The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2132: Reorganization

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Chapter Two Thousand Thirty-two Reorganization On The Road

Yuan Feng did not think of it anymore. In just one month, Xiaoba not only turned the semi-finished Warcraft subordinates into a real demigod power, but also improved the strength of the other party by a whole level. Reaching the second realm of Demigod Realm, in addition to his shock, he only has a thick and incredible.

Xiao Ba was able to produce a demigod of Warcraft, which has made him happy, but now, this little guy has given him such a huge surprise.

Demigod Realm turns twice, this realm is really not too high, but this is not just a matter of repairing strength. The main thing is that Xiaoba told him one thing, that is, regardless of the World of Warcraft it produced What kind of cultivation it is, it can make these Warcrafts improve through the efforts behind.

In this way, even if Xiao Ba will only be able to produce Warcraft with one demi-god in the future, as long as he pays some resources and means, he can increase the power of Warcraft.

At present, Xiaoba only has a semi-god realm with four turns, so the World of Warcraft produced by it may only be able to reach the semi-god realm with two turns. You can wait until Xiaoba ’s repair is improved in the future. Presumably you can reach a stronger state!

"Ha ha ha, Xiao Ba, you guy is really amazing, it seems that from now on, I will be mixing with you."

Apart from excitement, Yuan Feng couldn't help coming to Xiao Ba's front, and patted the other side's shoulder fiercely, his eyes were full of relief.

This method of Xiaoba, even he felt too bad, sometimes he wondered whether it was because of Xiaoba's natural genes, or because of his essence and blood that made Xiaoba happen The qualitative change has become as scary as it is now. But whatever the reason, in short, the current Xiaoba has undoubtedly become a transcendent existence.

It can be imagined that one day in the future, Xiaoba ’s cultivation will reach the level of seven or eight revolutions in the semi-god realm. At that time, behind him, there may be a large number of super-Warcraft subordinates in the world of five or six turns At that time, ask the whole beast **** world, who else can suppress it?

Of course, although Xiao Ba didn't spend much effort to advance to the realm of the present, it is definitely not that easy to want to advance to the realm of the Demigod Realm.

The demigod is seven or eight turns, it is not only a question of sufficient energy, but a question that you really need to comprehend yourself. If the comprehension is not in place, you may never want to reach that level of horror in your lifetime.

"Hey, brother, don't laugh at me, no matter what state I reach, I will only be the brother of the brother, always centered on the brother."

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Xiao Ba could not help but smile deeply, his face was full of loyalty.

As it said, no matter when it is, Yuan Feng will be its elder brother. As long as Yuan Feng is there, then no matter how powerful it becomes, eventually it will only be a little follower of Yuan Feng.

In the meantime, half of the blood flowing through it is Yuan Feng's blood. Furthermore, no matter how powerful it becomes, as long as Yuan Feng is willing, it can borrow its power in the past. But it can't change it.

"Hey, it's not quick to see your elder brother, haven't I taught you?"

Just as Yuan Feng smiled, Xiao Ba shouted at the side of Warcraft who was transformed into a human figure, and signaled to the other party to salute Yuan Feng.

"I've seen big brother !!!"

The little guy who was so shouted by Xiao Ba, who had not been born long before, hurriedly bent down towards Yuan Feng, and respectfully saluted Yuan Yuan.

Speaking of which, it was produced by Xiao Ba, and Xiao Ba understands the human condition, and it can also pass through a little or two. For Yuan Feng, it almost has a sense of inbornness, so, when When he heard Xiao Ba's reminder, he was quick to salute.

"Ha ha ha, well, still a little polite guy."

Hearing this little fellow who was slightly similar to himself, respectfully saluting himself, Yuan Feng could not help but laugh loudly, but his mood became more and more relaxed.

He just regarded this little guy as a World of Warcraft. Now think about it, this little guy is also a demigod powerhouse. Except for some special origins, the rest seem to have nothing in common with Warcraft. the difference.

"Well, stand up and talk. From now on, you will be able to help Xiao Ya, and one day, maybe you can become the top existence in the beast **** world."

Nodded, Yuan Feng was naturally very satisfied with the first Demigod Warcraft produced by Xiaoba. In addition, he naturally would not be willing to let the other go He sacrificed himself, and from now on, he will regard it as a new member of their team.

