The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2137: Cooperation? (Two more)

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Chapter 2137 Cooperation? (Two more)

Yuan Feng used her three-inch tongue that didn't rot, but in the end it attracted the strong of the Zijin marten family.

This is not to say how much he can say that the most important reason is because he has seized the psychology of the other party. These Warcrafts almost treat the immortal monument as a life, he knows, as long as what he said It has something to do with Wuliang Shenbei, then it will definitely work.

However, after Zijin Marten had believed in what he said, there was a new problem between the two, that is, how to achieve mutual trust between the two.

"Boy, my family of purple gold marten has always been talking, you can rest assured, as long as you say the hiding place of the immortal monument, then I will let you go immediately, and if I can get the immortal monument, it will be in the future. Thank you very much. "

Zijin Marten's heart was almost itchy. It really wanted to pry open Yuanfeng's mouth and let the other party say everything, but in that case, God knows if Yuanfeng dog will jump over the wall. If Yuanfeng sincerely doesn't want to say, then it There is no chance to force the other side to speak.

"Yu, let me believe in you, so naturally you need to show enough sincerity, I ca n’t look like this. You leave me now, and I will put the situation you want to know in one of you and me. Know the place, three days later, you go there to pick it up, and at that time, I have already stayed away from you, is this fair and reasonable? "

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Feng thought for a moment, and suggested to the strong Zijin Marten.

"What? Boy, are you looking for fun with me? Don't you believe me, don't you think I'll believe you can't do it? Three days later, God knows where your kid has gone. If you lie to me, I will Who do you want to pay for? "

Of course, Zijin Marten cannot agree with the idea proposed by Yuan Feng. As it said, Yuan Feng does not believe it is true, and in the same way, it cannot completely trust Yuan Feng. If what Yuan Feng said is false, when the other party leaves, will it not be treated as a monkey by the other party?

"Don't forget, right now you want to know the whereabouts of the immense monument. Shouldn't you take more risks? If not, what do you say?"

Looking cold, Yuan Feng seemed to be a little unhappy. Looking at his posture, it seemed that the other party should take greater risks, and he should not take any risks.

"Boy, don't force me to do it, I know you have a hard mouth, but if you rush this seat, I will make you die better, and, for the whereabouts of the infinite monument, the Tianmon Python is clearer than you . "

Zijin Marten's complexion was also slightly cold. Speaking of it, even if it killed Yuan Feng, he could still find a way to ask the whereabouts of the immortal monument from the mouth of Tian Yao Python. Therefore, Yuan Feng was not an absolute killer. No.

"Oh, you don't need to excite me like this, do you think that a person who has burned his vitality will still tell you any news?"

Regarding the threat of Zijin Marten, Yuan Feng still smiled indifferently, without being scared by the words of the other party, "Well, since you and I can't completely trust each other, then you and I will take a step back. You must now guarantee me Safety, and I will stay with you for a while, until the battle over Tian Yao Python is over, you should also know what I said is true, and even, you have to believe what I said, and then, I'll take you to find the infinite monument, so that's all right? "

As his complexion changed, Yuan Feng finally had to make a step. There was no way. He wanted Zijin Marten to let him go, and the other party obviously would not agree.

"Well? This is a good offer."

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Zijin Marten nodded this time, but accepted Yuan Feng's opinion.

Yuan Feng said that it was true. Once the battle between the Tianmon Python and the other three guys was over, then either the Tianmon Python died or the other three guys died, no matter what the outcome was, both sides were definitely not better. go with.

By then, it can control Yuan Feng, and it can clean up the endgame over there, how can it be regarded as the biggest winner. As for Yuan Feng, how much threat can a little guy with three turns in the semi-god realm pose to it?

"Boy, let me believe what you are saying. From now on, you will follow me. If I don't allow you, you will never be allowed to leave. When the battle between the demon python and those three idiots ends, we Just go where you say and look for the whereabouts of the infinite monument. "

Zijin Marten had a decision under her heart. When talking, it beckoned to Yuan Feng and motioned to the other side.

"The lord is a predecessor of the beast **** world, and the water that is spoken is poured out. I hope that you will not speak and count. Of course, although your strength is too much and too much stronger than me, as long as I am willing, I can end it You will lose nothing by then. "

Yuan Feng didn't go to the other side for the first time, but she continued to negotiate with the other side. The cautious appearance seemed to admire the opposite purple gold marten secretly.

In the case of insufficient strength, it is necessary to have sufficient caution, it can go from a small point to today, why not do it step by step carefully?

"Okay, letting you die is of no use to me. On the contrary, only if you are alive, I will be able to get the immortal monument, so I will not let you die."

With a wave of his hand, Zi Jinxue signaled that Yuan Feng didn't need to worry, and in his heart, he really didn't want to kill Yuan Feng. After all, if the Tianmon Python is dead, then Yuan Feng is its only clue and hope. If Yuan Feng has any difference, then he really has to say goodbye to Wuliang Shenbei!

"Okay, so I'll trust you for now."

After gritting his teeth, Yuan Feng felt like he had made up his mind and finally made his own decision. As the words fell, he approached Zijin Marten slightly nervously.

"Boy, you don't have to be so nervous. This seat has always spoken, can it still lie to you such a little guy?"

For Yuan Feng's prudence, Zijin Marble could not help but poach, apparently disagreeing. In its heart, as long as it is willing, will it not be able to kill Yuan Feng at will? This point, whether it is far away or close, I am afraid there is no difference.

