The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2038: Attract each other (three)

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Chapter 2038 Attracting Each Other

Yuan Feng believes that she is full of concentration, and is basically immune to the temptation of women. However, today, when faced with the demon python, he knows that he really overestimated his concentration.

The opposite Tianmon Python did nothing, but even so, he was struck by the other party's every move, and he felt secretly ashamed.

Of course, he also knew in his heart that the reason why there was not much resistance to the temptation of the Tianmon Python was because the other side was really full of temptation, and secondly, it was because of his devouring the martial arts.

As the incarnation of the ancient swallowing beast, the swallowing martial arts is still from World of Warcraft. In the end, it may not respond to the beautiful human woman, but once it encounters the seductive pythons all over the body, That's totally different.

The devouring Wuling has his own wisdom. Yuan Feng had known it for a long time, and for a long time, he even had a faint worry, fearing that one day in the future, the devouring Wuling would be restored to belong to the devouring Heaven. Beast's wisdom. Right now, this possibility is really high.

However, in any case, between the devouring Wuling and his own intellect, or his own mind occupied the absolute dominant position, so even if the devouring Wutian is about to move, it can only be suppressed by him.

"Little fairy, maybe my appearance this time has completely ruined your previous plans. I deeply regret this. However, the Chiyan Jinlin clan is my friend, and I can never see death. of."

Depressing the desperately devouring Wutian spirit, Yuan Feng tried to make herself as natural as possible, and then smiled at the Tian Yao Python.

Seriously, if it wasn't for the relationship between Daikin and Xiaojin, he wouldn't bother to take care of your fight between Warcraft. At one point he was very clear that the engulfment between Warcraft was not right or wrong at all, just like the current Tianmon Python wanted to annex the Chiyan Golden Scale family, which was obviously not a wrong thing.

Warcraft is like this, the strong eats the weak, the weak eats the weaker. Speaking of, the current nest of the Chiyan Jinlin family is not the final reason that they swallowed down the weaker groups before they took the territory. ?

So, when he thinks of this, he really feels sorry for the monster python in front of him.

"Giggle, you guys are fun, but I won't take it all into one place, compared to that, I am more optimistic about you !!!!"

Licking his lips, the Tianmon Python is more and more fond of Yuan Feng in front of him. She could feel that Yuan Feng was indeed really apologizing. After all, Tian Yao Python was so talented that it was impossible to see whether the other party was sincere or fake.

Because of this, she will become more and more interested in Yuan Feng. Of course, for her failure to win Shi Yanshan, she will naturally feel a pity. After all, she has reached the critical moment of cultivation. If there is no fire of the heart, it is difficult to improve her strength, or it is entirely possible. Unexpected changes occurred.

However, these are not what she cares about at this moment. At this moment, there are only the opposite young man in her eyes, and the urge to treat the other person as her own is like letting her opium. Fascinated.

She usually confuses others, but at this moment, Yuan Feng's temptation to her is just like her temptation to those male Warcrafts, so real and difficult to extricate herself.

"Cough, little goblin, I said, I'm not a woman, so your set is useless to me."

In the ear was echoing the ridiculous laughter of Tianmon Python. Yuan Feng's heart was really bitter. He felt a bit. The opposite Tianmon Python would definitely not be below him, even It is a little higher than him, and the other party is so alert, it makes him difficult to get started.

Taking a step back 10,000 steps, let him kill such a stunner, he really can't let it go.

"Giggle, I didn't do anything, why are you trying to justify yourself?" After hearing Yuan Feng repeatedly repeating that she wasn't close to being feminine, Tianmon Python was twitched by Yuan Feng's innocence. It can be seen that Yuan Feng is definitely not indifferent to her, and how can the indifference on the surface conceal the fieryness of the eyes?

Of course, this situation is considered normal. She is the dreaded python, the most seductive existence in Warcraft. If Yuan Feng is indifferent to her, then she really has to doubt the other party's gender.

"Okay, okay, I don't have time to talk to you, little fairies, the black people you brought, it is estimated that they have been almost eliminated by the Chiyan Jinlin family, and I don't make it difficult for you. Otherwise, you will not be able to leave when the strong players of the Chiyan Jinlin family come. "

Yuan Feng knew that he couldn't continue to be alone with the other party, although he could temporarily suppress the temptation to swallow the sky martial spirit, but even he didn't know it, and how long he could hold his own strength.

