The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2162: Full of temptation

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Chapter 2162

In the quiet room, Yuan Feng and Ruan Xinrou faced each other, and they were speechless for a while.

Yuan Feng has always had a smile on his face, quietly waiting for Ruan Xinrou's reply, while Ruan Xinrou was changing his face and didn't say much!

With regard to Yuan Feng's proposal, when he wanted to use his own body to test the effects of martial arts, her heart began to run quickly.

First of all, obviously, the martial arts that Yuan Feng trades are obviously cultivated by himself, but to say that she does not need the slightest strength to rely entirely on her physical body to resist her attacks, but she still has some doubts.

"Yuanfeng Son, it seems that you are very confident in your refining martial arts skills, but if I really missed and hurt Yuanfeng Son, then I don't know what to do?"

For a long time, Ruan Xinrou then smiled and asked Yuan Feng.

The Shenji Chamber of Commerce has always been ugly to say that she is at the front. She does not know where Yuan Feng's confidence comes from, whether it is because she is too confident or because she treats her too lightly. In short, she must first clarify the problem. In this way, even if she really hurts the other hand, that has nothing to do with her.

Obviously, at this moment, she had decided to do this experiment with Yuan Feng to see if Yuan Feng was really as powerful as he said.

Frankly speaking, using Yuanfeng's own body for the test is absolutely no loss to her and the Shenqi Chamber of Commerce. If Yuanfeng can really resist her attack, then Yuanfeng's refining Physical martial arts is undoubtedly the real baby. And once Yuan Feng can't carry it, then maybe she will take some actions that she doesn't even agree with.

Everyone is greedy, so is her Ruan Xinrou. She is very clear about the value of Yuan Feng for the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. First of all, Yuan Feng has a horrible excalibur on her body. If she can get that excalibur, her father will be the real one in the beast **** world. The invincible strong, and from now on, the God Machine Chamber will be very different in the beast **** world.

Although this choice was not her original choice, in this case, she must know the importance.

"Ha, the girl Xinrou has been thinking too much. I have no other characteristics, but it is thick and thick. Although the girl Xinrou let go of it, after the girl has tried it, we will talk about business sooner, of course. If I was really cut off by the girl Xin Rou, then it was all because I was not good at art. "

Seeing the light in Ruan Xinrou's eyes, Yuan Feng couldn't help showing a smile, and in his heart, he couldn't help but have a funny feeling.

Since the integration of the immortal monument with him, he feels very clear about every change in the world of beast gods, but this also includes the changes in everyone's mind.

From Ruan Xinrou's body, he felt a very tangled breath, thinking that the other party should be tangled because of his attitude towards him, and that when the other party looked at him, there was always a kind of evasion. It seems that he did not dare to look at him, which is obviously also a manifestation of guilty conscience.

I can also think with my toes, that the other party is definitely punching something on him, and recalling the previous ones, he believes that the eighth achievement of the other party is the Chixiao sword on him.

In fact, when he chose to trade at the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, he had already thought about the problem of Chixiao. At that time, his Chixiao sword was an eye-opener for many people. For Chixiao sword, I do n’t know how many human warriors are dreaming of it!

However, these are absolutely not a big deal for him. The Red Sword is his. As long as he doesn't want it, then no one should want to take the Red Sword. This is at any time. That's all.

If the Shenji Chamber of Commerce deals with him honestly, then he will also show his sincerity, but if the Shenji Chamber of Commerce plays with him and wants to black his magic sword, then he really wants to You are welcome.

"Well, since Yuan Feng's son is so confident, if the little girl is arrogant, I'm afraid that he is disrespectful to Yuan Feng's son. In this case, Xinrou offends."

With his eyes fixed, Ruan Xinrou finally made up his mind. When he raised his hand, he pulled out his own sword.

This sword of hers is not ordinary. Originally, she was still considering whether to change to an ordinary sword for testing, but now it seems that it is not necessary at all.

Since Yuan Feng was so confident, she would have to see if the other's body was really as strong as his confidence. And if she seriously hurts Yuan Feng, then ...


The smile on Yuan Feng's face has not changed. When he saw Ruan Xinrou taking out the spirit sword, he didn't feel anything wrong. Speaking of which, after using the Chixiao sword, in his eyes, Any spirit sword is basically no different from ordinary vanadium iron.

"Prince Yuanfeng, offended !!! Brush !!!"

Taking a deep breath, Ruan Xinrou stood up abruptly, without saying a word, that was to run all his powers, and cut off directly to Yuan Feng with a sword.

Her sword basically used her ten percent of her strength, and she used dark power. Most people are afraid that she can't see it at all, and she believes that even if it is a defense Of the people who turned around in the demigod, nine out of ten would also be killed by her with a sword.

Even if it is a strong man with five turns in demigod, the situation is definitely not better.

"Eh? Well, terrible, terrible. It turned out to be a demigod five turns. It seems that the woman of the Chamber of Commerce of the Gods is afraid of an unusual status !!!"

When Ruan Xinrou's sword was cut off, Yuan Feng's eyes couldn't help flashing a hint of surprise. He had long been guessing Ruan Xinrou's cultivation, but unfortunately, the other side had hidden treasures, which left him unable to see the depth of the other side.

However, at this moment, with Ruan Xinrou's full shot, he knows that the opponent's cultivation should be the state of five turns of the semi-god realm, but the time to break through the five turns of the half-god realm should not be very long.

"The attack power is good, but this level of attack is really not enough!"

It was determined that Ruan Xinrou's practice should be the practice of five shifts in the semi-god state. Yuan Feng's complexion became more calm. To this day, let alone the state of five transitions in the semi-god realm, even if the power of the six transitions in the semi-god realm launches an attack on him, with his defensive power, he can basically resist the first resistance.


