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Chapter 2097 Fight Over Your Head

The fourth auction item of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce turned out to be an immortal monument widely circulated in the beast **** world. In this regard, all the Warcraft groups who came to the auction had a feeling of rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath.

Wuliang Shenbei, to human warriors, this thing is really a rotten stone like rubbish, but for the major Warcraft groups in the beast **** world, Wuliang Shenbei, this is simply a big treasure.

The legend of Wuliang Shenbei is basically extolled in every major force, but any powerful force with a long-standing legacy is clear. If you can get Wuliang Shenbei, then you are equivalent to a huge opportunity. Maybe , Their entire ethnic group will be completely changed due to the appearance of an infinite number of monuments.

The twelve monuments of immeasurable gods were said to have been controlled by the twelve super powers, but to this day, whether they are the twelve super powers or the immortal monuments they control, they are all There is no trace left. Right now, the Shenqi Chamber of Commerce has even made a monument, which can be said to be a big thing for the whole beast **** world.

Frankly, how useful is the infinite monument, there is hardly any Warcraft group who can say clearly, but no matter what this thing is used for, in short, any Warcraft group can be used for a monument Desperately.

It can only be said that the confidentiality work of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce is too good. If not, at this moment, I don't know how many superpowers will come here to compete for the immortal monument!

Of course, at that time, it wasn't the Warcraft powerhouse who participated in the auction. After all, the World of Warcraft was a barbaric world. They would compete in their own way for what they dreamed of.

Ruan Xinrou didn't make too much introduction to Wuliang Shenbei, because she is very clear and understands the value of Wuliang Shenbei, she doesn't need to say anything at all, but if she does n’t understand, it is equivalent to saying nothing. Therefore, she only needs to let everyone know that the fourth auction item of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce is a monument of immense amount, and the rest, she does not need to think about it at all.

"Everyone, whoever can come to the auction of my God Machine Chamber of Commerce is basically a relatively well-known strong in the beast **** world. Everyone who wants to come to know it is very clear that some changes in the beast **** world have recently occurred in the dark. This time, my God Chamber of Commerce has accidentally obtained this immeasurable monument, which may be the beginning of the changing situation in the world of beast gods. Therefore, it is natural to imagine the significance of holding this monument in his own hands. "

Seeing that the groups of Warcraft below were all changing, but no one took a shot, Ruan Xinrou could not help but linger slightly, and then continued to speak.

When seeing the immeasurable monument, all the Warcraft powerhouses present were actually the first thought to grab it, and their hearts were clear, no matter who took the immense monument to the end, other groups will gather And attack it, find a way to get the stele in his own hands.

Therefore, even if you spend a lot of money to buy the immortal monument, in fact, you may not be able to guarantee that you can always possess this treasure. Therefore, everyone was waiting for the performance of others, and did not easily reach a conclusion.

However, when he heard Ruan Xinrou's subsequent words, the strong men of all ethnic groups frowned tightly, apparently could not bear anymore.

"Well, it ’s useless to say more. The value of this immortal monument is here. If you want to come, everyone has counts. Since this is the case, I will announce the reserve price of this immortal monument. Starting shot, everyone, please !!! "

I can't help seeing one by one, and Ruan Xinrou finally no longer hesitated. Between the time he bit his teeth, he shouted such a number.

One hundred and fifty billion beasthead crystals began to shoot, it is clear that this is a number that is enough to make anyone tremble. Perhaps for such a price, it is difficult for everyone in the human world to understand, but for those Warcraft people, such a number Obviously, it is impossible to deserve the value of the infinite monument.

For the Warcraft family, immeasurable monuments, how can they be measured with superficial things like the Beasthead Crystal?

"150 billion? Is this going to be crazy? What ghosts actually need so many beast head crystals?"

"Good guy, what's so unusual about such a large slab of stone. Is the God Machine Chamber of Commerce incomprehensible to everyone?"

"Don't talk nonsense. There are super powerhouses in the Chamber of Commerce of God. Do you think they will do anything for no reason? Look at it, there must be something I don't know about."

"Yes, I didn't feel that these powerful men of the Warcraft tribe were a little restless at the moment? To me, this so-called infinite monument is definitely a very good thing among the Warcraft tribe."

