The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2101: Stalemate

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Chapter 2101: Deadlock

This is an open plain area under the jurisdiction of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. The entire plain area has no buildings and no cover at all. It seems that few people set foot here.

Speaking of which, the scope of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce is indeed not small, but in such a range of 10 million miles, the number of human warriors is still too small or too small.

Most human warriors are concentrated in the central area of ​​the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, because only when they are together can they form a considerable combat power. No one is unsightly, and will go to the periphery to be eaten by Warcraft.

The influence of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce is naturally needless to say, but the influence can only affect some small and large ethnic groups. For some small ethnic groups, they will not take into account any of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. Low-level human warriors are basically devoured fate.

It can be said that this area at present should be the junction area between human warriors and Warcraft, and in such a range, even if it is the strong of the Chamber of Commerce of God, I am afraid it will not pay too much attention.

At this moment, just above this open plain, two young men, one man and one woman, were leaning back to back, looking around in a solemn look, and not far from their body, five full seconds. The team members and horses steadily trapped them in the center. At this moment, they can be said to have no way to heaven, no door to the ground, and extremely passive.

"I didn't expect it. At the auction of human warriors, I even met the strong man of the Tian Yao Python family. It seems that there must be a big event in the beast **** world right now!"

Among the five teams, the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan is in the east direction, and the three Great Xiaoyue Wolf Clan are super strong. Everyone is breathless and ready to shoot at any time. The young man among them can see that at this moment, he has already completely eaten the Tianmon Python, so there is no anxiety at all.

"Hey, hey, I have heard about how the Tianmon Python family is doing, but unfortunately I have never seen it before. Today, I finally have the opportunity to use tricks, but it is also a happy thing."

The savage young man of the Raven Bears immediately opened his mouth, and while he was talking, he was flexing his muscles, apparently he couldn't wait for his shot.

Although this young tyrannical bear raider is also only in the realm of demigods and five turns, he still has no sign of fear in the face of the demon python who has just been promoted to demigod six turns.

"Well, the Tianmon Pythons are indeed thunderous, but unfortunately, my Jin Yuyings said that they are the nemesis of the Tianmon Pythons. You met us today, and your luck is almost to the extreme, hahahaha! !!! "

The three strongest members of the Jin Yuying family are the most proud of them at the moment. Speaking of which, they can chase the Sky Monster Python without letting the Sky Monster Python escape. This is all their three credits. Not the three of them, then I am afraid that the Sky Monster Python has really escaped.

Unfortunately, in terms of speed, the Jin Yuying family is definitely not comparable to other ethnic groups present. Moreover, although the Tian Yao Python family is an ancient ethnic group, in the final analysis, it is still a python like a python. As long as it is a snake, it will Deterred by the family of Jin Yuying, the situation inside was somewhat helpless.

The groups in the Warcraft family have always been this way. Weak meat and strong food are only one aspect. In addition, the mutual restraint between some Warcraft groups is the more terrible thing for the Warcraft family.

The Tianmon Python family is strong and strong, but you can encounter the Jin Yuying family. The natural deterrent force really makes the Tianmon Python family passive.

"Why do you say so much, everyone, I think we are still all in a hurry. First, we will subdue the demon python, wait until she is subdued, and then let her take out the infinite monument to me and wait, why waste so much time And energy? "

The strong men of the Zijin Marten family took over the stubble, and their approach was more direct. They did not say anything else. They just started to speak. It seems that they are really very enthusiastic about the immeasurable monument. .

The only group that did not speak is the Tianmohu family, but although there is not much to say, the four strong men of the Tianmohu family are already ready to fight at this moment. There is a slight change, then they will definitely shoot immediately and take down the Tian Yao Python.

"Giggle, you guys, you really don't understand a little of the style. Why, you are so anxious to shoot, aren't you afraid that my dog ​​will jump over the wall in a hurry, then none of us will benefit."

In the middle of the five major ethnic groups, the Tian Yao Python, which has been surrounded by water, has been surrounded by water. But at this moment, it suddenly burst into laughter and broke the stagnant atmosphere on the field, making the whole scene a little more relaxed.

