The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2148: Something serious

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Chapter Two One Hundred and Forty-Eight

The princess and the five elders of Tianmon Python finally returned from the outside. For the strong men of the Tianmon Python family who have been waiting for a long time in the tribe, it is simply good news.

Perhaps, starting today, the history of the Tian Yao Pythons will be completely rewritten.

The princess of Tianmon Python and the five elders of Tianmon Python have saluted to the head of the Tianmon Python family, and after they have been saluted, the patriarch of the Tianmon Python family is slowly standing from the throne. It looked quite calm.

"Seeing your return in peace, my patriarch will be relieved, Ada, the five elders, this time you have worked really hard."

The patriarch of Tianyue Python slowly stepped forward, and then raised his hands gently to the princess of Tianyue Python and the five elders, and signaled the two to stand up and talk.

"Thank you mother !!!"

"Thank you, Patriarch !!!"

The elder princess and the five elders seemed a little nervous, but they were also a little faintly excited. They also understood that this time they went out was simply the biggest change to the Tianmon Python family, and this change was because of their shots. Just changed it back. When they think of it, they can no longer be completely calm.

"Hahaha, princess, fifth child, hurry up and talk about your trip, and have you brought back the immortal monument?"

Just when the eldest princess and the five elders had just saluted to the patriarch, among the five elders, the old man who stood in the front was no longer able to control, and even did not care about the prince of the Tianmonbo, the first Jumped out and asked the two returned.

They have been waiting here for a long time, hoping to be able to wait for a satisfactory result, but they have no way to settle in their hearts before seeing the baby in person.

Cultivation has reached their level. It has always been a matter of hearing and seeing is true. Before not seeing Wuliang Shenbei, they do not believe any words. After all, Wuliang Shenbei is not so easy to wait for. I can get it.

"The elders are anxious, let the five elders say it !!!"

After hearing the elders ’questions, all the people present were expecting, waiting for the narration of the elder princess and the five elders, and watching the crowd looked at themselves, the princess of the Tianmon Python could n’t help but pick her lips, With a smile on his face. It can be seen from her expression that the results this time should still be good.

"Oh, don't worry, everyone, Elder Five, let's talk, what's the situation!"

On the throne, the patriarch of the demon python who has re-sit down, at this moment also waved his hands to the crowd, begging everyone not to worry. However, although her mouth was relaxed, no one found out that at this moment, her fingernails had actually been buckled into the palm of her hand, which shows how nervous she is at this moment.

It's not that her patriarch's mind is not strong enough, but she knows the importance of the immortal monument to a group. If the immortal monument can be obtained, then the entire celestial python family must be in her. With his hands raised, he has become an ethnic group that can survive on the bright side.

"Master Patriarch, elders, this time out to meet the second princess, there is no need to talk about the hardships and hardships, but fortunately the princess arrived in time, otherwise, I am afraid that this time will be completely destroyed by the howling wolf tribe Something big has happened. "

The elder elder python five is not a big deal at this moment, but his breath is obviously a little weak, apparently because of the injuries he has suffered before, which still have a great impact on him.

"Oh? What about the second and third child? How are they now?"

Hearing the words of the five elders, the patriarch of the Tianmon Python couldn't help but look a little tight, but hurriedly asked the other side. She had thought about the immortal monument before and ignored it. Until now, she had not seen her second daughter and third daughter.

"Look at my memory, I forgot to let the two princesses show up. The patriarch is not to blame." Hearing the prince of the day demon python asked the second princess and the third son, the elder five slammed his forehead first, facing heaven The monster python chief pleaded guilty, then raised his hand and summoned the three young men who were included in his physical world directly.


Along with a flash of light, the three princesses of the demon python and her fellow men, plus a demon flame that was seriously injured and unconscious, appeared together in front of everyone.


The three younger generations appeared, but the three princesses still held the posture of holding a demon flame. When she saw the situation in front of her, she was a little surprised, but then she looked happy. She knew that she and her group had finally returned to the ethnic group.

"The baby has seen the mother and her second sister was seriously injured. She also asked her to rush and save the second sister!"

