spread, and the body of the two powerful men was directly enveloped by the energy after the explosion, and there was no more. A trace of trace.

Originally, Yuanfeng's demilitarized robbery was extraordinary, but because of the joining of the two of them, the power of robbery was strengthened no less than dozens of times. Such power has surpassed the demigod's nine diversion The attacking power of this person is just this thunderbolt, I am afraid that the two of them will enjoy it!

"Come again !!!"

After the horrible energy swallowed up the two strong men, Yuan Feng not far away slammed back, but just as he receded, another thunderstorm came on the sky. Down, it was bombarded again in the direction that the two strong men disappeared.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

One after another, the thunder and robbery continued to be bombarded, which should have been the demigods that Yuan Feng had withstood, but at this moment, it was all Ruan Jingtian and the Moon Wolf who had suffered.

For Yuan Feng, who has a huge number of monuments, not only can he not be afraid of the effects of mine robbery, but he can also control mine robbery. From the beginning, he actually wanted to give the two strong men a choice Opportunity, unfortunately, both of them were squinted by lard, and they both chose to die.

"Yu, almost, this time, they should be able to remember something!"

Yuan Feng did not know how many thunderstorms he had blasted out. Soon, the thunderclouds in the sky were slowly dissipating, and his demigod was turned, but it was still real. Already.

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