The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2176: Declaration

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Chapter 2176th Declaration

The **** world like hell, but with the fall of the elder Bai Zhong, suddenly became less bloody, many corpses and blood seas disappeared at this moment, exposing some illusory space.

However, although the whole world is no longer so bloody, at this moment, in this world, Deacon Chen Ang and Elder Shi Yan are getting colder and colder.

"How, how can this happen? Elder Bai Zhong ......... Elder Bai Zhong ........."

Elder Shi Yan couldn't accept the scene in front of him. I don't know when he would have lived and practiced with Elder Bai Zhong and practiced together. After so many years, the friendship between the two of them is not at all What outsiders can understand.

It can be said that they are brothers who are alive and dead, and the confidante who knows each other best. For a long time, he never thought that the other party would take him one step ahead. It can be said that what happened at this moment, he There is no way to accept it.

Veteran Bai Zhong's strength is not much weaker than him. According to the reason, the only person who can kill Veteran Bai Zhong in this world is the strongest such as the President of the China Chamber of Commerce.

However, today, such a super strong man was killed by an unknown little boy, and it was under their three-to-one situation.

Everything is so unreal. Just one second ago, he was fighting side by side with each other, but in the next second, they have been separated forever! !! !!


After a brief shock, the elder Shiyan could no longer control the emotions in his heart, but he was screaming crazy! !! !!

"Why, how can this happen?"

Like the elder Shi Yan, at this moment, Deacon Chen Ang was completely shocked by the sight in front of him. He never even thought that Yuan Feng was horrified. In a one-to-three situation, he was putting One of them was killed! !! !!

In addition, he is not a fool. Naturally, he knows how Yuan Feng killed White Bell Elder this time. Obviously, he can definitely say that he has contributed to it.

As far as Yuan Feng's speed is concerned, it is not enough to kill before the elder Bai Zhong's response is all, all because of his previous sword!

That sword was indeed a sword that he had exhausted, and it was precisely because he exhausted all his power that Yuan Yuanfeng used that power at that moment, and that was the moment when the elder Bai Zhong was near, And completed the instant kill! !! !!

However, he swears that all of this is definitely not what he wants to see. He couldn't even dream of dreaming that his sword was so scary that he didn't even hurt a bit of fur of Yuan Feng. Such a thing, even with his own eyes When he saw it, he couldn't believe it.

He also saw a lot of abnormal perverts, but he could see the sword with his body like Yuan Feng.

Of course, no matter what, it was because of his help that Yuan Feng killed Elder Bai Zhong. This is an indisputable fact, and no one wants to change it.

"Yu, this sword is really good, even I feel such a slight pain !!!"

Just when Elder Shi Yan and Deacon Chen Ang failed to return to God, Yuan Feng was now seizing the opportunity to run the power and disperse the strength of Dean Chen Ang's sword as much as possible.

Frankly speaking, although his body is no longer afraid of the attack of people who have turned around in the demigod, but it is really painful to take it so hard.

However, although the pain is a little more painful, the price of such a little bit is the life of a demigod six-turn powerhouse, which seems to be worth it!

He also knew in his heart that if he could rely on his own strength, although he would never be killed by such three guys, it would not be easy to kill one of them.

At the critical moment, he thought of the idea of ​​killing by force, not to mention, it seems that the effect is quite good now.

"One dead, two left, this time, the pressure is much less."

After acting a bit numb body, Yuan Feng's eyes looked indifferently at the two people opposite him, but this time, he had an extravagant momentum in his body, and he put himself higher than the other one. The two are the same.

"Ah !!! Boy, you, you actually killed Brother Bai Zhong, **** it, **** it !!!"

After screaming frantically for a while, the elder of Shiyan couldn't help looking at Yuan Feng fiercely. If his eyes could kill someone, Yuan Feng would be dead thousands of times now.

"Oh, the three of you wanted my life as soon as you shot it, and now I have killed one. Why, haven't you been playing with me before?"

Hearing the elder Shiyan's roar, Yuan Feng smiled indifferently, her eyes full of ridicule.

At such times, it is undoubtedly the time when you die, he doesn't kill the other party, then the other party will kill him, and he still prefers the other party to die.

"Boy, you killed Brother Bai Zhong, I will kill you and take revenge on Brother Bai Zhong !!!"

Everyone has a time when they are not calm. When Deacon Chen Ang was killed, he would not do anything else. Basically, he just wanted to kill Yuan Feng and avenge his son. As an onlooker, the elder Shiyan can naturally say something blunt.

However, at this moment, when things fall on him, it is also impossible for him to control his emotions.

"Oh, two, you three couldn't kill me together before. Now, you only have two left. How do you think you have a chance of winning?"

