The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2146: Recuperation

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Chapter 2146

Seeing that they will take down the elder elder python, the three strong men of the Xiaoyue wolf can never imagine that, just when they are about to obtain a rich result, the elder princess of the eel python family is suddenly Time ran out, and everyone rewarded them with a big trouble.

As a result, the flesh flew away with such long wings as he saw the flesh coming to his mouth.

For the three crazy World of Warcraft, the three demon wolves spent a full half an hour or so, which killed the three guys one by one. However, when the three World of Warcraft were destroyed, they were all one by one. Already exhausted and wounded, obviously it is no longer possible to have any intersection with the Tian Yao Python family.

"Roar, I'm so mad at me, I was so defeated that I was mad, Roar !!!"

Time has passed for half a quarter of an hour, and such a long time is enough for the elders of the demon pythons and the princesses of the demon pythons to fly an infinite distance, even if they are in their heyday, I am afraid they cannot catch up with each other. .

"Hey, it's nothing. It seems that this immeasurable monument is destined to miss me from the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan. Let's go back and report the truth to the clan master!"

"It can only be like this, it's a pity, it's a little bit worse !!!"

"It's a little bit worse, isn't there a saying for the human warrior to be half a ninety-hundred mile? Forget it, the Tianmon Python family is also a super big group. Compared with others, we have no advantage at all."

The three devil wolves are full of unwillingness, but no matter how unwilling they are, in the end they can only look at each other and suppress the depression under their hearts.

In the end, the three could only adjust their breath slightly, rushing back in the direction of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan. Speaking of them, they have been tired for a long time since they came out of the ethnic group. In fact, when they started to look for the sky demon python and the immeasurable monument, they did not have much hope, so now There is nothing to complain about.

At this point, the major ethnic groups competing for the immeasurable monument have basically come to an end, because everyone knows that the demon flames at this time have already been accepted by the Tianmon Python family, and once the entire Tianmon Python family has Participating in it, then trying to **** the treasure from this super big group is basically impossible.

However, no one will know, just when they thought that the immense monuments must fall into the hands of the celestial python family, in fact, this super treasure of the beast **** world is actually still everywhere in the beast **** world. Wandering, and wandering around with it, is just Yuan Feng who just experienced a life and death struggle.

Here is a jungle that is not very dense. The entire jungle is thin and lacks resources. Even a small ethnic group may not be willing to survive in such a place. In this way, this jungle naturally becomes A forgotten barren land.

At this moment, in the depths of this barren jungle, where a plant is more lush than other trees, a young man is curled up in the bushes, and lying on the ground without a image, relaxing himself .

"Woohoo, this time it's really dangerous, it's a little worse, and it's almost dead!"

At this moment, Yuan Feng felt that he was about to collapse. He borrowed the power of Xiao Ba, and at this moment had consumed 7878, and as Xiao Ba's power dissipated, his previous injuries sustained, but now All of them appeared uncontrollably. It can be said that at this moment, he was an unprecedented danger.

"Ah, I can't think of it. I've been on the road this time. Basically all kinds of dangers have been seen, but in the end, the biggest danger will come from the Tian Yao Python family. This is really ......... hey !!!"

He really didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at the moment. The feeling of being assassinated and killed by a donkey was just like the pain of a sharp knife piercing his chest.

"Fortunately, although the Tianmon Pythons have shot at me, the immortal monuments are still in my hands. This baby, they are not even wanted to get it."

Regardless, the immortal monument is still in his hands, this is his victory, and those guys of the Tian Yao Python family will sooner or later regret it.

The only pity is undoubtedly the demon flame's effort. Failing to bring the infinite monument to the ethnic group is probably a big blow to her, but he believes that the other party should be able to understand him.

"Ah, it's a pity my number one. This time I lost my life to save me. It seems that Xiaoba must have a new one as soon as possible."

Before the critical moment, he really had no other choice. At that time, he had no other way to escape from the elder of the demon python except to detonate No. 1. In desperation, but only Can be used out.

Fortunately, No. 1 did not die in vain, and its sacrifice eventually replaced his life. If No. 1 had a spirit in heaven, he should be very satisfied.

It is no doubt that he can comfort himself by making Xiaoba reproduce a number one. After all, no matter how great Xiaoba is, it is absolutely impossible to produce a guy who is exactly the same as number one.

"Forget it, don't think about it first, let's restore the strength first while no one is disturbing here, let's think about what to do next when the strength is restored."

Right now, he still has a lot of injuries on his body that need to be recovered. The eighth child in the physical world is not in good condition. For the two brothers, the most important thing at this moment is to quickly get his Regain strength, and then plan for the next.

One thing is for sure: after the monsters of the monster python family knew the truth that day, they would definitely look for him again. Before that, he had to make himself stronger. At this moment, he hopes that the flames can wake up later, because only then can he have more time to prepare.

I was still thinking about it, when I see the strong people of the Tianmon Python family, will I have the opportunity to get the resources to impact the demigod? Now it seems that these dreams can only be dreams. With the Tianmon Python family, basically it is Endless situation!

After recovering some spirits, Yuan Feng arranged a small mysterious array around him, and then he calmly cultivated and adjusted his breath in it.

With Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong in his body, the injury recovery is naturally very fast, and for the consumption of power, he is a baby, and he was quickly recovered.

Almost only less than a day later, his condition has improved, and after three days, his injury has completely recovered, with no trace of sequelae.

Undoubtedly, if these injuries were suffered by others, then even if it is months or even years, it may be difficult to completely recover. However, according to Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong, he does not need to waste that long at all. time. This is the horror of Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, but everyone else cannot envy it at all.

