The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2047: Flame Siamese (four more)

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Chapter 2047 Flame Conjoined (Fourth)

In the fiery crater, purple and black flames are burning, and such a crater, which has been in existence for tens of thousands of years, has a lot of flames in the beast **** realm.

On weekdays, such a place is basically a forbidden zone for all creatures, whether it is a human warrior or a warcraft, but it will not be idle to run to such a place to find excitement.

This point, however, can be seen from the fact that the demon pythons that are more than five revolutions away from the demigods are almost dead.

However, there are always some exceptions in this world. Although almost no creatures dare to approach this horrible crater, for Yuan Feng, such a place may not be an inaccessible Jedi.

"Woohoo !!!"

The purple-black flame was burning madly at the moment, and in this crazy burning flame, Yuan Feng's figure was sitting quietly in the air, enjoying the excitement of being bathed in the flame.

"Yu, the hot flames, I ca n’t think of the underground lava in the beast **** world, it would be so horrible. This can only be me. If I change someone else or other Warcraft, I'm afraid it will already be It's burned to ashes !!! "

There was a hint of pain in Yuan Feng's face, but although there was a little pain, in the depths of his eyes, he actually enjoyed the process very much.

Speaking of which, he is now almost at the bottom of the crater, and this distance is much deeper than the depth he had dived before.

As far as the depth of where he is currently located, even a strong man with six turns in the semi-god realm, I am afraid that he will be burned seriously in minutes, or even directly burned to death.

Of course, he didn't dive down to such a depth overnight. The whole process has been going on for three days. Basically, he is slowly adapting to the layers of temperature. To the present position.

"The environment here really isn't true. My Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong practice has now reached the point where I can't basically improve it quickly, but this time after the hardening of this underground lava, I have improved a lot. !!!!!! "

Picking at the corner of his mouth, Yuan Feng felt more and more fortunate that he had dived to practice in the crater.

Originally, he was just thinking about adapting the flames of the beast **** world in the crater, and preparing for the so-called Purgatory God Mountain, but after diving down to the depths of the crater and operating the nine-turn Xuan Gong, It was discovered that it turned out that the flame here had a great help in practicing Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, but at this moment, he felt his own physical body, much tougher than before.

At least, he is now better able to adapt to the flames, the general flames, but it is difficult to cause damage to him.

Having said that, like him, he used the heat waves in the crater to temper his practice. No matter what anyone listens to, I am afraid he will be regarded as a lunatic.

"It seems that the effect of the heat wave alone is not very obvious. Maybe I should try some more exciting ways, maybe I can make my body stronger."

Gaze subconsciously looked at the surrounding cave walls, and the black flames in the magma below, Yuan Feng's eyes could not help but hesitated slightly, but there was already a hint of thought in his heart.

"Come here, let me try your results !!!"

With a decision under his heart, Yuan Feng hesitated a little, then he suddenly raised his hand, directly recruited a black flame, and slowly poured a trace of black flame into his body.

"His, it hurts !!!"

The black flame entered the body, and Yuan Feng trembled. The whole person felt like being burned by flames. At the same time, the black flame that had just entered his arm was in his moment. A black silk thread formed in the arm, which looked very strange.

"Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, move me !!!"

The black flame began to destroy his body frantically, but Yuan Feng was not in a hurry. Between motions and thoughts, Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong speeded up the speed of the operation. Suddenly, the black flame was being Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong was divided and integrated into his whole body, as if diluted.

This flame spread to the whole body. Suddenly, the burning sensation became much lessened, and Yuan Feng's face was no longer tangled as before.

"It's too late. Although my 9th turn Xuan Gong can withstand these black flames, if I inhale too much at one time, it is not a good thing for me to be afraid. Anyway, there is so much time, I will slowly absorb it step by step. , When I can fear these black flames and take a bath with these flames, then my body can be said to be equivalent to that flame body, right? "

When he was in the realm of no delusion, he had seen the power of the flame body, and he had thought and researched in his heart about the special natural constitution.

In fact, the so-called natural fire body is a process of adaptation, but the process of adaptation is the process of slowly adapting to the flames that can be released by your body as it grows.

At the moment, he uses the advantages of Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong to adapt to the external flames. Perhaps, until the end, it is difficult for his constitution to become a natural flame, but at least he should be able to cultivate There is no fear of flames. By then, the environment of the flames will become an advantage for him instead of a threat to him.

"Well !!!!!!"

Thinking of this in his heart, he carefully continued to inhale a trace of black flame into the body and began this special refining process. At this time, if a warrior or a human warrior saw his behavior, it would be bound to be He was scared to death.

