The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2135: War of death

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Chapter Two One Hundred and Thirty-Five

The four super races, the four superpowers and the six super-powerful superpowers, for Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python, the one in front of them is basically a mortal situation.

The strong man with six turns in the semi-god realm, looking at the entire world of the beast god, is also a real top-level existence. Although they had fortunately killed a strong man of this level before, that time was basically luck. Moreover, the veteran of the Golden Feather Eagle at that time was the existence of a single order, which is not the same as the situation now!

He and Tianmon Python can be counted separately as a strong order, but there are four opponents at present, they have no chance to count each other, everything, I am afraid, can only be a real fight.

Speaking of which, for a long time, he did not let himself truly fall into a mortal situation, and like this situation now, it seems that there is really no accident at all!

"Hey, demon python, and that human little guy, I'm a little devil bear that loots the bear clan, and I don't know if you have heard my name, but whether you have heard it or not, as long as you pay Out of numerous monuments, my little devil bear will not be embarrassed for you first. "

The four strong men surrounded the Tianmon Python and Yuanfeng, and then the young elders of the savage bear clan stood out and shouted at Yuanfeng and Tianmon Python.

Speaking of which, it searched for the whereabouts of Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python everywhere before, but found no progress at all. Later, it happened to encounter the two strong men of the Zijin Marten family and the Tian Yao Python family, and after a little discussion, they came up with this method of defending themselves.

Of course, I am afraid that this method will not be too small, but the position they choose to guard the rabbits is obviously very good. Speaking of, the strong man of the Thunder Monster family is actually here to arrange, so I will join them Arrived together.

Not to mention, their luck is really good, and they really let them wait for Tian Yao Python and Yuan Feng. Now it seems that the long waiting time seems to be more and more meaningful.

"Oh, my family of purple gold marten is also desperate for money. Heaven demon python, hand it over, rest assured, you really can't get away today, so be obedient and obedient."

The strong man of the Zijin Marten family also had a smile on his face, intimidating and tempting to the Tian Yao Python. It's obviously in a good mood too. The gold crown on the head is a little trembling because it laughs too much.

The only one who didn't say anything was the cold man of the Devil Tigers. It can be seen that this one doesn't have much to say, it should belong to the actual combat group. It seems that he is very clear that letting the Tianmon Python surrender infinite monuments is basically impossible. Therefore, no matter what is said, it is nothing more than a waste of spit.

"Well, Tian Yao Python, so many strong men are discussing with you. It seems that everyone is for you, okay. Why, at this time, will you continue to be obsessed with it?"

The tall and thin men of the Leiyue clan also stood up and shouted to the Tianyue Python and Yuan Feng.

Frankly speaking, no one wants to associate with the Tianmon Python family, but the situation is so special now. If you don't blame the Tianmon Python, you won't get the immortal monument.

After comprehensive consideration, it seems that he can only choose to blame the sky demon python.

"Giggle, hey, I really can't think of it, I'm about to get out of the tiger's den. Seeing you guys at this time is really unpleasant!"

When you heard the four strong men threaten you with a word, the Tianmon Python changed his face first, but in the end he sighed, and couldn't help laughing.

For Tian Yao Python, this kind of success is certainly not a good feeling, but this is also a matter of no means, who makes her baby is too tempting?

"Oh, I have to admire your mentality. I can still laugh at this time, which is really rare."

Hearing the Tian Yao Python at this time, the four strong men were all slightly surprised, but then they were relieved. They can all see that the smile of the Tianmon Python is obviously a smile of fate. It seems that this time, the Tianmon Python should know how to do it.

"What's the big deal is nothing more than the loss of this life. After a few years, it's all about living again."

Leaving aside, Tianmon Python did not obediently send out the immortal monuments to them, as the big powers thought, but glanced at the four powers very indifferently. Closed it and looked at Yuan Feng in front of him.

"Although the results are not very good, the process is really beautiful, but because I am willing to bring you in, even if I die, I am afraid I will not be happy."

Looking at Yuan Feng in front of him, a tenderness suddenly appeared on the face of Tian Yao Python.

Frankly speaking, she is really not afraid of death, she has never been afraid. However, at this moment, she is so afraid to see Yuan Feng die in front of herself.

It has been several years since I started following Yuan Feng's ass. In the past few years, she was basically with Yuan Feng every day, and over time, she knew that she really did not want to leave Yuan Feng.

Before, she was still thinking about what method she would use to keep Yuanfeng in the clan after returning to the Tianmon Python clan, but now it seems that these don't require her to think about it.

Of course, maybe it's also a good thing to do a pair of mate with Yuan Feng and leave this bustling world together!

"Oh, no big deal, life and death, you and I have seen a lot more. Speaking of them, are there still few strong men who died in your hands?"

Hearing the words of Tian Yao Python, Yuan Feng's face also showed a smile.

The situation has developed to the current situation, which he did not expect. To tell the truth, he has no confidence to escape the siege of these four guys. It seems that they really have no choice but to escape.

However, one thing is clear in his mind. Even if he and Tian Yao Python surrendered the immortal monument, and restrained his hands to let the four guys handle it, these four guys would never let them go.

You should know that once they are released, it is to return the tiger to the mountain, and no matter how simple the Warcraft mind of the beast **** world is, it will never be so simple.

It is conceivable that once they surrendered the infinite monument, these four guys will only be more determined to kill them, and there will be no worries.

"Giggle, this is not true, it seems that the strong man killed by us is much better, maybe, now our retribution is here."

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, the Tianmon Python became more and more calm, but in her eyes, it became more and more firm now.

As a member of the Tian Yao Python family, she will never be afraid of death, but at this moment, she swears that she will never let Yuan Feng die!


