The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2103: Talk about conditions

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Chapter 2103 Talking About Conditions

When the Tianmon Python left with the five major groups, more than one group of strong men followed at the auction. Among them, the God Chamber of Commerce accounted for some of them, and some of the strong men who were not affiliated with the Chamber of God Chamber of Commerce, of course, there were also Followed up.

It can be said that when the five major ethnic groups besieged the Tianmon Pythons, there were already many strong men gathered around them.

Of course, those who are really capable to participate in the competition between the five major ethnic groups and the Tianmon Python are only a few, and it is not easy to say whether they will participate in the competition between the five major ethnic groups and the Tianmon Python.

The small teams were all standing still, and while they were secretly lurking, waiting for the best time for the shot, the stalemate between the Tian Yao Python and the five major groups finally reached a limit.

"How about the demon python? We don't have that much time to stalemate with you. If you don't decide any more, then we will have to shoot together."

The strong people of the five major ethnic groups are not fools, and they know in their hearts that the longer the time delay, the less good they are.

I glanced around, they have been found, many human warriors, and other Warcraft groups, but they have followed up from a distance in secret, although these guys have not interfered with them for the time being. Meaning, but God knows if these guys will intervene at critical moments.

Basically, more and more people gather, and when there are too many people, no one can tell what kind of variables will happen next.

"Giggle, everyone, it seems that everyone is really bound to get the immortal monument to me. If I don't hand over the monument, I am afraid it will be difficult to survive today."

Hearing that the strong men of the major ethnic groups around him were constantly threatening to speak to themselves, Tian Yao Python suddenly burst into a smile and looked at her posture. It seemed that she had not been affected by so many strong men in the slightest.

Frankly speaking, being able to laugh at this time is really not what ordinary people can do.

"Yes, it seems that you should be very clear in your heart, so those who know the truth should hand over the monument. In that case, it will be good for you and for all of us."

The young man of the Xiaoyue wolf tribe, his eyes flickered at this moment, and he didn't know what was thinking in his heart. While talking, his figure actually approached the demon python without any trace. Although not many, it is definitely better than nothing.

If they really attack the Tianmon Python, then even a little distance advantage may allow him to achieve effects that are incomparable to others.

The treacherous and cunning of the Xiaoyue wolf tribe, but at this moment is vividly displayed.

"Heavenly python, decide quickly, don't wait for us to lose patience, then you will have no chance to regret it."

"Yes, yes, quickly hand over the immortal monument, we must let you go and talk about it."

"Give it up, let's leave."

One by one, the super powerfuls have put pressure on the Tianmon Python, and so many superpowers have put pressure on the Tianmon Python together. Even if the Tianmon Python has a slight strength advantage, it is impossible to carry it. It's OK.

"Yeah ... hey, forget it, I can't think of it. The immeasurable monument has just fallen into my hands and it will be taken away by you. I'm really unwilling."

The sky monster python's complexion was red and white for a while, but in the end it was a long sigh, an expression of fate.

"Now that things have come to this share, all right, I can give you the immortal monument, but for this monument, I have spent the full price of 600 billion beast head crystals, no matter what, I But you must not let your own beast crystals go to waste. "

Tian Yao Python's complexion was slightly fixed, but it seemed to be more and more firm, which made all the powerful men who just showed their smiles frowned again.

"Well? You mean ........."

Hearing the words of the day demon python, all the powerful men have their eyes narrowed, but they can also think of the meaning of the day demon python. Obviously, this famous strong among the beast **** world does not seem to be trading at a loss.

"It's very simple. If you want to get immeasurable monuments, then naturally you have to pay the price. So, it's not difficult for me. Each of you will give me 300 billion beast head crystals. Then, I will Countless monuments were handed over. Speaking of, three hundred billion beast head crystals, shouldn't there be any problems for you? "

Picking at the corner of the mouth, Tianmon Python quickly put forward her own conditions, and her conditions were not too harsh for the five major ethnic groups. At least, each family produced 300 billion beasthead crystals. It is really easy for them.

The previous ones have missed the bottom of the auction. Almost every ethnic group can have about 400 billion beast head crystals, and the Tian Yao Python allows them to take out 300 billion each. Is it left for them!


When the demon python's words fell, the strong men of the five ethnic groups frowned tightly, but hesitated for a while.

During the talk, the strong men of the five major ethnic groups all looked at each other, and did not give the Tianmon Python a reply immediately.

The three hundred billion beast head crystals are indeed a big number for them. Of course, if you buy the infinite monuments with the three hundred billion beast head crystals, they may not even have a little hesitation. .

It may be that these three hundred billion beast head crystals are just for the demon python to hand over the infinite monument, and then there will be a fierce battle between them.

To put it bluntly, after these three hundred billion beast head crystal flowers went out, they basically did not necessarily earn back. Of the five major ethnic groups, only one can get an infinite number of monuments, that is to say, there will be four beast head crystals, and all will be given to the Tianmon Python in vain.