It can be said that the whole world of no delusion and the world of beast gods can definitely not find a second person who dares to do so. However, even Yuan Feng himself would not have thought what his actions this time would be a meaningful action for his future, and he would truly appreciate this in the near future.

The black flame slowly entered the body. Yuan Feng's face changed continuously as the flame entered and exited. However, he had his own sense of mind, but he knew what he should do. In short, he would never let himself. Just be injured ...

When Yuan Feng was smelting his body frantically in the middle of the crater, and the outside of the Mountain of Flame, the injury of the Tianmon Python had also recovered. But just when Yuan Feng was not seen, Tian The mood of the python seems not to be very good.

"Hey, it's been seven days. Why hasn't he come up from the inside? Is there something wrong with it?"

Tian Yao Python has now returned to the range of the Flame Mountain, because at this moment, she has basically no injuries. Of course, with the last lesson, she will never dive into the crater to find excitement.

Speaking of it, in order to prevent Yuan Feng from leaving her and escaping alone, she used a lot of treasures and recovered her injuries almost in less than three days. At present, it is worse that some vitality has not recovered, but as long as Eat more Tiancai Dibao, but you can recover almost.

Unfortunately, she was somewhat annoyed that although her injuries had recovered 7878, Yuan Feng did not appear slowly, as if she had really escaped in secret.

"No, he doesn't look like a guy who can lie and lie. Since he has said that he won't leave until I recover, then he won't leave in secret."

It was almost just thought whether Yuan Feng had left in secret, and he immediately rejected his idea.

Although she hasn't been with Yuan Feng for a long time, she believes in Yuan Feng's character. Moreover, Yuan Feng doesn't need to lie to her. After all, if Yuan Feng wants to abandon her, then based on her previous situation, It is impossible to chase Shang Yuanfeng.

"It's really a pervert guy. Such a crater is too late for others to hide, but he even said that he should go to practice below. I really don't know what his body does, and it can be horrible."

It was determined that Yuan Feng was practicing in the crater, but she could not help admiring Yuan Feng's method.

She has been personally taught about the environment in the crater, and frankly, let her jump down once again, and she will not do it anyway.

Maybe, in this life, she wouldn't go idle and go to find excitement.

"This guy's body is really full of secrets. It seems that the beast **** world is about to change. He should be the key person who appears in line with his destiny !!!"

She woke up from her sleep this time because she felt that a major change was going to happen in the beast **** world. The outside world said that the sky demon python is an ominous sign, but in fact it is not without any basis, but they are Turn causality upside down.

In fact, it does not mean that the emergence of the Tianmon Python will bring disaster to the world of no delusion, but the emergence of the disaster. The Tianmon Python will feel it for the first time, and then it will do some self-protection in order to avoid the disaster. . Over time, everyone regards the day demon python as a synonym for disaster.

In fact, the emergence of the sky demon python is definitely not the culprit of disaster. In addition, it is clear that the sky monster python has no ability to affect the rise and fall of a large world.

In every disaster, there will be powerful characters in the beast **** world, and this time, perhaps the key to solving the crisis in the beast **** world is probably the Yuan Feng she saw right now.

She does not have any prejudice against human warriors. In her heart, human beings, or Warcraft, as long as they live in the beast **** world, then they are members of the beast **** world. In this case, what is the difference between everyone? In comparison, she seems to like humans more. After all, human feelings are more abundant, and it is more suitable for the day demon pythons to approach.

"It doesn't matter that much. Since I couldn't win Shi Yanshan and couldn't get the help of the Earth's Heart Fire, then I can only find a breakthrough from him. Can I go further before the crisis comes, then give it to Heaven to arrange it! "

She had previously wanted to win the Chiyan Jinlin family. In fact, the ultimate goal was to improve her strength so that she could cope with the crisis when she didn't know when, but she killed Cheng Cheng to bite gold halfway. Yuan Feng suddenly appeared, and also disturbed her long-planned game.

At the moment, Yuan Feng should be her noble person, and whether she can survive this crisis, she seems to be able to rely on Yuan Feng.

"Let ’s wait, it seems that he should have found something in the crater before. Bacheng is enjoying the results at this moment, but I don't know how much he can gain from such a long cultivation."

If it wasn't for the horrors of the flames below, she really wanted to go down and see Yuan Feng's progress. Unfortunately, she was really impressed by the flames below. In any case, she would not go down again. Already.

Having said that, she should indeed feel lucky for her sanity week, and in fact, if she did that, then this time, I am afraid that even Yuan Feng could not save her.

You know, the position where she dived before was basically purple and black flames, but the depth where Yuan Feng was at this moment was full of pure black flames. The gap between the two was not what I wanted It's so simple.