Yuan Feng did not feel any sense of the threat of the veteran Shi Yan. As he said, when the other party has three strong men, they do not want him at all, there are two left at the moment, and no doubt it will not be His opponent is up.

"Veteran Shiyan, we ..."

When Yuan Feng's words fell, Deacon Chen Ang's face was changing for a while, apparently, some had retreated.

Yuan Feng's method is really too horrible. Aside from his attack power, he couldn't hurt the opponent's hair by his full-strength blow. This alone has left him without a fight. Going on faith.

In the face of an undead monster, no matter how strong he and Shiyan Elder are, I am afraid that they can only stalemate with each other. What is more helpless for them is that Yuan Feng can continue to absorb external energy. That is when there will never be any energy depletion.

"Deacon Chen Ang, what are you trying to do? Don't you want to avenge your son?"

Seeing the response of Deacon Chen Ang, Shi Yan knew that the other party was probably frightened by Yuan Feng. Of course, to be honest, if it wasn't for his good brother who died, he would definitely be reluctant to fight a monster like Yuan Feng.

"Revenge?" After hearing the reminder from the elder Shi Yan, Deacon Chen consciously clenched his fists, but his eyes were struggling.

Of course he wanted revenge, but he had to be able to do it. Yuan Feng's strength was beyond his expectation. At this moment, a White Bell elder was dead. He really didn't know. A dead man, would it be him.

"Hesitate? Do you think that if you don't kill him today, will he not come back to kill you in the future? Once you grow up, you and me, and the entire God Machine Chamber of Commerce, will have to finish it in the future !!! "

Seeing that Deacon Chen Ang was still hesitant, the elder Shi Yan could not help but administer a dose of fierce medicine, but it was said to the other party's heart.

"Hehe, the veteran Shi Yan said it right. The God Machine will treat me like this. How can I forget this kind of great grace? Rest assured, even if you can't kill all of you today, you will all come to Japan. Don't try to escape. "

Just as the elder Shiyan's voice fell, Yuan Feng actually took the stubble and provoked the two directly.

For Yuan Feng, he has always disliked trouble. His idea is simple, that is, to keep both of these guys instead of returning to seek revenge on them in the future.

Saying that a gentleman's revenge is not too late for ten years, that's just nonsense, giving the other party ten years to be happy and happy, and it makes people feel awful.

"Boy, this is your own death, kill !!!"

Yuan Feng has already talked about this. Of course, the two strong players have nothing to say. For them, today, even if it pays a great price, they will leave Yuan Feng here.

"Brush brush !!!!!!!!!"

The attacks of the two powerful men are still sharp, but they can be seen by sighted people. Although they are not weak at this moment, their desire to fight is obviously weaker than before. After all, they all know that What he is facing is simply an unbeatable Xiaoqiang.

"Yu, it's time to end up with these two guys who don't know how to die. Don't blame me for being cruel. If you blame, blame your own death, Xiaoba !!!"

Seeing the two strong men pounce on themselves, Yuan Feng can't help narrowing his eyes, it is almost a blink of an eye, his body is backing violently, at the same time, in his original Above his position, a young man who had three copies of him, instantly replaced his position.

As soon as this young man appeared, his body suddenly began to swell, but when he saw this scene, he was a little hesitant. I don't know if the two strong men who should be shot at the same time took a breath of air! !! !!

"Not good, dangerous !!!"

As superpowers with six turns in the demigod, both of them can be seen at a glance. The guy who suddenly appeared was obviously prepared for a long time, and this moment came out, obviously in order to end up with them together. of!

"Retreat !!!"

It was almost a moment's work. The two strong men did not want to think about it, or they wanted to retreat. Unfortunately, at this time, they wanted to retreat. Obviously, it was too late.


A blaze of fire rose into the sky, a wave of terror energy that was difficult to describe with words, instantly destroyed everything around it, and the two strong men who were about to retreat were naturally shrouded in energy ripples.

However, these two are not fuel-saving lamps. At the critical moment, their bodies are surrounded by a weird energy, and their bodies are wrapped in them, but with this kind of The energy escaped, and their faces turned pale in an instant, as if they had been drained away at once.

"Well !!!!!!"

The surrounding boundary space was almost instantly blown away by horrible energy, and as the boundary was destroyed, the two strong men spewed blood at the same time, which was already pale and instantly became a little purple. The breath on and off the body was suddenly weak to the extreme.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

The boundary space is not large, and as the boundary space is blown up, the energy of terror is scattered in all directions, and everything around is instantly leveled at this moment. The area has become a huge ruin, and there is no more green.

ps: The third update is coming, try to write the fourth update, but it is not recommended that everyone wait, it should be very late! !! !!

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