Xiao Ba's power has also been restored, and it has not been hurt. The main problem is that Yuan Feng has consumed a lot of power, but as long as the energy is in place, it is very easy to replenish it.

After three days, the two brothers are basically fine, but it is entirely possible to consider the next action.

"Little eight, how long do you need now to recreate a number one?"

In Xuan Zhen space, Yuan Feng and Xiao Ba were sitting opposite each other, but there was a chat about Tian Er. To this day, Xiao Ba is already the main force in his team. Any discussion of anything should have a force in it.

"Brother, we still have fewer bodies in Demigod Warcraft. If you want to produce Demigod Warcraft, first of all, the energy supply is slightly worse, and my situation is not very good, I am afraid it also needs Conditioning for a period of time, otherwise it is likely to fail again and again, and then wasted energy and energy. "

Seeing Yuan Feng's slightly sad face, Xiao Ba really wanted to help each other, but his power was too limited. Even if he wanted to help Yuan Feng, his physical condition allowed it.

At this moment, it couldn't continue to produce Demi-World of Warcraft at all, plus there weren't a lot of Demi-World of Warcraft corpses on its body.

The fall of No.1 has more or less regrets in its heart, but in general, it looks even more open than Yuan Feng, and it will not matter if it is produced later.

"Yu, it seems that we must take some time to find some way to get some Warcraft, but unfortunately the flames are not here. If she is there, hunting some Warcrafts that have been turned one or two times in the semi-divine realm is a piece of cake. "

Exhaling lightly, he couldn't help remembering his cooperation with Yaoyan again and again, and he had to say that there was no Yaoyan beside him, and he really felt a little uncomfortable.

"Can't produce Warcraft. It seems that if we want to increase our power quickly, we must start with my cultivation!"

No matter what, now he has to find a way to improve his strength. No, it is necessary to try to impact the realm of demigod. Only if he is promoted to demigod, can he have no fear of the demon python. Eligibility of ethnic groups.

In addition, even if Xiao Ba is able to produce a few heads of God of Warcraft, it does not mean much to him.

"Demigod, in my current situation, if I rush into the demigod, the success rate may not exceed 20%. Once I fail, I am afraid that I may not dare to try again for a long time. This is really a big deal. "

Demigod realm, no one would want to reach it, but there must be a chance to reach it. With his current physical condition and the resources under his control, his impact on the success rate of demigod is really impossible. It's too high.

"What to do? Do you really want to try something? If you fail, you won't try, but once you succeed, it will be completely different!"

Rushing, not rushing, these two thoughts kept rolling in his mind, but what he was going to do, he really had some doubts for a moment.

Seeing Yuan Feng doing this, Xiao Ba was also anxious with him, but he didn't know how to help Yuan Feng solve his troubles.

"Yes, brother, what kind of treasure did you help the girl in the flames save before? Want me to say that my brother might as well study the thing first, maybe there will be some unexpected gains?"

Xiaoba's mind is turning faster. It doesn't want Yuan Feng to be so entangled all the time, but maybe some of its reminders can bring unexpected gains to Yuan Feng?

In addition, for the infinite monuments that Yuan Feng and Tianmon Python said before, it is actually really a little curious, and it also wants to know what kind of baby is actually going to make so many super powerful Give your life to chase.

"Immeasurable monument? Oh, how to forget this thing, it seems that this thing has really improved my strength."

Was reminded by Xiao Ba, Yuan Feng was suddenly shocked, and then he patted his forehead, feeling a sense of sudden realization.

He had tried to explore Wuliang Shenbei before, but at that time, he was interrupted by the Tianmon Python and did not have much contact with Wuliang Shenbei. However, no one is on the side right now. Maybe it is time for him to carry out further research on the so-called infinite monument!

"Countless monuments, come out for me !!!"

Thinking to himself, he suddenly raised his hand, and suddenly, the treasure that all ethnic groups in the entire beast **** world longed for was taken out by him and placed in front of him and Xiao Ba.

"Noah, this is the treasure that Demon and I want to protect, immeasurable monument. Speaking of which, this thing is only useful for World of Warcraft, you are also World of Warcraft, study it !!!"

Xiao Ba is also a member of the World of Warcraft, maybe as a World of Warcraft, it is possible to learn more from this immeasurable monument!

"Is there a monument to immeasurable things? There seems to be a description of this in my inheritance, but it is not very clear."

Seeing Yuan Feng's infinite monument, Xiao Ba couldn't help looking at it curiously, but unfortunately, although it is a legacy of Warcraft, it is too many places affected by Yuan Feng. Today it is actually even more Many are already warriors who are biased towards humans.

Therefore, after some research, it basically has nothing to gain. It just feels that this thing should be very valuable. As for how to use it, let Yuan Feng do it yourself to study it slowly!

"Can't you even see the value of this thing? It seems that I can only slowly feel it myself!"

Seeing that Xiao Ba had no results, Yuan Feng could not help but chuckle, but could not help but pin his hopes on himself. This time, he will thoroughly study this immense monument, maybe he can find a way to decrypt the monument, and then use this monument to greatly improve his strength.

"I don't believe it. With my strength and means, why not make a big stone? I want to see how amazing this thing is !!!"

He is also a bit more competitive with this thing. In addition, anyway, he doesn't plan to give the Tian Yao Python family, even if it is really playing, he will not have any regrets.

ps: Tears and flowers, brothers and sisters, if you have flowers, hurry up and support them, so poor to say, oh! !! !! !!

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