The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2008: Recovery (second more)

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Chapter 2008 Recovery (two more)

For Yuan Feng, a demigod helper is not really necessary, but a demigod stone puppet is completely different.

He has felt this stone cricket of his own. This thing is not only extremely powerful, but also extremely hard. It does not see what materials are made of it. In terms of defense alone, this guy's defense is basically He can catch up with him.

How terrible Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong is, only his own heart knows it, and a stone puppet that is comparable to his own, if this thing is used well, it can definitely work wonders.

Another point is that the stone cricket only needs to give instructions, and it can do anything indefinitely. There is no fear at all. The battle between warriors is a contest of strength and courage. Next, those who are not afraid of death often do not die.

Therefore, from the moment he got the stone puppet, Yuan Feng had already thought about it. He must use the stone puppet for his own use and become his own killer puppet.

Of course, maybe one day in the future, after he has figured out all the conditions of this stone puppet, maybe there is still the possibility of mass production. If he can make such a batch of stone puppets, that is really true. Even the hegemony is fine.

In the next time, Yuan Feng set aside everything. Basically, he was immersed in the research and control of the stone puppet, and with the help of the swallowing martial spirit, the process was not a little bit No clue, plainly speaking, this is a process that takes a lot of time to penetrate.

The strong man who studied this stone puppet has nothing but admiration besides admiration. It is hard to imagine what kind of mentality and cultivation of the strong man who made the stone puppet has. Terror control.

Of course, let alone those, the material for refining this stone is only something he dare not even think about. The stone urn has different materials from inside to outside, but all of them are materials he has never heard.

Therefore, he did not report much fantasies about creating a batch of puppet army. Having said that, he has Xiaoba, the super WoW pet, but he can create a batch of WoW corps in a matter of minutes, and he doesn't need any stone to fight the army.

Time passed quickly, and for nearly three months, it was quietly slipping away from the cave. For three months, this has been a long time for Yuan Feng, and three months is enough for him to do a lot of things. Of course, it also includes controlling a stone puppet.

In the silent cave, the tall stones are standing there quietly, and on the opposite side of it is Yuanfeng, who has been busy for three months, with a pale face. However, although Yuan Feng's face was a little pale at this moment, it can be seen that his mood at this moment is absolutely very good.

"Raise your hands !!!"

Looking at the tall stone in front of him, Yuan Feng's eyes narrowed, and he spoke his instructions to the other side.

"Brush !!!" When Yuan Feng's instructions were issued, the first time the stone was lifted was the palm of his hand, without any lag.

"Lifting your legs !!!" Seeing Shi Yan raising his hand, Yuan Feng couldn't help but look happy, and then issued a second command. As his instructions were issued, Shitou once again obediently raised his leg.

"Flip around !!!!!!"

Seeing Shi Shiji seriously executing his instructions, Yuan Feng could not help but order again.

"Brush !!!!"

Almost as soon as his voice fell, the stone cricket turned a few heels one after the other. All the moves were done in one go, without any intention of dragging his feet.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, I can finally control this big guy. From now on, I am equivalent to adding a powerful amulet, hahaha !!!"

When the stone maggot had executed all his instructions and stood honestly there, Yuan Feng couldn't help but laugh loudly, but was very satisfied with the situation in front of him.

For three months, he can be said to have worked hard, and finally found a way to control the stone puppet, and spent a lot of thought to completely control the stone puppet.

I have to say that the guy who designed this stone is really powerful, and outsiders want to control it. It is really full of hardships. Fortunately, he has the help of heavenly martial spirits, but it is another way to connect the stone's nervous system with The swallowing martial spirits are connected in series. In this way, he can give instructions to the stone by swallowing the martial spirits to control the opponent.

Such a method, I am afraid that only he can think of it, because in this world, there is only one swallowing martial spirit, and in addition to swallowing the martial spirit, he does not know what kind of existence exists, and he can control the stone puppet.