Finally, Ruan Xinrou ’s sword finally fell on Yuan Feng ’s shoulders. However, as the sword hit Yuan Feng, a metal transfer sound suddenly passed away, and Ruan Xinrou ’s long sword It was also bounced directly at this moment.


Ruan Xinrou only felt a tremendous force of shock from the sword in her hands. The tremendous force almost made her feel like she couldn't catch the sword in her hands, almost subconsciously, her figure It was to take a few steps back, which resolved the power of the anti-shock and finally stopped.

"This, this ......... how is this possible, how is this possible?"

The body was fixed. At this moment, Ruan Xinrou was almost as if he had seen the most incredible thing. The whole person's face was full of horror.

Either in the realm of delusion or the realm of the beast god, one thing is clear to all human warriors, that is, the human warrior's body is very fragile and cannot stand the enemy's blow at all. Therefore, every human being When practicing, the warriors will try to make up for this deficiency and strengthen themselves from all aspects.

I have never heard that the body of a human warrior can resist the attack of the magic weapon, even if the power is fully operating, it is extremely dangerous.

However, it was just under her eyelids, and it was her own hands. A human warrior, even without using the power of the demigod, resisted her with only a physical body. A sword of horror!

Looking at Yuan Feng in front of me for a moment, she really felt like looking at a World of Warcraft at the moment, and it was a terrible ancient beast!

"No wonder, no wonder he can rely on his own strength, and he sent the Sky Demon Python back to the community !!!"

At this moment, she finally understood what had happened before. Originally, she was always curious, even if Yuan Feng's strength was very strong, but under the siege of so many super powerfuls, she shouldn't have such a performance.

Now think about it, it seems that everything has a reason. In terms of Yuanfeng's horrible physical quality, it is just like an undead monster. Such a guy, of course, is not easy to be killed.

"Hehe, girl Xinrou, this is the benefit of my martial arts. Now, girl Xinrou thinks, is she qualified to negotiate business with girl Xinrou?"

Yuan Feng's complexion was as calm and indifferent as ever. Obviously, in his eyes, everything in front of him was just the right thing to do. There was no need to feel surprised.

"Yu, I can't think of it. The son of Yuan Feng has such terrible magic skills. The little girl is really eye-opening today."

Taking a deep breath, Ruan Xinrou was completely convinced now. She can be sure that Yuan Feng did not cheat with her. After all, if the other party is cheating, with her eyesight, it is impossible to see.

"It ’s important, do n’t hide the girl Xinrou, the following set of martial arts is indeed very extraordinary, but the difficulty of practicing this martial art is not ordinary. I also had the chance to spend a lot of time. It is hoped that Xinruo Girl will be psychologically prepared for this.

Some things must be made clear in advance. He just wants to tell the other party that his martial arts are absolutely unspeakable, but because this martial arts practice is extremely difficult, he does not guarantee that the other party can practice.

"It does take some chance to practice such a magical skill against the sky, but as long as it has the opportunity to practice such a magical skill, it is a great honor."

Nodded her head, Ruan Xinrou looked very open. She knew best that if Yuan Feng had become so scary because she had cultivated this magic skill, then this martial arts skill would definitely be for the God Machine Chamber of Commerce. It was the biggest sale ever.

"The son of Yuan Feng, this matter is very important. Xin Rou will never dare to neglect the slightest bit. If Yuan Feng's son can trust Xin Ruo, he also hopes that Yuan Feng will take out this secret cheat for Xinrou. It's also good for Xin Rou. "

Everything must be carried out on the premise that Yuan Feng's body really has such magic skills. If Yuan Feng's body does not have cheats, then it is useless to say anything.

"This is natural, please look at Xinrou girl !!!"

Yuan Feng still didn't have any hesitation. He obviously didn't worry that Ruan Xinrou would misbehave with him. After all, the other party didn't have that strength at all. Moreover, even if the other party had that level of strength, it was nothing to him Loss at all.


As soon as he raised his hand, he was taken out of a roll of animal skin, and opened directly in front of the other party.

"Noah, this is the magic skill I practiced. It's called Liu Zhuan Xuan Gong. The routine of Xuan Gong is a bit complicated. The girl of Xinrou should look forward to it."

Unrolling the animal skin roll, Yuan Feng finally placed the animal skin roll directly on the table case. In this way, Ruan Xinrou was free to look at it. It seems that he is really not afraid of the other side's sudden shot, and he snatched the animal skin away.

Of course, the more he is, the more Ruan Xinrou on the other side will not be rash. After all, no one knows how many methods he has on his body. If he starts, he may be in danger of losing money.

"Six turns to Xuan Gong?"

Ruan Xinrou didn't say much. When Yuan Feng opened the animal skin roll, she was like a demon, she stared at the animal skin roll intently, and looking at her expression, obviously The first time was deeply attracted by the magic skills on the scroll.

Yuan Feng ’s so-called six-turn Xuan Gong is exactly the first six turns of Nine-turn Xuan Gong, and it ’s been a slightly modified version. What people can bear. It can be said that in Ruan Xinrou's eyes, the six revolutionary Xuan Gong in front of her eyes is simply the most magical skill of the event.

"There is such a terrible magic skill in the world? This, this ......... Big sale is really big sale !!!"

Although she didn't understand it too well, she could tell how good or bad a martial art was. Obviously, this magic skill that Yuan Feng took out was indeed a well-deserved magic skill, anyway, she believed that she had never seen it.


While Ruan Xinrou watched the martial arts with shock, Yuan Feng suddenly raised her hand and rolled up the hide.

"Ha ha, girl Xin Rou, sorry, I can only show the girl here, but girl Xin Rou should have felt it already !!!"

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng was more confident at this moment.

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