"Thank you, brother !!!"

"Okay, you're better to be lively, but don't be as rigid as Xiao Ba." He waved, Yuan Feng's eyebrows slightly raised, and then he continued, "Yes, since you are already our big family It ’s natural that you ca n’t live without a name. From now on, you'll be called No. 1! "

It is absolutely impossible for Xiaoba to produce only one half-god of Warcraft. From now on, there may be more semi-gods of Warcraft, which are produced by Xiaoba and numbered, which is undoubtedly simple and convenient.

"Number One? Thank you Brother for giving your name !!!"

Hearing Yuan Feng named himself, the little boy couldn't help but look happy, no matter what, from now on, it also has its own name.

"Hey, No. 1 is still a big brother, the name is easy to understand, and there may be No. 2 and No. 3 in the future ..."

Hearing Yuan Feng named the little guy, Xiao Ba couldn't help scratching his head and laughing. It can be seen that it still appreciates Yuan Feng's naming standards very much, but it seems that he has never realized it. Yuan Feng's name for it has been very confused. As for this one No, that is even more daunting!

"Giggle, little eight, you have to hurry up and try to produce numbers two, three, or even more, and wait for a large group of younger brothers to hug you behind you. Who dares to stop in front of us! "

Tian Yao Python has been a bystander on the side, and did not casually interject, but in her heart, in fact, has already caused a huge wave.

Frankly speaking, for the combination of Yuan Feng and Xiao Ba, she just regarded it as a very ordinary combination, but today, she doesn't know how to describe the combination of Yuan Feng and Xiao Ba.

Yuan Feng's strength and means, there is no need to say anything, and for Xiao Ba, it is even more speechless.

Maybe, before seeing it in person, no matter who said to her, she would not believe that there would be such a world of Warcraft in the world.

It can be imagined that, as long as Xiaoba can grow up safely, one day, the whole beast-god realm will surely lie at its feet.

"This ......... I will work hard, but now that we have no more energy, if we want to make the No. 2 come out, I'm afraid we have to get at least a half-god, a half-god. Warcraft can only be used in the second world of God. "

Of course, Xiaoba also hopes to produce more Warcraft, but unfortunately, not only does its physical condition prevent it from doing so, in addition, all the demigod Warcraft corpses on its body have been used to produce No. 1, No. 1 has been cultivated. If you want to produce other demigods of Warcraft, you must capture a few demigods of Warcraft once or twice.

"This is not anxious, Xiao Ba, you just need to restore your strength honestly, don't leave any sequelae. As for the production of No. 2 and No. 3, wait until the time is ripe!"

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng couldn't help but stand up at the moment, but it was the first time he stopped Xiao Ba's thought. He had previously seen the situation after Xiaoba produced Warcraft, and frankly, he absolutely did not want to see the situation before Xiaoba appeared again. After all, if Xiaoba was exhausted, it would be considered as a production No matter how many of Warcraft's subordinates, it's worth the same.

"Yes, I all listen to my brother's arrangement."

Nodded, Xiao Ba did not say much, it really only listened to Yuan Feng's arrangements. Moreover, if Yuan Feng did not provide it with enough Warcraft corpses, it would simply not be able to produce.

"Demon flame, it seems that it is time for us to hurry up again. After such a long time, there should not be too many strong men looking for you and me."

After telling Xiaoba, Yuan Feng couldn't help looking at the Tianyue Python aside, and said lightly.

Since Xiao Ba's situation can only be the case for the time being, then it is natural that he and Tian Yao Python will continue to hurry.

After so long, he believes that the strong men of the super-groups will definitely contract their forces in a large area. At least, the outside will not be as dangerous as before.

You know, during the period when he and Tianmon Python were hiding, he released a lot of Warcraft eyeliners everywhere, plus the Warcraft eyeliners he left in various places before, in fact, he always had a General understanding.

Compared to when he and Tianmon Python just escaped the siege of various ethnic groups, the beast **** world at this moment is indeed much calmer.

Although there is still a lot of power to find him and the Tianmon Python, most of them are vassal groups of some large ethnic groups. These small ethnic groups are basically looking for their tracks. Even if these guys find out, he and Tian Yao Python and Xiao Ba have absolute killing power.

