The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2016: Anti-human heart (two more)

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Chapter 2016 The Heart of Defense (Part Two)

After some hard work, Daikin finally brought Xiao Jin from Yuan Feng's hands as he wished, and after having Xiao Jin, he could finally return to the beast **** world with the glorious scenery.

Of course, going back to the beast **** world is not that easy. If you want to go back there, it still has a lot of roads to rush, not just one or two days.

"Boy, I know you are an understanding person, do n’t worry, your Warcraft companion will follow me back to the beast world, and I will not let it suffer. As for whether I can be promoted to the semi-god, I will work hard Help it. "

Daikin's face is full of smiles, and his heart is also more grateful to Yuan Feng. No matter what, Xiao Jin is Yuan Feng ’s Warcraft partner. To be plain, it is Yuan Feng ’s Warcraft pet, and Yuan Feng has absolute Take control and ownership. If Yuan Feng doesn't give Xiaojin it, then it would be useless even if it was a mess.

"Hey, there is no need to say that. Since I gave Xiaojin to you, I naturally can trust you." Yuan Feng's face was also full of smiles, but in his heart, there was a touch of regret.

What Dakin didn't know was that he handed Xiaojin to the opponent's hands, which was not only for Xiaojin's good, but in fact, his main purpose was to determine the beast **** world through Xiaojin. Where it is.

What is certain is that the beast **** world is definitely a very mysterious existence. It is definitely an unimaginable and difficult thing to reach the beast **** world, but if there is Xiaojin's existence, then the situation is completely It ’s different.

Xiao Jin is a World of Warcraft that he controls with the power of blood curse. No matter where Xiao Jin goes, he can't escape his perception. Even if Xiao Jin reaches the world of beast god, he can still sense the opponent's location. In this way, he can follow the information returned by Xiao Jin, and finally find the little guy.

Of course, finding Xiao Jin also means that he can enter the beast **** world.

Under these circumstances, he would not directly tell Dajin, and it was for this reason that his heart could not help expressing some regrets.

"Hahaha, thank you very much, boy, seriously, if I go back empty-handed, I am probably going to be condemned or even punished, but with this little guy, then this time, I must return You can raise your eyebrows and exhale.

As big as it was before, Dajin said nothing, and what he said was really big truth. If it went back empty-handed, he might be questioned even if he entered the realm of the beast god!

"This is the best, this is the best !!!"

Hearing what Daikin said, his heart was somewhat comforting. After all, when Xiao Jin was handed over to each other, everyone was considered to be mutually beneficial, but no one would suffer.

Having said that, he does not count on using each other. After all, after he has determined the position of the beast **** world, he will not involve Daikin at that time. Moreover, even if he is in the beast **** world, he will never do anything. Things that harm the interests of the beast **** world.

"Boy, you human warriors have a saying," The feast of the world is inseparable. You and I met in a hurry. You have a life-saving grace to me. This kind of kindness, I will have to repay it in the future, my scale You keep, in the future, whether you or your descendants, just come to me with that scale, I will spare no effort to help you with anything. "

He has been trapped in Ziyun Palace for too long and too long. Right now, he just wants to return to the world of the beast **** sooner, to restore his strength and make himself stronger. Secondly, he can also exchange Xiaojin Add more foothold to the strong among the ethnic groups.

Speaking of which, its ethnic group is not very top-notch in the world of beasts and gods, and life can only be regarded as ordinary, but if Xiao Jin joins in, it may bring about a different new weather.

In addition, the person in Ziyun Palace trapped him in Ziyun Palace for so long. If possible, he naturally hopes to one day go to Ziyun Palace to avenge this revenge. This is the same whether it is human warrior or Warcraft. of.

"Haha, well, since that is the case, then one day, I will ask for your help."

Yuan Feng naturally wouldn't really ask the other party for help, but since it is the other party's heart, he doesn't have to shirk away from the other party.

"That's all for you, boy, I'm going back to the beast **** world, we have a chance to see you again, there will be a period later !!!"

Nodded towards Yuan Feng, Daikin no longer hesitated. Between the movements of the body, he disappeared directly into place, and a few flashes disappeared completely.