At this moment, the Tianmon Python was leaning back to back with Yuan Feng. Since she was still covering her face, everyone still couldn't see her expression, but from her voice, she looked like she was not too Anxious.

Besieged in the middle by nearly twenty super powerful people, frankly, even if it is a sky demon python, it is impossible to completely take it seriously, but the situation is already like this, and she would be willing to change something, But there is no such power.

For the sake of today, it is only necessary to stabilize these guys first. If these strong men who are secretly present can control three or five for their own use, then she and Yuan Feng have a chance to escape.

Speaking really bad luck, which ethnic group is not good, but it happened to meet the strong of the Jin Yuying family. This super ethnic group does not need the strength of other ethnic groups, but it can be too fast for the other party. There was so much coercion against the Tian Yao Python family, so of course, she was a little passive.

Shicai, she and Yuan Feng were almost so close to escape, but in the end, they were caught up by the strong men of the Jin Yuying family and besieged there.

Yuan Feng didn't say anything at this moment, but she looked solemnly at the dozens of super-powerful people around her, calculating in her heart.

"Yue, the seventeen super strong, each of them must be a lot higher than me, the true strength, I am afraid it will not be too weak, it seems that this time is really going to kill you!"

Leaning on the back of the day demon python, Yuan Feng can feel that the heart of the day demon python at this moment is definitely faster than before, but other people will not feel it.

Frankly speaking, the seventeen super-strong ones, even he himself does not know if he can carry it, but no matter whether he can carry it or not, once the battle begins, he must do his best to find a way to kill a blood. Row.

Fortunately, up to this moment, none of the seventeen superpowers present at the scene really took him seriously, and this point, I am afraid, will also become his biggest reliance on escape from the day demon python.

No one left or right noticed himself, Yuan Feng simply stood behind the Tian Yao Python, but he also enjoyed the feeling of being ignored. He knew very well that the Sky Monster Python would shoot secretly, and before the Sky Monster Python shot, he must also ensure that he was fully prepared to fight for a hit.

"Huh, Tianmon Python, at this time, you still want to confuse me can't wait? Other people don't know the means of your Tianmon Python family, don't we guys know? So, converge your means Convergence, don't let us people lose the mood to listen to you. "

When the voice of the demon python fell that day, this time it was still the young man of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan, and when he spoke, he pointed out the means of the demon python and reminded everyone to be careful.

The Xiaoyue Wolf Tribe has done research on the Tianmon Python family. After all, the Tianmon Python family is indeed a large ethnic group in ancient times. Even though it has now fallen, it is definitely a thinner camel than a horse. Not The average small ethnic group is comparable. Moreover, the means of secretly controlling others by the Tianmon Python family is also relatively clear to everyone, so of course, they will guard against Tianmon Python.

Sure enough, after hearing the words of the young men of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan, the strong men of other major ethnic groups are all positive, one by one, and they are much more spiritual. Obviously, they have also realized that it looks like this. A moment later, I am afraid that they have already started confrontation with the Celestial Boss.

"Giggle, where is this guy from now? The Tianmon Python family may have a good reputation before, but unfortunately today, our Tianmon Python family has long been out of sight."

When the young man of the Xiaoyue Wolf tribe spoke, the look of the Tianmon Python changed and changed, but in the end he smiled at the people around him.

Why didn't she know that it would be nothing to confuse some super-powerful orders, but for these guys now, under the premise that these guys are alert, it is really difficult to control.

"You, the so-called meeting is fate. Today, the little girl can meet you. This is a matter of consolation for everyone. Let's say something!"

The voice of Tian Yao Python is still very relaxed, and she does not see that she has a shot posture. It seems that at this moment, she intends to sum up with the many strong players present, but she does not intend to fight against everyone.

This is also a helpless thing. Not only are these guys large in number, but their strength is also more powerful than one. To talk about peace, it should be the way she should choose the most.

"Hey, it's not fake to say that there is a fate, but we are all fair and honest, but yours is still covering your face until now. Doesn't this seem to be sincere?"

