The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2167: Ruan Jingtian (sixth)

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Chapter 2167: Ruan Jingtian

In the closet space, the strong **** atmosphere filled the entire small space with a sense of killing. At this moment, Deacon Chen of the Chamber of Commerce of God Machine is like losing three souls and six souls. Looking at the blood mist that is gradually dissipating, it is difficult to return to God for a long time.

"Yu, Yuer ......... My Yuer !!!!!!"

Shicai's surging son, blinking, turned into a mist of blood, all these things are so incredible to him, and so unacceptable.

Frankly, he really didn't expect that Yuan Feng really dared to kill his son in front of him. If he had known this would be the case, maybe he would really apologize to Yuan Feng. of!

It is a pity that although his strength is overbearing, it is equally impossible to turn back time. The dead people can only be dead, there is no way to save them back.

"Well, it's finally clean now, Deacon Chen Ang, your son is too wasteful. I'll help you out now. I wonder how you would like to thank me?"

Chen Yu was killed immediately, Yuan Feng was just like nothing, and she was able to laugh out loud. She even invited the deacons to Deacon Chen Ang, as if she really helped the other party.


A terror of energy suddenly emerged from the head of Deacon Chen Ang, and he directly lifted off the roof of the shop. At this moment, Deacon Chen Ang told Yuan Feng with his actual actions, and now he Very angry, the consequences are really serious.

"Boy, I'm going to shatter your corpse !!!!"

All the anger turned into strength. At this moment, Deacon Chen swears that he never wanted to kill a person like this moment. At this moment, even if Heavenly King Laozi comes, he must kill Yuan Feng, Revenge for his son.

Although Chen Yu's death, he also has the responsibility to shirk, but in the end it is Yuan Feng, so only if he kills Yuan Feng, his son can die.

"Deacon Chen Ang, my bones are very hard. If you want to break me into corpses, you must have that strength. I only hope Deacon Chen Ang is not like your waste boy, and eventually I accidentally killed it. "

Ripped the corners of his mouth, Yuan Feng couldn't help behind his hands, but he didn't look at the other side at all. At this moment, he was ready to shoot, and he could fight with the other side at any time.

On the previous road, he has had too many people in the semi-god realm with five turns, but for the strong man with the semi-god real six turns, he hasn't really touched too much.

No doubt, for him now, it should be a good opportunity, just don't know if the human warrior with six turns in the semi-god realm can be as powerful as the Warcraft with six turns in the semi-god realm.

"Is the bone hard? Then I will fight until you are soft and kill !!!"

At this moment, there is no need to say anything more, only by killing Yuan Feng, all this can be ended. As for whether his shot will have a negative impact on the God Machine, he really can not care about that much.


With a low drink, Deacon Chen Ang killed directly at Yuan Feng. In the air, a huge horror fist shadow enveloped Yuan Feng directly. It seemed that Yuan Feng was to be blasted into **** directly.

"Are you stronger than me? To be accompanied is to kill !!!"

For the fierce blow of Deacon Chen Ang, Yuan Feng simply sniffed. When the other side bombarded him, he was the same step, and he met the opponent's fist fiercely.


A loud noise and a horrible wind blow the store straight upside down. Some of the customers and folks who were repaired as weak points were basically stunned, even when they died. Only a few repaired. For enough buddies and guests to escape from the explosion.

"Brush !!!!"

The strong men who were in the shops one after another walked away and left, but at this moment, they really couldn't imagine what happened now.

"What's going on? Someone dare to do it in the shop of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce? Is this impatient?"

"Who is so bold that he dares not to take the rules of the Chamber of Commerce of God into his eyes? This is simply life and death!"

"Eh? Look, look, that's ... Deacon Chen Ang from the Chamber of Commerce of God? Someone is playing against Deacon Chen Ang? Is this too crazy?"

"It is really Deacon Chen Ang, who is so reckless and opposes the deacon of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce in the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, which makes it clear that I do not want to live !!! ''

"Deacon Chen Ang looks very angry. It seems that his opponent is in great trouble!"

"Wait, it doesn't seem to be necessary. Everyone, look at it. Deacon Chen Ang's attack doesn't seem to work at all. The young man ......... Yes, it looks like this time !!!!"

The strong men gathered from all over the place and saw the deacon Chen Ang fighting with a strange young man for the first time. It was almost instantaneous. There was a news of a war between the shops of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. It was one pass from ten to one hundred, and the horse was uploaded in all directions.

After all, the area operated by the Shenji Chamber of Commerce is limited in scope. Once a major event occurs, it is difficult for everyone to know, let alone the crazy confrontation between the two superpowers.

Frankly speaking, although Yuan Feng's strength is good, his advantage is not obvious in the face of a strong man with six turns in the demigod, especially when he is facing a crazy man with six turns in the demigod.

Of course, in the battle with Deacon Chen Ang, he did not borrow the power of Xiao Ba, nor did he use the self-destructive army. Everything was carried out with his own strength and the assistance of infinite monuments. Even so, the battle between the two was difficult to separate in a short while.

When Deacon Chen Ang started a war with Yuan Feng and attracted countless strongmen to watch, Ruan Xinrou, who had just left Yuan Feng a short time ago, came to the headquarters of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, and the A middle-aged man was found for a while.

Here is a colorful garden. At this moment, a middle-aged man is holding the most common utensils to loosen the soil of a plant. It can be seen that his every movement is very careful and patient, just like I really like this kind of labor.

