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Chapter Two One Hundred and Eighty

The terrible big explosion resounded in the space of the beast **** world again, and the place of this big explosion was no longer a dense and primitive jungle, but a vast ocean shore.

The same superpowers who turned around in the same demigod were also sudden and self-destructive who did not fear death. Everything was obviously arranged in advance, but the self-detonation of the demigod was used as a means of attack. The whole animal **** world, but never heard of it.

This time, the big explosion almost evaporated half of the water in this ocean, and it even expanded the entire ocean by hundreds of miles. Of course, there will not be too few innocent Warcrafts in it. Basically less than Demigod Warcraft, they were all shocked to death by the explosion of energy ripples.

"Ah, how can this be, how can this be happening? The third head, even the World of Warcraft, which has exploded for three and a half times, and the God Machine Chamber of Commerce, have caused what kind of abnormality !!!"

Ruan Jingtian's figure flashed out of the different dimension space again, but this time, he was not as lucky as last time. This can be seen from the wolverine appearance on his body.

The last time in the dense forest, the self-destructing Warcraft exploded far away from him, but it gave him enough time to reflect, but this time it was different. At the moment he just came out of the water, it was for convenience. He hit his head, and at that time he didn't have the slightest mental preparation!

Frankly, he really didn't expect that Yuan Feng could arrange three-and-a-half World of Warcraft for self-detonation in succession, which was somewhat beyond his imagination.

No demigod strong person is willing to obediently become a self-explosive weapon. It can be said that everything that Yuan Feng did this time really opened his eyes.

Of course, he is pursuing Yuan Feng this time, that's not to open his eyes. If he keeps going like this, even if he can find Yuan Feng, I'm afraid he won't be able to catch each other!

"What the **** is going on, I have already explored it before, and there is no living being at all outside. Why did I just have a half-twisted World of Warcraft in my moment when I broke through the water? Why? ,What exactly is this for?"

Before he came out of the water, of course, he had conducted an investigation in advance, and his investigation results showed that there was no World of Warcraft at all outside, and it was just a sudden explosion of World of Warcraft that seemed to come out of nowhere.

Last time, when he was exploring the jungle, he didn't find any demigod Warcraft, but in the end, a demigod Warcraft jumped out of the forest.

The situation was similar on both occasions, but even if it made him want to break his head, he couldn't figure out where exactly this Warcraft appeared out of nowhere!

"Damn boy, no matter how much it costs, I must find you out !!!"

With the power running, Ruan Jingtian expelled all the discomfort in his body, and then began to continue to search for Qifeng's breath route.

This time the big explosion is basically equivalent to a rain falling within dozens of miles of the circle, and being washed away by the rain, the breath of Yuan Feng will undoubtedly become more difficult to find. Speaking of which, I am afraid he will be delayed for a while!

From the first time his arm was blown up to this time he was blown up, he has delayed a lot of time, and for such a long time, Yuan Feng is probably enough to do a lot of things. At least, such a long time to escape, really can run far away!

However, what Ruan Jingtian would never think of is that Yuan Feng was indeed at large, but from the beginning, Yuan Feng had never thought of escaping all the time, or that escaping was not the ultimate goal of Yuan Feng at all.

When Ruan Jingtian was upset again and again by the self-explosive Warcraft, Yuan Feng was already far away and found a relatively safe place.

This is an endless primitive jungle. The entire jungle can't see the side at a glance. Among them, there is an indescribable horror momentum in it. Any strong person who comes here will subconsciously retreat and not dare to set foot easily.

The entire jungle has a name that is not very domineering-howling jungle! Although the name is not very domineering, as long as the Moon Forest is mentioned, there is really not much to know in the whole beast **** world.

As the nest of the Howling Wolf family, the Howling Jungle can be said to be a restricted area of ​​various ethnic groups. This rising star in the beast **** world has already grown into a new force that cannot be underestimated by any ethnic group. Maybe one day, Howling Wolf Tribe, will become the super hegemon in the beast **** world!

At this moment, in the middle of this dense jungle ruled by the Xiaoyue Wolf wolves, a young man was sitting silently with his knees crossed in a small cave, but in front of him, he was letting go There is a huge jade box. Inside the jade box, pieces of blue crystal dome crystals are quietly displayed, and they are swallowed by young men one after another.

The young man's devouring speed is very fast. Seeing his posture, it's like eating jelly beans. He doesn't regard the blue sky crystal as a treasure at all.

Having said that, no one will devour the blue sky dome like him. After all, the super strong swallows these things, there is no use at all, and if an ordinary strong man swallows so many blue dome crystals, basically long ago Exploded directly.

However, for the young people now, even if there are so many blue sky crystals, it is absolutely impossible to burst him. The reason is without him, because he is Yuan Feng, the most physical in the world. Horror, the biggest detachment of appetite.

Not a long time. Forty dozen pieces of blue dome crystals were all swallowed by Yuan Feng. In the end, he also swallowed a large piece of blue dome crystals that he had originally obtained from Daikin. Then, I sat down quietly and started my own cultivation.

"Buzz !!!!"

Enough to allow more than 20 people to impact the blue sky of the semi-godder, Yuan Feng ’s body is like a sieve, starting to shake violently, and his power, which has been stagnating for too long, too long, also At this moment started a crazy promotion.

"Good guy, is this the effect of the blue sky crystal? This feeling is really too cool and cool!"

