The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2082: Shinki Shokai

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Chapter 2082 God Machine Chamber of Commerce

Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python secretly entered the gathering place of human warriors, and their arrival did not cause much movement, so naturally they would not be found by human warriors here.

For Yuan Feng, he is very clear about the virtues of human warriors. It can be said that every human warrior is not so easy to get along with, especially when he comes here for the purpose of getting the blue sky crystal. Those who are strong in humans know that they will be even more excluded.

Yuan Feng's routine is still very clear. That is to start with this restaurant where human warriors gather. This is his experience summarized when there is no delusion. Generally speaking, tea shop restaurants, these places are It's the best choice to probe the news.

No matter how powerful a person is, it is possible to relax in a tea shop restaurant, and some members of the powerful forces have a special interest in a place like a restaurant. It is very reliable to come here to inquire about the news. select.

Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python chose a large-scale restaurant. Judging from Yuan Feng's keen perception, the number of super strong in this restaurant is quite large, and it is obviously a real strong. Gathering place.

I chose a rather inconspicuous corner to sit down. Soon, a haunting haunting hall came to greet Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python.

"What's the two guests here for? We have the best wines and wines in the entire world of Beast God to ensure that the two guests are satisfied."

The man in Paotang was generous and generous. He did not have any sense of inferiority because he was lower than Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python, and he had no fear at all.

Speaking of which, he is obviously able to feel that Yuan Feng's strength is stronger than him, but even so, he can still calm down with Yuan Feng. This kind of confidence should be given to him by this restaurant.

"Put a pot of your better wine here. I haven't tasted the drink of human warriors for a long time, but I miss it a lot."

Yuan Feng glanced casually at the man who ran the hall, and then smiled slightly. Although he came here for the blue sky, in fact, he really wanted to have a quick drink. You know, after leaving the realm, he really has n’t been for a long time. Integrate into the world of human warriors and feel the atmosphere that belongs only to human warriors.

"Hehehe, it seems that this guest officer is the first time to come. We have a lot of fine wines and wines here. If it is the same pot, I'm afraid I can't finish it in a day. I ’d like to give you a pot of fine wines. What's your intention? ”

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, the man in the running room could not help but smile, but proposed to Yuan Feng directly, at the same time, his eyes could not help flashing a bright light, it seemed a bit shocked.

Speaking of which, he has been running here for a long time, and for those who often come here to drink, even if they do not know each other, they can still have a familiar face. Obviously, Yuan Feng is definitely a newcomer from the future, and in all likelihood, this is the first time that a human warrior has gathered in this area.

"Oh? So, okay, just give me some jugs of the best wine, according to the brother's idea."

With an eyebrow raised, Yuan Feng didn't expect that a small second store in Habitat could talk to him arrogantly from beginning to end. It seems that this restaurant is really a different place.

"Anyway, the two guests will wait a moment, you will come as soon as you want."

The man in the running hall didn't hesitate. When he heard it, he just left, leaving only Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python, all with the slightest surprise on his face.

"Well, the shop here is pretty good, and the cultivation of habitats is just fine. There is still such a calm culture, it seems that this time, we really chose the right place!"

When the running man left, Yuan Feng's gaze couldn't help but glance around, then he turned around and laughed at the opposite Tianmon Python.

After entering the restaurant, he actually felt that more than one mind had probed from him and the Tian Yao Mang. Among them, there were customers who were drinking in the restaurant and people who were secretly lurking deep in the restaurant. It seems that everyone is very vigilant in this gathering place of human warriors.

"Your human warriors have always behaved strangely and weirdly.

Tian Yao Python is quite casual at this moment. Of course, she also feels the attention of the guests around her to the two of them, as well as the faint investigation of the people in the restaurant. I even turned my face directly with these guys, but right now, since it was with Yuan Feng, everything is still up to Yuan Feng.

In fact, her idea is very simple. Since she came with Yuan Feng, she would be a good bodyguard for Yuan Feng. As for other times, she would be a quiet woman quietly.

"Oh, what a trouble this is, there are more troubles, I'm afraid it's still behind!"