The third princess went straight to the theme. Speaking of which, after robbing her second sister, she basically has been trying to find a way to stabilize each other's injuries, but her power is limited after all, and the princess and the five elders have to go at full speed Hurry up in case the strong from other ethnic groups intercept again, so everything is her own doing.

Up to now, although the situation of the demon flame has stabilized, it is clear that it has not completely escaped the danger.

"Well? Why is this so, who dares to hurt my daughter?"

On the throne, when seeing the demon flame held by the three princesses in the arms, the patriarch of the demon python was almost irritable, and with her anger rising suddenly, the entire underground palace suddenly suddenly slightly After a shock, the temperature may have dropped by several degrees.


However, angry and angry, she was obviously more concerned about her second daughter, what happened.

When the body was moving, the patriarch had already reached the front of the demon flame, and when he raised his hand, he took it from his third daughter, and he didn't want to, he just pressed it On the latter's body.

For her second daughter, she felt sentimental for a while, and she was sent outside. The time has passed for many years, but what she never expected was that when she went out, A man who is living and living is already dying when he returns.

Of course, her heart was very upset, and the more so, the anger in her body gradually became uncontrollable.

Seeing that the patriarch is soaring, all the strong men present are basically afraid to make any dissonant sounds at this moment, even the six elders, and they are bending down subconsciously for fear that the patriarch will find them. trouble.

In the entire hall, I am afraid that only two princesses are still calm. After all, the patriarch is their mother. Even if the other party is crazy, they will never be angry with them.

"Buzz !!!!"

The ancestor of the demon python continuously transmitted her power into the body of the demon flame, and as her power poured in, the situation of the demon flame was obviously gradually becoming more optimistic, and seeing this, the demon python The patriarch's face slowly returned to a trace of normality.


After a short time, the chief of the Tianmon Python regained his arm, and at this moment, although the demon flame still has not woke up, at least there will be no danger of life.

"Fortunately, it's quite timely to get back. If it is later, the situation will be really troublesome!"

Withdrawing his hand, the eyes of the patriarch of the dwarf python can't help flashing a look of fear. This time, she almost lost a daughter. If that's the case, it's too much worth it, and she I'm afraid I'll blame myself for a long time, after all, it's her idea to let her daughter go out.

At first, she felt that the light that affected the fate of the entire ethnic group was shining on her second daughter. After some calculation, she sent it out, but did not ask the other party.

Later, she got the news that her second daughter had accidentally discovered the infinite monument, and she was really excited under her heart.

Obviously, her mind was not unreasonable at first. It seems that Heaven really wanted to give a big chance to the Tianmon Python family, and the second princess of the Tianmon Python was the messenger of this opportunity.

"Elder Five, what is going on? Why is the second child so badly injured?"

After his daughter was in no danger to her life, the patriarch of Tian Yao Python calmed her emotions and asked with a look of anger. At this moment, she did not deliberately mention the infinite monument, because when she saw her second daughter, she always felt that there was such a bad feeling in her heart.

"Master Patriarch, in order to protect the infinite monument, the two princesses have burned their own vitality, fighting against the three demi-gods and six-turned powers of the Thunder Demon Clan, the Demon Tiger Clan, and the Raging Bear Clan. The princess finally arrived and rescued the second princess, but her injuries were very serious. I am afraid that only the patriarchs can cure them. "

Hearing the question from the patriarch of the demon python, the five elders hesitated a bit, and said something about the general situation of the operation. However, among them, it naturally ignored some things, and for these things, it I do n’t think it ’s a big deal if you do n’t mention it.

After the monster flame takes out the infinite monument, who will still care about and care about these details?

"What? My son and his own, fighting the strongest of the three and a half divine realms and six turns? The Thunder Monsters, the Devil Tigers, the Raven Bears, this feud, I have written down this with you."

The Tianmon Python family is definitely the most revengeful group. This time, their daughters were hurt by the three major ethnic groups. This is absolutely impossible for the Tianmon Python patriarch to accept. One day, she will let these three major The ethnic group paid for it.

"Has the second child said something about the infinite monument? Where is the monument now?"

Although she was not willing to mention it actively, but now it seems that even if she doesn't want to ask, she is actually full of longing for the immeasurable monument.