The immense momentum rose into the sky, and faintly, there was an invisible flame, which burned from the body of the sky demon python. Suddenly, the whole body of the Tianmon Python became a small giant. The imposing manner of the world made the surrounding four strong men instantly look dignified.

"Well? Is this the rhythm you want to work on?"

The eyes of the four great powers are all dignified, because they can all see that the celestial python at the moment not only urged her to maximize her power, but also directly started burning her own. Vitality, and in this way, the strength of the current Tianmon Python will be infinitely close to the semi-god seven spins, which is obviously a bit difficult for the four of them.

Sky demon pythons can be dead and burn their vitality directly, but they are obviously not so impulsive. You should know that once the vitality starts to burn, it is at least the result of falling into the realm, and if it is more serious, it is basically a life-threatening situation.

Obviously, whether it is a fall state or a loss of life, this is not acceptable to the four of them.

"Hey, demon python, why are you doing this? Don't you really understand that only your own life is the most important thing?"

The tall and thin men of the Lei Yao family can not help showing a touch of admiration at this moment, and there is a hint of understanding under their hearts.

It has long known that the Tianmon Python will choose this way. Because of this, it will cooperate with Zijin Marten, the Tianmo Tiger and the Raven Bear Clan. Now it sees the burning vitality of the Tianmon Python. Ah!

"Giggle, life is indeed the most important thing, but you are wrong in one point. For me, my own life is not as good as someone's life, so ... pick up! !!!!!! "

A small smile widened at the corner of the sky demon python. At this moment, she had clearly made the determination to die. Between words, her body flickered, and almost disappeared in an instant.

No matter how much it is in vain, for now, she must take advantage of her life to burn for a while. At least, she will kill one of the four strong ones and seriously hurt one or two. In that case, Yuan Feng ’s Means, that can definitely escape from here.


A huge multicolored python tail, like a meteorite falling from the sky, directly hit the tall and thin men of the Thunder Demon family. If it is hit in the ground, it will be severely damaged even if it is immortal.

"Hmm !!! Hmm !!! Hum boom !!!!!!"

However, although the strong of the Thunder Monster family hid quickly, he was eventually swept by the huge tail of the python tail, and his throat growled in pain.

Of course, while screaming, it didn't forget to fight back, the time between speaking, it was to call out all kinds of thunder, and violently bombarded at the demon python.

The reason why the Thunder Monsters are called Thunder Monsters is actually because they have the talents to control lightning, and this method of controlling lightning is really very difficult.

"Boom boom !!!!!!!!!"

All kinds of thunder and lightning bombarded the Tianmon Python's body that had just restored its deity. However, such a terrible attack turned out to be unable to tear the defense of the Tianmon Python. In this regard, all the strong men present were It was an incredible feeling.

It seems that the demon python has burned its vitality this time, which is indeed a very overbearing behavior, and for the big four, they are probably also in great trouble.

The dangling is afraid of the horizontal, the horizontal is afraid of being killed. At the moment, the demon python is obviously dead. Fighting with such guys, how do they manage this degree?

"Shoot together, don't let her break each one !!!"

The intention of the Tian Yao Python is very obvious, that is, it wants to kill the strong of the Lei Yao tribe first, and then kill the strong of other ethnic groups in succession. This idea is obviously good, but some things are not the same at all. child!

"Kill, slaughter the demon python, immortal monument, I will assign it later !!!"

"Come on, whoever gives the most credit is the one who has the greater say in the distribution !!!"

"Boom boom !!!!!!"

The four strongest players detonated in an instant, and then they swarmed and killed the demon python. At this moment, the Tianmon Python has deliberately opened the battlefield a certain distance, and seems to be making a cover for Yuan Feng's escape.

"Hey, it's really impulsive. It actually burned vitality as soon as it was shot. This ......... Always, if she wants to, then follow her !!! ''

Yuan Feng didn't move. He could feel that at this moment, the minds of the four powerful men were always staring at him, that is, because he didn't move at this moment, this made the four strong The man did not care about his life. But once he moves easily, it will inevitably lead to a super strong shot.

"Two to four. It seems that in theory, it is difficult to defeat them. However, at this point, you can only fight once to see who has died !!!!"

Yuan Feng is naturally more incapable of counseling. The wind and waves have experienced more. Although the current situation is very dangerous, even if it is dead, there is a beautiful woman like Tian Yao Python to accompany herself, which looks like this way of death. , But also very worth it!


During the time of speaking, there was an impulsive movement in his body, but the level of impulsiveness was only three turns in the semi-divine state.

"Come on, you guys don't just bully one person, if you have the ability, come to me one, and see if I destroy it alone, look at the trick !!!"


Yuan Feng is also not vegetarian. The Tianmon Python has begun the battle for life. Since he has become a messenger, he must do it to the end. In any case, even if it can only share some pressure for the Tianmon Python, that is one of his credits.

Do not want to, he just punched the strongest of the Zijin Marten family closest to himself, obviously to bring this guy of the Zijin Marten family to alleviate some pressure for the Tianmon Python.

"Hehehe, you guys, this is your own death. In this case, I'll do it for you !!! Boom !!!"

When Yuan Feng released the momentum of three turns in the semi-god realm, the four strong men were completely relieved. It seems that a small character with three turns in the demigod seems to have no ability to threaten them!

In the time of speaking, Tian Yao Python used one enemy and three opponents, but it was an overwhelming oppression of the three strong ones, while Yuan Feng led away the purple gold marten, and I did not know where to go to fight.

Suddenly, this beautiful environment of the world was suddenly turned into a ruin.

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