After hearing the complaint from Tianmon Python, Yuan Feng could not help but shake his head and smiled, then looked at the rest of the restaurant again. At this moment, there were almost dozens of guests in the entire restaurant, and some of these guests showed their unequivocal interest in him and Tianyue Boa, while others did not look the same on the surface and did it secretly. Probing.

However, among these dozens of guests, Yuan Feng really paid attention to nothing more than five or six, because in addition to these five or six, the rest of the people were basically apolar, or even apolar. below.

It was the person lurking in the depths of the restaurant. Obviously, he was also a strong demigod. However, the other party simply swiped over him and the sky demon python, and there was nothing malicious in it.

In general, the arrival of Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python did not let the people present pay too much attention, and the time spent talking was the same in the entire restaurant as before. Everyone should say what they say, muffled. Those who drink also continue to muffle.

"Well, the Shenji Chamber of Commerce is holding an auction. It really attracted a lot of super powerful people. I heard that even some powerful Warcraft are going to make fun. It seems that the trading of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce is getting bigger Then! "

"Who said no? Human warriors have always had a hard time standing in the beast-god realm, and the Shenji Chamber of Commerce has not only created this gathering of human warriors, but has also made the business of Warcraft among the major ethnic groups. It's really compelling. "

"This statement is true. If it was not for the existence of the Chamber of Commerce of God, those Warcraft powerhouses in the beast **** world would never let such a gathering place exist. Hey, I do n’t know when I will be able to be The Chamber of Commerce has absorbed and became a member of the Chamber of Commerce of God. "

"Cut, the Shenji Chamber of Commerce doesn't have to be mediocre. If you want to become a full member of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, the most basic thing is to have the power of the Promise. I think you still have to find a way to cultivate to the Promise."

"Hahaha, that's it, but then again, although the God Machine Chamber of Commerce has not included us, it is very rare for us to survive and cultivate here and be protected by others. You do n’t know, I was in The beast-god world is wandering around, and it ’s been a day full of wickedness. The feeling is really unbearable! ”

At the window of the restaurant, a table of guests was talking hot at the moment. The cultivation of these people ranged from yin and yang to infinity. Everyone seemed to be straightforward. There was nothing wrong with it.

Since their voices were a little louder, it was natural that Yuan Feng's attention was attracted to them the first time.

Speaking of which, Yuan Feng came to this gathering place of human warriors for the first time. He basically knew nothing about it. It was also helpful for him to listen to some news from the mouths of people at the bottom like this. of.

This is not, at least, at the moment, he heard a more bullish organization-the God Machine Chamber of Commerce!

"Haha, all right, don't mention the hard times of the past. Now that I have the protection of the Chamber of Commerce of God, the future will be better and better, and I believe that more and more humans Warriors will slowly gather here. By then, this will be the true paradise of our human warriors. "

"Yes, for the good future, everyone toast and drink !!!"

While smiling, the men raised the wine glasses and drank them, all of them were very happy.

"By the way, the Shenji Chamber of Commerce's auction seems to have been held for half a month, right? Counting the days, the final auction seems to be between these two days, alas, I don't know the final What kind of treasure will be the final product, it is estimated that on the last auction day, some super strong, I am afraid they will all come out! "

"That's natural. You came late, so I don't know. At the previous Shenji Chamber of Commerce auctions, there will be very good auction items presented to everyone. After so many years, not only are human warriors looking forward to the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. The auction, even a lot of Warcraft powerhouses, will come here in admiration, and the auction on the last day is simply a big event. "

"So powerful? Let's talk about what treasures have been auctioned by the Shenji Chamber of Commerce in the past. Even the Warcraft powerhouses in the beast **** world have been attracted?"

"I'm afraid to scare you when you say it. At the end of previous auctions of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, there were auctions of earth-shaking magic weapons and rare treasures rare in the past. The most terrifying thing was the original Shenji Chamber of Commerce. It turned out that a half-death six-turn Warcraft corpse was auctioned. It is said that it is still a high-end Warcraft. At that time, I do n’t know how many Warcraft fighters came for that Warcraft corpse. Ethnic group, howling wolf tribe. "

"What? The six-turn Warcraft corpse at Demigod Realm? Is this too crazy? The six-turn Warcraft corpse at Demigod Realm, how did the Shenqi Chamber of Commerce get it?"

