The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2088: Full upgrade

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Chapter 2088 Comprehensive Upgrade

The first one of the five auction items really made everyone at the scene feel the weight of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce's auction, but what everyone did not expect was that this first auction item was finally sold. A masked woman took a photo, and still spent 1.5 billion beast head crystals, which offended Chen Aung, the deacon of the China Chamber of Commerce.

For the masked woman who took the first auction item, everyone had a kind of optimistic attitude. They were very clear that after the auction was over, the masked woman and the one she brought Promised young men, I'm afraid there will be some big trouble.

This can be seen from Chen Yu's expression. Speaking of which, at this moment, Chen Yu has apparently started to contact her father. Maybe at this moment, the masked woman and the young man she brought with her have fallen into the deacon of Chen Ang, and the magic machine In the eyes of other powerful chambers of commerce.

The first auction item was successfully sold, and immediately afterwards, the red woman Ruan Xinrou on the pedestal began the auction of the second auction item.

For Ruan Xinrou, the overall interest of the Shenqi Chamber of Commerce is the most important. As for the face of Deacon Chen Ang, it has nothing to do with her.

Deacon Chen Ang, she knows more or less, but others may fear each other, but she definitely will not.

"My distinguished guests, today ’s second auction item is, above the previous auctions, the experience of the auction, but at that time, this level of auction item was the final product. , But this time, it is only the penultimate of the five auctioned items. "

Ruan Xinrou's confidence became more and more successful when she successfully auctioned the first auction item. She talked about introducing the second auction item to everyone present.

This time, she organized the last auction, which is also a kind of exercise for her. After all, she has been practicing in the dark all the time, and she has not shown much face. This time she took her to the front desk. Fortunately, let her know more about some strong people, and don't leave the crowd.

"Things that have been auctioned before? And are they the finale?"

"Good guy, the business of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce is really getting bigger and bigger. The finale at the auction has become the second-to-last place among the five auctions today. This is really amazing. You have to take it! "

"Which one of the final items of previous auctions is not so precious. I really look forward to this third auction item. I don't want to disappoint you if you want to come!"

"The second auction item is already comparable to the last one in the past. It seems that choosing to come to the auction today is the most correct decision."

When Ruan Xinrou's words fell, there was another discussion above the entire auction. No one expected that the auction of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce had reached such a state, and the former finale cannot be ranked today To the top three. It is foreseeable that no matter what this second auction item is, the next three items will definitely cause a lot of sensation.

Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python listened to Ruan Xinrou's introduction quietly at the moment, and when they learned that this second auction item was comparable to the last auction item in the past, they could not help looking at each other. Obviously, it was slightly surprised.

However, the purpose of the two of them here has basically been achieved, so for the next auction, they are just pure curiosity, but they do not have the inevitable idea.

Of course, although there is no idea, but if you really see a good thing, whether it is a Tianmon python or Yuan Feng, it may not be that you will fight for it. After all, in terms of their heritage, it is not a bit of competition No qualifications. Especially the monster Tian Tian, ​​her wealth is definitely not what Yuan Feng can imagine.

If you really want to count them, there will be one in the field, who can fight with the Tian Yao Python financially, for fear that you can't find a few.

Yuan Feng got the star meteorite that impacted the demigod. He is very satisfied now. You know, even if this star meteorite may not help him to successfully upgrade to the demigod, but he also got Blue sky dome, his hope of being able to advance to the demigod is indeed another point.

His situation is different from that of ordinary people. Perhaps ordinary people can impact the resources of success as a group. I am afraid that even using ten shares may not be effective.

"Hehe, there are indeed a lot of auctions in the past, and you may not be able to guess if you want to come. In this case, the little girl will not sell you anybody, please look at it !!! Brush !!!!!!

I glanced down for a week, and saw that everyone had been curious, but Ruan Xinrou stopped talking and raised a hand next to her, a huge body was added. shape.

"His ......... This is ......... Warcraft?"

As the light flashed through, everyone was stunned to discover that on the pedestal beside Ruan Xinrou, a foot with a length of more than four meters, and a huge World of Warcraft with black light all over him appeared to everyone. In front of me.

