The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2165: I will discipline you (four more)

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Chapter 2165 I will discipline you (four more)

In the quiet room space, the original quiet and natural atmosphere became abnormally cold and tense at the moment.

Yuan Feng hadn't changed much. He was still sitting there, enjoying the atmosphere of human warriors. The deacon Chen and his son, who were opposite him, were cold now, as if someone owed them a lot of money. same.

For Deacon Chen Ang father and son, they really broke the record today. You must know that since Deacon Chen Ang became the Deacon of the Chamber of Commerce of God, no one has been able to make them pay so much patience. Treat, especially a young man of unknown origin.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, okay, it really is a genius who was born and died following the dwarf python. It is really young, amazing, amazing !!!"

After a long silence, Deacon Chen Ang's cold face was suddenly replaced by a smile. At this time, he could still laugh out loud. Looking at the posture, it seemed that he was really shocked by Yuan Feng's performance. same.

"It's an award. It can be so praised by Deacon Chen Aung. It's really scary now."

Hearing that Deacon Chen Ang suddenly laughed, Yuan Feng couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and he was naturally a little surprised. He didn't figure out what medicine was sold in the other side of the gourd. Already.

However, he is not scared, no matter what the other party is doing, he can fully accompany him to the end.

"Also, since this little brother has agreed to Xin Rou's girl to do this business with her, it is naturally not necessary for this seat to follow blindly, reckless, and hope the little brother should not be surprised."

He arched his hands against Yuan Feng. Deacon Chen Ang behaved very decently at this moment, just like an elder who values ​​his juniors and does not have the same general knowledge as the juniors.

In fact, he also understood in his heart that the sale between Yuan Feng and Ruan Xinrou may not be a super sale, and it is not necessarily a sale he cares about. Therefore, he has no need to delay himself because of these things. event.

Since Yuan Feng walked into the auction of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, then they are the guests of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. If their father and son have no reason, they directly shot at Yuanfeng. Then the matter said that they would go out. Your reputation can have a big impact.

The management of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce is also very strict. If someone breaks the rules of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce for no reason, it may not be convenient for the sake of identity.

"Thank you Deacon Chen Ang for your understanding, I really appreciate it now."

Hearing the words of Deacon Chen Ang, Yuan Feng was too lazy to think about the other party's intentions, but he also arched his arms at the other party and expressed his gratitude.

He was a soldier who came to block the water and cover the soil. He wasn't afraid of the other party's tricks. In short, he would directly follow whatever path the other party made.

"Well, little brother, since you do not want to disclose what your business with Xinrou girl is, then we will not mention it. Next, I want to talk to the little brother about a new business. I don't know. What about the little brother? "

As soon as he looked right, Deacon Chen Ang suddenly became very serious, and it seemed that he had a new idea.

"Oh? Deacon Chen Ang joked. I am such a trivial role. Where can I do business with Deacon Chen Ang? So please ask Deacon Chen Ang to find someone else!"

Today, he doesn't want to have any intersection with the deacon Chen Ang, so no matter what the other party says, he will never spit.

"Oh, the little brothers don't humble themselves, they don't hide. The only business I want to do is only the little brothers you can satisfy. Don't hide the little brothers. I saw you with a magic sword before this seat. The big group is strong, and this one wants to trade is the excalibur of the little brother. I also hope that the little brother can bear it!

Deacon Chen Ang finally stopped making rounds and talked about the purpose of his trip.

This time, he came at the red sword of Yuan Feng. He was so polite to the other side, he just wanted to pave the way for the current transaction. After all, it can be completed with a transaction, and it is better not to use it. To solve it by force, who makes this the auction of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, and as the deacon of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, he must preserve the image of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce?

"Well? Deacon Chen Ang wants my sword?"

When Dean Chen Ang's voice dropped, Yuan Feng raised an eyebrow at once, but he couldn't help feeling a little clear.

Did he just say that the deacon Chen Ang ran to himself in front of himself, it was absolutely impossible to just say a few words to him. Now it seems that the other party was directed at his own Chixiao sword.

Speaking of it, he had long thought about this possibility, and now being spoken out by the other party is nothing more than confirmation.

"Hey, Deacon Chen Ang, I'm afraid I will let you down again this time. The magic sword you saw before was indeed on me, but a few years ago, it was already the god. The sword was sold to a buyer. The magic sword at this moment is no longer on the kid. "

Of course, it is impossible for him to sell his Chixiao sword to others, even if the other party's bid is so high, that is absolutely unnecessary to talk about. After all, Chixiao sword is his life-saving weapon, and it is a real priceless treasure .

Taking a step back 10,000 steps, even if he wanted to sell Chixiao, he would never find the two in front of him.

"Huh, I don't know if you're dead or alive, do you know who you're talking to? My father wants your sword, and you not only surrendered the sword obediently, but you dared to talk nonsense, you are impatient What? "

When Yuan Feng's words fell, this time, Dean Chen Ang didn't wait to speak. Behind him, Dean Chen Ang's eldest son Chen Yu finally couldn't control himself, and shouted at Yuan Feng loudly.

Since he entered the room and saw Yuan Feng's expression that did not put anyone in his eyes, he has been holding a fire, and at this moment, Yuan Feng rejected them with a sigh. Father and son, at this moment, his anger has reached his head, and he can no longer control it.

Yuan Feng's performance today makes it clear that he does not want to give them the Excalibur, and this method of Yuan Feng will not help them, no matter how soft they are.