Hearing that the Tianmon Python is still courting himself and others, the strong man of the Zijin Marten family speaks again, but it is very dissatisfied that the Tianmon Python has been masked to speak to them.

The celestial pythons have a good reputation, and they are all too clear. For the members of the celestial pythons, they certainly want to see and see. What is so different about the horrible celestial pythons? What's unusual.

"Yes, yes, no matter what, it looks like everyone has to look at their faces first."

Other ethnic groups agree very much with Zijin Marten's words. They really want to see the style of the Tianmon Python family. In addition, although they are united for the time being, everyone wants to control the Tianmon Python by themselves, so they also need some time to arrange and plan.

Stabilizing the Tianmon Python is also something they need to consider at the moment. After all, as the Tianmon Python said, if it is really urgent, and everyone will die by then, it will be really not worth it.

Sky demon pythons must stay, but what they need is the immortal sacred monument on Tian demon python. If you can't get the immortal sacred monument, it doesn't make sense to kill the sky demon python.

So, after all, it should be anxious at the moment, in fact, it is really not the day demon python, but these big Warcraft groups now.

No one wants to make a head bird. After all, the strength of the Sky Monster Python is also placed there. The first one who rushes up will inevitably suffer the crazy counterattack of the Sky Monster Python, and naturally will have to bear greater pressure.

"Giggle, what's the big deal for me? It turned out that everyone was paying attention to this. What's the big deal? Speaking of it, I was blindfolded, but I didn't want to be too noticeable, but since I left the auction, There is really no need to continue covering your face. "

Tian Yao Python's heart is very clear. Now everyone is trying each other out and secretly preparing. At this time, how can they stabilize each other? Since these guys want to take a look at her true face of Lushan , Then she made them look good.

Thinking of this, the Tianmon Python could not help but think, then, the thin veil attached to her face was taken off by her, and then, a character's face that fell into the country appeared to everyone In front of me.

"His, this is ...... a beautiful face, is this the charm of the celestial python family? It really makes people unable to resist it !!!"

"Yu, it is indeed a famous super big group in the world of beast gods. Today, it is really an eye-opener."

"Is this the true face of the Tianmon Pythons? It seems that they should not be veiled!"

When the veil of the demon python was removed that day, the strong people around them basically jumped their hearts. For them, it seemed that letting the demon python lift the veil was a very wrong decision.

They don't know how others feel, but at least, they know the throbbing when they saw the Sky Monster Python. Compared to before, they are obviously slightly shaken at this moment. \

It's not that they are soft-hearted, but when the pythons revealed their true features and naturally showed a pitiful appearance, their hearts suddenly felt a little intolerance.

Not to mention the group attack and attack, even if it is one-on-one, they all feel that it is a sinful thing to attack the sky demon python.

In fact, they really shouldn't let the Tianmon Python show its face. Once the Tianmon Python shows its face, then there is more opportunity to use its own talents for convenience. To put it plainly, these people are basically at Playing with fire and self-immolation.

However, in any case, these are the super hegemons who are really standing on the top of the beast **** world. Although they were surprised by the amazing appearance of the sky demon python, in the final analysis, they still have a certain resistance.

"Brush !!!!"

Each of the strong men was shocked, and then the breath between them was faintly united together. In this way, the sky demon python wanted to exert its charm to confuse a strong man, so It is equivalent to directly confronting several super powerhouses. In this case, of course, she will be difficult to succeed.

"Hehe, it is indeed a long-known celestial python family. Today it really opened its eyes."

The young man of the Xiaoyue Wolf family narrowed his eyes at this moment, and his eyes began to flash a strange light.

No one can turn a blind eye to the charm of the sky demon python. As for a character like this, it is even more different.

Speaking of them, the females in the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan can basically be picked by them, but none of these vulgar powders can be compared with the Tianmon Python in front of them. If they can be included in their harem, , Then for him, it is simply a great thing.

Of course, if the sky demon python can really become its person, then the countless monuments on the other party seem to naturally fall into its hands!

Although the strong men of the other major ethnic groups did not show too much, it is obvious that they have the impulse to claim it as their own, which is considered human nature!

