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Chapter 2105 Battle!

Chapter 2105 Battle!

After the demon pythons negotiated with the five major ethnic groups, Yuan Feng, as an intermediary, began to collect the 300 billion beast head crystals brought out by the five major groups for the demon pythons. Soon, in addition to the Howling Wolf In addition, the other four major groups of beast head crystals are in the hands of Yuan Feng.

After receiving the beast head crystals of the four major groups, Yuan Feng has become more and more relaxed, so that when he received the beast head crystals of the Xiaoyue Wolf family, his body has already arrived in Xiaoyue The three great wolves came closer, and then they counted up hastily.

While Yuan Feng counted the beast-head crystals, the strong men of the major ethnic groups did not think too much, but looked at Yuan Feng to do things, waiting for Yuan Feng to give results.

For them, Yuan Feng is a small person without a sense of boundlessness. Such an inconspicuous little person does not need any attention at all. As long as Yuan Feng does not escape, they do not need to invest too much. Much spirit is on the other side. Then again, with Yuan Feng's practice, where can he escape even if he wants to escape?

After all, everyone's attention is more on the Tianmon Python. After all, the treasure they need is also on the Tianmon Python, not on Yuan Feng.

The scene was still very quiet, Yuan Feng seemed to be fully adapted to the atmosphere at hand, even though he was counting the Beasthead Crystal there regardless, but no one noticed that while he was counting the Beasthead Crystal, his body Xing, even when I do n’t know when, it is a face-to-face relationship with the Tian Yao Python.

The two are not completely face to face, but in their current position, they can have some eye contact. Under this eye contact, the two obviously already know what to do next.

The quiet atmosphere was slowly spreading throughout the space, and as the atmosphere became more intense, the strong men of the five ethnic groups clearly realized some problems.

The presence of all the super strong, each of them is not so easy to coax, I do not know when, but they have focused their eyes on the day demon python, and the day demon python at this time, obviously also has nothing at all It's the same feeling.

From the outsiders' point of view, the Tianmon Python at this moment apparently dodged some eyes, and faintly, her whole body was covered with a trace of power, although very vague, but still could not escape. The perception of these strong men.

When you feel the strength of the Tianmon Python is rippling, all the strong men of the five major ethnic groups are also apparently impassive, but they can't help but be vigilant.

Under such a circumstance, the atmosphere of the whole scene becomes more and more strange.

Everyone didn't speak, they all seemed to be waiting for Yuan Feng to say the final result, but they didn't know if Yuan Feng was intentional. His result was that he couldn't come out late.

Obviously, the performance of Yuan Feng alone can see big problems. Linked to the performance of Tian Yao Python at this moment, everyone's mind is clear, it seems that Tian Yao Python is not simply trying to trade with them!

"Om !!!!!!"

I do n’t know how long it took. At a certain moment, the atmosphere on the court became more and more dignified, and the attention of all the strong players was thrown into the body of the Tianmon Python, and there was a very slight sound of space vibration. , But suddenly passed from the field, and clearly passed into the ears of all the strong.


Just after this space vibration was transmitted, the body of the Tianmon Python was also swept away in one direction. Looking at her posture, it was obvious that Yuan Feng had to clear the gap in the Beasthead Crystal and escape. The siege of the five major ethnic groups.

"Heavenly python, you look for death !!!"

"Roar, shit, you want to run away?"

"Well, a demon python, one set behind the other, really terribly cunning. Today, even if the strong man in the realm of God comes, don't want to save your life."

"Hum, dare to cheat me howling wolf family, you will die today !!!"

On the same day, the body of the demon python flickered, and when looking at the siege of more than a dozen strong men, the major ethnic groups that had already realized the problem had already released their powerful breath in the first place, saying Then, these super powers are connected to each other's power, forming a surrounding circle directly.

All the strong are aware that the Sky Monster Python wants to run away, so the response is extremely fast. When the body of the Sky Monster Python reaches them, the encirclement has already taken shape, and On the escape route of the Sky Monster Python, there have been two super strong men waiting for a long time.

"Hello !!! Want to run? Get me back !!!!!!"

On the escape route of the Tianmon Python are the two strong men of the Raven Bear Clan. Seeing that the Tianmon Python swept in their direction, it seems that they want to escape from the direction they guard They all turned into power in an instant, and threw a punch at the Tianmon Python.


The speed of the sky demon python is extremely fast, but no matter how fast it is, it is still fast. However, the two superpowers have been preparing for a long head-on strike, and in a loud noise, the sky demon python trying to escape, It was banged back by the two strong men of the Raven Bears that failed to tear the surrounding encirclement at all.

