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Chapter Two One Hundred and Thirty-Five

The beast **** world finally completely restored peace, and the storm caused by the immeasurable **** monument finally slowly subsided from the beast **** world. Although many ethnic groups will feel less willing, but no matter what, Wuliang Shenbei has fallen into the hands of the Tianmon Python family. No matter how unwilling everyone is, they can only do nothing.

However, no one would think that, in fact, Wuliang Shenbei has not been obtained by the Tianmon Python family at all. If you let them know that Wuliang Shenbei is now on a small human warrior, Yuan Feng, then The beast **** world right now, I'm afraid it has been completely crazy!

Unfortunately, no one would have thought that the second princess of the Tianmon Python family would put such a precious baby on Yuan Feng's body, and no one would think that the Tianmon Python family would talk to Yuan Feng at the last moment. He tore his face, causing Yuan Feng to leave Wuliang Shenbei for himself to enjoy.

Having said that, today's Wuliang Monument has become one with Yuan Feng. No matter who wants to get Wuliang Monument, the first thing is to kill Yuan Feng. Only when Yuan Feng is dead, Wuliang Monument will be re-opened. Return to the state of the monument once, looking for the next person who can be recognized by it.

But what is Yuan Feng doing now? If you want to kill him, that's not something anyone can do.

For Yuan Feng, the way back was obviously not as difficult as when he came. On this way, no superpower will suddenly jump out to find him trouble, and occasionally some unopened guys annoy him. He basically just killed it and left it to Xiao Ba's hands to let the other party handle it.

Xiao Ba is unwilling to come. It has temporarily suspended the production of Demigod Warcraft, and devoted himself to cultivation. As for the purpose, it is naturally a shock to the state of Demigod.

The demigod state of five turns is also a big kan for eight, but at this moment it has more than one demigod corpse of five times of warcraft, and there are several heads of five or less. This kind of World of Warcraft, and these World of Warcraft is obviously enough to help it impact the realm of the demi-god five turns.

Yuan Feng rushed his own way and didn't care about Xiao Ba's impact on the demigod and five turns. For him, the only thing he had to think about was when Xiao Ya was about to break through, he would help the other party. Choose a better place, and then help the other party successfully survive the fifth turn of the robbery.

Speaking of which, if he was the former, Xiao Ba ’s five-turn robbery, he would not even think about it. After all, his power is also limited, and the five-turn robbery of the semi-god realm is not so easy at all. Will be able to get through.

However, for him today, the integration of the immortal monument has made him the spokesperson of the entire world of beast gods. He believes that as long as he is in the world of beast gods, it should be difficult to rob him of this thing. He is.

In addition, even without the immeasurable integration of the monument, the realm of the eighth turn of the nine transfers and the eighth transfer is enough to help him to resist the robbery, so no matter what, he can actually help the eight of.

On this way, Yuan Feng has basically not shot very much. After all, for him now, even the one-two-twixt World of Warcraft is actually meaningless. To put it bluntly, he is no longer How lack of energy.

Xiaoba ’s practice in his physical world does require a lot of energy to support him, but basically all the energy can be directly provided by him. As for the method of supply, of course, he passed the immortal monument to The energy from all parts of the beast **** world is directly absorbed and transferred to their own physical world.

This is a very peculiar means, but it is the envy of other people, and only those creatures with immeasurable monuments can have such abnormal means.

Having said that, although the energy absorbed from the beast **** world can help Xiaoba to practice, if Xiaoba wants to produce Warcraft, naturally, those Warcraft corpses are better. After all, those Warcraft corpses have flesh and blood, but also There is the power of the demigod that is required when the demigod is born. Naturally, these things are the most suitable.

As time goes by, Yuan Feng ’s journey from the edge of Kuangsha to the Huohuo domain is a whole year away. However, during this year, Yuan Feng basically stopped and stopped. Stop, leaving your own WoW eyeliner all the way, looking for the whereabouts of your own WoW partner Dahei.

Previously, he followed the demon flame and rushed back towards the Tianmon Python family. There was basically no time to stay along the way. Naturally, there was no way to detect the news of Dahei, and at this moment he had nothing to do, naturally. There is no need to be too anxious.

In addition, Xiao Ba is now at a critical moment. He also hopes to wait until Xiao Ba has completely grown up before speeding up unscrupulously.

In any case, even if he is now strong, it will not reach the level of true fearlessness, and once Xiaoba is promoted to the demigod five times, he can produce demigod Warcraft in large quantities, then the situation is complete It's different.

If he has more than a dozen demigods of Warcraft on his body, and if he is in danger that cannot be solved by then, he can release one directly and give his opponent a crazy explosion. At that time, no matter what it is Opponents, I am afraid they have to retreat directly!

One year, such a period of time, it is really not that short, and after a whole year of training, Xiao Ba's impact on the semi-divine realm and five turns has finally reached a very critical moment.

Yuan Feng did not continue to rush, but chose a place in advance to ensure that Xiao Ba could have an excellent place to cross the robbery when he was promoted to five times in the semi-god state.

The place is very simple. Basically, there are no powerful Warcrafts within tens of thousands of miles. As for some guys who are below three turns in the demigod, the atmosphere of Xiaoba is absolutely not even close to them. close.

The final location is a cave that is not very large. The whole cave is very hidden. There is only one entrance, or it is blocked by Yuan Feng himself. No matter who wants to enter the cave, he must first pass through him. Consent.

"Yu, really fast, is this the difference between Warcraft and human warriors? Human warriors want to be promoted, it is simply a painstaking effort, but the promotion of Warcraft, but only need to devour more than themselves A strong World of Warcraft is enough. This talent means is really not envied by human warriors. "

At the entrance of the cave quietly, Yuan Feng's face flashed with emotion.