Therefore, he just wants to be separated from the opponent sooner, and no longer continue to entangle with the other party.

"Giggle, are you concerned about me? Why, are you afraid that I will be hurt by those of your friends? If that's the case, would you save me?"

When Yuan Feng's words fell, Tianmon Python couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and his face could not help showing a trace of haggard, while talking, she was slowly approaching Yuan Feng, as if to follow Yuan Feng gets close to the general.

"You, you, you do n’t have to come, if you get closer, I'll be polite !!!"

Seeing the Tianmon Python approaching himself, Yuan Feng stepped back subconsciously, and carefully condensed a qi barrier in front of him, so as not to let the other's breath affect him.

There is always a purple breath floating around the body of the Tianmon Python. This breath is her killer who seduces male creatures. Yuan Feng knows that even if he is himself, he may not be immune to this. Therefore, he must be vigilant at all times to prevent the breath of the other party from contaminating himself.

"You guys, I won't eat you again, look at you scared, giggle !!!"

Seeing Yuan Feng stepping back, the Tianmon Python could not help but smile a little, and then continued to laugh. She really saw such an interesting young man for the first time. There weren't many human warriors in the beast **** world, and as interesting as Yuan Feng, that was the only one, and she would never find the second one. Here comes.

"Hey, you haven't answered me yet. If your friends of the Chiyan Jinlin family shot and tried to kill me together, would you try to save me? To be honest, you can't fool me. "

Standing still, Tianmon Python will no longer continue to persecute Yuan Feng. She also understands that if she presses too tightly, I am afraid that Yuan Feng will be forced away.

With Yuan Feng's strength, once he was sincere to hide, she didn't know if she could find it.

"Save you? Why should I save you? Besides, the Chiyan Jinlin clan's strength is overbearing. Do you think that I can save you from so many strong people with my own strength?"

Yuan Feng's gaze was a little dodging, but she didn't dare to look at each other, and he couldn't help thinking about what the other party said about saving the other party from the strong man of the Chiyan Jinlin family.

To be honest, if all the powerful members of the Chiyan Jinlin family are gathered here and want to put the Tianmon Python in front of him, he really doesn't know if he will rescue him. Come to think of it, at least he should also pity for the other party! In any case, let him watch the Tianmon Python be killed, I'm afraid he can't really do it.

"Giggle, although it's not very straightforward, but I understand it. So, would you try to save me?"

When Yuan Feng's words fell, Tian Yao Python could not help showing a bright smile, but this time the smile was a little less charming, but it was a little more innocent like a little girl, and the one from the heart happy.

Perhaps, even the Tianmon Python didn't find it herself, she really cared about the answer that Yuan Feng was about to give, and she was really satisfied with the answer now.

Yuan Feng's first sentence didn't seem to save her, but in the later words, she was obviously making excuses for herself. Moreover, from the perspective of Yuan Feng, she already knew the answer.

"Stop that, you guys all have names. I don't even know what your name is. I wonder if you can tell me your name?"

Tian Yao Python suddenly put away a smile at this moment. The whole person didn't look like a Warcraft, but turned into a very thoughtful and persuasive lady show. This change made Yuan Feng somewhat surprised.

"Ahem, everyone meets, why should I tell you what my name is?"

For some reason, Yuan Feng suddenly felt that he really shouldn't continue to stay, otherwise, I'm afraid that something really difficult to control even himself.

"I just want to know what your name is. Since you don't want to say it, forget it!"

Hearing Yuan Feng's rejection, Tian Yao Python's face can't help showing a gloomy grudge, but her look is the pain of Yuan Feng, who can't help but hold her in her arms. Consolation.

"That's ... well, isn't it just the name, it doesn't matter to tell you, my name is Yuan Feng, are you satisfied now?"

Secretly gritted his teeth, Yuan Feng was finally at a loss, almost out of control, and he told his name to the other party.

"Giggle, is that right!" Hearing the name of Yuanfeng Newspaper, the Tianmon Python burst into tears and became very happy again. It was just that she was happy, but Yuan Feng, who was opposite, was really anxious to pump her mouth.

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