And not far away from the middle-aged man, a young woman was standing a little anxiously, waiting anxiously for the middle-aged man to plant flowers.

I don't know how long it took. The middle-aged man finally loosened the soil for the last seedling. Then he smiled with satisfaction, put away the labor tools, and slowly walked out of the garden.

"Oh, Xin Rou, came to me in a hurry, and always looked restless, but is there anything important to report to my father?"

The middle-aged man's face is filled with a kind smile, and it can be seen that such a smile is obviously not a pretense. Obviously, this is definitely a superpower. As for how strong it is, only he knows it. .

"Father, the baby does have one thing to report to his father. He also expects his father to give his daughter some instructions, so that the daughter knows what to do."

Ruan Xinrou was so smart at the moment. In the entire God Machine Chamber of Commerce, the middle-aged man in front of her can be said to be the person who most fears her, because this middle-aged man is not someone else, it is her Ruan Xinrou's father, It is also the chairman of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce-Ruan Jingtian! !! !! !!

Of course, the chairman of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce has never been known by ordinary people, especially his name. There are only a handful of people who know it. Therefore, the outside world has speculated that Ruan Xinrou is the big man of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. Few people have guessed that she is the jewel in the palm of the president of the Shenqi Chamber of Commerce!

Taking a look at his own daughter, Ruan Jingtian's eyes flashed a little satisfaction, and she nodded secretly, her heart approving and affirming.

He doesn't have many children. Ruan Xinrou is one of the best among them. Now, he gave a shop of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce to the other to take care of him, just to enable him to grow up quickly, so as not to suffer losses in the future.

"Oh, what's the matter, even if it is said, I haven't said it, no matter what kind of thing, there is no need to let us be angry."

He also knew about his daughter, knowing that the other party would not be so anxious about it for no reason, and it was probably because the matter was very important.

"Father, today, the shop under the jurisdiction of the baby is a guest. He has a refining magic skill on his body that wants to trade with the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, but his bid is a little high, and the baby can't make enough money for him to think need."

Ruan Xinrou didn't meander, but in a few words, he explained the situation clearly, and even directly expressed his attitude.

Obviously, she just wanted to tell her dad that the refining skill was definitely worth the money, but only because she couldn't get so many transactions, she had to run for help.

"Oh? Refining martial arts? Oh, I don't know what kind of refining martial arts can make you so interested? Do we have to have that thing?"

Xiuwei has reached his present state, and it is harder than going to heaven if he wants to make his strength go further. However, if it is really a good martial arts skill, then you can try to cultivate, maybe it can have a good effect!

"Without concealing his father, the magic skill traded by this person is called Liu Zhuan Xuan Gong. The child has already seen the cheats in person. It can be said that the entire beast **** world cannot find a **** that can compete with this martial art. Skill. "

She is very confident in her eyesight. She is convinced that Yuan Feng's six-turn Xuan Gong is definitely the best martial art she has ever seen. No one! !! !!

"Eh? Hehe, a refining martial arts technique just can make you so praised. It seems that the effectiveness of this martial arts technique is probably very good !!!"

He knows his daughter. The other person is not the kind of whim, and he will forget the right person. Since the other person said so, then maybe there is something unusual about that exercise of martial arts!

"Father, that person let me see martial arts, and also let the child try the effect on him personally, and not to hide his father. If the father can practice that kind of magic, then the whole beast **** world ’s great perfection ranks At least you can make it to the top ten. "

The thought of Yuan Feng resisted her own attack with her physical body, and bounced her back fiercely, her heart could not completely calm down.

"There is such a thing? Xin Rou, report to me what you see and what you are familiar with. As for how to choose, wait for your father to make a decision."

If Ruan Xinrou is telling the truth, then he really ca n’t help but he ca n’t help it. After all, if he really has that martial arts skill, his strength can go further and reach a stronger state!

"That's it, father, there is a young man in the temple today ..."

He told all his circumstances to his father verbatim. At the moment, Ruan Xinrou didn't dare to neglect the slightest, and each sentence was very serious and did not mean to deal with errands.

By the time her words fell, the opposite Ruan Jingtian had already frowned and thought about it.

"There is still such a terrifying practice of martial arts. If it is true, then this is really a big deal for the Shenqi Chamber of Commerce."

Although he believed his daughter and Yuan Feng had the best martial arts in his hands, the transaction request made by Yuan Feng really made him feel a little surprised.

Fifty pieces of blue crystal dome, it seems that even if he did, it is difficult to make up so many blue crystals.

"Father, I have seen that martial arts skill, and I know the effect of martial arts. Fifty pieces of blue sky dome are really worth it, so please ask my father to order it !!!"

At this moment, she could not wait to get the cheats in Yuan Feng's hands for the first time. In that case, she didn't need to explain so hard.

"Five fifty blue crystal dome crystals, this is really a lot of numbers. It seems that I also need to seriously consider it !!!!"

Ruan Jingtian is not in a hurry. He doesn't see the magic. As for whether he is really that god, at least he needs to be mentally prepared.

"Master, second princess, and deacon Chen Ang just went to the third shop, and now they are fighting with a young human house !!!"

The time between Ruan Jingtian's thoughts suddenly came out with a shout and a drink. Then, a black man in the dust came in from outside and reported to Ruan Jingtianhui.

"What? Chen Ang fights with others, and is still on the seat of this seat !!!"

Hearing the news from outsiders, Deacon Chen Ang was still in the mood, and at this moment he became a little bit ill.

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