Such sales are obviously not good deals, and of course, they have to think about it.

"Hum, Tianmon Python, do you think you at this time are still qualified to talk to us about the conditions?"

After a few moments of silence, the young man who was still the Xiaoyue Wolf tribe stood up first, and hummed to the central demon python.

Speaking of them, the five major ethnic groups are besieging a Tianmon Python, but they have taken advantage of it. If at this time, the Tianmon Python is also required to raise the conditions, it is not so nice to say it!

"Yes, yes, you, the demon python, you are already meat on our chopping board. What qualifications do you have for us to take out 300 billion beast head crystals? Those who know the acquaintances quickly hand over the infinite monuments, otherwise we You're really welcome. "

For the words of the young men of the Xiaoyue Wolf tribe, all the strong men present were very much in favor of them. They are all such ideas. If the Tianmon Python is asked to make conditions, it will be a shame for them. .

"Eh? What do you mean, my six hundred billion beast head crystals can really only be wasted? If so, hehe, let's go, we'll have a dead fish net broken. Have you ever heard of it? Are there any people who are afraid of death in the Tianmon Python family? Anyway, I have lost countless monuments. I am already a sinner of the Tianmon Python family. I have to die for my sins, and I don't have to live.

Hearing the words of the young men of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan, and the powerful men of several other ethnic groups, Tian Yao Python raised his eyebrows, and then shook his head, a generous expression of righteousness.

It seemed that she didn't care about life and death at this moment, and she was completely ready to fight with everyone.

"This this……………"

Listening to the days demon python said this time, this time, whether it is the young people of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan, or people of other major ethnic groups, they have all talked about their lips, all of them are somewhat depressed.

They are indeed unwilling to produce these three hundred billion beast head crystals. Originally, they thought that with the pressure of so many people, they could definitely make the Tianmon python come to the fore. However, it seems that the other party has also given the final bottom line. If they don't answer the party's requirements, then what is waiting for them may really be a desperate python.

In fact, this is a process of bargaining and fighting with wisdom. Once the opponent is overwhelmed in momentum, it will inevitably occupy some initiative, but once caught by the other side, it is natural and passive.

Apparently, they are very clear about their thoughts. After all, how precious are the monuments of immeasurable gods. For the monuments of immeasurable gods, they will never sacrifice 300 billion beastheads, but they dare not use 300 billion Beasthead Crystal went to bet on the immortal monument in the hands of the Tianmon Python.

After all, once the sky demon pythons really broke their nets with them, they will eventually be unlucky, maybe they are themselves.

This is indeed the case. The Sky Monster Python has indeed seized the psychology of the five major ethnic groups. They will never tear her face because of the 300 billion beast head crystals. This can be said to be 100% Because if she is changed, she will never take risks because of some beast-head crystals.

"Hey, let's just say it, everyone, I think she said something reasonable. Since this is the case, I think everyone still has 300 billion beasthead crystals, which is enough to give her face."

This time it turned out that it was the young men of the Ravager Bear Clan, and the strong men of other ethnic groups were somewhat embarrassed to open this mouth. However, the Ravager Bear Clan ’s strong men are obviously more than others. It It is not afraid to lose this person.

"Oh, 300 billion beast head crystals, my Jin Yuying family doesn't care."

"Hum, to my devil and tiger family, the 300 billion beast head crystals are nothing more than trivial."

"My purple gold marten family is not short of these 300 billion beast head crystals."

In the time spent talking, among the five major ethnic groups, four major ethnic groups have agreed to the conditions of the Tianmon Python. Obviously, compared to taking risks and tearing the face of the Tianmon Python, everyone is more willing to spend money to avoid disasters.

"Hey, Xiaoyue Wolf, how do you think? Show your attitude, if you don't want to, then everyone will really fight her."

The four major ethnic groups have expressed their attitudes. At present, the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan has not yet spoken. It seems that the three guys who seem to be the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan really have some reluctance to take out the three hundred billion beast head crystals. Come.

"Oh, since everyone is so refreshed, then my family of Xiaoyuewolves will naturally not do things that are unsightly. Isn't 300 billion beasthead crystals? We are willing to come out."

Seeing everyone else looking at their own side, the three strong men of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan all changed their faces slightly. In the end, the young people led couldn't help but smile, but also agreed to bid 300 billion beastheads.

Anyway, everyone has to take out the 300 billion beast head crystals, which is quite fair to say. Moreover, no one knows who the infinite monument will fall into. In the end, maybe the 300 billion beasts produced by themselves Head crystal, can you return a piece of infinite monument? As long as you get the **** monument, even if there are more beast head crystals, they will definitely be willing to hand them over.

In the end, all the five major ethnic groups reached an agreement. Each major ethnic group was willing to take out 300 billion beast head crystals to hand over to Tianmon Python. In this way, this time, Tianmon Python can make a lot of money. A sum!

PS: In the new house busy, I really ca n’t catch it. When I get through this time, I will work hard to make up for it, ask for a few flowers to support, thank you.

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