"You guys, let me go, I will be grateful."

The sky monster python's figure was bounced back. When she was almost still standing, she was sinking and shouted at the powerful people around her. Hearing, she was obviously anxious and angry at this moment, and she seemed to be anxious to get rid of the encirclement of more than a dozen strong men, but so many strong men have integrated their strength into one, how can she easily escape How about it?

"Well, the demon python, the road is your own choice. Since you don't want to surrender the infinite monument, then we can only do it ourselves, everyone, let's take it together and capture her !!!"

The young man of the Xiaoyue wolf is still the first one to stand out and sip coldly at the Tianmon Python, while whispering, his figure has already rushed up to the Tianmon Python, Obviously, it is necessary to take the lead on the day demon python first, and capture the opponent.

Speaking of them, if they can now capture the Tianmon Python, then there is still hope that the Tianmon Python can surrender the immortal monument. However, it is more difficult to produce the Tianmon Python than to kill the Tianmon Python. It is much more difficult. Whether it can be done or not still needs to be tested by facts.

"Everyone shot together to capture this goblin !!!"

Everyone else agrees with the proposal of the young man of the Xiaoyue wolf tribe. At this time, there is no need to say any more. After all, the former Tianmon Python has promised them to exchange immortal monuments, but in the end it was silent. Believe, they will run away in turn, so that they no longer trust each other.

Right now, they can only get what they want if they catch the demon python.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

A bunch of energy burst into the sky. At this moment, all the strong men present were unceremoniously showing all their strengths, and these horrible guys released their power together. That kind of energy fluctuation was simply impossible. Describe in words.

"Did you guys want to kill the dead net? In this case, then I'll fight with you, and no one should want to get the infinite monument! Roar !!!!!!"

Seeing one by one the super powerfuls rushed towards themselves frantically, the effort in the blink of an eye has changed back to their own body, and the Tian Yao Python is no longer hesitant, and in the middle of a roar, it is restored to the appearance of a colorful python And greeted in one direction.

At this moment, the terrible war of the six major ethnic groups finally started.

The six major groups mean that there are at least six types of Warcraft on the field, and the size of Warcraft is very large. All the Warcraft of the six major groups have appeared on the body. The scale is absolutely for everyone. Purpose.

However, when the superpowers of the six major ethnic groups showed their huge ontology, no one realized that, I do n’t know when, there was a little bit in the middle of them, but it disappeared without a trace. No trace of it.

It's just that they didn't really pay attention to that little thing from the beginning, so even if they don't know when they disappeared, they didn't notice it.

Of course, the main reason is in the body of the Tianmon Python. At this moment, the Tianmon Python violated the agreement and wanted to escape from their encirclement. This is absolutely impossible for them. .

It can be said that the practice of the Tianmon Python has completely angered them, so at this moment, they only want to capture the Tianmon Python, so that they can continue to seek the immortal monument on the other side.

Compared with Wuliang Shenbei, everything has become unimportant. As for the beast head crystals handed over to Yuan Feng before, where will they have the energy to consider?

"Hoohoo !!!!!!!!!!

For a moment, the roaring sounds were almost as lively as the war of the century, and when the battle started here, the strong men who had been around them had long been around, and the spirits came one after another!

"It's a fight, oh, what a spectacular sight. It's been too long, too long. I haven't seen such a spectacular sight!"

"It's not bad. The Zijin Marten, the Sky Devil Tiger, the Golden Feather Eagle, the Raven Bear, and the Howling Wolf are all very rare super big groups. Five of them appeared at this moment."

"Wait, that woman ... hhh, turned into a colorful python? This is ..."

"It's incredible, it's incredible, this is, this is the Tianmon Python family? It really is the Tianmon Python family, no wonder, no wonder it can have such a terrifying charm, and it has a lot of beasthead crystals on it, and it's been a long time. It turned out to be a strong man of the Tianmon Python family. "

"It ’s really a dungeon python family. In the beast **** world, there is a dungeon python family again? Calling on, the dungeon python family has not appeared in the dungeon world for a long time. It seems that this is a beast again Omen of a big mess in the kingdom of God! "

"Woohoo, good guy, for a long time, that masked woman turned out to be a strong man of the Tianmon Python family. So, in the current super war, six super big groups suddenly participated in it."

"Everything else doesn't matter. Although it is rare, it can be seen. However, the Tian Yao Python family basically does not exist in this world. It is extremely rare to see the Tian Yao Python here."

"Yu, don't say it, look at it, since it is the super strong of the Tianmon Python family, then this battle is not so easy !!!"