Speaking of the infinite monument, all the members present could not help raising their ears, waiting for the elders to give an answer, even the princess narrowed her eyes and waited for the results to appear.

You know, after she died for the five elders along the way, she didn't have time and opportunity to discuss these with each other.

"The words of Lord Hui, when the third princess and I arrived, the second princess was fighting with one enemy and three. Listening to those guys, the immortal monument must still be on the second princess, but now the second princess is unconscious, And no one was able to reach her on this way. I believe that the immeasurable monument should be on the second princess. "

If the outside rumors are not fake, then the immortal monument should be on the monster flame now. After all, it still saw a group of strong men who wanted to steal the monument from her hands! At the moment, as long as the second princess demon flame can be rescued, after the other party wakes up, you can harvest countless monuments!

"Several elders, you shoot with me, and wake up the second child soon !!!"

After being told by the five elders, the Tianmon Python clan's expression suddenly shocked, and then he said nothing to the five elders who spoke directly.


The five elders did not dare to neglect at the moment, they all understand that as long as the second princess is awakened, then the second princess can take out the infinite monument for everyone to observe and study!

That ’s an immeasurable monument. For so many years, they just heard that there is such a treasure, but they have never seen it, and they do n’t know what kind of thing it is!

In the time of speaking, the five elders came to the demon flame, ready to awaken the demon flame together.

"Boss and third, your blood is pure and pure, and you are sisters to your second, so come together, and it's more to contribute."

The prince of the Tian Yao Python is somewhat uneasy, but he summoned his two daughters again to treat his second daughter together.

"Yes, my mother's order !!!"

The princess and the third princess are no longer hesitant, and they are talking to the elders, but the five elders have not moved. After all, the injuries were not minor. Do n’t say that they are saving people now, even if it is I am afraid they are very dangerous!

Counting the patriarch of the demon python, this time, a whole eight super strong people sat around the side of the demon flames, and began to heal the injuries on the other side.

The injury to the monster flame is definitely not light. With only one or two strengths, I am afraid that I really have the heart and power, but now there are so many strong people who are shooting together. If you ca n’t save the monster flame, then the monster The python family is really going to die.

All the strong have chosen their positions in order of priority. Then, with the order of the prince of the demon python, all the other strong ones have mobilized the original power of the celestial python family. Entered into the body of the demon flame.

These powers of origin can be said to be very precious to every member of the Sky Monster Python. To put it plainly, the power of the origin is less, which naturally means that the strength is reduced, and you want to cultivate the power of the origin. Back, it was definitely not an easy task.

Obviously, the reason why the celebrity python patriarch called all the pure-blooded people is to enable everyone to share some. In this way, the amount shared by each individual can be much less.

The situation of the monster flames is indeed not optimistic. In order to leave a glimmer of life for Yuan Feng in the previous war, she has basically burned more than half of her vitality. After that kind of burning, the loss of power in her body is almost There is no way to measure it with numbers.

Frankly speaking, it is because of her at this moment that it is related to the situation of immeasurable monuments and indirectly to the life and death of the entire Tianmonbo clan. Otherwise, these people present may not be willing to use their own power to come Treat each other.

The output of the main force is naturally still the patriarch of the demon python. Her cultivation has reached an extreme, and she is still compressing this extreme. Just by her own strength, she has already reached all the elders and the two princesses. Yes, but of course, she can't rely on her own output alone, because then, it will be very dangerous for the Tianmon Python family.

No matter what time it is, she must ensure her absolute fighting power and protect her ethnic group.

"Buzz !!!!"

The eight strong men shot together, and the entire hall was constantly shaking at this moment, and at this moment, the young man who was next to the third princess who was next to the third princess is now obediently returning to the team of the trolls Here, I dare not show up easily.

At this moment, all the strong men are watching nervously as the eight strong men heal the demon flames. Frankly, they all have their own intentions to help, but unfortunately their blood is not pure, and even if they do, they cannot help.

As time goes by, the foreheads of the eight strong are slowly seeping sweat, and the situation of the patriarch of the demon python is better, and this kind of effort naturally has promising results. This is not visible to the naked eye. Demon Flame's body has been replenished, and even the falling realm is now replenished.