"Let's continue to recover, since you have chosen to believe him, then don't doubt him."

Taking a deep breath, she finally stopped thinking about it. Between raising her hands, she recruited a few natural treasures again and began to slowly recover her vitality.

In this way, Yuan Feng spent himself in the crater, trying to make himself a fake and shoddy flame body. As time passed, his distance to success was naturally getting closer. The Tianmon Python completely obeyed Yuan Feng's orders, and almost always stood outside, waiting for Yuan Feng's return.

With the passing of time and the blink of an eye, in a month, it quietly slipped away from the entire volcano group, and during this month, the Tianmon Python not only completely restored its vitality, but also faintly. Making his own strengths one step further, from a higher realm of impact, has taken another solid step.

However, although the strength has been improved, the mood of Tian Yao Python is still not good. No way, the time has passed for more than a month, but Yuan Feng still did not have the slightest movement, this situation made him unable to think at all.

"What's going on? It's been so long, why isn't it a little breathless? Is something really wrong?"

Although I am very confident in Yuan Feng, the fact is in front of me. I haven't seen it for more than a month. No matter anyone thinks about it, the first thing that comes to mind is obviously the situation.

She still didn't suspect that Yuan Feng would leave secretly, which was a kind of unspeakable trust!

"Hateful guy, after he came up this time, I wouldn't let him go anyway, such a wait is really tortured to death!"

For a long time, no one has been able to make her so concerned, Yuan Feng is definitely the first, I am afraid it is also the last.

In fact, she didn't want to worry about it, but when she thought that Yuan Feng might be burned to the depths of the crater, she would naturally think about these situations.

It is a pity that she is not human and has not stayed in the world of human warriors. Otherwise, she will know that such emotions are actually the so-called concern and chaos.

"Hum !!! Boom !!!!!!"

On this day, the day demon python, as usual, quietly sitting in the crater waiting for Yuan Feng to appear, but at a certain moment, a trembling sound came suddenly from the depth of the crater beside her, almost It was a few breaths of time, a huge magma column was rushing out of the underground world, and among the rolling underground lava, there were some purple and black flames, which looked very scary. .

"The volcano erupted !!!!!!"

Seeing the horrible lava mixed with the flames soaring into the sky, the sky demon python did not dare to neglect, and when it was in shape, it was away from the crater, and looked at the lava rising into the sky in surprise. The fiery purple-black flame.

"Puff puff!!!!!"

The lava was scattered all over the place very quickly. However, such a huge lava was difficult to condense for a while and a half, but it formed a lava river flowing freely from the volcano group.

"No, the volcano erupted, but why didn't Yuanfeng still appear? Isn't it ... that he was really evaporated by the flames and lava inside?"

Although she was very confident in Yuan Feng, at this moment, her confidence was really not enough. After all, the volcano had erupted, but she still did not see Yuan Feng's shadow. This situation is obviously not good. Omen.

"Well !!! Brush !!!!!!"

However, she did not worry her for too long. It was almost a time of speaking. It was still in the volcanic lava that was violently spitting. A figure suddenly emerged from the horrible lava and the black flame. It landed in front of the Tianmon Python, and on the opponent's body, some black flames were still attached and burning quietly.

"Yuan Feng, you finally came back ......... Ah, you have ........."

Seeing Yuan Feng rushing out of the underground lava, Tian Yao Python was naturally very happy, but when she saw Yuan Feng's body with a hot black flame burning, she couldn't help exclaiming. , And then subconsciously covered his mouth, his face was filled with an incredible look.

"How is that possible? You, you are not afraid of the burning of these flames?"

In front of her eyes, Yuan Feng's entire body was stained with black flames. The temperature of the black flame was extremely high. Although not close, she could still feel the terrible temperature of those flames on Yuan Feng.

However, it was such a temperature that Yuan Feng's body seemed to have no heat at all. This scene really made her difficult to understand, but also full of shock.

She is very clear that these black flames are much more horrible than those purple-black flames she has seen, but even so, Yuan Feng can still be unaffected. In this regard, she can only tell Yuan Feng A sigh of admiration from the heart.

"Yu, you're done, it seems that this time, it is quite rewarding !!!"

Yuan Feng did not manage the surprise of the Tianmon Python. For him, the harvest was too big for more than a month. At least he knew that the next trip to Purgatory God Mountain was true. No need to worry.

Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong has not made any substantial progress, but his body has fully adapted to those black flames. Now he can truly be regarded as the transcendent existence of a half-flame body.

ps: The full fourth is here, please ask for a few flowers to support it! !! !! Thanks everyone! !! !!

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