When the monsters and the five major groups began the war that day, the strong men who were watching in secret around them almost immediately saw the appearance of the Tianmon Python, and when they saw the body of the Tianmon Python, All the people who knew the goods recognized the demon python for the first time.

Although the Tianmon Python is very rare, there are a lot of books within the jurisdiction of the Shenqi Chamber of Commerce. You can find information and information about the Tianmon Python on these books. In this way, everyone, of course, also the Tianmon Python. Would not be too strange.

For this long-established super-ethnic group, in principle, the prestige of this super-ethnic group must be above other ethnic groups. As a result, the expectations of everyone present at this battle have become stronger and stronger. Up.

"It turned out to be a dreaded python? Good guy, it seems that this time it really came out !!!"

In an open space, Deacon Chen of the Chamber of Commerce of God Machine had narrowed his eyes at this moment, but in his eyes, it was a bewildering flame.

Tian Yao Python, this is naturally a super big group that he can't possibly know, and now seeing this super big group here, that is something he never thought of.

What is the prestige of the Tian Yao Python family? As early as the appearance of the Beast God Realm, I am afraid that the Tianmon Python family appeared in the Beast God Realm as an ancient super big group. If it is really compared, then the other five big groups present will have no way to interact with Tian Yao Python is on a par.

In addition, the appearance of the Tian Yao Python tribe is often accompanied by some different situations. Perhaps the appearance of the Tian Yao Python this time should be a good reminder for the Shenji Chamber of Commerce.

As a symbol of turmoil, every time the Tianmon Python appears, every major group, no matter how powerful, it is necessary to be ready for the turmoil.

Right now, Tianmon Python is in front of them, and has just left from the auction of the Shenqi Chamber of Commerce. Speaking of it, the Shenqi Chamber of Commerce and Tianqiang Python have already come into contact.

"It's so beautiful, the Tianyue Python. I've heard that the Tianyue Python is very beautiful. You can see it today, and it really has a good reputation!"

"Nice, compared to this colorful python, the other Warcrafts are really ugly."

"Well, I'm not afraid of not knowing the goods, I'm afraid of comparing goods. When the Tian Yao Python did not appear, these big groups were already very beautiful and mighty, but they can be compared with the Tian Yao Python family. ! "

On the side of Deacon Chen Ang, the deacon adults of the four major deities were all surprised and obviously did not expect to see the Tian Yao Python here. I have to say that this is definitely a rare opportunity for them. Already.

"Deacon Chen Ang, what shall we do? Do we have to get involved?"

Immediately someone had an itchy hand and wanted to participate in distant battles. However, when his voice fell, Deacon Chen Ang's face flashed slightly, and then he shook his head.

"Oh, don't be in a hurry. This is the time when these Warcraft are desperately fighting, and you still have the chance to take the shot, but remember to act in secret, not to be grasped by the major ethnic groups."

Deacon Chen Ang is quite good. He knows that he can't easily shoot at this moment. "Everyone is striving to pay attention to the demon python and alas, there are definitely many, many babies in her body. . "

With his eyes narrowed, Deacon Chen Ang's eyes on the Tianmon Python were almost like looking at a cornucopia, but his heart was clear, he wanted to take down the Tianmon Python, and it was better not to be discovered by other ethnic groups. This is really too difficult.

The four deacons didn't need him to ask too much, and talking one by one, they focused on them and locked up the Tian Yao Boa. As long as something unexpected happens on the Tian Yao Python, they can take advantage of it and eventually benefit.

At the same time, there was another deep forest.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, fortunately, I ran out and took a look at it, otherwise, wouldn't it be that I'm going to miss the super big group like Tian Yao Python?"

"Oh, it is indeed a great opportunity to catch up. I have cultivated for countless years. This is the first time I have seen the Tianmon Python family, and I still show up with my deity."

"It's really rare, but as long as it makes you and me worthwhile, it's enough."

At the moment, the two old men brought by Ruan Xinrou talked one after another, but at this moment, their hearts were no longer thinking about the other.

The Tian Yao Python family, even if they are, have to face it carefully.

Ruan Xinrou also looked at the Tianmon Python in horror at this moment. She only knew that the previous woman who kept auctioning the baby at the auction turned out to be a World of Warcraft and was also a Tianmon Python family. At this moment, her The corners of his mouth were always slightly open, but he couldn't close.

It can be said that with the original manifestation of the Tianmon Python, I am afraid that it will not take long for the whole beast **** world to know the news of the Tianmon Python.

ps: There is something temporary. Today, the two-in-one chapter can only be updated. Brothers are waiting a lot, sorry for everyone! !! !! !! No longer cheeky, wait for it when it breaks out! !! !! Hehe! !! !!


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