"The Xiaoyue Wolf tribes are here? But that is the real super big group in the beast **** world. It is said that there are no less than dozens of demigods in the group. Call them all. The God Chamber of Commerce What a horror! "

"Speaking of which, I don't know what kind of Warcraft corpse of the half-god state of Warcraft. What kind of Warcraft is it? The Shenji Chamber of Commerce will auction the old ancestors of Warcraft, aren't you afraid of being retaliated by others?"

"Specifically, that's not what we people can know. In short, the Shenji Chamber of Commerce has everything you can do. In addition, you think that the Shenji Chamber of Commerce is an organization of human warriors, and there is no Warcraft involved in it. Is it true? It is said that among the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, there are many Warcraft powerhouses in it, and there are many superpowers among them. Otherwise, the Shenji Chamber of Commerce could not develop so smoothly. "

"Eh, that's the case. It seems that the Shenji Chamber of Commerce really has the ability to penetrate the world. I really don't know what the president of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce is."

"Shh, is it Mr. Chairman what you and I can talk about? Come on, let ’s continue drinking, and when we finish drinking, let ’s go to the auction and see, maybe we can see some super big men Then! "

"Haha, yes, yes, although the final auction is not something we can get in, it's good to take a look outside."

When a group of people talked, they drank one after another, and the atmosphere was very warm. For these ordinary people at the bottom, as long as they can have a stable living environment, they are actually satisfied.

"Shenqi Chamber of Commerce? Auction of magic weapons, heavenly treasures, and even corpses of Warcraft with six demi-gods? Alas, this is really big, super big !!!"

Yuan Feng has been listening to everyone's discussions throughout the restaurant, and he even listened to his ears loudly about that table.

I have to say that after hearing so many things about the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, he was really more and more curious about the so-called Shenji Chamber of Commerce.

Obviously, this gathering place of human warriors should be operated by the so-called God Machine Chamber of Commerce, and it can operate such a force in the beast **** world. It is conceivable that the handwriting of this God Machine Chamber of Commerce must be Not ordinary people can imagine.

As those who have talked about before, he believes that in this God of Machine Chamber of Commerce, there must be the power of Warcraft to participate. This is the general trend, and it is also a common tactic of human warriors. After all, only Warcraft is integrated into the God Machine. Chambers of commerce, and let them have common interests with themselves, so that the God Machine Chamber of Commerce, so that this gathering of human warriors, will continue forever.

"Well, it seems that this time is the time to come. The auction of the Shenqi Chamber of Commerce, if you want to come to the so-called auction, you should be able to learn more about it. Maybe it will allow me to explore the blue sky. The news! "

Turning his mind, Yuan Feng became more and more curious about this so-called Divine Chamber of Commerce.

"By the way, Demon Flames, howling wolf wolves they have suffered, do you know?"

With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng couldn't help looking at the opposite Tianmon Python, and then asked softly.

"The Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, I am afraid that the whole beast **** world is the only one you do n’t know about the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan." Hearing Yuan Feng's question, the Tianmon Python could not help but poach her lips, but on her face, All wore a touch of solemn color.

"Oh? So, this Xiaoyue wolf is a very famous super big group?"

It is obvious that the Tianmon Python can give such a high evaluation. It is obvious that the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan is definitely not an ordinary ethnic group. As for how strong it is, it is not what he can know.

"It is indeed a super big group, and it is a horrible group that no one wants to provoke." Nodded his head, the Tianmon Python hesitated a little, and then continued, "The Wolf Moon Clan is the real one among the beast gods. For the top ethnic groups, the person said that they had dozens of demigods, but I heard that their demigods have reached hundreds. "

Tian Yao Python's tone is very serious. If she talks about other ethnic groups, she really won't be as dignified as she is now, but for the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, it is the ethnic group that she feels embarrassed from the heart.

It can be said that she dared to go to the Chiyan Jinlin tribe to provoke things, and dare to go to the Huoyun demon lion to show off their strength and power, but only the Xiaoyue wolf tribe, which is a large group of terrors that she must go around.

"What? Hundreds of demigods? Is this a bit exaggerated?"

When the voice of Tian Yao Python fell, Yuan Feng's complexion became very exciting in an instant.