There was no way, he had to be sighed. In just a few years, Xiaobai Road has sung and leaped forward, and has already started to impact the state of demigod and five turns. But until now, he is still in the state of endless state, even half The threshold of Divine Realm has not yet been reached, and the gap between the two is simply impossible to count.

Fortunately, the improvement of Xiao Ba's power is basically equivalent to the improvement of his own power, which is still very gratifying to him. Furthermore, the stronger Xiaoba is, the stronger their combination is, so he will never be jealous of Xiaoba.

"It seems pretty reliable, as long as this guy can be promoted to the level of the demigod and five turns, then from now on, the place like the beast **** can really go sideways!"

Xiaoba this time in order to impact the realm of the demigod five turns, that is enough to devour four heads of demigod four turns of Warcraft, two heads of demigod five turns of Warcraft, so many demigods of Warcraft, It is that huge energy, that is enough to make his cultivation realm reach the edge of five transitions in the semi-god realm.

In addition, among these energies are the unique powers of the two half-gods and five-turn Warcraft. As long as it integrates these two powers, sooner or later, the realm of the half-gods and five-turns can be achieved.

"When this breakthrough is successful, let the little guy take a break first, and then quickly produce a few demi-gods of Warcraft, and there are no half-gods of Warcraft under him. Feeling so relieved! "

Since the last time he tasted the sweetness of the Demigod Warcraft self-explosion, he has been looking forward to the Demigod's self-destructing army. Don't need too much, as long as you get a ten-headed Demi-Warcraft subordinate, then he It really can go sideways.

"Wait a minute, is it possible to succeed, but before the result appeared, no one said badly."

It ’s useless to want to be beautiful. Only after Xiao Ba has been promoted to the semi-god realm five turns, can he finally determine. As a result, before that, he still obediently gave Xiao Ba the wind outside, and the wind brought shock to the other side. Realm is all.

The immense monument has been running, but it borrowed some of the spirits of all beings within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, and so many beings, basically each of them has some power, enough to resist The last half of the God of Warcraft six turns, all the energy inside and out.

As for the energy fluctuations when Xiao Ba hits the semi-god realm five times, he did not let them pass to the outside. With the help of the immeasurable monument, those energy fluctuations were basically directly transmitted to the ground and heavy. The earth is directly digested.

This is a relatively anxious process, but Yuan Feng has been waiting calmly. For him, Xiao Ba can be promoted the best, even if he can't, then he has nothing to be depressed now, after all, now he It has indeed reached the point of the general strong.

However, the more we face this with a calm mindset, the more often the results are more comforting. No, Yuan Feng chose the place for Xiaoba and continued to try for about a month. At the time, the gratifying situation immediately appeared.

On this day, Yuan Feng, just like the previous days, quietly waited for Xiao Ba's movement. At a certain moment, a very clear sound of space shaking was suddenly from the cave where Xiao Ba was. Pass it out.

"Om !!!!!!"

This was a very obvious sound of vibration, and as the vibration sounded, Yuan Feng as a whole woke up from his sleep, and then looked into the cave.

"This is ......... OK, OK, this little guy is really going to succeed !!!"

Looking into the cave, Yuan Feng saw it almost the first time. Xiao Ba at this moment apparently finally realized the true meaning of the five transitions in the demigod, but he successfully realized the five transitions in the demigod. The realm, it doesn't take long to think about it, its cultivation is to be able to transform from a semi-god realm to four turns and a semi-god realm to five turns.

"Okay, it's just too good, let me just say, this guy has swallowed up so many Warcraft powerhouses, if it can't break through, it's just a waste of so many Warcraft corpses !!!"

Speaking of, the so many Warcraft swallowed by Xiao Ba, even if he swallowed himself, can at least improve his power again. After all, he has now advanced to the realm of the eighth turn of the Ninth Turn and the Xuan Gong. The power of Warcraft essence blood is still somewhat useful.

Of course, no matter how many Warcraft corpses, obviously it is not as useful as allowing Xiao Ba to be promoted to five transfers in Demi-God Realm. After all, Xiao-Ba is promoted to five transfers in Demi-God Realm, which means that he can borrow each other at any time. The power of the enemy at any time with the power of five turns in the demigod.

"It seems that it's time for me to get out of the way. After this little guy successfully promoted to the semi-god realm five turns, the transfer of the fifth turn will be left to me to deal with."

Of course, the power of Xiao Ba cannot be used for nothing. If he wants to use the power of the other party, then naturally he has to help a lot when the other party is promoted, and helping the little guy to survive is undoubtedly the best way.

Although the current Xiaoba can still use the self-destructing Warcraft army to cross the robbery, the fifth turn of the robbery is no longer the endless World of Warcraft self-detonation can only be done, and only the self-destructive semi-realm Warcraft, It may help it through its turn.

However, it is luxurious enough to think about using the demigod Warcraft to explode, and if the power of catching the thunder is too great, the two-end demigod Warcraft is probably not enough to deal with the transfer. Rob.

As time goes by, Xiao Ba ’s impact on the five transitions in the semi-god realm is extremely fast. It can be seen that he himself is extremely eager for this state. It is better to help Yuan Feng in turn and not let Yuan Feng fight alone.


I do n’t know how long it has been, almost just when Yuan Feng was ready, Xiao Ba ’s energy fluctuations suddenly broke through a limit and entered a brand new world, and as its power finally broke through On the outside sky, the dark clouds one by one, the condensation was completed almost instantly, and within a few dozen miles of the circle, it became a doomsday scene.

ps: I have had a high fever for a long time. I woke up around the evening to see it. I wanted to take time off, but I still think I should write some. Friends who are still at night, come with a flower support! !! !! !!

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