Want to get the sword in Yuan Feng's hands, it seems that it can only be strong!

"Eh? Oh, Master Chen Yu, I talk to Ling Zun, it seems that it's not your turn to interject, right? Also, please keep your mouth clean, don't make yourself feel bad because you said something wrong!"

Hearing Chen Yu's words, Yuan Feng couldn't help raising her eyebrows and sneered.

For this Chen Yu, he definitely did not take the other side seriously. If he was anxious, then he wouldn't mind letting the shop of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce be dyed red.

"Presumptuous, how dare you threaten me? Boy, obediently hand over your sword, our father and son can spare you immortality, otherwise, you wouldn't want to walk out of this door half a step today !!!"

Seeing Yuan Feng at this time, he even dared to refute himself, and Chen Yu became even more angry. He was talking, and his body was violently opened, obviously it was about to start.

"Why, why can't the sale be done? Is this a hard grab?" He pursed his lips, Yuan Feng glanced at Chen Yu indifferently, and then looked at Deacon Chen Ang aside. Deacon, how do you say? Your son speaks so well, and I do n’t know if you father should teach him well. "

Today's events are up to now, he has basically seen the intention of the father and son, but Dadao Li is in his hands, no matter where he is, he can be righteous.

"Hehehe, little boy, the son of this seat is good or bad, my father's heart is naturally clearer than anyone, but you, don't you think that you really should hand over that sword? Truth be told, that thing is really not suitable for you! "

Deacon Chen Ang will no longer make trouble with Yuan Feng at this moment. He also understands that Yuan Feng will never obediently give what he wants with both hands. In this case, he can only take other things. Measures taken!

"I said that the Excalibur is no longer on my body, so Dean Chen Ang's worry is really not necessary. In addition, you have no opinion on how to discipline your son, but if someone has a mouth full of spit, then don't Blame me.

Yuan Feng's face also cooled down a little bit. The other side persecuted him again and again. He thought that he had done everything right. If the other side really didn't know repentance, then he really had nothing to say.

"Bold, boy, don't think that this seat is polite to you, and you feel very good. Today, I want to see how you are being polite !!!"

Deacon Chen Ang did not expect that Yuan Feng dared to be so stingy in front of him. However, Yuan Feng's performance was clearly in his favor. If Yuan Feng dare to start in the God Machine Chamber of Commerce, then he really has an excuse to take the other side!

"I have never been a person who would not commit me, and I would not be a member of you. Your **** son dared to speak to me. Unless he apologized to me, I would love to teach Dean Chen Ang how to be a man !!! "

An irresistible momentum slowly rippled away, and Yuan Feng at this moment was obviously stirred up with anger, and he was politely opposed to the policy front.

"Damn boy, how dare you say that I am a waste? I must waste you today and give me death !!!"

As the eldest son of Deacon Chen Ang, has Chen Yu ever been so insulted in person? Hearing Yuan Feng actually called him waste, at this moment, he never thought about it again. When he was in shape, he punched at Yuan Feng.

Of course, he did n’t want nothing at all. He also knew in his heart that if he wanted his father to win Yuan Feng, then he had to let Yuan Feng take the initiative to take it. Now he is shooting against Yuan Feng. Let the other party fight with yourself, so that your father really has an excuse to kill the other party.

Deacon Chen Ang's eyes flashed a moment now, he could see his son's thoughts, and felt relieved for his son's performance. For such a long time, he felt for the first time that his son had done something worthy of praise.

When his son shot, he was also the first to run his own power, ready to shoot Yuan Yuanfeng at any time.

"Hum, look for death !!!"

Yuan Feng's complexion had completely cooled down at this moment, and watching Chen Yu kill himself, he wanted his life when he shot, and Deacon Chen Aside did not respond, his heart Next, a decision has already been made.


When he moved, his whole body seemed to be integrated into the space all at once. It was almost a blink of an eye. He disappeared into place and disappeared into the perception of Deacon Chen Ang.


When Yuan Feng's body disappeared, Deacon Chen's face suddenly became terrified, because he never dreamed that Yuan Feng's speed was so fast.

"How is that possible? He, how could he be so fast?"

When he was shocked, he released his mind for the first time, and wanted to dig out Yuan Feng from hiding. However, no matter how his mind explored, he couldn't feel where Yuan Feng was, as if At this moment, Yuan Feng has really disappeared into the space.

In fact, today's Yuan Feng borrows the power of the immortal monument, supplemented by his shadowless magic and free-spirit magic, and if he only talks about the body method, even if he is a strong man with seven or eight turns in the semi-divine realm, I am afraid he won't dare to say Pass him.

The deacon Chen Ang in front of him is nothing more than a state of demigod and six turns. Naturally, it is even more impossible to find his movement trajectory.

"Well !!! Ahh !!!"

When Deacon Chen Ang was shocked, but didn't know where Yuan Feng had gone, a muffled sound came, and then a scream like a pig was introduced into his ear. .

"Ah !!! My arm, my arm !!!"

The screams sounded, and then came the dear son of Deacon Chen Ang, Chen Yu's crazy roar, and with the sound of Deacon Chen Ang found that, somehow, his son had already fallen Into Yuan Feng's hand, the other side was around his neck and appeared opposite him. At this moment, Chen Yu's arm had completely disappeared.

"Bold !!!!"


Seeing that his son didn't know when Yuan Feng was carried around his neck and held it in his hand, one arm even turned into a blood mist. Deacon Chen Ang suddenly roared, and his whole body suddenly burst out.

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