"It must be like that, alas, the 150 billion yuan auction, I am afraid that only the God Machine Chamber of Commerce dare to do so, but it seems that such a number, it can absolutely not scare those super Warcraft large groups.

"What's 150 billion? What about a small sapling before, which has already sold for 190 billion yuan? It seems that this thing is bound to exceed this price."

"Let's wait and see. It is estimated that this big stone should be able to exceed the 200 billion yuan price!"

Regarding the 150 billion yuan reserve price shouted by Ruan Xinrou, all human warriors are basically incomprehensible, but when they feel the turbulent atmosphere of those large groups of Warcraft in the crowd, they also understand This so-called immeasurable monument is absolutely meaningful to the Warcraft family.

They don't need to know the specific situation, and it doesn't make sense to know, because the reserve price of 150 billion yuan is no longer affordable for any of them.

Frankly speaking, the infinite monuments auctioned by the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, or the former Dongtianfushu, are basically customized for the World of Warcraft, because they know very well that this area controlled by the Shenji Chamber of Commerce See, there is no such thing as a human warrior.

Perhaps a deacon of a certain God Chamber of Commerce has this ability, but for them, some wealth cannot be easily revealed, so the only people who have real purchasing power are those who are powerful in Warcraft.

"I have 200 billion beast head crystals !!!"

Almost everyone who was present was slandered, thinking about the price that this so-called immeasurable monument can be photographed. A low-pitched snorting sound suddenly rang through the entire venue, and this voice For everyone, it is no stranger.

Looking in the direction of the voice, the person who yelled was not someone else, it was the young man of the Xiaoyue wolf tribe.

Obviously, after losing such treasures as Dongtianfushu, the Xiaoyue Wolf wolves saw their purpose this time, and this time they obviously wanted to let go, but they shouted 200 billion yuan directly. Price of Beasthead Crystal.

"Good guy, two hundred billion beast head crystals? Suddenly, I suddenly called out the price of two hundred billion beast head crystals, and suddenly increased the price by 50 billion beast head crystals. Is this a bit big?"

"Yu, immeasurable monument, what kind of treasure is really exaggerated!"

"The direct increase in price is 50 billion yuan. Is this how the Xiaoyue Wolf tribes show their attitude? It seems that the reason why they did not compete too much on the Dongtianfu tree before should be to prepare for this so-called infinite monument. Right! "

"Yes, yes, they must have received the news in advance, so they left their power at this moment, and suddenly increased the price of 50 billion beast head crystals. Look at this, the so-called immeasurable monument, will definitely be sold today for a sky high price of."

When the young men of the Xiaoyue Wolf family suddenly increased their prices by 50 billion yuan, but shouted the horror figure of 200 billion beast head crystals, everyone present was finally aware of the significance of the infinite monument to the Warcraft family. Already.

Two hundred billion beast head crystals, and they were screamed at a price, what exactly this means, everyone can imagine.

However, everyone at this time also had a very strong resistance. After all, the previous auction item also sold a horror price of 190 billion yuan.

"Two hundred and ten billion beast head crystals, this thing is better controlled by my noble purple gold marten family."

When the young man's voice of the Xiaoyue wolf clan fell, almost before everyone came back from the 200 billion figures, someone immediately shouted a new price, and this time they shouted a new price. Yes, it is the strong of the Zijin marten family.

It can be seen that everyone is a little crazy for this immeasurable monument. Although everyone's mind is very clear, no matter who eventually took the immense monument, there will be a battle waiting for them, but it is obvious Yes, now that the immortal monument is controlled in his own hands, at least he can take the initiative.

Keep your own monuments and follow others to grab the monuments. Of course, they still choose the former.

"Hum, a group of little mice, such treasures as Infinite Monument, are you in control? Also, the power of shouting must be powerful, and the price increase of 10 billion is also a loss that you can shout, two thousand five Ten billion beast head crystals, this thing is still under the control of my devil and tiger family. "

Almost immediately when the voice of the strong of the Zijin Marten family fell, immediately, the strong of the Tianmao Tiger family stood up, and the price increased to 250 billion yuan, but it was a 40 billion yuan beast head. crystal.

From the starting price of 150 billion yuan, it has reached 250 billion yuan in an instant. This growth rate is definitely not affordable for the average person's heart, but from the current situation, 250 billion yuan The price is obviously not the final price.