This is a very powerful World of Warcraft. The scales on the body of Warcraft are dark but not bright. The skull of Warcraft is lying on the ground at this moment, but the people below cannot see it clearly, but can see it faintly. Above the head of Warcraft, there is a very weird unicorn.

This single horn is the color of purple and black. The tip of the single horn is almost like the sharpest cone in the world, as if nothing can't be broken.

The body of Warcraft, a powerful and horrible wave, is the first time to explain the repair of this head of Warcraft, obviously, this is definitely a half-god of Warcraft, and it is also a super high-level absolutely no lower level presence.

However, although the energy fluctuations of this World of Warcraft are very amazing, what twitched everyone on the scene is that such a horrible World of Warcraft does not have the slightest anger on its body, that is to say, this big-looking and domineering guy It turned out to be just a corpse of Warcraft.

"Wait a second, the talented woman in the red dress said that the second auction item is a treasure that has been auctioned in the past. Eh, is it ........."

When I saw the huge World of Warcraft on the pedestal, almost everyone present was reminded of something.

In the history of the auction of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, there has been a half-six-world Warcraft corpse for auction. At that time, the Shenji Chamber of Commerce relied on the six-six-world Warcraft corpse of the semi-semi-realm. Take. Although this matter has passed for many years, as long as someone mentions it, it is easy to be remembered.

Ruan Xinrou just said that the second auction item today is the final product that has been auctioned in the past. In this way, the huge Warcraft corpse appearing on the pedestal at this moment seems to make it easy to understand The cause is in.

I do n’t know since when, during the entire auction, any strong person who has become more than a demigod becomes abnormally solemn, especially some small teams in the crowd become abnormal at this moment. When each team saw the World of Warcraft on the stage, they all faintly had some eyes shining, and even the mouth seemed to have drooling.

The China Chamber of Commerce of God is very clear. The five auction items will definitely take care of every strong person who comes to participate in the auction. The first auction item of the previous star meteorites can be said to be prepared for the endless warriors. , And the second one is for the Warcraft family.

"This is ......... a unicorn? And a unicorn with six turns in a demigod? This, this ........."

Among the crowd, Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python also saw the huge Warcraft corpse on the stage for the first time. For this huge Warcraft corpse, Yuan Feng only frowned, but did not see anything different. .

He doesn't know what Warcraft is. Although he can feel it faintly, this is definitely a very scary big guy, but because this is a Warcraft corpse, for him, there is no threat at all, so Naturally there is no need to go too much into my heart.

However, he didn't care, but it didn't prove that the demon python didn't care. Speaking of which, as a member of the World of Warcraft, Tian Yao Python is impossible to remain indifferent when she sees the powerful World of Warcraft.

"Unicorn? Is it the famous Warcraft?"

At the first glance, the Sky Monster Python called the name of Warcraft on the pedestal, and when she heard her exclaim, Yuan Feng on the side also realized that it looks like this big guy will still be very exciting! \

"Yu, more than famous, the unicorn crocodile, this is a race left over from ancient times, but this ancient beast is too overbearing, but it is a single-passage ethnic group. In some ways, it I ’m afraid that I ’m still above my demon python family. ”

Take a sigh of relief, the tone of the day demon python became a little different. She knew this World of Warcraft, but the thought of such a World of Warcraft was even made out of the Shenqi Chamber of Commerce, in her heart , It is more dignified.

"Well, a single pass of World of Warcraft? Then the big guy at this moment has already hung up, does not it mean that what kind of unicorn alligator is extinct now?"

Hearing the words of Tian Yao Python, Yuan Feng's focus is somewhat different from others. He was thinking now, since this is a single-pass WoW, and now this big guy is hanging here again, then who will continue the unicorn crocodile?

"This cannot be said. The unicorn is an egg species. Although it is a single vein, it may have protected the blood veins in the form of animal eggs. Maybe when it falls, the new The unicorn alligator has begun to hatch and grow, so it may not be extinct. "

The World of Warcraft with a single pass is generally a terrible Warcraft, and such Warcraft knows that they have the mission of succession, so they spend most of their time finding a place to live and trying to continue the race. Even if you do have an accident, it will not let the ethnic group perish.

