The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2099: Final attribution

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Chapter 2099 Final Attribution

The Xiaoyue Wolf family bids 500 billion beast head crystals, plus 5,000 moon wolf stones. This price is basically the highest price that everyone has recognized. Therefore, everyone is basically able to determine this fourth auction. The product must be of the Xiaoyue Wolf family.

However, just as Ruan Xinrou, who was hosting the auction, was about to announce the results and handed the immense monument to his body to the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, a coquettish sound suddenly rang through the audience, attracting everyone's attention Passed.

"Uh, this ......... is she again?"

"Under what circumstances, how did this woman stand up again? Doesn't she also want to compete for that immense monument?"

"This seems to have such a bit of meaning, but the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan has already bid 500 billion beast head crystals and 5,000 moon wolf stones. Can she or she bid higher?"

"It should be impossible, five hundred billion beast head crystals, five thousand moon wolf stones, how could she make a higher price than this? Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Looking at the sound, everyone immediately saw that this time it was not the others who spoke, but the masked woman who had taken two auction items.

At this moment, the masked woman was also slowly approaching the central auction stand, but in her eyes, there was a flash of contempt. This color of contempt was obviously to the other five major ethnic groups. watch.

"Girl Ruan Xinrou, none of our guests are in a hurry. Why are you in a hurry to host the auction? Why don't you really want to sell more beasthead crystals?"

The tone of the sky demon python is full of sarcasm. For her, since she has decided to play big, she is completely crazy.

The immortal monument is equally important to her. If this thing can be taken back to the ethnic group, then the entire Tian Yao Python family will suddenly undergo earth-shaking changes.

As a member of the Tianmon Python family, she is more aware of the importance of the immeasurable monument than any other strong group. Perhaps, even if the Xiaoyue Wolf tribe has obtained the immeasurable monument, it must be studied from the beginning. Eventually, Find out the true value of the Infinite Stele.

However, if the Tianmon Python family got this thing, then it would be possible to quickly find out the secret of the infinite monument, because the Tianmon Python family is simply a super large group inherited from ancient times.

Therefore, the moment when Wuliang Shenbei just appeared, Tian Yao Python had already decided that she must grab this Wuliang Shenbei in her hand and do a real big thing for her group.

In the final analysis, this time is also a favor from heaven. She would never have thought of it. Accompanying Yuan Feng on this trip would have such a horrible harvest. It seems that Yuan Feng is really a for her. Super big luck star too!

The three great men of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan all changed their faces when the Tianmon Python opened its mouth. Frankly speaking, the most unwilling voice at this time is naturally the voice of the Tianmon Python.

If anything at this auction is beyond their control, it is undoubtedly the emergence of the Tian Yao Python.

The Celestial python family is too mysterious and unpredictable. Although they are not as daunting as they were in ancient times, they are actually dare not to be underestimated.

The former demon pythons have shown amazing financial resources. At the moment, the other party speaks at this time, apparently aiming at the immortal monument. In this regard, they can't help but have a bad feeling.

A few families rejoiced and some were sad. The Xiaoyue Wolf Clan was depressed, but the other four major ethnic groups are now like hearing the sounds of heaven, one by one, raising their heads and looking at the Tianmon Python direction.

They also understand that the sky demon python is definitely not a targetless target. At this time, basically speaking, she is definitely going to the infinite monument.

If Wuliang Shenbei is photographed by the Tianmon Python, then it is undoubtedly a great good news for them. After all, when they want to come, no matter how mysterious the Tianmon Python family is, they will not be like the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan. Difficult, right?

Therefore, when they saw the Tianmon Python stand up, they all secretly cheered for the Tianmon Python, hoping that the other party could give it more power.

"Well? Oh, what advice does this girl have? Is the girl trying to increase the price?"

When the python came out again that day, Ruan Xinrou's eyes could not help but lighten slightly, but his heart was a little bit happy.

She just said, how did it feel like something was missing, and now I realized that it seems that there is still a cow who has not spoken to this immeasurable monument!

Everyone paid attention to the five ethnic groups before, but didn't pay much attention to other people at all. Now think about it, it seems that they are taking it for granted.