"Receive it !!!"

Seeing that his daughter had no major problems, the prince of the Tianmon Python could not help but sighed, and ordered to everyone.

"Brush !!!" The powerful men all withdrew their hands, one by one, it took some time to adjust, and then they all returned to their seats one by one, and continued to wait for the Wraith to wake up.

Demon Flame's injury is no big deal, that is to say, she may wake up at any time now, and for her reawakening, all the strong men present are full of anticipation. .

The prince of the Tian Yao Python has returned to the throne, and the princess and the three princesses have been cut across from the elder Liu. The level between them is fair.

Everyone was staring at the monster flames that had not yet woken up, and during everyone's nervous gaze, it took almost half an hour, and the flames of the monster flames finally shook slightly, and then slowly Open your eyes slowly.

"Huh, I didn't expect me to be alive. It seems that this time I found a life again!"

With their eyes open, the flames of the monster have basically not had time to see the sight in front of them. It is the first time they sighed for a long time, full of emotion.

Waking up at this moment, everything that happened before was flashing like a movie. She still remembered that she was desperately fighting with the three powerful men, and finally burned too many and too many sources of life. Originally, she thought she would Dead too! However, she did not expect that at this moment, she could still return to the old nest of the Tianmon Python family alive.

There is no need to look at it, even a breath can let her know that at this moment, she has finally returned to the ethnic group of the Tianmon Python family!

"Baby has seen my mother, mother, my baby misses you so much!"

After turning his eyes, Demon Flame quickly locked the target on the throne of the master of the demon python, and saluted the other party respectfully.

Eventually she returned to the ethnic group, met her mother, a group of powerful elders, and those little friends that she could always meet when she was a child. At this moment, her mood became more and more excited.

When she left the Celestial Mania tribe, she actually didn't understand why her mother told her to go to the south, and also said that she would have some opportunities and even change the entire ethnic group.

It seems that her mother really saw some scenes in the future, otherwise she would never be sent out.

Of course, for those who are no longer important, if she didn't understand it at that time, and even complained a little, then now she really understands her mother's good intentions.

"Good boy, you are welcome to return in triumph. From now on, you will be the biggest contributor to my demon python family."

Seeing that his second daughter woke up, she didn't have any sense of resistance to herself, and the heart of the patriarch of the Tianyue Python slowly let it go.

She had always been worried that her daughter would not forgive her, but now that she thinks about it, she is a bit horny. How can you, as a member of the Tianmon Python family, really care about these trivial matters?

"Baby is afraid, everything is the mother's plan, and the child is respectful and admirable."

The face of the monster flame was very calm, and she tried her best to finally return to the ethnic group. She felt that the whole person was unspeakable and relaxed. As for the credit, those were not what she cared about.

"Oh, you child, I haven't seen you for a while, you've really grown up." I heard the reply from Yao Yan, especially when I saw that the other party has been promoted to the semi-god realm, the sixth turn of cultivation, but the chief of the Tianmon Python It is to this second daughter of herself that she likes it more and more.

"Well, boy, take out your achievements this time. Maybe, this will be a moment of epoch-making steps for my demon python family."

Now that the demon flame has woke up, it is natural to talk about the infinite monument, and judging from the performance of this daughter, nothing seems to be wrong.

"Yes, ask the mother to invite out the human friend of the baby."

Demon Flame did not greet her mother any more. Speaking, she hadn't seen Yuan Feng after waking up. When she wanted to come, Yuan Feng should be treated as a guest and arranged to rest elsewhere. As for the other situations, she didn't think much.

"Human friend? What human friend?"

However, for the words of the demon flame, the prince of the demon python who started can not help flashing a little doubt, but he did not know what the demon flame was saying!


When he heard his mother's words, he was still indifferent to the flames, his face suddenly gloomed, and his eyes flashed with an indescribable anxiety.

ps: I'm so tired, it doesn't hurt anywhere in my body. Two chapters have been passed into one chapter. Brothers, thank you for your understanding! In addition, sincerely ask for a flower support, Xiaoyan needs a little motivation! !! !! !! Thanks everyone! !! !!

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