"It turns out that the world of Warcraft doesn't seem so simple!"

Nodded, Yuan Feng said he understood, but he was not very clear about how precious this unicorn alligator was. However, he believes that since the Shenji Chamber of Commerce will sell this big guy for auction, it is bound to make clear the situation of the unicorn.

"Everyone, if you want to come, everyone has already seen this. This is the second auction item at this auction. The body of a unicorn, probably not many people who know about the unicorn, are here. , I'll just talk to everyone briefly. "

In the time between Yuan Feng's thoughts, Ruan Xinrou on the pedestal really started to explain the situation of the unicorn crocodile. At this moment, all the strong men present, whether warriors or warcraft, are They all stared at the huge Warcraft on the stage, listening to Ruan Xinrou's introduction.

Of the many strong players present, some did know about unicorns, but they only accounted for a very small number, and even if they knew something about unicorns, in fact they did n’t know much, so everyone I want to hear what kind of existence this unicorn alligator has.

"A unicorn, which is an ancient race in the Warcraft family, is a powerful race with a single pass. The unicorn is a head of a unicorn, and its unicorn is a medium for communicating lightning. One-corners, they can control thunder and lightning, and launch attacks with thunder and lightning. That's why they have the attributes of thunder and lightning on their bodies, inside, and outside. It can be said that they are living bodies of thunder and lightning ... "

Ruan Xinrou also obviously did her homework. During the talk, she explained some basic conditions of the unicorn alligator. In her mouth, the unicorn is almost rare in the sky. There is a unique terror on the ground, especially It is this guy's one-corner, which is even more extraordinary. If you can use this guy's unicorn to make a magic soldier, the power is absolutely unimaginable.

Of course, in addition to the unicorns, the unicorns are full of treasures, especially for the Warcraft family, such a big guy is simply a baby that can make people crazy.

"You guys, I want to come through the introduction of the little girl, everyone should have some understanding of the unicorn alligator. As for the cultivation of this unicorn alligator, I believe that it is not necessary for the little girl to say more. Everyone should know There is also speculation, well, the full body of the unicorn crocodile with six turns in the semi-god state, starting at 20 billion beast head crystals, please bid! "

Ruan Xinrou introduced half a while, but in the end he gave a starting price that would make countless people crazy—20 billion beast head crystals. This is definitely not what the average group can afford.

However, a full-length demigod crocodile with six turns and a twentieth billion beast head crystals is definitely worth the price.

"Yu, the unicorn crocodile with six turns in the semi-god realm. This is almost domineering. I really do n’t know where the God Machine Chamber got the body from this thing. Did the God Machine Chamber kill it by itself? ? "

"It's a terrible Warcraft, six turns in the demigod. Such a terrible Warcraft can even be killed, which is really unimaginable."

"This big guy is almost a treasure. I think that the one-corner is the most precious. If you can use this thing to make a magic soldier, then you will have the ability to call thunder and lightning. When you meet the enemy, you will be invincible and invincible. what!"

"It's good, but for human warriors, the value of this thing is far less important than that of the powerful Warcraft tribe. The corpse of Warcraft with six heads and six deities, I am afraid that it can be early. Just a strong man with five demigods. "

"It seems that this big guy, the eight achievements are prepared by the Shenji Chamber of Commerce for the Warcraft family, but I don't know which groups of Warcraft family have come at this auction, and whether they can afford such a high price."

"It's really hard to say. The starting price of the two hundred billion beast head crystals, I am afraid that only the super big group can afford it. It seems that it won't be long before we can see the super groups of the big beast gods."

Everyone at the scene understood that although this World of Warcraft corpse is indeed very precious in terms of preciousness, in contrast, the demand for this thing by the World of Warcraft is bound to exceed that of human warriors. After all, the human warrior gets this thing at best is to use the useful part of it, but the strong of the World of Warcraft can be used together.

If there will be enough Warcraft in this auction, then it is absolutely impossible to miss this treasure.