"Giggle, okay, this time, you should be satisfied, right?" Seeing that all the powerful people around were lost because of their sudden appearance, Tian Yao Bo's heart could not help but feel a little happy.

She didn't expect these guys to be controlled by herself, but at least she wanted them to be influenced by her. As long as these guys do not have a firm faith in her shots, it will be the greatest help to her and Yuan Feng.

"Oh, okay, it's okay. I told you not to come with us. It seems you are trying to test our determination!"

Hearing the laughter of the Tianyue Python, among the many strong men present, except for individual female members, as long as they are male, no one can suppress the throbbing heart. There is no way, the Tianmon Python is the existence of the country and the people. If it can be easily resisted, the Yaomon family will not have such a big reputation that day.

"How dare I test everyone? Little girls are alone and lonely, and all of them are expected to lift up your noble hands!" There was a trace of grievance on his face, and the Heavenly Demon Python at this moment simply applied his own means to the extreme. Words and deeds, full of temptations.

Actually, Xiu has reached her current level. There are many things that don't need to be expressed intentionally. Some things, naturally, can be transmitted from her words and deeds.

"Okay, do n’t talk about the extra, Tianmon Python. If you want to come here, we will keep you here. Your heart is clearer than anyone else. When you hand over the immortal monument, we will never continue to embarrass you. If not, you will really regret coming to this world. "

It was the strong men of the Jin Yuying family. It seems that among them, the Jin Yuying family is relatively sober. This is not related to the Jin Yuying family's restraint against the Tianmon Python family.

The five major ethnic groups are of equal strength, and no one will really serve them. Each ethnic group does not need others to speak for themselves. Although the three members of the Xiaoyue Wolf family have been jumping, the three strongest members of the Jinyuying family However, they did not mean to jeopardize them.

For the three members of the Jin Yuying family, they feel that they are the most promising to get the immeasurable monument. After all, once the Tianmon Python escapes, only the three of them can catch up, and the others can only It's just eating dust behind.

Of course, after all, although the three of them can catch up with the Heavenly Demon Python, in terms of their three strengths, there is obviously no way to retain the Heavenly Demon Python, so they still have to rely on people from other ethnic groups. Strength, this is also a rather helpless thing.

"Yes, yes, heaven demon python, hand over the immortal monument, we have nothing to say."

The Raven Bears were immediately awake, but they were equally polite. Compared with other ethnic groups, the Raven Bears are actually the most violent, but have the strongest resistance to external temptations. To put it bluntly, they have simple brains and advanced limbs, and their emotional intelligence is slightly lower.

They just want immeasurable monuments. As for the others, they don't really put them on their hearts.

After the Jinyu Eagles and the Ravager Bears opened their mouths, the rest of the majors were basically returning to God. No one was no longer controlled by the temptation of the Sky Monster Python, but they turned their attention. Put it back on the immortal monument.

In any case, they have to be obtained, and of course, even if they can't get it, they will never let others get it. Therefore, if the sky demon pythons really don't cooperate, in the end, I am afraid that they can only kill and kill the immortal monument completely.

"Giggle, for a long time, you all want my infinite monument, but you all saw it, there is only one infinite monument, but so many of you, who do I give the monument to? Is that it? You can't cut a good monument into pieces, everyone? "

When I heard a lot of strong men mentioned the infinite monument, the spirit of Tian Yao Python was also a little tight. She knew that her realm was still a little worse. There was no way she could seduce so many super strong at once, but these guys It's all about combining the breath, and she can't break each one.

Having said that, being able to keep these guys from hesitating not to make a shot is actually a victory. After all, if you change someone else, I am afraid these guys have already made a big shot!

"Hum, demon python, you rarely come with us. Do you want to use this method to kill each other? This is too much of us!"

Hearing the words of the Tian Yao Python, all the strong men present were rushing to talk, but none of them were fooled. They are very clear, the diablo python said these words in order to make them compete with each other.

"Don't say so much. Take out the infinite monument and put it there, and then you can go as far as you can. The rest is that you don't need to worry about it."

As long as the sky monster pythons come up with immeasurable monuments, then they can begin to compete directly. As for who wins in the end, it can only be determined by heaven.

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