The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2022: Advent Beast God Realm

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Chapter 2022 Coming to Beast God Realm

The Beast God Mountain slowly restored its calmness. On the spacious platform, the Poor God had already put away the original shape at this moment, and once again became the look of a human warrior, but he changed to the look of a human warrior again, his face It is quite ugly.

"How could this happen? How could this happen? Someone lurking in the dark and entered the realm of the beast **** by my power? This, this ........."

He clenched his fist fiercely. At this moment, he really didn't know how to describe his mood.

After Daikin contacted the space of the beast-god realm, and once entered the beast-god realm, it clearly felt that another channel connecting the beast-god realm had been opened, and then, one could not even see it The guy who knows the figure clearly has entered the realm of the beast god.

The opponent's hiding is extremely deep. Before Daikin did not leave, he did not realize the existence of the opponent at all, until Daikin was teleported to the beast **** realm, and only when the opponent remained on the entire platform, it realized this. The existence of the party. Unfortunately, when it senses the existence of the other party, the latter has also opened the channel to the beast-god realm, and then enters the beast-god realm.

"Who the **** is it? Who will have an entry card for the Beast God Realm, but it doesn't make me teleport?"

His face was sullen, and at this moment the poor and strange **** was both angry and anxious, and there was an extremely unstable atmosphere on his body. It is a pity that no matter how angry and anxious he is now, the person hidden in the dark has already entered the world of beast gods. Whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, it has no power to change anything!

What is certain is that the opponent can use the energy ripples it stimulates to enter the beast-god realm, then the opponent's body must have an entry card for the beast-god realm.

However, according to the truth, the Beast God World of Warcraft with the entry card on his body, of course, does not need to act in secret, take advantage of the ride when it is not paying attention.

Obviously, there is only one explanation for this matter, that is, those who have been mixed into the beast **** world are probably not a member of the beast **** world, and may not even be a member of the World of Warcraft.

"Damn, **** it, how could a human warrior be mixed into the beast **** world? What should I do?"

Under its hands, human warriors have been mixed into the beast-god realm. No matter how many reasons and excuses there are, this matter is an unexplainable thing. Once the beast-god realm knows this, Then it is naturally responsible.

"No, I must not let other people know about this. Even myself, I have to forget about it. I have n’t done anything at all. Is anyone taking the opportunity to get involved in the beast **** world? These are nothing to me. relationship."

The expression was condensed, the poor and strange **** made the heart clear. Right now, its best choice is to keep silent. If anyone really asks about it, it only remembers that the three elders who sent the Chiyan Golden Scales back to the animal **** world. Otherwise, it knows nothing about it. If someone invades the beast **** world, it is definitely through other channels. In this regard, it can even allow Daikin to testify for it.

"Yes, just do it, this matter has nothing to do with me, no matter who asks about it, I have to be very tight-lipped."

Take a deep breath, but it is no longer hesitant. Between the moments of thought, it is to hit all the true elements into the Beast God Mountain below. Then, the whole Beast God Mountain is like a breath of breath. , Slowly sinking towards the bottom, not a long time, is once again submerged into the sea, but the outside world can never see the slightest difference.

The Beast God Mountain has existed for so long. It has never been discovered by human warriors, and it has never been used by human warriors. It can be said that if the incident this time is passed back to the beast **** world, it will inevitably Become a shame to the whole beast **** world ...

Here is a huge and vast plain. Above the entire great plain, a layer of emerald green grass is like a huge and incomparable mat, paving the entire great plain.

And in the huge central area of ​​the great plain, a large altar with a height of hundreds of meters and a diameter of thousands of meters stands quietly on the plain, showing unparalleled domineering and prestige.

The entire high altar does not know what material it is built on. On top of the altar, various Warcraft embossments are almost covered with the entire altar, which makes the altar add a little magnificence.

"Oh !!!!!!"

At a certain moment, just above this big altar, a light suddenly turned on. Then, a huge beam of light was projected from above the altar, which was just a special one facing the top of the altar. position.


A huge beam of light came, and the entire altar shook slightly at this moment. Then, the altar began to rotate at a high speed, and it looked amazing.