At that time, as long as he and the Tianmon Python are secretive, there should be no major problems.

"Giggle, it's time to continue to hurry. I want to come here for so long. My demon python family should also be able to get the news. Maybe someone will come out from the ethnic group to pick me up. The words of the people, then we don't need to be afraid anymore. "

When it comes to getting back on the road, Tian Yao Python is also very excited. She has long hoped to return to the Tianmon Python family. Now she and Yuan Feng have completed their respective tasks and avoided the most dangerous time period. At the moment, it is indeed time to move towards the Tianmon Python family. The ethnic group has begun!

It has been more than two years since she and Yuan Feng participated in the original auction. She believes that for such a long period of time, the strong among the Tian Yao Pythons will definitely get the news. And as soon as the super strong of the Tianmon Python family learned that she had received the immense amount of monuments, they would definitely come out to meet her.

Speaking of which, she has been away from the ethnic group for too long, too long. Perhaps, when returning to the ethnic group, some members of the ethnic group may not recognize her!

However, regardless of whether she can recognize it or not, as long as she returns with the infinite monument, the entire ethnic group will regard her as the greatest contributor.

The Tianmon Python's ethnic group is not like other ethnic groups. This is a very special race. Speaking of it, if it was not because she had to send back the infinite monument, she would not really want to go back.

"If you can meet the super powers of the Sky Monster Pythons, it would be great, but even if there is no super powers of the Sky Monster Pythons, I will send you back."

Nodded, Yuan Feng was as confident as ever, but in his heart, he was actually thinking about more situations at the moment.

On this way, of course, he will not be as simple as catching the road. Since Xiao Ba has found his way forward, of course he must find a way to complete the other party.

For the production of Warcraft's raw materials, he will do everything possible to get together for Xiao Ba. As long as he has a chance, he will quietly kill a few Deities of Warcraft one or two turns and accumulate enough Warcraft resources for Xiao Ba.

The world of Warcraft does not need any mercy at all, nor does it need any pressure and burden. In a world of weak meat and strong food, either you die or I die. This is a truth that can never be changed, and it does not need to be changed.

"Giggle, I have always believed in you, and when I return to the tribe, I will definitely let the people of the Tianmon Python family thank you, maybe there will be a blue sky in the tribe. At that time, I will think The way is for you to come and help you succeed in the promotion of demigod. "

For the promise of Yuan Feng, Tian Yao Python has always felt and believed from her heart, and as she said, if Yuan Feng can send her back to the Tian Yao Python family, then there is no doubt about these trivial matters. of.

How precious is the blue sky dome? Can it still be so precious that it wo n’t be worthless? I just do n’t know if there is any reserve in the beast **** world in the ethnic group of the Tianmon Python.

"Oh, don't talk about these for the time being, I will send you back to the ethnic group, not for these."

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile, but he didn't take the situation too seriously.

He couldn't see anything he couldn't grasp before, and he wouldn't take it too seriously. After all, the plan will never keep up with the changes, and what the future looks like, no one can say clearly.

Of course, if he can really get the blue sky crystals among the celestial python family, then of course it would be the best thing.

Demigod Realm, that is really the realm he has been yearning for too long! !! !!

"Well, Xiaoba, go back and take care of your body first. As for No. 1, you stay here to explore the path for me and the Demon Flame. In addition, you can do everything you can to kill all the ordinary Warcraft you find."

This time on the road, he and Tianmon Python are still not too anxious, but after thinking about it, he feels that leaving No. 1 outside to open the way for them should be a good choice.

No. 1 is the strongest man in the semi-god realm. He has a way to open it, so no matter how many Warcraft detectives of various ethnic groups in front of it, he can clean it up for him and the sky demon python. At that time, even if he and the sky demon python make Some influential actions should not be easily discovered.

"Everything I heard from your brother !!!"

When Yuan Feng's words came down, Xiao Ba and No. 1 responded almost at the same time. They didn't have any problems. As long as Yuan Feng ordered them to do it, they would complete it even if they tried their best!

"That being the case, it's time to hit the road again !!!"

Arranged everything, Yuan Feng's eyes could not help but narrowed slightly. He would have to see if it was his pioneering pioneers or the spies from other ethnic groups that worked well.

It's not easy to find him and the sky demon python.

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