Since Tian Yao Python was able to take two babies, who said that she couldn't continue taking the third one? As for the price, I don't know why, she has a feeling, it seems that the body of the demon python is the most lacking beasthead crystal.

"Giggle, what is the immeasurable monument, and how can it be understood by the cats and dogs? Some unreasonable guys want to get the monument, I think it's simply a lunatic dream!"

The Sky Monster Python is still approaching the auction table. Behind her, naturally follows a little tail of a Promise. At this moment, she is full of spirit, everything is under control, but it looks abnormal. High-profile.

"Well, I won't talk about the extra ones, there is nothing else on my body, but there are so many beast head crystals. I think so, I bid 600 billion beast head crystals, infinite monuments, it's up to me Come here! "

After waving his hand, the Tianmon Python finally stopped talking, and at this moment, it was time to see the final result. She wants everyone to know that it is impossible to win with the Tianmon Python family.

"What? Six ......... 600 billion?"

On the day when the demon python said a simple number, this time, all the people on the scene, including the three strong men of the Howling Wolf Clan, all of them suddenly felt cold, and everyone was killed by the sky. Such a number shouted from the monster python was scared.

From 500 billion yuan, it suddenly increased the price by 100 billion yuan, reaching the point of 600 billion yuan. Frankly speaking, even the Ruan Xinrou, who is the host of the auction, is completely incomprehensible.

Suddenly a price increase of 100 billion yuan, I am afraid that only the Tian Yao Python family can do it. You know, since the other five major ethnic groups have been exposed, then she only needs to be a little higher than other ethnic groups.

But in fact, she didn't do it according to the public's ideas, but instead came a maverick, and really increased the price of 100 billion beast head crystals at a time, shocking everyone present.

Ruan Xinrou did not return to God for a long time. She was also scared this time by the sky demon python. The price of 600 billion yuan is indeed a sky-high price. So far, she finally understands that it looks like this time. The strongest one among the major super ethnic groups who came to the scene was the combination of Tian Yao Python and Yuan Feng!

Of course, even if the strength is not the strongest, their financial resources are definitely the strongest. It seems that 600 billion beasthead crystals can be used to build a beasthead crystal hall!

"Yu, 600 billion beast head crystals, can anyone still increase the price?"

After a brief horror, Ruan Xinrou did not hesitate too much. During the conversation, she turned her eyes away from the Tianmon Python and asked the crowd below. Of course, its main observation target is naturally the direction of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, because she doesn't know whether the price before it will be the lowest number of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan.

Unfortunately, the strong men of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan did not respond to her eyes. Things change, and the three strong men of the Howling Wolves are still thinking about how to keep the Wuliang God Monument, but in a blink of an eye, all their advantages have turned into a dream bubble. Now, Wuliang God Monument, I'm afraid they can't really grab it.

This can undoubtedly be a way to kill Cheng Cheng to bite gold. Who would have thought that when they had already bid for 500 billion beast head crystals, there were still people who could come up with more. It seems that people are really prepared!

As soon as the price of 600 billion yuan came out, it is obviously impossible for anyone to continue to increase the price. You know, if the 600 billion animal head crystals are piled up, I am afraid they can be piled up into a small hill!

Everyone's eyes were completely on the Tianmonbo clan. There are only two members of this, and there is also a small figure of the Promise. Even if they are good at observation, there is no way to see through the two people.

600 billion beast head crystals, frankly speaking, if this number is not shouted out by the sky demon python, but shouted by another person, then Ruan Xinrou may not even believe it.

"Damn, how could I let her mess up the game again, why !!!"

The Xiaoyue Wolf Clan almost exploded. The ducks in their hands actually let them fly away. In this regard, their hearts can be said to be more depressed and more depressed.

Two competitions and two defeats to the same person. In this regard, he really didn't know what to say about himself. In short, he has been out of contact with Wuliang Shenbei for the time being!

"Well, it seems that at this moment, no one will continue to increase the price. In this case, I announce that the fourth auction item at this auction, the immortal monument, is now owned by the girl."

With a soft sigh, Ruan Xinrou finally announced the result, and the final result really made her a long time difficult to recover.

The 600 billion beast head crystals, no matter who listens, obviously it is impossible to be calm and right, and this time brings so many benefits to the God Machine Merchants, waiting for her will definitely be very good The good thing is.

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