"Tian Mo Hu, you do n’t have to laugh at fifty steps, and the value of the monument is immeasurable. Everyone knows that 250 billion yuan is not a limit number. What are you dragging? I ’m Jin Yuying. Bid $ 300 billion !!! "

Sure enough, when everyone realized that the auction was definitely not too ordinary, the Jin Yuying family also immediately called out their bids, and this time, they also directly increased the price of 50 billion beastheads. The original reserve price of 150 billion yuan has been doubled.

Although the Jin Yuying family has already shot before, they only spent 25 billion beast head crystals at that time, which is really harmless.

Every major group knows that there are super treasures here, so each one is suffocating, so that at this moment, and at this moment, in order to get the immeasurable monument, they do n’t hesitate to spend everything Spar.

At this moment, the most annoying thing for everyone is that they did not bring more beast head crystals. After all, in terms of the heritage of these large ethnic groups, they have an unimaginable huge heritage in them.

When the Jin Yuying clan shouted for a bid of 300 billion beast head crystals, each of the Warcraft ethnic groups present did not have any inappropriate expressions. Obviously, such a price is seen in each of their ethnic groups. Come, it's still an ordinary price.

As they had thought before, compared with the value of Wuliang Shenbi itself, no more beast head crystals are actually worth mentioning.

"Roar, you guys do n’t have to fight, of course, such heavy treasures as Wuliang Shenbei, of course, should be controlled by me Raven Bear Clan, all of you guys will stand by me, I will give you 350 billion beast head crystals !!!!!! "

At the time when the Jin Yuyings cried over the price, this time, it was an unusually rough voice that penetrated the auction, and when everyone looked at the person who shouted the price, they just saw a big man standing upright. After the body, for the first time, a face appeared in front of everyone.

The team of shouters is only three people, but each of these three guys is very tall. The previous ones were a little huddled, so they are not very eye-catching. They can stand upright with them. With the body, one by one, it is almost half as tall as the others present.

"Is it the Raven Bears? They are here?"

"Dear guy, this time is really lively. The Zijin Marten, the Sky Tiger Tiger, the Golden Feather Eagle, and the Raging Bear Clan, plus the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, the super big group of the beast **** world, all appeared at once. This is really energetic! "

"What a terrifying lineup, these super big groups are here. It seems that after the auction is over, there will definitely be some dragons fighting!"

"That is inevitable. In the words of our human warriors, there is no room for two tigers. There are only one monument to the infinite number of gods, but there are many things that can be desired. In the end, there is only one **** monument."

"Well, that is to say, no matter who gets the monument, other ethnic groups are going to fight for it!"

"This time, it really needs to be seen."

The five super ethnic groups have already demonstrated their attitudes. Obviously, they all want to get the immortal monument, but they will eventually be able to get the monument. There is definitely only one family. Which ethnic group has more details, or exactly Which ethnic group has the most beast head crystals, and you will soon see if you want to come!

These five super ethnic groups can be said that each super ethnic group is similar. Perhaps, in the battles on weekdays, everyone will give each other a face or something, but today, the contention is the monument of immeasurable things. But it's completely different!

What is the immeasurable **** monument, that is the hope of the rise of the ethnic group, is the guarantee of standing in the beast **** world, this thing is not to be missed, let alone who it is, even if it is the largest group in the beast **** world, They can never let it go.

The happiest person is undoubtedly Ruan Xinrou on the auction table. When she saw the reserve price of 150 billion yuan suddenly turned into 350 billion yuan, she felt that her heartbeat was speeding up. Apparently a little excited.

Seriously, the Shenji Chamber of Commerce has done research on this immense number of monuments. Maybe this thing is really a treasure, but no matter what the treasure is, in the final analysis, it is not something that human warriors can study and understand.

And they originally thought that this item would be put on the auction and then supplemented with some deliberate propaganda, maybe it could achieve unexpected results.

It seems that everyone's guess is obviously correct, but their guess is still a little too conservative.

Three hundred and fifty billion beast head crystals, it is scary enough to think about it, but she also understood at this moment, the powerful people of this group of Warcraft are basically directed at this immense monument. Yes, and when the immortal monument is photographed away, I am afraid that no one will pay attention to the last auction item!