Warcraft has always been so clean, and now Daikin has his own gains, and he has n’t returned to the beast **** world for too long, too long. Now, of course, he hopes to return to the beast **** world soon, for himself and for Its ethnic groups do their best.

In a place like the beast **** world, the barbaric Warcraft has never had any reason to say. The relationship between them is the relationship between you and me. As long as your strength is not enough, then I can eat you and share Larger and more territories, and in fact, it has been worrying about whether its own ethnic group will also experience danger and suddenly be swallowed up by other ethnic groups.

Among its ethnic groups, there are only so many demon gods of Warcraft, and these years, it has not been in the ethnic group, the power of the ethnic group can be said to be incomplete, and the possibility of danger is naturally not small.

Therefore, it must rush back as soon as possible to avoid this possible occurrence.

The power of Warcraft is extremely strong, and the speed is much faster than the human warrior. In the time of speaking, Daikin no longer knows how far away, and the speed is so fast that even Yuan Feng feels thick. Shocked.

"Well, this is really eager to go home, but this speed is really unspeakable. Even me, I have to catch up quickly before I can catch up with it!"

Seeing that Daikin had greeted and left, he wasn't dragged in the slightest, Yuan Feng could not help but shook his head, and he couldn't help feeling a little funny.

He also understands that Dajin is probably afraid of his remorse. In fact, his purpose of handing Xiao Jin to the other party is very clear, so of course it is impossible to have remorse.

"Whether fast or slow, it doesn't make much difference, anyway, I won't chase you anyway, so you run faster!"

Although he felt admiration for the speed of Daikin, he did not have any sense of anxiety, because he knew very well that if he wanted to, then he could find it no matter where the other party went. problem.

However, now that Daikin has just left, he certainly cannot follow directly behind. After all, Daikin's strength is extraordinary and he will definitely take precautions against him. At this time, follow up and be found out. Not too small.

"It still looks like we have to do it, no matter what, don't let Daikin find the problem."

His mind was released around him, but he could feel that although Dai Jin had left now, it was faint, but the other party was still observing him secretly. If he did something wrong, maybe the other party would be even more Beware of him.

Thinking of this, he is not staying in place. When he is in shape, he is going in the opposite direction from Daikin. It looks like he is running counter to the opponent ...

In fact, Yuan Feng's caution is indeed necessary, because he guessed right, and of course Daikin was not very assured of him. When he left, his mind was always paying attention. he.

The body was constantly shifting in the space of different dimensions, and Daikin's face finally showed a smile.

"It seems that this kid should not follow my thoughts, so I can rest assured!"

Yuan Feng's departure had been sensed from her heart, and when she saw Yuan Feng turned and left, she did not follow him secretly, and her heart was finally completely in her belly.

It knew Yuan Feng ’s desire to go to the beast **** world, so he was really worried that Yuan Feng would follow it from behind, and once Yuan Feng followed it, he did n’t know if he wanted to do something with Yuan Feng. After all, in the beast **** world, it really can't take each other.

With Yuan Feng, 80% of it cannot be done, and with its current strength, I am afraid that it is indeed not Yuan Feng's opponent, this point, it is more clear in his heart.

"For the sake of prudence, it's better to make some detours. I don't believe it. At my speed, he can really catch up with me."

Although Yuan Feng has already left, it still has to be careful. Therefore, between motions and thoughts, it chooses a direction that deviates from the destination, but wants to go around in a large circle.

Xiuwei has reached their level. Of course, it will not be so easy to completely believe in others. After all, Yuan Feng is a human being, and there is a saying that is not my race's heart, it can give life to Yuan Feng After all, its life was saved by Yuan Feng, but it couldn't bet the safety of the beast **** world.

Speaking, it speeded up, and hurried away very carefully.

However, it never thinks of it. No matter how many circles it takes and how many wrongdoings it takes, in fact, it has no meaning at all, because Yuan Feng has already put one on it. The locator, as long as it does not throw away this locator, no matter where it goes, it is impossible to get rid of Yuan Feng's stigma.

Of course, letting it drop Xiao Jin is obviously impossible.

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