No matter what, at the moment, he finally controlled the stone puppet in his own hands. From now on, no matter what kind of strong enemy he is facing, he can use the stone puppet to give the opponent a fatal blow.

Speaking of which, after he controlled the stone puppet, he could completely link the swallowing martial spirit and the stone puppet. By then, all his means, whether it is sword skill or other supernatural powers, can be performed through the stone puppet. .

Who would have thought that a stone cricket could even cut out a level of attack like the sword realm?

"Yu, now this stone maggot is under my control. If you have time, you can continue to study and see if you can make this stone maggot stronger. If you can make this thing a few turns and a half God, I really didn't say it! "

This stone has its own nerves and meridians, but it can be cultivated by itself, so it is not impossible to improve the power of this thing.

It is artificial. Since he can control the stone puppet in his own hands, then he must be able to find a way to increase the power of this thing. As for the difficulty, isn't that thing to overcome?

"The big man hasn't recovered to the demigod. Before that, I was as familiar as possible with this stone cricket, and strived to maximize its power. If it can increase its power, it is even more Nothing better. "

There was so much time left and right, but he didn't hesitate anymore, and what he said was to continue to study his new killer.

Controlling this thing is the process of his own mind, working with the nerves of the swallowing martial spirit and the stone maggot itself. If he can, he hopes to free his mind as much as possible, then, to the enemy By then, he would have a lot less trouble.

Having said that, he has an avatar, which is equivalent to having two sets of nervous systems, so even if the research on stone maggots cannot be further advanced, he can still control this thing very well.

The latter process is actually much simpler. In the final analysis, it is a process of familiarization and deepening familiarity, and for such a process, his mental consumption will not be so great.

After more than a month or so, Yuan Feng's control of this stone urn has reached the state of being a commander, and in this state, he is basically very satisfied.

"Oh !!!!!!"

On this day, Yuan Feng, as usual, is manipulating and researching the stone puppet, and at this time, a sound of spatial vibration in his physical world resounds suddenly in his physical world. After hearing this, he almost didn't want to, but he quickly put away the stone puppet and stopped training the other party.

"Eh? This is ......... Okay, it turned out that it was time for the big man to return to the strength of demigod. It seems that it is time to have a better relationship with the other party !!!"

The mind sank into the physical world, and he immediately found out that at this moment, the big-headed beetle that was able to utter the words he saved in the Shifang Hall was finally marching toward the state of demigod.

Feeling that the realm of the other party has been restored to the demi-god realm, Yuan Feng didn't want to think about it. In between thoughts, he took out many, many endless crystals from Ziyun Palace, and piled them directly on Lin Around the beast, let the other party devour and absorb.

The Linjia Beast returned to the semi-god realm, naturally it needs a lot of energy, but the energy of these spar is enough to restore its power.

"Boom boom !!!!!!"

Demigod Warcraft, because it is much larger than a human warrior, absorbs external energy, it is almost as terrifying as the end of the world. Fortunately, Yuan Feng ’s physical world is very stable. I am afraid that the physical world of the Promise has collapsed in the morning.

"Well, it ’s really amazing. This guy needs so much energy to restore the power of demigod. It seems that once this guy has recovered to demigod, his strength is by no means an ordinary turn to demigod, for fear it is at least also Got about three turns, right? "

Looking at the big-headed Linjia beast to restore its strength, Yuan Feng can't help other than providing spar energy. Of course, after all, he provided the other party with a safe recovery environment, and he also provided the other party with a lot of energy. This has been a great help!


I do n’t know how long, at a certain moment, the crystals that Yuan Feng provided to the other party were all swallowed up suddenly, and then, Yuan Feng felt the flash of light in front of her eyes, but could not help closing He closed his eyes, and by the time he opened his eyes again, in front of him, the huge Linjia Beast had disappeared and replaced by a crude-looking middle-aged man.

"Uh, this ..."

Looking at the rough man who appeared in the world of his own body, Yuan Feng couldn't help but twitch his lips, but it was difficult for him to recover.

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