"Boom !!!!"

As the altar moved, the whole world became lightning and thunderous, and blue-violet lightning struck through the sky, as if the world was about to be destroyed. The feeling was really terrifying.


The change between heaven and earth didn't start long, and then, a light was projected from the endless void, and the goal was the central position of the huge altar.

"Well !!!!!!"

The light circulated, a figure with nothing, but was attracted by invisible power, and came down the center of the altar along the light. When the figure was solidified, the three elders of the Chiyan Jinlin family were Slowly appeared above the altar.

"Yu, the beast **** world, this seat is finally back !!!!!!"

The figure descended on the altar, and Daikin's face was full of excitement. After leaving the beast **** world for so long, he finally returned to the beast **** world as expected, which is undoubtedly a great thing. From now on, he can do a lot for his own group and for the entire beast **** world. A lot of things.

As a member of the beast **** world, it no longer wants to work for the beast **** world, even if it is a little help, it is especially good, especially it also brought back a treasure hunting animal, what can be done in the future There will undoubtedly be more and more.

"It's been a lot of hard work. This time I went to the world of human warriors. It really impressed me. After all, I promised the little human thing, but I still have to work hard to complete it. Otherwise, I think The three elders of the Chiyan Jinlin tribe are now. "

Recalling his experience in the world of no delusion, it was natural to think of Yuan Feng. This time I was able to return to the world of no delusion, it can be said that it was all because of Yuan Feng's help. Without Yuan Feng's help, at this moment, he is afraid that it will be difficult to return to the beast **** world.

Therefore, for the things that promised Yuan Feng, it will certainly do everything possible, even if it takes a lot of hard work, it must also work hard to make it.

"Forget it, do n’t think about it for the time being. The situation is unknown at the moment. The most important thing at present is to return to the ethnic group quickly, and work with everyone to find ways to improve the strength of the treasure hunter, and then consider helping It is not too late for the boy to look for the blue sky. "

Everything must be done step by step. It really hopes that it can quickly fulfill its commitment to Yuan Feng, but its power is limited, and it is certainly not that simple to want to complete the tasks entrusted to Yuan Feng.

"It's still better in the world of beast gods. The world of humans like the world of delusions is full of mischief. Where is the crazy blood in the world of beast gods? This feeling is really refreshing!"

Looking up, you can see the whole situation of the beast **** world, but after so many years, the beast **** world today is not much different from the beast **** world in its memory.

Warcraft is different from human beings. The world of human warriors is full of mischief and calculations, but the world of Warcraft is just pure blood and violence. Maybe in a sense, blood and violence may be more uncomfortable, but for Warcraft As such, this environment is their favorite environment.

This is how Warcraft solves the problem. As long as it is strong enough, it can swallow the other side. This is the survival law of the beast **** world.

Daikin doesn't like the kind of mischief in the human warrior world, but for the violent and **** atmosphere around him at this moment, he feels abnormal enjoyment.

"Let's go back to the ethnic group first. I really don't know what the Chiyan Jinlin family is doing now. I hope everything is all right. Don't let anything bad happen."

Looking around for a week, Daikin finally no longer hesitated, and when he was in shape, he flew away in one direction, but it was timid and agitated at the moment.


Daikin's speed is much faster than when there was no delusional realm. Speaking of which, as a member of the beast-god realm, after returning to the beast-god realm, its power was obviously blessed by the surrounding environment. At this moment It flew up, as if the surrounding space was helping it.

This is that different worlds have different rules. In fact, the power of the beast-god realm reaches the limitless limit, and its strength will be greatly constrained. It may not be able to defeat a human demigod who turns around, which is the difference.

"Om !!! Brush !!!!"

However, just when Dajin's body began to fly away towards the Chiyan Jinlin clan, he did not see it. Above the position he had just left, a light suddenly fell from the sky, but I can't see a little figure, but after the light disappears, the whole altar is calm.

However, if there is a super strong here, it will be found that, at this moment, there is obviously a faint special atmosphere spreading above the fear, and this breath obviously does not belong to the beast **** strong.

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