She doesn't need to do anything at this moment. She believes that the final result of this auction will undoubtedly depend on which ethnic group brings more beasthead crystals. As for the final numbers, what are these? The strong players of the World of Warcraft, I am afraid they will not really care too much.

"You guys, I don't think we need to increase the price so carefully, the preciousness of the immeasurable monument, we are all aware of it, I am here today, obviously for this baby. Next, we Just say your reserve price. As for who is in charge of this thing, let heaven decide it! "

Even when the Raven Bears came out and shouted their bids, this time, the young man of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan suddenly drank, attracting everyone's attention come.

Now that the auction is up, although there is still one auction item that has not appeared, for the major Warcraft groups, their auctions have come to an end. When this auction item ends, they will not feel any other treasures. Interested.

Ruan Xinrou said something right before, but also completely talked about their hearts, that is, there is obviously some turbulence in the beast **** world, and the major ethnic groups at this time are actually very dangerous. If they can get immeasurable monuments, maybe they will be able to save them. This is of great significance to them.

As one of the five major ethnic groups, the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan has a relatively strong power, and obviously has the qualification to speak out. After all, the opinions they put forward are indeed the most important ones to follow at the moment.

"Well, this proposal is good. I ’ve brought a total of 400 billion beast head crystals and 3,000 purple snow ginsengs. If any of you can exceed this number, then this immeasurable monument, my purple gold marten. One family gives up for now. "

The major ethnic groups agree with the proposal of the young men of the Xiaoyue Wolf tribe, and the first one to stand out is the Zijin tribe. They have brought together 400 billion beast head crystals and 3,000 strains. Purple snow ginseng, this is already the highest price they can make this time, of course, is there anything hidden? Only they know it.

"Hum, I'm sorry, there are 400 billion beast head crystals and 3,000 purple snow ginseng. This is not a high price. My devil tiger family has brought a total of 430 billion beast head crystals, plus three Thousands of plants have returned to the grass. It seems that this game is won by my devil and tiger family. "

The strong of the Zijin Marten family just stated their reserve price. The Tianmo Tiger family took over the stubble, and when the Tianmo Tiger family stated their bottom line, the four men and a woman of the Zijin Marten family looked. All changed abruptly, and my mood was obviously not very good.

However, this is also impossible. They have come from the ethnic group to participate in the auction this time, and have never thought that they will encounter the infinite treasure of the infinite monument, so they did not think too much.

They have never been troubled by the Beasthead Crystal, but this time, they felt the importance of the Beasthead Crystal for the first time.

"Roar roar roar, heaven devil tiger, do you think your bottom line is high? Sorry, I ransacked the bear clan, and this time brought a total of 450 billion beast head crystals, and another 5,000 bear yellow grass It seems that your two major ethnic groups are now standing back, roaring !!!!!! "

The men headed by the ravaged bear clan slammed and slammed their chests violently, apparently, they felt even more beautiful about their own ethnic groups when they were suddenly squeezed into two major ethnic groups.

The smiles on the faces of the four great powers of the Devil Tigers were solidified directly there, while a few of the members of the Zijinziao family showed a hint of glee, but, no matter what, the Zijinziao family is gone. Chances are up.

"Hey, Jin Yuying, Howling Wolf, you are all left now. How many treasures are there on your body, show them up and take a look!"

The strong bears of the Ravager Bear Clan are also direct. After screaming, they look directly at the last two ethnic groups, and ask in a deep voice.

"Call on you, you are fighting for this immeasurable monument, my Jinyuying clan will not fight with you for the time being."

Hearing the words of the strong bear tyrannical bears, the Jinyuyings gave up and gave up. Of course, they naturally do not want to give up, but after listening to the bids of the three major ethnic groups, they have no way to surpass each other, so there is no need to say anything!

This is also no way out. The background of the Jin Yuying family is very thick, but they have spent 25 billion beast head crystals before, and the baby wing feathers in the group have also used a part. If not, In that case, there is still a certain degree of competitiveness.

In this way, now only the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan has not yet stated the bottom line, and once the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan has finished speaking, then the ultimate ownership of the immortal monument is very clear.

Speaking, the eyes of all the powerful men were involuntarily looking in the direction of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, waiting for the young men of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan to say their bottom line.

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