Warcraft is not like humans. First of all, no one in the God Machine Chamber of Commerce can become so powerful with a Warcraft corpse. Secondly, even if someone can really be promoted with a Warcraft corpse, it is not just a casual use of this thing. Yes, after all, the Shenji Chamber of Commerce is a force formed by a group of people, and no one will give the baby to others to enjoy.

"Twenty-one billion beast head crystals, plus three hundred thousand years of purple snow ginseng."

When the crowd in the auction was talking fiercely, a very low drinking sound was heard in everyone's ears suddenly, and when they heard this sound, everyone turned their attention to the words. People, suddenly, a small group of five people was presented to everyone's eyes.

This is a small team of four men and one woman. Every member of the entire team is not an ordinary person at first glance, because there is a small open space around them, and no one else can approach . This alone shows the strength of these five guys.

In addition, 21 billion beast head crystals can be shouted at once, and 300 million years of purple snow ginseng can be shouted. Such a big hand is by no means ordinary people can shout.

"Someone shot? 21 billion beast head crystals, 300 million years of purple snow ginseng, it seems to be a strong player of the Warcraft family."

"Wait a thousand years, purple snow ginseng, if I remember correctly, purple snow ginseng should be the unique treasure of the Zijin Marten family, huh, is this team of people, is it a strong man of the Zijin Marten family?"

"Yes, yes, purple snow ginseng is not a ubiquitous treasure. It is said that only the purple gold marten family has this species in a special mountain range. Three hundred purple snow ginseng must be the purple gold marten family."

"Good guy, the Zijin Minting family has appeared, but that is the super big group of the Warcraft family. I didn't expect this auction to attract them all."

Purple snow ginseng is a very precious thing. Three hundred purple snow ginseng can be said to be worth more than one billion beast head crystals, and this thing is not something you can buy with a beast head crystal, so Naturally, it cannot be measured by the number of simple head crystals. The number of three hundred strains, I am afraid, can only be obtained by the Zijin marten family.

Therefore, when the members of this team shouted three hundred purple snow ginsengs, basically they had already revealed their identity.

The Zijin marten family is an absolute giant and an absolutely unprovocative super large group.

"Twenty-two billion beast head crystals, plus five hundred years of yangyang grass."

Just when the Zijin Marten family shouted 21 billion beast head crystals, the bid price of 300 million years of purple snow ginseng did not last long, and they sang aloud in the venue of the auction, and successfully brought everyone Attracted attention.

This time, the shout was a small group of four people. Each member of this small group of four people was physically tall and energetic, and it gave people a feeling of eerie coldness.

"Five hundred strains of yangcao grass? It is the devil tiger family !!!"

When several people in this team shouted their own prices, the people present basically basically ignored the number of beasthead crystals directly, but focused directly on the baby behind the opponent.

Also Yangcao, this is also a very rare spiritual plant. As for the source of this spiritual plant, it is the very powerful Devil Tiger family among the Warcraft family.

The strength of the Tian Mo Hu family is superb, which is a super big group with the same strength as the Zijin Marten family. Five hundred thousand years of returning Yang grass, the value is also not less than three hundred years of purple snow ginseng.

"Well, do you want to keep your strength to fight for the last thing? How can you be so cautious, my Jinyu Eagles bid 25 billion beast head crystals, plus one thousand of my demigods who fell down? Wing feathers, is this sincere enough? "

This time it was a trio, each of which was a sharp-billed monkey gill, and no need to guess at all, these three guys directly blasted out their own ethnic group.

The Jin Yuying tribe is also a terrifying super big group. The best thing is the speed. The distance between the two wings is tens of thousands of miles. And what they call the wing feathers of the Golden Feather Eagle Demigod Realm is definitely a real super baby. Everyone knows that the main reason for the speed of the Golden Feather Eagle is their wings.

If you can use the wings of the Golden Eagle eagle to make a spiritual soldier, the effect is also very amazing.

The time spent talking has shown the sincerity of the three major ethnic groups, and for them, the numbers mentioned at present are basically the numbers they can spend, as for which one will the God Chamber of Commerce choose in the end, It depends on what the Chamber of Commerce of God is lacking.

ps: I do n’t like to open and write the two-in-one chapter recently. It should be easier to read. Please ask for a few flowers to support it. Thank you everyone! !! !!

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