Hundreds of demigods, what a concept it is, he knows better than anyone. Coming from Wandering Realm, he has seen a lot of great forces and large ethnic groups, and whether in Wandering Realm or Beast God Realm, he has never heard of such a terrifying force.

Leaving aside the ordinary members of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, it is not just the hundreds of demigods alone that most people can imagine. Think about it, how horrible a force will be when hundreds of demigods gather together. Even if it is him, it can only be retreated and how far to hide.

"Maybe it's a bit exaggerated, but some people said that they had seen special sacrifice activities for the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan at the time. At that time, there should be hundreds of demigods."

Tian Yao Python has never seen it with his own eyes, and naturally dare not be too sure. However, it is the so-called no wind and no waves. Since some people have spoken out about this matter, it is at least not sure whether it is false.

"Yu, if there are really hundreds of demigods, then this Xiaoyue wolf tribe is really a super big group. Even the Huoyun Moshi tribe can only retreat."

Yuan Feng could hear the meaning of the Tianmon Python, and the thought of such a terrifying Xiaoyue wolf clan had a relationship with the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, and he also started trading with the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. For this Shenji Chamber of Commerce, he was able to Some comments.

If the Shenji Chamber of Commerce does not have a strong background, then the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan with hundreds of semi-gods might be overwhelmed by the army. By then, will the Shenqi Chamber of Commerce have any treasure to show respect to the other party?

"The horror of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan is far more than what I said. As for more specific, I can talk to you if I have a chance in the future." Shaking his head, the Tianmon python did not overdo it After tangling, he turned his attention to the Shenji Chamber of Commerce.

"Yuan Feng, the God Machine Chamber of Commerce is able to do business with the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, and it can auction the six-turned Warcraft corpse of Demigod Realm. This is obviously not what ordinary forces can do. It seems that you want to follow You must be very careful when dealing with this force. "

Although she is powerful and fearless, her God Chamber of Commerce is able to do business with the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan. It really pierces her heart like a needle, making her afraid to have her The slightest tadpole.

The corpse of Warcraft with six turns in the semi-god realm, you must know that her cultivation is nothing more than the six turns in the semi-god realm. However, such a strong man was even auctioned by the Shenqi Chamber of Commerce, and it made her a little creepy to think about it. Already. At this moment, there was no need for Yuan Feng to tell her, she could not help being more cautious.

"Well, the Shenji Chamber of Commerce is absolutely no small matter, but no matter what, I am also a member of human warriors. As long as there is no conflict with them, there should not be too many problems in the future."

Nodded, Yuan Feng certainly knew what he should do, no matter what, as a member of the human warrior, as long as he did not provoke others, then he should be able to integrate well into this gathering place of human warriors!

"Two distinguished guests, your wine is here !!!"

In the time between Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python, the former ran away from the room again, and brought the food and drinks that Yuan Feng wanted, neatly placed in front of Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python.

"Oh, there's a brother, Lao." After the other party set up the dishes, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile at the other party and thanked him.

While talking to the other side, Yuan Feng's eyes could not help flashing a bright light. At this moment, he suddenly understood some of the reasons why a small person in the Habitat was able to face him so calmly.

Obviously, I am afraid that this restaurant is operated by the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, and it has the support of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, let alone a living environment. I am afraid that even if it is a small person in the heavens, the waist will be stretched. Straight!

"Well, I haven't had a drink for a long time, and I don't know how the wine in this beast **** world tastes. Can the Demon Flame have some interest to drink with me?"

After taking the jug, Yuan Feng couldn't help wrinkling his nose and sniffing, then he said to the opposite Tianmon Python.

"Giggle, I don't like the things of human warriors, but since you are so invited, this girl will accompany you for a few drinks."

Giggling, Tian Yao Python didn't quit, so he raised his hand gently and put the wine glass in front of Yuan Feng, waiting for Yuan Feng to fill himself up.

"Hahaha, okay, then, let's have a few more drinks. Later, we will go to the so-called auction, and maybe we can really gain something!"

With a loud smile, Yuan Feng slowly filled the other party with a glass, and then filled himself. The two of them smiled at each other, and they drank leisurely.

ps: Two-in-one big chapter, if something happens, you still have to come out. !! !! !! Huahua is so pathetic! !! !!

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