"I won't believe anyone except myself."

Putting aside, Yuan Feng didn't feel any slack because of the other party's words. When he was almost 30 meters away from the other party, he stopped, but didn't want to get too close.

In this regard, Zijin Marble could not help laughing, but it was difficult to understand Yuan Feng's naivety. You know, for it, thirty meters or three meters, it seems that it can't be regarded as a distance.

"What are we going to do next? Just wait for Tian Yao Python to fight with the other three guys to come up with a result?"

Standing in shape, Yuan Feng couldn't help but hand over the decision power to Zijin Marten, as if at this moment he had given all the rights to the other party, completing his own vassal.

There is no doubt that his approach should make Zijin Marten very comfortable, and the result after being comfortable is, of course, more and more relaxed and more and more light.

"Wait a minute, after all, there will be a result of their battle. The most likely situation is a situation where both sides are defeated. By then, we will know exactly what to do."

With his eyes narrowing, Zijin Marble couldn't help looking at the direction of the battlefield, and at this moment, the battle of the four strong has reached the stage of fever, and it can feel that the horrible energy fluctuations can be shocked. Described.

"Don't you be afraid that those three guys will finally run away, will you hate you and the Zijin tribe then?"

Yuan Feng also turned her eyes to the direction of the battlefield, but she was facing Zijin Marten at the same time.

For the other side of the battlefield, of course, his heart was full of worries, but no matter how worried he was, he could only treat it as unaware, because only then would he be able to treat himself calmly.

"Ha ha ha, let alone say that they can live today, even if they can live today, when this seat gets the immense amount of monuments, these guys, do not even think about me."

Hearing Yuan Feng ’s question, Zijin Marble could n’t help but laugh loudly, and then looked at Yuan Feng again. “Little guy, it ’s you, did n’t you help the Tianmon Python before? How can you turn your face and do n’t recognize you? Come on, this is very similar to your human style! "

It had previously seen Yuan Feng saved the life of Tian Yao Python at a critical moment, but at this moment, Yuan Feng no longer cares about the life and death of Tian Yao Python. For this reason, it is still somewhat doubtful.

"In our world of human warriors, there is another sentence, called the time-conscious service person is Junjie, or you can say it is Mingzhe to protect yourself. Do you think that if I still think about living with her, can I still have life?"

Picking at the corner of his mouth, Yuan Feng seemed to be looking at an idiot, and gave a glance at the purple gold marten, and the words he spoke made people unintelligible.

Under normal circumstances, whether it is human warrior or Warcraft, when life is threatened, there are many things that can be changed.

It does n’t matter what you say about your emotions or your interests. In front of your life, sometimes it ’s not worth mentioning. I ’m afraid that this is known to both the beast-god realm and the arrogant realm.

"Hehehe, it ’s a good person who knows current affairs as Junjie. It seems that you little kid can be mixed in this situation. It's not accidental, but then again, you guys are next to the little demon goblin. Envy others! "

For Yuan Feng's statement, it is not too skeptical. Although Yuan Feng rescued the Tianmon Python, it was also because the other party did not know the situation in front of him. Now that he has seen the situation clearly, of course, there is no need to kill the Tianmon Python. After all, even if He was really dead, and the Sky Monster Python would not be grateful to him.

In its thoughts, the reason why Yuan Feng followed Tian Yao Python should be that he was deceived by Tian Yao Python, and now the Tian Yao Python apparently has no energy to deceive people. Naturally, Yuan Feng will also get lost. Back.

"What enviable? She treats me as her pet and doesn't give me even the most basic freedom. Do you think that would be a good day?"

With a black complexion, Yuan Feng was like recalling some painful memories, and all over him was released with a faint murderous look, which seemed to be full of hatred towards the Tianmon Python.

"Oh? Hehe, it seems that you little guy is not as pleasant as it seems on the surface, hehehe !!!"

Seeing Yuan Feng's response, Zijin Marten was more relieved. Judging from the situation at hand, Yuan Feng should have some problems with Tian Yao Python. In this case, his betrayal seemed more reasonable and reasonable.

"Little guy, converge some breath, let's take a closer look and see if we can, at critical moments, we can help them and let this battle come to an end soon, aren't you saying that? Hehehehe !!! "

The Zijin marten has already made a heart to be a canary bird once, but it has to look at it. With it to help the flames, how can the Tianmon Python and three other guys escape from its palm.

"Now you are the boss. What should you do? I tell you to do it."

Yuan Feng is also familiar. Since she has decided to cooperate with the other party, she has completely expressed her sincerity.

"Hehehe, you little guy is really a person of the times, I like it !!! Go, follow me, don't lean too close."

For Yuan Feng's performance, it is simply not satisfied. After talking about it, after it has received the immeasurable monument, it may really let Yuan Feng go. Of course, it depends on Yuan Feng. If it does not perform well, it will still kill the other person's life.

In any case, Yuan Feng had been arguing with it for so long, and did not take it seriously. Any of these behaviors was enough to make it kill Yuan Feng.


When the voice fell, it was a movement of the body. When it approached the battlefield in the direction of the battlefield behind it, Yuan Feng's expression remained unchanged, but it was close to the opponent toward the battlefield. At this moment, it seems that it has completely become a spectator. He doesn't care about everything about the Tian Yao Python.

The two soon came to a location closer to the battlefield, and when they stopped to find a more secret place, the battlefield ahead was already in a crazy phase. The battle of the strong has become extremely fierce.

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