With his eyes closed, Yuan Feng was trying to let himself be empty all the time, enjoying the refreshing feeling brought by the blue sky dome, and speaking to his heart, he also thought of swallowing the blue sky before he swallowed the blue sky dome. The feeling after the dome crystal, but what he thinks is obviously not far from reality.

After fleeing, he finally escaped to the Howling Forest where the Howling Wolf Clan was, and sneaked into it, finding such a cave and starting cultivation.

Of course, the entire cave has been used by Xuanzhen to completely isolate him from the outside world. As for Ruan Jingtian, who has been pursuing him, he believes that the blocker he has arranged is enough for the other party to drink a pot. Yes, and before the other party finds here, he believes that he should have completed the final attempt. At that time, whether it is success or failure, he will have confidence to fight the other party.

Speaking of which, from the beginning, he didn't really just want to run away, because he knew very well that, in terms of Ruan Jingtian's strength, he couldn't run all the time. If he can't have the strength to compete with the opponent, he will fold in the opponent's hands sooner or later.

Therefore, in the end, he chose to go into battle and try to advance to the demigod state before the other party finds himself.

If this time can be successfully promoted, then who is chasing who is next, I am afraid that there will be a major change. And even if he failed to break through, but the dozen or so blue sky crystals were enough to make him grow numerous times, and he would also have the capital to fight against each other.

Along the way, he prepared a total of six passes for Ruan Jingtian, and handed them all to Xiao Ba to arrange. He believed that even if Xiao Ba could not kill Ruan Jing Tian halfway, at least, he won for him. One hour at a time, there is nothing wrong with coming.

Of course, he finally chose the Howling Wolf jungle of the Howling Wolf family as a place of charge. This is also a major protection measure for himself. It is conceivable that when Ruan Jingtian found this place, the strongman of the Howling Wolf family We will never let him enter for a search. At that time, maybe he can watch a lively event, and even lead to mischief, and make the other party mistakenly think that he is a wolf of the Xiaoyue wolf.

Having said that, these are just expedient measures, not long-term methods, and really want to rest himself and never have to look at the face of others, then the only thing he can do is to strive to promote himself to semi-godder!

"Buzz !!!!"

After entering the state of cultivation, Yuan Feng immediately put aside all thoughts that shouldn't be there. At this moment, he didn't want to care about anything, he just wanted to hit the state of demigod and concentrate on his invincibility. prestige! !! !!

The blue sky dome is the most effective treasure for impacting the demigod. What is inside this thing, I am afraid no one can tell clearly, but when Yuan Feng swallowed all the blue sky dome, he Some faintly felt that the so-called blue crystal dome is by no means a simple type of mineral crystal.

"Brush !!!!"

In my mind, there are a lot of incomplete images, like a movie that is constantly flashing past. Some of these incomplete images are some battle scenes, some are some Warcraft absorptions, and some are even horrible. Thunderbolt fell from the sky ...............

Countless scenes constantly flashed in Yuan Feng's sea of ​​knowledge, and that feeling really made him have a tendency to blow his head away.

Of course, with the continuous flashing of these images, Yuan Feng's power is indeed rapidly increasing. If not, he may have stopped himself already!

"What is this? How come there are so many broken images? These things ......... seem like ... seem to be fragments of memory?"

As the darling of heaven and earth who is devoted to the heavenly martial spirit and the infinite monument, Yuan Feng's advantages are unparalleled. Although he felt very painful at the moment, he was still able to stay awake.

In his feeling, the blue sky crystals passed to him all of a variety of images, and although these images were broken and incomplete, but after being organized by the devouring martial arts, they naturally entered him. He knew the sea with his heart, and then he felt that his strength was rising rapidly.

The whole process is very interesting. In general, it is equivalent to his mind that the sea is a finished product processing factory, and the image transmitted from the blue sky dome is the original raw material. These raw materials have passed through After the processing of a processing program, the final finishing and refining is then completed in the sea of ​​his mind, and the refined thing is the real essence!

"This is the case, this is the case !!! The reason why the blue sky can help people to impact the demigod is simply because these spar have various methods to impact the demigod, as long as these methods can be straightened out, Then you can find your own way to the ladder of demigods !!! "

At a certain moment, Yuan Feng finally understood something. Perhaps, the blue sky dome is not an ordinary spar. As for how this thing came about, there was a little speculation in his heart.

How could there be fragments of memory in the spar? He estimated that the so-called blue sky dome is simply a special existence condensed from fragments of memory in ancient times. As to whether such speculation is true, it is not his Things to consider.

"God help me too, this is just God help me too. My devouring martial arts is best at doing this kind of thing. It seems that as long as I can straighten out a few ways to advance to the demigod, then it won't take long, I should just Can be promoted to demigods !!! "

When he wanted to understand the relationship between them, Yuan Feng's heart was full of excitement. He knew that this time, as long as nothing unexpected happened, then the state of demigod would be successfully broken by him after all! !! !!

"Nguyen Jingtian, you must slow down, don't come too fast, when I am promoted to demigod, I will have fun with you !!!"

His eyes narrowed for a moment, but now he was suddenly full of anticipation. He had to look at it. When he successfully promoted to the semi-god realm and had the strength to fight with each other fairly, the God Chamber of Commerce President, what would you say! !! !!

He grinned, but he no longer thought about it. When he was thinking, he completely entered the cultivation mode, and strived to be promoted to the demigod state soon!

ps: I've been busy for a long time, and I can't open my eyes. It should be like this today! By the way, please ask for a few flowers to support, thank you all! !! !! !!

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